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1、目 录教学计划.2教学计划.8Unit 1 My Day.11第一课时.12第二课时.14第三课时.16第四课时.18第五课时.21第六课时.23Unit 2 My favourite season.25第一课时.26第二课时.28第三课时.30第四课时.32第五课时.34第六课时.36Unit 3 M y school calendar.38第一课时.39第二课时.40第三课时.42第四课时.45A:When is the trip this year?B:Ifs in October.46第五课时.47第六课时.49Recycle 1.51第一课时.52第二课时.54Unit 4 When

2、 is Easter?.56第一课时.57第二课时.59S tep 1.预习温故.59Step 2.新课内 容展示.59Step4、布置当堂作业.60和同桌一起背诵Let,s talk的对话.60第三课时.61第四课时.62S tep 1.预习温故.63Step 2.新课内容展示.631)学习本课重难点短语及句型:.63I 11 cook noodles for her.Please come then.We canhave a birthday party for both of you!.632)Listen to the tape and read Let s talk five tim

3、es.63Step4、布置作业.64一、选词填空:.64第五课时.64第六课时.66Unit 5 Whose dog is it?.69第一课时.70第二课时.72第三课时.73第四课时.75Stepl:预习温故.76Step 2.新课内容展示.76Step 3.合作交流,师生共建.771.分角色朗读课文。.77Step 4.布置当堂作业.77第五课时.78Step 1.预习温故.78Step 2.新课内容展示.78Step 3.合作交流,师生共建.78Where are Sarah and Robin?.79They are at.79The bear is.79The rabbits ar

4、e 79The tiger is 新课 标 Theelephant is.79Step 4.达标检测.79Step 5.布置当堂作业.79第六课时.80Step 1.预习温故.80听第五单元的磁带跟读单词(单词表).80Step 2.新课内容展示.801.Role play.802.Students repeat this part of Story time.80Step 4.达标检测.80Step 5.布置当堂作业.81Unit 6 Work quietly.82第一课时.83Step 1.预习温故.83Step 2.新课内 容展示.831.Teacher say English,stud

5、entss ay Chinese,And thenexchange.842.Teacher show word card,student say words.843.灵活运用本节课句型:.84SI:What is Zhang Peng doing?.84S2:H e is reading a book.84S I:W hat are S arah and C henJ ie doing?.84S 2:T hey are eating lu nch.84S tep 4.布置当堂作业.84第二课时.85S tep 1.预习温故.85S tep 2.新课内 容展示.851.I point,y ou

6、say .(老师指一个句子,学生就读那个句子,看谁最快).862.分组和分角色朗读课文。.863.D rill.(灵活运用本节课的句型).86S 1:W hat is he doing?S 2:H e is eating dinner.86S I:W hat are y ou doing?S 2:I am reading a book.86S I:W hat are they doing?S 2:T hey are w atching T V.86S tep 4.布置当堂作业.86第三课时.87S tep 1.预习温故.87S tep 2.新课内容展示.871.G u ess.(S tu de

7、nts according to pictu re say sentence.学生根据图片猜句子).882.F inish ex ercises of page L ook,match and say”.883.Teacher do action,Students say sentences.88Step 4.布置当堂作业.88Unit 6 Work quietly!.88第四课时.89Step 1.预习温故.89Step 2.新课内 容展示.891.Read this part together.902.Role play.90Step 4.布置当堂作业.90Unit 6 Work quie

8、tly!.90第五课时.91Step 1.预习温故.91Step 2.新课内容展示.911.Spell words:what/white wait/when weather/whose who/wall.912.Read“read and write”and finish exercises.913.Read this part together.92Step 4.达标检测.92Step 5.布置当堂作业.92第六课时.93Step 1.预习温故.93Step 2.新课内容展示.931.Repeat the story.932.G ame.(Teacher ask a question,stu

9、dents answerit.Who is first,who can win one point.).93For example:What is Sarah doing?.93What are they doing?.93What are you doing?.93What is he doing?.93Step 4.达标检测.93二、连词成句。 5.布置当堂作业.94Unit 6 Wo

10、rk quietly!.94Recycle 2.95第一课时.96第二课时.98复习教案.100Revision.93教学计划学生人数 199人合格率优秀率不合格率上学期学生达标情况100%94%0%本学期预期达标情况100%90%0%教材版本PEP人民教育出版社教材分析本学期使用教材是 九年义务教育六年制小学教科书英语(五年级下)(PEP PRIMARY ENGLISH STUDENTS BOOK 6),本册教材分为六个单元,两个复习单元。本册教材强调语言的运用,注重能力的培养,突出了兴趣的激发,重视双向交流,融合学科内容,重视灵活扩展,实现整体设计。学生情况分析五年级分四个班,从上个学期的

