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1、淀粉车间交接班管理制度 第一篇:淀粉车间交接班管理制度 淀粉车间交接班管理制度 1 范围 1.1 本标准规定了连续工作岗位的人员实施规范的交接班的要求。 1.2 本标准适用于中科鸿基淀粉车间连续倒班岗位的交接班。 2 引用标准 2.1 中科鸿基生物科技有限公司企业管理标准。 3 管理职责 3.1 车间负责本单位交接班工作制度的制订、实施、检查与考核。 4 管理内容及要求 4.1 接班准备: 4.1.1 接班人员必需提前十五分钟到达本岗位。 4.1.2 上岗前必需按规定穿戴好劳保用品,做好上岗准备。 4.1.3 接班前由班组长召开班前会,并进行考勤。 4.1.4 认真检查本岗位的设备运行和生产状

2、况。 4.2 交班准备: 4.2.1 当班人员必需在规定的记录本上填写好设备运行、点检和生产等状况,并要求字迹清楚,记录齐全。 4.2.2 必需将工具、仪表、备品备件和有关资料如数按规定位置摆放整齐。 4.2.3 做好岗位辖区内文明卫生工作。 4.2.4 做好设备维护和生产准备工作,为下一班生产创建条件。 4.3 交接班内容: 4.3.1 上一班的生产工艺和工作程序以及生产工作任务完成状况。 4.3.2 对下一班的工作、产品质量要求与具体技术措施。 4.3.3 生产工具、备品备件所处状态、数量以及设备运转和运用状况。 4.3.4 本班人员的出勤状况和未出勤缘由。 4.3.5 平安生产的要求和措

3、施,有否发生事故,发生事故的缘由和处理状况。 4.3.6 各级领导对平安生产、设备维护的要求和有关通知。 4.3.7 生产、设备维护的原始记录和留意事项。 5 考核 5.1 交接班人员必需在各自的岗位上进行对口交接班,不准只由班组长或其指定人代表进行交班和接班。 5.2 接班人员未到,在岗人员不得离岗,并刚好向有关领导或调度汇报,请示处理方法。 5.3 按交接班内容认真填写好交接班本,各项内容经确认后其交接班的班长和岗位负责人都必需在交接班本上签名和签署时间,以示确认和负责。 5.4 交班者要按本制度进行交班,如未按规定办,接班者可以提出看法,要求交班人员马上补办,否则可以不接班,并向有关领导

4、和调度报告,请示解决。 5.5 各单位领导必需对所属岗位的交接班状况进行不定期的检查,觉察问题刚好订正,检查的领导也要履行签名和签署时间等手续。 6 附录和记录表式 6.1 交接班记录本 其次篇:织造车间交接班管理制度 文件名称File Title交接班管理制度 文件编号File No:TSO-058-2007 版本/修订Edition/Amend : A/0 页码Page 1 of 7 车间交接班管理制度 The Managerial Rules of the Working Handover and Takeover 为加强生产管理,提高产品产量和质量,保证生产平安,确保车间生产环境清洁卫

5、生,明确交接班责任,特制订车间交接班管理制度: In order to strengthen the production management, improve the products quantity and quality, guarantee the production safety and the environment sanitation in the workshop, clarify the working hand over and take over responsibility, specially formulate the working hand over a

6、nd take over management rules: 织造车间交接班管理制度 The Management Rules of the Working Hand over and Take over in the Knitting Workshop 1 接班班长提前30分钟进入工作岗位,办理交接班记录手续。 The monitor who is going to take over the work should get to the post 30 minutes ahead, make the procedure of working hand over and take over.

