1、新概念英语笔记29L e s s on 8 5 P a r is in the s pr ing 巴黎之春魔J 汇P a r is n.巴黎cine ma n.电影院f ilm n.电影b e a utif ul a d j.漂亮的city n.城市ne ve r a d v.从来没有e ve r a d v.在任何时候现在完成时ha ve/ha s b e e n to 曾经去过ha ve/ha s gone t o 已经向某处去,到达与否不确定I ha ve b e e n to P a r is.They have gone to Paris.M y father has gone to
2、 H.K.They have been to New York.M y mother has been to Shanghui.W e have been there.She has gone there.They have gone aboard.Have you been to Paris?I havent been to Paris yet.see/saw/seenI saw a film last week.I saw the film on television.I have seen the film.Its a good film.Its an old film,but its
3、a good film.Its name is“Paris in the spring”.词汇略I ha ve ne ve r b e e n to P a r is.I ha ve e ve r b e e n to P a r is.F r a nce法国go to the cine ma/the a te r(the a tr e)moviecountr y 国家/villa ge 村庄/city 城市/tow n 城镇/pr ovince 省/municipa lity 直辖市/a utonomous r e gion 自治区/z one 特区/county 县/tow ns hip
4、乡L is te n to the ta peP a r is is a b e a utif ul city.T he w e a the r in P a r is is not ve r y good.I ha ve e ve r b e e n to P a r is.I ha ve jus t b e e n to the cine ma.A ne w f ilm is on.Wha ts on?“P a r is in the Spr ing”.I ts a n old f ilm,b ut its a ve r y good f ilm.I s a w it on te le v
5、is ion la s t y e a r.I ve ne ve r b e e n to P a r is.G e or ge w a s in P a r is la s t A pr il.I t r a ine d a ll the time.J us t like L ond on.课文he llo,K e n.H i,G e or ge.Have you just been to the cinema?Yes,I have.Whats on?“Paris in the Spring”.Oh,r ve already seen it.I saw it on television la
6、st year.It,s an old film,but its very good.Paris is a beautiful city.I,ve never been there.Have you ever been there,Ken?Yes,I have.I was there in April.Paris in the spring,eh?It was Spring,but the weather was awful.It rains all the time.J us t like L ond on.L e s s on 8 6 Wha t ha ve y ou d one?你已经做
7、了什么?E x e r cis e1 ha s2 3 ha s4 ha s5 6 7 ha sa ir e d/cle a ne d/ope ne d/s ha r pe ne d/tur ne d on/lis te ne d to/b oile d/a ns w e r e d/e mptie d/a s ke d/ty pe d/w a s he d/w a lke d/pa inte d/d us te dAir the room!Ive already aired the room.I aired the room this morning.1 I,ve already cleane
8、d my shoes.I cleaned my shoes last night.2 r ve already opened the window.I opened the window an hourago.3 Ive already sharpened my pencil.I sharpened my pencil aminute ago.4 Ive already turned on the television.I turned on thetelevision ten minutes ago.9 r ve already washed my hands.I washed my han
9、ds five minutesago.Boil the eggMy mother has already boiled the egg.She boiled the eggyesterday.11 George has already painted that bookcase.He painted thatbookcase a year ago.8 Pamela has already typed that letter.She typed that letterthis morning.Lesson 87 A car crash 车祸 词汇attendant n.接待员bring(brou
10、ght/brought)v.带来,送来garage n.车库,汽车修理Jcrash n.碰撞lamp-post 灯杆repair v.修理try v.努力,设法try go do sth.a tte nd参加/join参加某个组织,成为其成员/join i n与某人一道参加某种活动/ta ke pa r t i n与某人一道参加某种活动,强调在其中起了作用a tte nd s chool 上学a tte nd a me e ting 出席会议a tte nd a w e d d ing 参加婚礼a tte nd a le ctur e 参加演讲b r ing带来/ta ke带走/f e tch
11、去拿来/ge t拿,常用于口语中C a n y ou ge t a pa ir f or me?I b ought my ca r he r e thr e e d a y s a go.go into the ga r a gele t s b.d o s th.L e ts go home.L e t5 s go into the ga r a ge.L e t me he lp y ou.ha ve可以和具有动词和名词词性的动词搭配成词组ha ve a cr a s h/ha ve a s w im/ha ve a w a lk/ha ve a tr y/ha ve a lookL e
12、t me ha ve a look.L e t me ha ve a tr y.L e ts ha ve w a lk a f te r s uppe r.I ha ve a s w im in the r ive r a f te r s upple e ve r y d a y.H e ha s a cr a s h e ve r y w e e k.H e ha d a cr a s h la s t w e e k a ga in.I d id nt ha ve a cr a s h la s t w e e k.D id y ou ha ve a cr a s h la s t w