11、情况来看五三班在英语学习上掌握较好,五一班中学生的学习情况有明显退步的情况,差生人数居多。五年级的学生对英语有着较浓厚的学习兴趣,但也有部分学生由于遇到困难,学习兴趣会随之减弱。尤其从这学期开始,对学生又提出了新的要求:培养听、说、读、写的技能。班级英语学习产生了两极分化现象。所以教师应该面向全体学生,以学生的发展为宗旨,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法,培养学生良好的学习习惯。总体教学目标1、能听、说、读、写8 1个短语和单词以及16组句子和11个 单 句(包括日常活动、季节、生日、节日等几个话题)。要求能在真实语境中正确运用并能读懂简短语篇。2、能

12、听、说、认 读2 1个单词。3、能学会4个手工制作。4、能听懂、会 唱8首歌曲。5、能听懂、会 吟 唱10首歌谣。6、能完成6个自我评价活动。7、能理解6个幽默小故事。8、能了解6项简单的中西方文化生活知识。教学重难点1、能按四会、三会的要求掌握所学单词。2、能按四会要求掌握所学句型。3、能使用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,做到大胆开口,发音正确。4、能在图片、手势、情境等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语和录音。5、初步培养良好的书写习惯,能做到书写整洁、规范。1、认真备课,钻研教材:抓紧课堂教学,做到当堂内容当堂掌握。2、运用各种不同的肢体语言来辅助教学。教 学3、在课堂上多

13、开展一些有趣的活动、游戏让学生在活动中学习英语,在方 法 生活中学习英语。措 施4、多为学生营造一些学习氛围,如:创设英语角等等。5、要求学生在课余时间尽量的运用已经学习的英语进行对话。6、多看英语画报,多读英语故事,多看英语书籍。7、多与学生交流,进行口语交际训练教学进度安排周次日期课题课时备注12.1 3-2.1 9U n i t l M y d a y322.2 0-2.2 6U n i t l M y d a y332.2 7-3.5U n i t 2 M y f a v o u r i t e s e a s o n343.6-3.1 2U n i t 2 M y f a vo u

14、r i t e s e a s o n353.1 3-3.1 9U n i t 3 M y s c h o o l c a l e n d a r363.2 0-3.2 6U n i t 3 M y s c h o o l c a l e n d a r373.2 7-4.2R e c y c l e l2清明放假84.3-4.9U n i t 4 W h e n i s E a s t e r?194.1 0-4.1 6U n i t 4 W h e n i s E a s t e r?31 04.1 7-4.2 3U n i t 4 W h e n i s E a s t e r?-U n

15、 i t 5 W h o s e d o g i s i t?31 14.2 4-4.3 0U n i t 5 W h o s e d o g i s i t?31 25.1-5.7U n i t 5 W h o s e d o g i s i t?2五一放假Unit 1 My Day135.8-5.1 4U n i t 6 W o r k q u i e t l y!3145.1 5-5.2 1U n i t 6 W o r k q u i e t l y!3155.2 2-5.2 8R e c y c l e 2216-205.2 9-6.3 0R e vi s i o n端午放假教学内容

16、1、本单元重点学习一天中不同时段内学习和生活起居情况的表达,尤其是学会是用频度副词谈论日常生活。2、教师在设计活动前要充分了解学生已有的语言水平,重点学习一些与日常作息有关的动词短语与介词短语,尤其是频度副词的使用。单元目标1、能力目标(1)能够使用频度副词问答作息时间,如:W h e n d o y o u d o m o r n i n ge x e r c i s e s?I u s u a l l y d o m o r n i n g e x e r c i s e s a t 7 o c l o c k.(2)能够使用频度副词问答周末活动,如:W h a t d o y o u d

17、 o o n t h ewe e k e n d?I o f t e n g o s h o p p i n g.(3)能够听说读写与日常作息有关的动词短语及介词短语。(4)能够用所学语言知识描述一天中的生活起居及周末活动等。2、知识目标:(1)能够掌握A B 部分中的四会单词。(2)能够听说认读A B 部分L e t s t a l k 中的单词和句型。(3)能够掌握A B 部分R e a d a n d wr i t e 中的四会句型,并能灵活运用。3、情感、策略、文化等有关目标1)引导学生养成良好的作息习惯。2)训练学生的角色扮演能力,引导他们在调查、询问和学习的过程中学会思考如何更好的

18、安排作息时间。单元重点(1)能够掌握A B 部分中的四会单词。(2)能够听说认读A B 部分L e t s t a l k 中的单词和句型。单元难点(1)能够使用频度副词问答作息时间。(2)能够使用频度副词问答周末活动,如:W h a t d o y o u d o o n t h ewe e k e n d?I o f t e n g o s h o p p i n g.课时安排6 课时教学内容A Lets learn Ask and write第一课时教学目标1.能听、说、读、写 do morning exercises,eat breakfast,have*class,play spor