7、 2 交班必需保持机台及地面的清洁卫生。 Keep clean of the machine and the floor when handing over. 3. 交接班必需保障设备正常运转,确保设备连续化生产,如设备出现故障,保全工当班内必需修复完毕,保证设备正常运转,因缺件等状况当班内不能修复,交班班长与接班班长要交接清楚,交接不清楚,不准下班和接班,接班班长不到位,交班班长不得离开。 When taking over and handing over, the worker should insure that the equipment is in working order and

8、 keeping it continuous working, for the defect should ask the repairman who is on duty to repair and guarantee the equipment runs smoothly; if the defect could not be repaired for the reasons such as spare part shortage and etc on duty, the handing over monitor should make clear to the taking over m

9、onitor, the one who 文件名称File Title交接班管理制度 文件编号File No:TSO-058-2007 版本/修订Edition/Amend : A/0 页码Page 2 of 7 does not make the working clear could not leave and taking over, the handing over monitor can not leave when the taking over monitor get the working place. 3 交班班长必需写清机台所织坯布纱支的产地、品名、规格、克重,不能混织,交接

10、不清不能下班。同时,接班班长也不能接收不清的机台。 The handing over monitor should clear record the yarns place of origin, name, specification and weight, forbid the mixed weaving, the one who does not make the working clear could not leave. Meanwhile, the taking over monitor can not take over the working that unclear. 4 交接

11、班必需将原材料区域内棉纱产地、纱支及那个机台运用,必需当面交接清楚,合理调配,不能因原材料造成设备停台。如因交接不清造成设备停台,交班班组要担当接班班组由此影响的产量和质量。 When handing over and taking over, the monitors should explain clear of the yarns original place, yarn count, and the working situations of the equipment in the raw materials area, regulate and ration reasonably,

12、 avoiding the pause of the equipment for the reason of raw materials. If the equipment paused for the unclear handover and takeover, the handing over team should take on the products output and quality of the take over team. 5 帮助设施,气枪、加湿器、风机保持正常运用,如造成损坏,当班负修理责任。 Keep the Accessorial facility, gas cl

13、eaning gun, humidifier, and fan runs smoothly, the monitor who is on duty in charge of the repair of the defect. 6 当班存在平安隐患,当班要刚好处理,如在当班时间内无法处理,要注明缘由,以便接班进行处理,确保平安生产。 For the hidden trouble, the monitor who is on duty should deal with in time, if the 文件名称File Title交接班管理制度 文件编号File No:TSO-058-2007 版本

14、/修订Edition/Amend : A/0 页码Page 3 of 7 trouble can not be solved, the monitor should clear indicate the reason and let the taking over monitor to deal with, guarantee the safety production. 7 在交班班长没有办理交接手续阐自离开的状况下,为保证生产的正常运行,接班班长可在接班手续不完备的状况下组织生产,接班班长要刚好向车间主任、工程师或上级领导汇报,车间对交班班长视情节轻重进行惩处。同样,对接班班长在无特殊状况

15、下,交接不刚好到岗,对接班班长同等惩处。 Under the condition that the handing over monitor left without making any procedure, in order to keep the operation of the production regularly, the taking over monitor can organize the production without the uncompleted procedure, timely report to the workshop manager, engineer

16、 or high-level leadership, the workshop leadership should impose punishment for the handing over monitor according to the situation. At the same time, the taking over monitor who failed to take over the work in time without specific reason also will be punished. 8 交班挡车工、保全工必需面对面交接,没有办理交接班手续阐自离开者,视情节

17、轻重,车间对交接人进行惩处。同样,接班对挡车工、保全工在交接过程中,无特殊状况没有刚好到岗,对接班人进行同等惩处。 Making the work handover and takeover in the presence of the workers and the repairmen, the worker who left without making any procedure the workshop leadership should impose punishment for the handing over monitor according to the situation.

18、 At the same time, the worker or the repairman who failed to take over the work in time without specific reason also will be punished. 9 照实填写交接班记录,双方签字确认,以便责任划分。 Fill in the working hand over and take over record faithfully, both of the handing 文件名称File Title交接班管理制度 文件编号File No:TSO-058-2007 版本/修订Edi

19、tion/Amend : A/0 页码Page 4 of 7 over monitor and the taking over monitor should sign to confirm, in order to divide responsibility. 商标车间交接班管理制度 The Management Rules of the Working Hand over and Take over in the Label Workshop 1. 每天必需提前15分钟进入工作岗位, 穿戴好工作服,班长办理交接班手续,交接班时必需保持机台及地面的清洁卫生。 The worker who is

