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1、人教版高中英语必修三全册说课稿Unit 1 Festivals around the world 说课稿(一)尊敬的各位评委老师大家好!我说课的题目是Festivals around the world(世界各地的节日)。一 说教材1.教材的地位和作用:Festivals around the wor 1 d是人教版新课标高中英语必修三第一单元的内容。本 单 元 围 绕festivals around the wor 1 d(世界各地的节日)这一主题展开进行听、说、读、写等多种教育活动。让学生不仅对本国的节日增进理解,而且对外国的节日也有所感悟,从而提高学生的社会文化素质,加强跨国文化意识。2

2、.教学目标:(1)知识与技能:简述各国节日的由来、作用以及人们在节日中的习俗表现;掌握生词、词组、句型的用法。体会说明文的写作技巧。(2)过程与方法通过开展小组活动以及提问讨论的方式,引导学生积极与人合作,相互学习帮助,培养团队意识;通过同学与老师之间的交流,在教学过程中提高语言表达能力,初步培养学生活学活用的能力。(3)情感态度与价值观了解世界文化的多样性以及增强对本国传统特色文化的保护意识,,增强跨文化交际能力。3.教学重难点:重 点:了解世界各地各种的节日名称、起源以及庆祝方式等;学习并掌握本课单词以及短语难 点:情态动词的用法二 说学情“节日”是学生既熟悉乂比较感兴趣的话题,因此可以激

3、发学生的求知欲,更深层次的理解本课内容。但由于课文也涉及到西方文化,学生学习和理解有一定难度。三说教法学法1.教法基于本课题的特点,决定采用以任务教学法为主,以问答法、讨论法为辅的教学方法。2 .学法学法上,我 提 倡“把学习的主动权还给学生”,教会学生主动预习、自主思考、系统小结;同时进行“自主、合作、探究”的学习方式,具体为讨论法、朗读法和勾画圈点法。3 .Teaching aids(教具):多媒体和常规教具。F I 教学过程:Stepl Warming-up1.Greetings:Good morning,boys and girls.Happy New Year.2.Talk abou

4、t winter vocation:Good morning.Happy New Year.设 计 意 图:通 过 谈 论 新 年,从 而 引 入 本 单 元 的 话 题:festivals around the wor1d.Step2.Leading-in(导入)首先通过幻灯片展示几幅图片,均为一些与节日有关的图片,要求学生对以下问题进行思考并讨论:1.说一下图片中都展示的是哪个节日?2.人们在节日中都做什么?3.你还知道中国的或外国哪些节日?人们怎么来庆祝这些节日?设计意图:1.通过谈论中外的不同节日,既让学生了解了中国的风俗习惯,唤起学生的爱国情感和民族自豪感,乂了解到世界文化风俗,加强

5、跨文化意识。2.要 求 学 上 用 英 文 进 行 讨 论 并 回 答 问 题,能 够 锻 炼 学 生 的 口 语 能力。Step3 Fast Reading(快速阅读)要求学生对Reading部分进行快速阅读,了解文章大意,并回答以下问题:1.文中介绍了几种节日?分别是什么?2.你喜欢哪一种节日?为什么?设计意图:通过快速阅读,锻炼学生的阅读技巧,使学生通过快速阅读了解文章大意,为进一步学习做铺垫。Step4 Intensive Reading(精读)要求学生对全文进行详细阅读,并完成以下任务:1.划出本单元的重点词汇、短语及句子。2.回 答 问 题:在 不 同 的 节 日 中,人 们 是

6、怎 样 庆 祝 节 日的?Step4 Analysis of important knowledge points(重 点矢口识解析)1.教师讲解总结重点词汇、短语的用法。Take place,i n memory of,dress up,play a trick on,look f orward t o,day and night,as though,have fan with,turn u p,keep one s word,hold one s breath,set off,remind,of Parking l o t2.重点句子解析(讲解由人屏幕所展示的重点句子,分析句子结构,句子含

7、义,句子中的词语)3.情态动词用法讲解Can and could,may and might,wi11 and wou1d,shal1 and should,mustand have to,must and can t设 计 意 图:使 学 生 全 面,牢 固 地 掌 握 本 单 元 重 点 知 识,并 能 学 以 致用。Step5.Group workFestivals are created:设计一个节日,包含以下内容:When the festival take place?What the festival is for?What the people do at the festiv