13、e e k?D id n,t y ou ha ve a cr a s h?Y e s,I d id.d r ive/d r oved r ive into/d r ove intoI d r ove my ca r into the w a ll la s t w e e k.I d r ove my ca r into a la mp-pos t thr e e d a y s a go,the n I b r oughtmy ca r he r e.r e pa ir用一定的技能修理什么东西f i x同上,一般美语中用的较多me nd修理打破或打碎的东西,一般指结构较为简单的,不需要特殊技
14、能d o u p修理小东西,翻新,结构比较简单pa tch打补丁,衣服或车胎坏了,修补一下r e pa ir/r e pa ir e dI w a nt y ou to r e pa ir my ca r.I r e pa ir e d my ca r y e s te r d a y.I ha ve (a lr e a d y)r e pa ir e d my ca r.They are repaired my car.Have your mechanics repaired my car yet?No,they havent.They are still working on it.hav
15、e a try.Its a good try.try ones best/do one,s bestDo your best!Try your best!I want to try my best.I have already tried my best.try to do sth.Can your mechanics repair my car?They are still working on it.Theyre trying to repair it.ma na ge to d o s th.设法做成了某事ma na ge rI ma na ge d to r e pa ir my ca
16、 r y e s te r d a y.tr y one s lucklis te n to the ta peWho d r ove his ca r into a la mp-pos t?M r.Wood.Whe r e is M r.Wood now?G a r a ge.Wha t d oe s he w a nt to d o?H e w a nts his ca r.Who is he ta lking to?A tte nd a nt.Is his car ready?When did he bring his car here?Three days ago.Are the me
17、chanics still working on it?Yes.Can the mechanics repair Mr.Wood s car?Maybe.What are they doing?They are trying to repair.what does Mr.Wood need?He needs a new car.Who?Mr.Wood.Whats his car number?Its LFZ 312G.Mr.Wood is talking to the attendant.H e is in the ga r a ge.H e w a nts his ca r.H e b r
18、ought his ca r he r e thr e e d a y s a go.H e ha d a ca r cr a s h la s t w e e k.H e d r ove his ca r into a la mp-pos t.B ut his ca r is not r e a d y y e t.T he me cha nics ha ve nt f inis he d y e t.T he y a r e s till w or king on it.T he y r e tr y ing to r e pa ir it.B ut to te ll the tr uth
19、,M r.Wood ne e d s a ne w ca r.词 汇 略 课文I s my ca r r e a d y y e t?I dont know,sir.Whats the number of your car?Its LFZ 312G.When did you bring it to us?bring sth.to sb./bring sb.sth.I brought it here three days ago.Ah yes,I remember now.Have your mechanics finished yet?No,they,re still working on i
20、t.Lets go into the garage and have a look at it.Isnt that your car?Well,it was my car.Didnt you have a crash?Thats right.I drove it into a lamp-post.Can your mechanics repair it?We ll,the y r e tr y ing to r e pa ir it,s ir.B ut to te ll y ou the tr uth,y ou ne e d a ne w ca r!B r ing me s ome a ppl
21、e s!B r ing s ome a pple s to me!I s nt tha t y our ca r?A r e nt y ou lucky?词汇略补充材料 P 14 U N I T T WE L VE1 his -my2 too-e ithe r3 is a photogr a ph4 a n-a5 a r e -is 或者 child -child r e n6 ty pis t-ty pis ts7 a r e -is 或者 d r e s s -d r e s s e s8 he -his9 J one s -J one s 10 is the s a me11 to-f
22、or12 Wha t a r e y ou going?-Wha t a r e y ou going to d o?13 ha ve -b eT he r e is a s por ts me e ting he r e e ve r y y e a r.T he r e w a s a s por ts me e ting he r e la s t y e a r.T he r e is going to b e14 it me -it to me15 P ut on the m-P ut the m on16 some-any17 window,air-window and air语法
23、练习1 some any2 some a3 any4 a any5 some a6 some7 any a8 A TheUNIT THIRTEENsmal1/snow/plate/train/class/cry/quite/queen/proud/comport/e ighth/time/long/b a nk/a ns w e r/thinkK ill the time 消磨时间C he a t the jour ne y 闲极无聊的聊天Se r ve one r ight某人应得的报应A plain Jane 普通人Make a noise in the world 喧闹一时Take it easy 别着急Go D utch各人付自己的帐,A A 制In Rome do as the Romans do.入乡随俗Rome was not built in a day.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。D on t count your chickens before they re hatched.不要过早的乐观。