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1、To invest in women s education and health is important fo r the overaI Iwelfare of the human society.The 1)(reason)fo r saying so is obvious,th a t is,wom en are playing important roles in modern society.Thepol itic ia n s who 2)(l e v y)taxes should know th a t wom en contr ibute to 40percent of th

2、e wor Ids product i on i n agr icul ture,a quarter i n i ndustry,and a th ird in services.W om en farmers in the developing countr ies growat I east 50 percent of the wor Ids food.I n addition to3)(generat i ng)income,wom en continue to take responsibi I itie sfo r househoId a c tiv itie s such as c

3、hi Idcare,cIeaning and prepar ing food,which are sometimes not as 4)(Ii ghtwe i ght)and easy as general lythought.Yet women s p ro d u ctivity remainsgreat Iy be nefit economic growthIow.Improving women s product i v ity canand poverty 5)(reduct i on),whichare key development goaIs around the worId.

4、Hence,to6)(enhance)women s status is a v ita l part of the W or Id Banksstrategy fo r broad Iy based economic and human resource development.To improve womens welfare c a lls fo r the e ffo rts of both wom en and m en.I f I ong-term change i n the cond i t i ons of women i s to be 7)(ach i eved),the

5、 actions and a ttitu d e s of m en must change,rather than simply to 8)(emanc i pate)wom en from old convent i ons.Prob Iems a ffe c t i ng wom enare often cIoseIy related to the social9)(re I at i onsh i ps)between m en and women.For example,i t isimpossible to deaI w ith womens heaI th prob Iems e

6、 ffe c t i veIy throughio)(approaches)th a t invoIve only women.Many women s healthproblems are embedded in unequaI gender re la tio n in work Ioads,respons i b i I itie s fo r fami Iy welfare,as w e I I as access to resources anddecision-making.I n some urban centers,workaho I i sm i s so comm on t

7、h a t peop I e do not cons i deri t unusuaI:They accept the Ii fe styIe as norma I.Government workers i nWashington D.C.,fo r examp Ie,1)(frequent Iy)work 60 to 70 hours aweek.They dontwant to.do th is because they have to;they do i t because theyWorkahoIi sm can be a ser ious prob Iem.True workahoI

8、i cs,being deeply 2)(immersed)in thei r work,allow themse I ves I i t I I or no t ime to takebreaks.They I ike to work without being 3)(d i srupted),andtheyprobably dont know how to re I ax.But i s workaho I i sm always bad?Perhaps not.There are people who work w e I Iunder 4)(stre ss).Besides,some

9、studies show th a t many workahoI icshave great energy and i nterest i n thei r own 5)(sphere).Their workis so pleasurable tha t they are actuaI Iy very happy.For most workahoI ics,work and entertainment are the same th i ng.The i r work6)(cha I I enges)them,keeping them busy andgenui ne Iy engaged.

10、W hy do workahoIics enjoy doing thei r jobs so much?Of course they getpaychecks from it,but i t is hard to 7)(quant i fy)the pleasure withmoney.It o ffe rs more than 8)(f i nanc i a I)secur ity.Psycho Iogi stsclaim th a t work gives people an id e n tity and provides them withself-confidence.PeopIe

11、have a fee Ii ng of s a tis fa c tio n when they9)(adm i n i st r ate)a bus i ness w e I I or comp lete a cha I I eng i ng p i eceofwork.In addition,most jobs provide a social ly acceptabIe way fo r peopIeto meet others.So,though some people are compuIsi ve about thei r work,th e ir 10)(add ic t i o

12、n)seems to be a safe oreven an advantageousone.They fee I empty and i ncomp I ete when they are i nvo I ved i n a c tiv itie snot related to work.I was once in a re la tio n sh ip w ith a wom an who was the most br I iant,creativeand dr i ven person I d ever known.I to ld her these things often beca

13、useshe d id n t see herseIf th is way,despite Dach ie v i ng great successand acc I a im i n her profess i ona I fie ld.She was a I so 2)gOT g60US andsexy,though she seemed not to rea I i ze th i s e ith er,so I to I d her theseth i ngs too.But while I thought i t was more i mportant to pra i se her

14、 r i I I i nee,i t seemed to mean more to her th a t she was3)GOHS i dered a ttra c t i ve.M y exper ience with th is gi rfie nd exempI ifie s a common phenomenon in I ife-when i t comes to comp I i meriting a woman,m en often w a I k a very d if iu ltI ine.Of course,4)C O D tS X t matters.In aprofe

15、ss ionaI setting,ta lk in g about appearance i s often inappropr iate,but at a singles cIub,i t may be important.She wi I I be very p I eased i f a m an thinks her clothesand 5)aCCeSSOr i eS are p re tty,or her ha i r Iooks wonderfu I.However,things i n between these two cases are uncI ear.W om en h

16、ave every r i ght tobe recognized and 6)apprec i a te d fo r thei r i nt I Ii gence andc re a tiv ity.But at the same time,they want tobe admi red fo r thei r looksas w ell,fo r example,thei r perfect skin7)COfTip I SX i O H and eIegantouf i ts.Unfortunate I y,most guys don*t understand th is.I f w

17、e receive comp I i meritsfrom women,th e yre usually about our achievements,not our looks.Mostof us dont expect a wom an to te I I us how 8)handsome or sexy we are,and some of us would fin d i t hard to regard such a(n)sincere.I m not saying i t s very hard to be a guy these days.1 1every m an to un

18、derstand how to tre a t wom en w ith both9)comment asis important fo rrespect and 10)admi r a t i on But as fa r as the r ight balance of these two isconcerned,w e reaI Iy have no frame of reference,especial ly when i t comes to Iooks.Have you ever heard peopIe say tha t they tend to be more of a ri

