1、ThemeGallery教育技术专业英语教育技术专业英语 制作人:李进辉制作人:李进辉Pre-reading activityWhy do we need to learn theories of communication?To study the theory of communication media and the teaching process,and explore the medias role in the process of teaching mechanism is the traditional research approach of educational te
2、chnology,and thus was born the dissemination of education.用传播理论来研究媒体与用传播理论来研究媒体与教学教学过程,探索媒体在教过程,探索媒体在教学过程中的作用机理,是教育技术学的传统研究途径,学过程中的作用机理,是教育技术学的传统研究途径,并由此诞生了教育传播学。并由此诞生了教育传播学。Chapter Five Communication TheoriesHomeworkSection A Defining CommunicationSection B What Is Communication Theory?Section C Pr
3、ocess of Communication:A Basic Linear ModelSection D Models Of CommunicationSection A Defining CommunicationRead it as quickly as possible.Three dimensions of communicationObservationIntentionNormative judgment(success or accuracy).ReadingDiscussingAnswerSection B What isCommunicationTheoryLevels of
4、 communicationInterpersonal communicationGroup communicationOrganizational communicationMass communicationA AB BC CD DSection B What isCommunicationTheoryElements included in core communication theories Development of messagesInterpretation and generation of meaningMessage structure consisting of th
5、e elements of messages in writings,the spoken words,and nonverbal formsInteractional dynamicsInstitutional and societal dynamics and the interaction among segments of societySection C Process of Communication:A Basic Linear ModelA basic linear model of human communicationThe sender decides to initia
6、te a message with a specific set of intended meaningsThe sender encodes the intended meanings by selecting specific words and gestures that the receiver will presumably understandThe message is transmitted(spoken or written)so as to cross the space between sender and receiverThe receiver attends to
7、and perceives the incoming messageThe receiver decodes the messageThe receiver is influenced in some way(The communication has some effect)Section D Models of CommunicationThe Shannon-Weaver Model.ModlsBerlos SMCR ModelThe Osgood-Schramm Circular ModelModels of communicationSection D Models of Commu
8、nicationtransmitterReceiverDestinationThe Shannon-Weaver ModelInformamtion SourceInformation ChannelsNoiseSourceSection D Models of Communication Description of the contents编码器、翻器、翻译员、破、破码器器Encoder Interpreter Decoder信息信息Message信息信息Message破破码器、翻器、翻译员、编码器器Decoder Interpreter EncoderThe Osgood-Schramm Circular ModelSection D Models of CommunicationBerlos SMCR ModelSRCMHomeworkReview This ChapterPreview Chatper 6ThemeGallery Thank you!End