8、al?What the peop1e eat at the festival?设计意图:而通过让学生自己创造一个节日,达到让学生运用已学知识进行创新运用的能力。Step6 Homework(作业)1.要求学生将课上所讲的单词及词组在课下进行复习,达到背诵及运用的效果。2.完成课后练习。五板书设计Unitl Festivals Around the Wor1d Reading:Festivals and celebrationsKinds of the festivalsnames of the festivalscountries Festivals to honor peop1eHarves

9、t festivals Spring festivalsUnit 1 Festivals around the world 说课稿(二)各 位 老 师 你 们 好!今 天 我 要 为 大 家 讲 的 课 题 是festivals around theworld(世界各地的节日)。首先,我对本节的教学进行一些分析:一、教学分析:1、教学目标:Festivals around the world(世界各地的节日)是人教版新课标高中英语必修三第一课的内容。本 单 元 围 绕festivals around the world(世界各地的节日)这一主题展开进行听、说、读、写等多种教育活动。节日对人们有

10、着各种各样的不同意义。各国人民的节日各有不同,人们在节日中的表现、活动、习俗也有所不同。本单元主题的选择兼顾到了学生的知识面,已经掌握的词汇,生活经历等,让学生不仅对本国的节日增进理解,而且对外国的节日也有所感悟,从而提高学生的社会文化素质,加强跨国文化意识。根据上述教材分析,考虑到学生已有的认知结构、心理特征,制定如下三维教学目标:(1)知识能力目标:在理解的基础上学会简述各国节日的由来、作用以及人们在节日中的习俗 表 现;在阅读中初步掌握生词、词组、句型的用法,学会表达自己的请求及感谢,如:Cou 1 d/Wou 1 d you please-Could I haveCould we lo

11、ok a tMay I seeIt s very nice of youI d love toIt was a pleasure-体会说明文的写作技巧,掌握一些节日的表达方法,如:New YearNational DayChristmasMid-autumn FestivalTeachers;Day 等(2)情感态度与价值观让学生通过英语了解节日,使学生不仅对中国的节日增进理解,同时对外国的节日及其风俗习惯也有所了解,通过中外节日的对比,加深其对中国文化的理解,提高学生的社会文化素质,加强跨国文化意识。同时,了解世界文化的多样性以及增强对本国传统特色文化的保护意识,提高积极性,增强跨文化交际能


13、世界文化的了解。5、练 习 安 排:(1)反复听课文录音,以此提高学生的听力,同时达到熟悉课文的目的;(2)收集关于节日的信息,拓宽知识面。二、学生情况分析:基于学生对高一的基础知识和基本技能的掌握情况,基础都打得比较扎实,对于学习英语的兴趣也得到了一定的培养,学习态度也比较认真;不过学生的学习方法并没有完全掌握,进入高中后新的学习习惯也未完完全固定,所以对于学生们还是很有必要教授一些学习方法,同时帮助他们养成良好的学习习惯。三、教法设想:基于本课题的特点,决定采用以任务教学法为主,以问答法、讨论法为辅的教学方法。在新课程理念要求老师传授给学生阅读方法,读阅读进行整体教学,而不在局限于单词句型

14、的传统教授。在学生现实阅读当中很多学生过分地方注意力放在生词上面,而不注意阅读方法的培养,反映在考试中为遇到一篇生词较多的语段就丧失了阅读的信心。从而,帮助学生学会从各方面理解文章,培养带着问题看事情的能力。此外,我准备用多媒体手段辅助教学。叫、学法指导:学法上,我 提 倡“把学习的主动权还给学生”,教会学生主动预习、自主思考、系统小结;同时进行“自主、合作、探究”的学习方式,具体为讨论法、朗读法和勾画圈点法,培养学生的阅读能力、概括能力以及表达能力。五、教学过程:为了完成教学目标,解决教学重点突破教学难点,课堂教学我准备按以下五个环节展开。环 节1导 入(Lead-in)这一步骤的重点在于激

15、活学生已有的节日知识,让他们更好的参与下面的活动。通过教师提问来开始课堂的教学,向学生介绍背景知识,并且让学生进行适当的补充。环 节2分析课文第一部分快速阅读这一步骤的重点在于培养学生快速阅读的技巧及一定的自学能力。让学生快速浏览课后阅读理解的题目并提出要求,带着问题进行快速阅读,培养联系实际,归纳推理以及语言表达能力第 二 部 分 语言运用第 一 层 单词词组1.四会词汇Beauty harvest celebration starve origin religiousancestor Mexico feast bone belief trick poet arrivalgain indep

