1、【全国通用版】2011届高考英语模拟试题分类汇编(阅读理解三)L2011 山西考前训练】-阅读理解(共1 5小题,每题2分,满分3 0分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AH ello,Shanghai!Shanghai is hosting the 2 0 1 0 World E xpo with the theme:B etter C ity,B etterLife.The E xpo is a window to the world.H aibao,the mascot,will gu ide you arou ndthe E
2、 xpo Park.The World H as C ome to You.J oin the Trip to the Pav ilions!Pav ilionsWhat,s inside?C hina Pav ilionC oloring the F u tu re RedThe first stop is the C hina Pav ilion.A s the largest nationalpav ilion,it has three floors.There are three parts.F ootprintin the E ast on the top floor shows t
3、he changes in C hinese cities.J ou rney of Wisdom on the second floor shows the C hina*s fou r greatinv entions.B lossoming(绽放的)C ity on the grou nd floor shows whatfu tu re cities will look like.The C hina Pav ilion is painted in sev endifferent red colors.I t makes the pav ilion look red at differ
4、enttimes of day.UK Pav ilionLife B egins H ereYou will see a“World B ank of seeds:There are 6 0,0 0 0 seedsin the UK Pav ilion.They are from seed banks in the UK and Ku nmingin C hina.Of you can t go to Shanghai,you can find ou t all abou tthe UK Pav ilion at its website online at:htth:/u ilionA G r
5、een Pav ilionNorway is the best cou ntry for liv ing in the world.A t theShanghai World E xpo,you 1 1 find ou t what it means to be upoweredby natu rew.When the su n shines,the roof collects solar energy.The Norway Pav ilion u ses this energy for electricity.You can alsolearn abou t how green energy
6、 like the su n,wind and wav e power isu sed to make air cleaner in cities.Visit E xpo from You r H omeD on,t hav e enou gh time or money to v isit the World E xpo in Shanghai?C heck theofficial website E xpo Online,at www.E xpo 2 0 1 .I t has two main parts.One isa site tou r.The other is E xpo C ar
7、niv al(嘉年华).You will feel like you re enjoyingthe real E xpo Park.Why not check it ou t?5 6.Which part of the C hina Pav ilion shou ld people go to if they are interested inthe fou r great inv entions?A.The grou nd floor.B.The second floor.C.The third floor.D.The top floor.5 7.What is the typical fe
8、atu re of the UK Pav ilion?A.People can see it on line.B.I t is the largest national pav ilion.C.People can see 6 0,0 0 0 seeds here.D.A ll the seeds are from the UK.5 8.Which of the following can best explain the meaning of“a green pav ilion”?A.A pav ilion u sing green energy.B.A pav ilion painted
9、in green.C.A pav ilion with more su nshine.D.A pav ilion with cleaner air.【答案】B C AB 2011 山西考前训练】I nternational trav el is no longer the only right of the rich.Ov er the nextsev eral decades,hu ndreds of millions of new entrants(力口入者)to the middle classwill want not only the things-bu t also the exp
10、eriences-that money can bu y.I ndian call-center employers,Ru ssian engineers,C hinese middle managers,andB razilian salespeople are already searching the web for information on trips.Theywant to see Paris from the E iffel Tower,relax in the Maldiv es,and play blackjackin Las Vegas.A ccording to the
11、 United Nations World Tou rism Organization,international tou rist v isits are expected to dou ble soon,from rou ghly 8 0 0 millionin 2 0 0 8 to 1.6 billion by 2 0 2 0.H owev er,only so many people can v isit a particu larbu ilding or beach in a giv en year.Where will all the other tou rists go?This
12、skyrocketing demand for trav el will lead to a“scarcity of place“and to threeprobable market responses:F irst,most tou rism-related prices,su ch as hotel room rates in popu lar cities,will continu e to escalate as demand ou tstrips su pply.Second,people*s waiting tov isit certain places will become
13、commonplace.F inally,su rprising prices anddecade4-long waiting lists will cau se the creation and expansion of tou ristattractions in both dev eloped and dev eloping cou ntries.5 9.What is mainly talked abou t in passage?A.Wealthy people s wish for trav el.B.Middle class people in different cou nti
14、es.C.Problems of international trav el in the fu tu re.D.The way to search the web for trav el information.6 0.We know from the passage that B razilian s a l e s p e o p l e.A.are rich people B.belong to middle classC.like trav el most D.u se the I nternetoften6 1.The u nderlined word,scarcity“proba
15、bly means.A.growth B.su pply C.popu larity D.shortage6 2.I t can be inferred that in the fu tu re.A.people will dev elop more tou rist attractionsB.more people will trav el by rocketC.the nu mber of the tou rists will redu ceD.hotel room rates will rise ev erywhere【答案】C B D AC 2011 山西考前训练】-There s a
16、 widespread perception(观念)in the United States that a u niv ersitydegree is the key to su ccess.B u t a growing nu mber of edu cators now say there areother possibilities,especially for stu dents who might not su cceed at the u niv ersitylev el.This is not a traditional classroom.A t the apprentice(
17、学徒)program ru n bythe Plu mbers and Steamfitters Union in the state of Maryland,Trav is Strawdermanand other stu dents make money while they learn.I t s completely changed my lifearou nd,“he said.I v e been able to pay off all my debts.I can say I m actu allyresponsible enou gh to hav e my own famil
18、y.”StrawdermanJ s fiv e-year program teaches him technical skills free of charge.H e says he considered u niv ersity,bu t it didn t interest him.E conomics ProfessorRobert Lerman says Strawderman is not alone.A lot of people are bored in highschool,“Lerman stated.They leav e high school becau se the
19、y are bored.They wantto do something besides sitting in a classroom.Lerman says the edu cation systemin the United States is too focu sed on pu shing stu dents to attend u niv ersity.Whatwe re doing now is we re saying u nless you learn in this way you don t reallyhav e the chance for a rewarding ca
20、reer,“he said.B u t C had A ldeman,an analyst,says stu dies show the longer stu dents stay inschool the better chance they hav e at hav ing a high paying and stable career.I fyou only are a high school gradu ate you r wages are going to drop ov er you Lifetime-asopposed to a college degree,“he said.