20、 going to take over the work should get to the post 15 minutes ahead, wear the work clothes, make the procedure of working hand over and take over, keep clean of the machine and the floor when taking over. 2. 交班时必需保障设备的正常运转,确保设备连续化生产,如设备出现故障,保全工当班必需尽快修复,因缺件等当班内不能修复的,交班班长和接班班长及交班保全和接班保全要交接清楚,交接不清楚不准下

21、班和接班。接班班长不到位,交班班长不得离开。 When taking over, the worker should insure that the equipment is in working order and keeping it continuous working, for the defect should ask the repairman who is on duty to repair as soon as possible, if the defect could not be repaired for the reasons such as spare part sho

22、rtage and etc on duty, the handing over monitor and repairman should make clear to the taking over monitor and the repairman, the one who does not make the working clear could not leave and taking over, the handing over monitor can not leave when the taking over monitor get the working place 3. 交班时如

23、有盘头出现断纱、乱纱现象,此车挡车工、班长及保全必需将断纱接好,乱纱整理好,使设备正常运转后方可交班,否则,接班人员可拒绝接班,同时交班班组要担当接班班组由此影响的产量和质量。 If the beam occurs the situations such as broken yarn, yarn in mess, the worker, 文件名称File Title交接班管理制度 文件编号File No:TSO-058-2007 版本/修订Edition/Amend : A/0 页码Page 5 of 7 monitor and repairman who is responsible for

24、 the machine should connect the broken yarn and order the mess yarn, can not to hand over the work unless that the equipment in running order, the worker who is going to take over has the right to refuse the working transfer if the equipment in bad condition, meanwhile the team of hand over should t

25、ake on the products output and quality of the take over team. 4. 挡车工与挡车工交接班时,要把当班设备运用状况及产品、数量交接清楚。 When the working take over between the workers, the worker who is on duty should make clear the equipment situation and the products quantity. 5. 当班存在的平安隐患,当班要刚好处理,如在当班时间内无法处理的要注明缘由,以便接班进行刚好处理,确保平安生产。

26、6. 在交班班长没有办理交接手续阐自离开的状况下,为保证生产的正常运行,接班班长可在接班手续不完备的状况下组织生产,接班班长要刚好向车间主任、工程师或上级领导汇报,车间对交班班长视情节轻重进行惩处。同样,对接班班长在无特殊状况下,交接不刚好到岗,对接班班长同等惩处。 Under the condition that the handing over monitor left without making any procedure, in order to keep the operation of the production regularly, the taking over monit

27、or can organize the production without the uncompleted procedure, timely report to the workshop manager, engineer or high-level leadership, the workshop leadership should impose punishment for the handing over monitor according to the situation. At the same time, the taking over monitor who failed t

28、o take over the work in time without specific reason also will be punished. 7. 7.交班挡车工、保全工必需面对面交接,没有办理交接班手续阐自离开者,视情节轻重,车间对交接人进行惩处。同样,接班对挡车工、保全工在交接过程中, 文件名称File Title交接班管理制度 文件编号File No:TSO-058-2007 版本/修订Edition/Amend : A/0 页码Page 6 of 7 无特殊状况没有刚好到岗,对接班人进行同等惩处。照实填写交接班记录,双方确认后签字,以便划分责任。 Making the wor

29、k handover and takeover in the presence of the workers and the repairmen, the worker who left without making any procedure the workshop leadership should impose punishment for the handing over monitor according to the situation. At the same time, the worker or the repairman who failed to take over t

30、he work in time without specific reason also will be punished. For the safety issue, the monitor who is on duty should deal with in time, if the trouble can not be solved, the monitor should clear indicate the reason and let the taking over monitor to deal with, guarantee the safety production. Fill

31、 in the working hand over and take over record faithfully, both of the handing over monitor and the taking over monitor should sign to confirm, in order to divide responsibility. 责职划分 Obligation Division 1 交接班记录填写不全者,一次惩处交班班长20元,同时如因记录不全接班班长接收同样惩处接班班长20元。 The handing over monitor who does not comple

32、tely fill in the working hand over and take over record will be punished 20yuan; meanwhile the monitor who takes over the uncompleted record also will be punished 20yuan 2 如因交、接班班长交接不细等缘由,造成设备停台等缘由,影响产量、质量和员工人身平安,交、接班班长各惩处50元。 The handing over and the taking over monitors who fail to make detailed r