16、endence gather agriculture award roosteradmire energetic Easter clothing Christian customworldwide fool permission parking apologize drownsadness obvious wipe weep remind forgive2.认读词汇i n c e n s e,s k u 1 1,H a l l o w e e n,c a r n i v a l,1 u n a r,p a r a d e,J e s u s,T r i n i d a d,V a l e n

17、t i n e,w e a v e,h e r d,t h e M i I k yW a y,m a g p i e3 .固定词组t a k e p l a c e,i n m e m o r y o f,d r e s s u p,p l a ya t r i c k,l o o kf o r w a r d t o,d a y a n d n i g h t,a s t h o u g h,h a v e f u n w i t h,t u r n u p,k e e p o n e sw o r d,h o l d o n e s b r e a t h,s e t o f f ,r e

18、 m i n d o f4 .重点词汇s t a r v e,s a t i s f y,l e a d,g a t h e r,a d m i r e,a p o l o g i ze,d r o w n,w i p e,w e e p,f o r g i v e第二层语法情态 动 词:m a y/m i g h t,c a n/c o u l d,w i l l/w o u 1 d,s h a l 1/s h o u l d,m u s t/c a n第 三 层 总结归纳主要总结一下词法句法和语法的用法。环 节 3学生互动提问环节:学生可以针对本课提出自己不理解的地方,先由其他知道答案的同

19、学解答,再由老师补充并总结。环 节 4课后作业找出有用的生词,词组及句子完成书后的相关联系P 4 5描述一个节日六、课件及板书板 书:上下两块黑板,上块板书教学步骤,下块板书生词和短语。课 件:在坚持简洁清晰的原则的基础上,配上图片、音频、视频等多种资源,让学生通过不同形式学习相关知识。同时把语法一块另外做成PPT让学生对整个教学步骤有更好的把握。以上,我从教材、教法学法、教学过程和课件设计四个方面对课本进行了说明,我的说课到此结束。Unit 1 Festivals around the world 全英文说课稿(三)Unitl Festivals around the worldGood m

20、orning,everyone.Tm very pleased to have the opportunity to talk aboutsome of my teaching ideas.My topic is the reading text:Festivals and celebrations inunit 1 Festivals around the world.It is made up of three parts.Part 1 My understanding of this lesson 1.The analysis of the teachingmaterial:This u

21、nit talks about many kinds of festivals in different part of the world.Thefirst reading briefly describes four different kinds of festivals.By studying this unit,students can know that festivals exit everywhere,and many of festivals in differentcountries celebrate similar ideas.An important element

22、in the unit is the opportunityto compare and contrast cultural practices in China and other countries.2.Teaching aims:a.Knowledge aim:Make students know about the holiday all over the world and the detail of theholiday,such as origin of the holiday,content of the holiday,and the date of theholiday,e

23、tc.b.Ability aim:Make students talk about festivals and celebrations in English.c.Emotional aim:Make the Ss learn about the significance of festivals.Make the Ss know about the foreign festivals,and respect other countries9custom.3.Teaching important points:How to make the Ss understand the text bet

24、ter.4.Teaching difficult points:Enable the Ss grasp the using of Modal Verbs.Part 2 My teaching theories,methods and aids a.Teaching theoriesBefore dealing with this lesson,ril do my best to carry out the followingtheories:Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts asdirect

25、or;Combine the language structures with the language functions;Let thestudents receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.b.Teaching method:According to the modem perception theories and social intercourse teachingtheories,I adopts the question-and-answer method,cooper

26、ate method and discussionmethod in my teaching.First,question-and-answer method,to some degree,it can arouse Ss9 interest anddevelop their listening and speaking.Second,cooperate method can cultivate the Sss communicate skills andinfluence efficiency of the class.Third,discussion can help develop th

27、eir thinking and communicative ability.c.Teaching aids:l.a projector2.a tape recorder3.a computer multimedia4.the blackboardPart 3.Teaching procedures Step 1 GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step 2.Lead-in and preparation for reading Show them some pictures ofmany kinds of festivals and let t