19、g h t-b ra inor I e ft.bra i n thinker?From books to te le v is io n programs,you haveprobably heard the term 1)_rn nt i Oned_ numerous times,or perhaps youhave even taken an online te s t to 2)determ ine_ which type bestdescr i bes you.D o d i ffe re n t parts of the bra i n rea I I y contro I d i

20、ffe re n t bod i I y and menta Ifunct ions?Over the years,a theory th a t has 3)_ga i ned _ in popular ityi s th a t the r ight brain and the le ft brain are 4)_ K SpO PIS i b I 6_ fo rd iffe re n t modes of thought and th a t the way in which a person thinks wi I Idepend on which side of his brain

21、works more activeIy.Peop I e who re I y more 5)_heav i I y_on the r i ght ha I f of the i r bra i n tendto be more imaginat i ve and spontaneous.They are i nterested in pattens,shapes and sizes,fo r the r ight brai n i s associated w ith 6)_a r t i s t i c_ a b iIity Ii ke s i ngi ng,painting,w riti

22、n g poetry,etc.Lef-brain dominated peopIe are quite 7)_OppOS i in the way theythink.They tend to be more logical and 8)_ a n a I y t i C S I _ in thei rth in kin g and usually stand out in mathematics and word s k ills.While the d ife re n t functions of the two brain parts may have been 9)_d i stor

23、ted_ _and exaggerated by popuI ar psychology,understanding yourstrengths and weaknesses i n certa i n areas can he I p you deve I op better waysto learn and study.Forexamp Ie,if you are usually 1 0)_stumped_intry in g to fo l low verba I i nstruct i ons,an a c tiv ity often cite d as ar i ght-bra i

24、n character i st i c,you can benef i t from w ritin g down d i rect i onsand developing better organizationaI s ills.五.Stereotypes have some truth mi xed in with a few genera I izat ions.Somet imesthese genera Ii zat i ons can be misleading as they are often based onobservat i on of the D _ e x t e

25、r _ io r behav i or of peopIe i n a certa i nculture.Spaghetti,pasta,mafia,gestures,fashion-these are somewords common I y used to descr i be I ta I i ans.How much truth i s there i n thestereotype?As an Itai ian myse I f,I wi I I give you some 2)_ I ns i ghts_i nto the Itai i an sou I and clarify s

26、ome misunderstand i ngs that foreignershave about us.Spaghetti and pasta are sacred.You cant take pasta awayfrom an Itai ian me a I;otherw i se i t won t be 3)_C O D ip I 6t6_.A typ i ca II ta I ian mea I genera I I y i nc I udes pasta as a starter,f i sh or meat with saladas the main 4)_ C O U T S

27、6 _,fol lowed by fruit or dessert,and then coffee.But there are considerable regionaI differences in Italy,and hence5)i neons i stenc i es ex i st between the stereotype and reaI i ty.For i nstance,you might find r i sotto replacing pasta i n some pl aces!TheMafia is reaI:We are not proud of it,but

28、it does exist,especial ly inthe South and on the i s I and of Sici ly.Obviously,not every Itai ian i sa member of the Mafia,and most wi I I be 6)_offended_ if you use theterm,even if you are just joking.Yes,the way we speak is unique.Itai iansuse 7)_gestures_ a Iot in communication.We simply cannot

29、taIkwithout our hands.If the hands are busy doing something eIse,we startmov i ng shouIders or other parts of the body.We are a I so fash i on victims.You can recognize I ta I ians by the way they dress from head to toe.We wearsty I ish clothes and 8)_OmamentS_ for every poss i bIe occas i on.Youwon

30、 t ever see an Itai ian wear ing running shorts combined with Iong socks:Its simply against our 9)_ S 6 n S 6_of style!Italy is made up of manyregions and provinces which are simi lar in some ways and10)_d i st i net i ve_in others.The stereotype conta i ns some truth,butbeing Itaiian takes a lot mo

31、re than that.八 Karen was a young mother working as a cIerk at a court in North Carol ina.Though she had been trained in criminal just i ce,she quickly found pr i sonsand courts to be 1)(depress i ng)pI aces to work.When her daughterwas born,she had to stay at home and be a fuI l-time mother.At that

32、point,she decided to 2)(figure)out what she reaI Iy wanted to do with herI ife.She knew that she I iked office jobs and didnt intend to give upher own career development,but she a I so enjoyed the3)(f I ex i b i I ity)of stay i ng home and raising her daughter.Therefore,it seemed that she just could

33、nt find anything that couId satisfy thesetwo 4)(seemingly)conf Ii ct i ng cond it i ons.One day,Karen read i n the newspapers that a coup Ie 5)(sued)thei rbabys itter for abusing thei r chi Id.It turned out that the babysitter hada long criminal record.Karen cou I dn t 6)(i mag i ne)h i r i ng someo

34、ne towatch her child without do i ng a thorough investigation about that personsbackground.Th i s 7)(sparked)a br iI Iiant idea.Karen decided to dosomething to save other parents*chi Idren from 8)KSUTT6r I ng)thesame fate.And thi s job didnt requi re her to I eave her home.The nextday she got her ho

35、metown paper and Iooked at the ads placed by parentsseeking babysitters.She cal led them and sent them 9)(I eaf I ets)tooffer her baby-sitting services.SeveraI of them jumped at it.Herbus i ness was born and has cont i nued to grow.That was 15 years ago.Karen was recently named one of the top 10 bus

36、inesswomen i n North Caro I i na and has even appeared on Oprahs ta I k show.Askedabout the secret of her success,she emphasized that it was because shewas io)(pass i onate)about what she rea I I y wanted to do.Inadd it ion,Karen ment ioned that pat ience and pers i stence were vital to herachievements.


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