33、ecord that caused the pause of the equipment and affects the production, quality and staffs 文件名称File Title交接班管理制度 文件编号File No:TSO-058-2007 版本/修订Edition/Amend : A/0 页码Page 7 of 7 personal safety will be punished 50yuan separately. 3 交班班长没有办理交接手续阐自离开及接班班长没有刚好到岗进行交接,视情节轻重惩处50元200元。 The handing over mon

34、itor who left without go through the formality or the taking over monitor who has not taken over the work in time will be punished 50-200yuan according to the situation. 4 交班挡车工、保全工没有办理交接手续阐自离开及挡车工、保全工没有刚好到岗进行交接,视情节轻重惩处20元100元。 The handing over worker or the repairman who left without go through the

35、 formality or the taking over worker or the repairman who has not taken over the work in time will be punished 50-200yuan according to the situation. 5 车间主任要检查每天交接班记录,觉察问题刚好处理,如检查不细,给公司造成损失,一次惩处主任50元。 The workshop manager should check up the working hand over and take over record every day, solve th

36、e problem in time, if the company suffers from a loss for the careless inspection, the workshop manager will be punished 50yuan once. 本制度自签订之日起正式实施! This regulation will be put into effect from the day it approved. 编制:三标办 审核: 批准: Compiled by:Three Standards Office Audited by: Approved by: 第三篇:车间交接班制

37、度 文件编号:L&P/P1-GL02/1.0-2022003-00 车间交接班制度 一、 接班人员应提前特别钟进入工作地点,对全部设备运行状况及卫生状况做全面检查,认真查阅运行日志,询问当班人员设备的运行状况。 二、 交班者应认真填写好各种记录和交接班记录表,做好卫生工作,主动向接班者介绍设备运行状况,必需实事求是,不得隐瞒。 三、接班者在检查中觉察异样状况,应由交班者处理,如接班者情愿接受处理,可由接班者接班后接着处理,一时处理不好的应在交接班记录表上作具体说明并报告班组长或车间主任。 四、接班者不得扳弄不属于检查范围内的设备。 五、在动火作业和处理事故以及重大操作时必需由班组长、车间主任在

38、场状况下进行四方交接班,交班者和交班班组长、车间主任必需向接班者和接班班组长、车间主任具体说明状况,在得到接班者和接班班组长、车间主任至少二人确认后方可进行交接班。 六、 下面状况不得进行交接班: 1、饮酒后的接班人员; 2、非当班操作人员交待状况可不接班。 七、 交接班应做到: 十交:交任务、交平安、交指示、交操作状况、交质量、交记录资料、交仪器设备、 交工具、交存在问题、交措施 五不交:操作不稳不交、记录不全不交、难整改的问题未整改不交、卫生不好不交、工具不全不交 文件编号:L&P/P1-GL02/1.0-2022003-00 五清:看清、讲清、问清、查清、点清。 两交接:现场交接、实物交

39、接。 八、接班者因故未按时到岗,交班者不得擅离岗位,应刚好向班组长、车间主任汇报,经同意后并做好善后处理,方可离开工作岗位。 九、交接班的内容一律以所填写的交班记录和现场交接清楚为准,凡遗留应交待的事项,由交班者负责;凡没有结清听明的事项,由接班者负责,双方都未履行交接手续的内容,双方都应负责。 十、为明确职责,交接班时,双方应履行交接手续,在按规定的项目逐项交接清楚后,交接人员先在交接班记录表上签名,然后接班人依次签名,从今时起,工作区域由接班人员负责。交班者应在双方签字后方可离开岗位。 生产一部 2022年3月6日 第四篇:车间交接班制度 XX车间交接班制度试行 1 总则 1.1 目的 为

40、了加强车间管理,规范班组交接班程序,保证生产平安运行,特制定本制度。 1. 2适用范围 本方法仅适用于XX厂XX车间交接班管理的一般要求。 2 管理内容与要求 2.1 交接班的一般要求 2.1. 1交接班时必需肃穆认真、实事求是,交班人员应努力做好工作为下一班创建条件,接班人员应具体了解状况,为本班的平安经济运行打下基础,做到“交班清楚,接班满足。 2.1. 2处理事故时,一般不得进行交接班,接班人员应在交班人员统一指挥下,关心处理事故;事故处理完成,整理好事故调查所需要资料并做好记录后方可交接班;若因设备或系统缘由,导致短期无法处理时,必需在工作告一段落时,并整理齐资料做好记录才能交接班。