21、The college is really an insu rance policyagainst u nemployment and against low wages”.6 3.Where does Trav is Strawdeman learn?A.I n a u niv ersity.B .I n a traditionalclassroom.C.A t an apprentice program.D.I n a high school.6 4.What can we infer from the passage?A.Robert and C had hav e different
22、opinions.B.Professor Lerman teaches Trav is technical skills.C.Trav is will hav e a high paying and stable career.D.Trav is liked high school and stu died well.6 5.Which might be the best title for the passage?A.New edu cation programmesB.A Univ ersity degree,key to su ccess or notC.Problems in high
23、 schoolD.A n insu rance policy against low wages【答案】C A BD 2011 山西考前训练】Most kinds of rose plants come from A sia.B u t roses are also nativ e to otherareas inclu ding northwest A frica,E u rope and the United States.I n 1 98 6,C ongresschose the rose as A mericanJ s national flower.Technically,C ong
24、ress and PresidentRonald Reagan declared it the anational floral emblem(国花).Whatev er the name,the decision did not smell sweet to su pporters of otherpopu lar flowers.Some people say roses are difficu lt to grow.B u t you hav e a good chance ofsu ccess if you start with a few su ggestions from expe
25、rts.You shou ld plant you r roseswhere they can get su nshine for abou t six hou rs on bright days.You can bu y rosesfrom a garden center or by mail order.You can bu y potted roses,also known ascontainer roses,or bare-root plants.E ach kind has its fans.Some gardeners say potted roses are easier to
26、plant.They say the roots dev elopbetter.B u t J effrey D inslage,an expert,points ou t that bare-root roses come withou tsoil.So they weigh less to transport.A nother expert adv ises getting bare-root roses as close to planting time as youcan.I f they arriv e before you are ready to plant them,make
27、su re the packingmaterial is moist.Keep the plants in a cool,dark place.The resting plants hav eno leav es bu t still need water.When growing roses,the soil shou ld feel moist deepdown.Watering shou ld be done in the morning.B u t do not water too mu ch.People often ask J effrey D inslage abou t u n
28、healthydiscoloration on rose leav es.H e says the spots are u su ally cau sed by too mu ch water.A fter heav y rains or too mu ch watering,he adv ises pu lling away mu lch,the su bstanceu sed to protect the roots,to improv e the qu ality of the soil,temporarily from arou ndthe roots.This will help d
29、ry the soil.6 6.F rom the first paragraph,we know that in the United States.A.all the people like rosesB.there are a lot of national flowersC.some roses don t smell sweetD.there are some other popu lar flowers6 7.H ow many kinds of roses can you bu y according to the passage?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Si
30、x.6 8.Why does J effrey D inslage su ggest planting bare-root roses?A.They are easier to plant.B.Their roots dev elop better.C.They are cheap to transport.D.Their leav es need no water.6 9.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the u nderlined word“moist”?A.Slightly wet.B.Pretty dry.C.Too h
31、ard.D.Lightly soft.70.A ccording to J effrey D inslage,people shou ld to av oid the sports on roseleav es.A.not water roses in the morning B.protect the roots of rosesC.improv e the qu ality of the soil D.not water roses v ery mu ch【答案】D B C A D【2011 太原调研】阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项
32、涂黑。A ISeeking C limbing F riendsA d No.1 8 1 6 0 7Posted J u n.1 0,2 0 1 0 by Localee,B eijingI m looking for climbing friends.B oys or girls,C hinese or foreigners,highor low lev el both are OK.I know some good places in downtown,some of which arefor beginners.I f you hav e experience,we can go mou
33、 ntain climbing.I m a beginner,and I m a girl.I do it ju st for fu n.E mail me,pin,kicn .Seeking B u siness PartnerA d No.1 8 1 6 1 2Posted J u n.1 0,2 0 1 0 by J ohnson,ShanghaiA friend of nine owns a factory in Zhejiang Province.He has been in the business for around twenty years.He wants to explo
34、re more overseas markets.However,he does not speak English.He is looking for business partners who can speak English well.F or more information,email me,woaiwenxu S.Look for C hinese Mu siciansA d No.1 793 95Posted May 3 1,2 0 1 0 by Sam&C hiller,G u angzhouWe are looking for su itable mu sicians,(g
35、u itarist or pianist)to join ou r band.Male and female are both welcome.G ood pay with time flexibility.C andidates willbe chosen pu rely on performance.This is a good opportu nity for C hinese mu siciansto show their skills on the B ig Stage.E mail:Sam 2 0 1 0 5 6.Who will you contact if you need s
36、omeone to go sightseeing with you in B eijing?A.C hiller.B.J ohnson.C.Localee.D.Sam.5 7.A ccording to the text,the mu sician for the band shou ld.A.hav e a band and work in TianjinB.play both the gu itar and the piano wellC.be a male player with mu ch free timeD.giv e excellent mu sic performances5
37、8.Which of the following will most probably be chosen as a partner by J ohnson?A.A market manager with a good knowledge of E nglish.B.A factory owner with a su ccessfu l bu siness in B eijing.C.A n estate agent working hard in ov erseas markets.D.A n experienced bu sinessman knowing little E nglish.