28、hem talk with each other,and then use the picturesabout festivals to learn new words,fbr example,Obon Halloween,Valentines Dayand so on.QI,What kinds of festivals in China do you know about?Q2,What festivals of foreign countries do you know?Purpose:Open the Ss mind.Get them to be interested in what

29、is going to learn.Step 3.SkimmingRead the passage as quickly as they can.Then do the Ex.1 inP.3Step 4.ScanningRead the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions on thescreen.Qs:Which three times of the year did people celebrate in Ancient Times?What kind of things are done to celebr

30、ate the Obon Festival?Why does Indian have a national festival on October 2?How do Europeans celebrate Thanksgiving festivals?Name three things people do at Spring Festival.Step 5.Careful readingIt is also called depth reading or study reading.It means reading for detailedinformation.Puipose:Further

31、 understand the text(Train further reading ability)to find outsome different sentences and details of the text.Ex.2 in P.3Step 6.Learning about languageDeal with the language points and the using of the Modal Verbs in the text.In memory of,dress up,look forward to,.Purpose:Train the Ss ability of un

32、derstanding and using laguage.Step 7.Consolidation 1.Find out the topic sentences.2.Retell the passage according to the topic sentences.Purpose:I want to know if my students understand the whole text really and ifthey master what I mean to tell them in this class.Whats more,I want to let themhave th

33、e ability of introducing and analyzing expression.At the same time,I willwrite down the topic sentences on the blackboard according to what the students find,so they can retell it easily.Unit 2 Healthy eating 说课稿(一)Periodl:new Words&warming upTeaching procedures:Stepl:New words studyStep 2.Warming u

34、pl)Show Ss some pictures of food and ask Ss to tell the names2)Do you know the food you eat helps you grow in different way?Do the warming up on p 9Step 3 Speakingl)Which one would you prefer?Western food or Chinese food?Why?2)What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/supper?(group work,Ssask and

35、 answer and collect information)DiscussionWhat is healthy diet?Healthy diet:a diet that is balanced and neither too rich in fat,sugar and saltnor too poor and lacking in essential nutrients.Step4:Summary and homework.HW:Preview the reading(Tor F on P 11)EWVol.29 Topic readingPeriod2 ReadingStep 1:Pr

36、e-readingLook at the title of the reading passage and the pictures.Predict what thepassage is about.Step2:Fast readingRead the text quickly to find out which sentence is the main idea of the text.A.The two restaurants supplied the healthy food.B.The reason why Yong Huis restaurant was so popular wit

37、h customers.C.Wang Pengwei found out why he had lost his customer and decided to winthem back.CStep3:Second reading:1)Compare the two restaurants:WangPengs restaurant Yong Huis restaurantFooddrinkpricestrength of the dietweakness of the diet2)Divide the whole passage into three parts,and give the ge

38、neral idea ofeach part and then retell the story.Paral:Wang Peng is worried because his restaurant is not as full as usually is.Para2:He follows his friend to a newly opened restaurant which is verypopular.Para3:Worried,he does some research to win his customers back.Step4:Post-readingDo Exl and Ex3

39、 on P llStep 5:Summary and homeworkl.Preview the reading II on P 14-152.P12Exxl-33.EW Vol.29 Reading taskPeriod 3 Reading IIStep 1:RevisionRevise the reading IStep 2:PredictionCan you guess what will happen to Wang Pengwei and Yong Hui?Step 3:ReadingDo the Exl on pl5Step 4 DiscussionWhat can we lear

40、n from the passage?We can learn that it is never too late to change bad eating habits and beginafresh.Step 5:Sum up the whole story.Step 6:Homework:1.Retell the story in your own words.2.学习两篇阅读的重点单词用法(EW Vol.29第二版)Periods 4-5 Language points:Reading I1.diet 2.balance 3.curiosity4.raw5.strength 6 be

41、tired of 7.win.back8.consultsentences:l.Nothing could have been better2 He couldnt have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!Reading 21.earn ones living 2 in debt 3.glare 4spy on 5.limit bine 8.before long 9.cut down 10 put onHW:EW Vol.29 checking corner Part 1Period 6 Grammar情态动词21.ought

42、to/shouldshould和。ughtt。都为 应该 的意思,可用于各种人称。ought t o 的语气稍重一些。You ought to(should)follow your teachers advice.表示主语的义务或责任:You should take care of your sister.你应当去照顾你妹妹。或指出一个正确、明智的动作:They shouldnt allow parking here;the street is too narrow.这儿不该允许停车;马路太窄了。should和 ought t o 后面跟动词不定式的完成式,其肯定句表示 过去应该做而未做,其否