41、2.1. 3在进行重要操作时,一般状况下,不进行交接班,但遇电炉启停时,应在某一稳定工况下进行交接班。 2.1.4 接班时不准有醉意表现,有醉意或有严峻病症的人不得进行接班,交班人员觉察上述状况应拒绝交班,并报告当班炉长。 2.1. 5交接班人看法不一样,不能进行正常交接班时,应经交接班双方炉长值长协调解决。如炉长双方看法仍不一样,应刚好上报车间领导协调解决。 2.2 交班 2.1.2 交班记录的主要内容有: 2.1.2. 1本班的操作记录和设备起停、复位、运行状况。 觉察或消退的设备缺陷,以及实行的措施。 2.1.2. 3本值发生的设备异样状况或异样操作。 接

42、到的上级指示、叮嘱通知、试验支配、技术措施和设备异动报告。 交班前的运行方式和下一班须做好的工作及留意事项。 2.1. 3将指定的卫生区域及设备卫生清扫洁净。 2.1. 4将工具、资料、钥匙、仪表整理齐全并清点好。 2.1. 5将规程制度规定的定期倒换试验等工作进行完毕并做好具体记录。 2.1.6 交班前半小时各岗位值班人员应向班组长、炉长汇报本岗位工作。 2.1.7 交班时交班人员应向接班人员具体交待本班设备系统运行状况以及设备缺陷处理状况,并细心听取询问和看法,做好具体解答。 2.1.8 应在规定时间办理交、接班手续,交班人员应待接班人员签字后方可离开岗位。 2.1.9 交

43、班时间规定不少于10分钟。 2. 3接班 2.3. 1各岗位人员按本岗位分工管辖范围,进行全面检查,检查运行纪录、运行日志、缺陷记录、检修记录等,缺陷和异样的进展状况及处理状况,设备检修及系统隔离状况,实际的设备状态、运行方式、主要参数。 2.3. 2离职时间较长半个月及以上的运行人员回班时,应了解本岗位的设备和操作变更状况,经本班炉长考核后方可进行接班工作。 2.3. 3检查中对不明之处应细致询问,直到弄清楚为止,若觉察新状况与记录不符的应马上同交班人员核实。 2.3. 4清点本岗位运用的工具、资料、图纸、钥匙等。 2.3. 5在交班签字前不得操作任何设备,除非事故处理时交班人员要求关心以外

44、。 2.3.6 接班人员经检查、确认后,认为可以接班,方能在交接班记录本上签名,并允许交班人员离岗。接班人员签名应签在交班班组记录同一页交班人员签名之后。 2.3.7 接班30分钟内,各岗位应向炉长及班组长汇报接班状况,炉长应将系统运行方式、当班主要工作以及薄弱环节、事故料想等向各岗位传达。 2.3.8 接班人员到现场,如遇处理事故时,应在交班人员指挥下关心处理,不得离开现场。 2.3.9 若发生事故时,接班人员已签字接班,则应由接班人员为主进行事故处理操作,交班人员应在接班炉长长的领导下主动关心进行事故处理。 2. 4交接班的责任 2.4. 1交、接班负责人必需在规定的交接班时刻双方签字,签字后即为办完交、接班手续。若交接班后发生问题,如因交班者没有交待,由交班者负责,如已交待清楚,而由于接班人员检查不到发生的问题,由接班者负责。 3 检查与考核 3.1 本制度的执行状况由车间组织定期或不定期检查。 3.2 本制度与有关考核制度挂钩。 第五篇:车间交接班制度 车间交接班制度 提高工作效率,肃穆劳动纪律,规定生产岗位连班作业交、接班工作基本要求和程序。 1 接班准备 1.1 接班员工到达车间后,要在10分钟内按规定穿戴好劳保用品,做好上岗准备; 1.1 班长考勤后组织员工对生产区进行接班前岗检; 2 接


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