38、【答案】C D AB 2 0 1 1 太原调研】IA lmost a year after Michael J ackson s death,the spirit of King of Pop appearsto liv e on a 4 -year-old C hinese boy,who is fast becoming internationallypopu lar.Wang Yiming,who is known as Xiao B ao,has already been making wav es acrossthe world with his dance mov es.A fav
39、 orite of C hinese media,Xiao B ao draws cu riou s crowds whenev er he breaksinto a dance rou tine,which his mother says happens almost ev ery time he hears mu sic.“When he was you ng,we ju st started playing mu sic to him and he started mov ing rou ndlike this,“his mother said.When he was ju st a c
40、ou ple of months old,we wou ldlet him listen to mu sic and he wou ld immediately stop crying and calm down,“shetold Reu ters Telev ision.Xiao B ao was born prematu rely(早产),and doctors su ggested mov ing his bodyto mu sic wou ld do good to him,bu t his parents were su rprised by how qu ickly andinte
41、restedly he took to the rhythm.D ancing since he was two years old,he has now mastered the moonwalk and otherJ ackson mov es,su ch as B eat I t,B illie J ean and D angerou s.B efore long,his passion tu rned into an obsession(着迷)-the family spendsu p to 2 0,0 0 0 yu an a month on dance training with
42、a professional and ou tfits inclu dingtailor-made su its,hats and shirts.Xiao B ao is seriou s abou t his dancing career and says he will not mind becomingfamou s one day.B u t his parents say that no matter how talented their son is,hisschooling will be their first choice.5 9.What Xiao B ao s mothe
43、r said su ggested that.A.she didn t expect her son to take u p mu sicB.Xiao B ao had a strong lov e for mu sicC.she tau ght him mu sic when Xiao B ao was you ngD.she was v ery sad at the beginning6 0.H ow did Xiao B ao s parents feel when they saw his reaction to mu sic?A.A mazed.B.H appy.C.A ngry.D
44、.A nxiou s.6 1.We can learn from the passage that.A.his parents tau ght him the moonwalkB.he began to perforin on stage at twoC.moonwalk mov es were first done by J acksonD.his parents fou nd him hard to please6 2.The u nderlined word“ou tfits“in Paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to.A.clothes B.shoe
45、s C.bags D.tools【答案】B A C AC 2 0 1 1 太原调研】IA sev enteen-years-old boy from the northeastern state of Massachu settshas won the top prize in the I ntel Science Talent Search.The competition is theoldest program in the Uriited States that honors the science projects of high schoolstu dents,The I ntel
46、Science Talent Search is 6 3 years old this year.The winners receiv e a new compu ter and money for a college edu cation.This year1,6 5 2 stu dents from 4 6 states entered projects for the competition.Their researchinv olv ed nearly ev ery area of science,inclu ding chemistry,medicine,physics,mathem
47、atics,engineering,compu ter science and social science.F orty stu dents were inv ited to Washington,D.C.for the final ju dging.A grou pof well-known scientists ju dged them on their research abilities,critical thinkingskills and creativ ity.The ju dges also qu estioned the stu dents abou t scientifi
48、cproblems before deciding on the winners.The top winner is H erbert Mason H edberg of North A ttleboro,Massachu setts.Thesecond place winner is B oris A lexeev of A thens,G eorgia and the third place winneris Ryna Karnik of A loha,Oregon.H erbert receiv ed 1 0 0,0 0 0 dollars for his collegeedu cati
49、on.H e dev eloped a faster,more effectiv e method to tell if a person has cancer.H e explored a way to separate telemetries,an enzyme(酶)fou nd in most cancer cells.H is findings hav e helped adv ance research into ways of stopping cancer cells fromgrowing.H erbert said he started the project after w
50、atching his grandmother stru ggleagainst cancer,H e plans to be a doctor and continu e doing medical research.A ndrew Yeager of the Univ ersity of Pittsbu rgh Medical C enter was chairman ofthe ju dges for the I ntel Science Talent Search this year.H e said the competitionwas an excellent way to dis