1、 Graphic OrganizerMultiple Intelligence 不同的孩子是不一样类型的学习者,课堂上教师要考虑同一个主题运用不同的方法让更多不同类型的孩子受益。Strategy:Think Pair Share 问题导入,进行思考 小组活动,相互分享Strategy:Ticket out the door One question one class To check the Ss Strategy:See Think Wonder What do you see?What do you think?What do you wander?seethink?wonderStra
2、tegy:Gallery Walk Walk around the room to look at work of others Share ideas.Strategy:Word Wall See all day and help Ss remember the words.Classroom desighStrategy:3 stairs 生生评价 评价建议闪光点在哪,要有建设性,有帮助的,进步的空间在哪。Game:Hangman通过猜字母训练孩子的单词拼写Game:Pop Chat 教师把学过的重点单词写卡纸上,折叠,放袋子或瓶子里,学生随机抽取,然后说一分钟有这个单词相关的,锻炼学生的
3、心理素质和口头表达能力。Game:Riddle 谜语 教师示范,学生自主编谜语 Eg.Im red.Im round.Im sweet.Im a kind of fruit.Game:I Spy 小组活动:一名学生选一物体,其他学生提问题尝试猜这个物体。Game:Tongue Twisters Eg.The shy sheep sleeps at the shoe shop.Game:Simon saysCrocodile TagToilet tagMr WolfClassroom Manegement Reward programm Point System Check System Group WorkPhonics:phonics lesson should be short and quick.T-chart(此图表用来分类)Long AShort AGrapeBabyDateAteGameAmyAppleBananaCarArtAllCanadian Culture Do a research on one province of Canada.Presentation