43、定句则表示 过去不该做但做了。You should/ought to have made the decision a week ago.I shouldnt have made such a foolish mistake.多数情况下,ought t o 可 与 should互换使用。ought t o 的反意疑问句用shouldnt 替代。2.must 和 have tomust的用法1)表示主观的义务和必要,主要用于肯定句和疑问句,意思为 必须,得,要 ;由m ust引起的疑问句,肯定回答要用must或 have to,否定回答要用neednt或 dont have to,意思是 不必

44、;must的否定形式mustnt表示禁止,意思是 不能,不许。如:Must I finish the task right now?我现在必须完成这个工作吗?Yes,you must./Yes,you have to.是的。(No,you neednt./No,you dont have to.不,不必。)You mustnt come here without permission.未经允许,你不能来这儿。have t o 的用法1 )must表示一种主观的需要,而 have t o 表示一种客观的需要,意思是 不得不。如:I have to attend an important meet

45、ing this afternoon.今天下午我不得不参加一个重要的会议。Mother is out,so I have to look after the shop.妈妈不在家,因此我不得不照看商店。2)have t o 的否定形式是don,t have to,相当于neednt。如:They dont have to buy a computer at present.他们目前没有必要买电脑。Period?Listening(P48)and exercise checkingPeriods Reading task(p52)and writingWriting 资料基础写作练习:洋快餐在中

46、国深受欢迎,尤其是青少年及儿童的喜欢,但洋快餐是不是真的有益呢?下面是有关洋快餐利弊的图表.利 弊方便,节约时间店里干净舒适服务周到食品质量有保证营养方面不尽如人意,不符合平衡膳食的标准参考词汇:保 证guarantee根据上表以fast food为话题写一篇英语短文,包括以下内容:1.洋快餐在中国十分流行2.洋快餐的利弊3.谈谈你的建议 要求 用五个句子表达全部内容 评分标准、句子准确,信息完整,篇章连贯Sample:Fast food is becoming more and more popular in China,especially amongchildren and teenag

47、ers.Because it is very convenient and save lots of timeand the environment of fast food restaurant is both clean and comfortable.Inaddition,it has excellent service and the quality of food is guaranteed.However,fast food is far from satisfaction,for it is usually not a balanced diet.So in my opinion

48、,fast food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry andturn to it for a while.Period9 Revise the whole unit.U n i t 2 H e a l t h y e a t i n g 说 课 稿(二)一、说教材(一)教学内容分析WE ARE WHAT WE EAT是一篇介绍“饮食习惯”的文章,包括传统饮食习惯的改变,基于食物营养和饮食信仰的日常饮食选择以及营养补充胶囊和减肥食谱的必要与否。旨在让学生明白健康的饮食习惯的养成是拥有健康体魄的前提,健康体魄是融人21世纪,面对社会挑战的

49、保证。本篇文章生词量较大(共有546个单词,其中包括34个生词),知识含量较高,标题较抽象,各段主题句分布不太明显(大部分分布在段落中间)。且大部分学生对饮食与健康的关系(如人体每天必须摄入的六种基本营养成分的来源、健康饮食的重要性、什么是绿色食品等)了解较少。因此,本文的学习难度较大。(二)教学目标根据新颁布的普通高中 英语课程标准(实验稿)关于阅读课主要教学目标的具体描述,结合本课教学内容,具体从语言知识、语言技能、情感态度和文化意识三个方面制定如下教学目标。1.语言知识目标:a)使学生了解protein,calcium等基本营养成分的来源和主要功能,健康的饮食习惯是健康的保证,以及素食主

50、义等信息。b)学习掌握有关营养成分与食物的词汇,如:protein、calcium、carbohydrate、fibremineral、vitamin s vegetarian&vegan,green food and clean food eco-food and organic food等,以 及 keep up with,The same goes for以及a s 和 o n ly引导的倒装句的用法。2.语言技能目标:a)使学生学会克服生词障碍,通过略读,寻找文章的主题句,理清文章的总体框架与脉络;通过查读,捕捉文章的重要细节,理解作者的写作意图。b)使学生学会运用各种猜词技巧,猜测部


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