19、ts,eat dinner。2.会 说 句 型:“When do you do morning exercises/?”并能回答“Ato,clock.教学重点掌握A部分中的五个动词短语,并能用这些回答询问作息时间的问题教学难点exercises的发音教学准备教师准备1.教师准备课件。2.教师准备本课时的五张单词卡。3.教师准备录音。学生准备课本教学方法情景交际法课时安排第一课时教学Stepl预习温故1)T:H ello,boys and girls!Welcome back to school!Ss:H ello,Miss Wang.N ice to see you again.T:N ice

20、 to see you,too.2)T:What time is i t?(可以课前在黑板上画一个钟面,张开手臂演示一个时间)Ss:It s 9/10/11 o clock.(注意给学生强调整点时间后面要用o clock)反复操练。3)G o over these phrases:wash my clothes,watchTV,do homework,read books,play football.Let s do homework/read books/play football/-*.I often wash my clothes/watch TV/do homework/readboo

21、ks/-.Step 2新课内容展示1.Use the cards to learn new phrases.T:do morning exercises,do morning exercises,follow me to read.用 同 样 的 方 式 教 读 其 他 词 组:eat breakfast,修改意见过程haveclass,play sports,eat dinner(重点强调exercises、breakfast 的发音)。2.T:do morning exercises,do morning exercises,Let s/I often do morning exercis

22、es.T:eat dinner,eat dinner Let s/I often eatdinner.3.Read these sentences.T:I can swim/play football/play sports*.T:Can you do morning exercises/-*?Ss:Yes,I can./N o,I can t.T:When do you do morning exercises/playfootball/play sports?”S s:o clock.(跟学生强调整点前要用介词at)反复操练。4.学生听录音,分角色读Let s learn。Step 3合作

23、交流,师生共建Role-play:1)Answers the questions.T:What time is it?Ss:It s six/nine of clock.T:I get up at six o clock.When do you get up/goto school?Ss:I get up at 7.a.m/7:30.2)Ask and write.教师引导学生完成填空,并分小组运用句型进行对话练习:T:When do you get up/do morning exercises?Ss:I get up at*,a.m/p.m.Step 4布置当堂作业1.书写并背诵四会词组。

24、2.读背Let,s learn的对话。板书设计Unitl my daydo morning exercises eat breakfast have.class play sports eat dinnerWhen do you do morning exercises/eat breakfast/.?At.oclock.When do you get up/.?I get up at.a.m/p.m.课后反思教学内容A Lets talk Lets try第二课时教学目标1.能听懂Let,s try部分的内容,并勾选出正确的图片。2.听、读 Let s talk部分,运用核心句子When d

25、o you finishclass in the morning?”“We finish class at 1 o clock.”来谈论时间,并变换单词,分角色练习对话。教学重点掌握句型“When do you finish class in the morning?并能做出正确回答。教学难点能 灵 活 运 用 When do you usually eat dinner/”“Usuallyato clock.”问答作息时间。教学准备教师准备1.教师准备录音2.教师准备该课时的教学挂图学生准备课本教学方法情景交际法课时安排第二课时教学Stepl:预习温故1.Review“Times”(板书时间

26、,让学生用英语说一说):10:00/6:00/9:00/2.Review the morning exercises-I do morning exercises at6:00 a.m.用同样方法复习:eat breakfasts play sports haveChinese/English class eat dinner3.G uess the phrase(看 动 作),complete thedialogue:T:When do you do morning exercises/-?(板书)Ss:At o clock.反复操练此句型。Step 2.新课内容展示1

27、.Let s talk.1)让学生勾出生词:finish class,go back toschool,classes start,too late(板书并讲解其意思,修改意见过程并反复教读)2)学生自读课文,理解意思,并回答提问:T:When do you finish class/in the morning?Ss:We finish class/-at o clock.T:When do you go back to school/*after lunch?Ss:At .T:When do you usually eat dinner/*in Spain?Ss:Usually at o

28、clock.替换并反复操练儿个句型,让学生掌握。3)Listen to the tape and repeat the dialogue again.2.Let s try.When are Zhang Peng and Pedro?Listen and tick.Step 3.合作交流,师生共建活动设计1:Act Let s talk”.分小组操练。活动设计2:Role play.T:When do you get up?Ss:I get up at,o clock.T:When do you go to bed?Ss:At in the morning.I work at night.也可

29、以分小组练习对话。Step 4.布置当堂作业1.背诵 Let s taiko 2.仿写 Let s taiko板书设计Unitl my dayWhen do you finish class/.in the morning?We finish class/.at.oclock.When do you go back to school/.after lunch?A t.课后反思教学内容Lets spell Read and write第三课时教学目标1 .能听懂录音,并能总结L e t s s p e l l中字母组合c l和p l在单词中的发音规律,能试着读出含有字母组合c l和p l的单词

30、。2 .能读懂R e a d a n d w r i t e,并完成相应练习。教学重点能总结字母组合c l和p l在单词中的发音规律,能试着读出含有字母组合c l和p l的单词,并能自己说一说、写一写。教学难点试着跟同桌说说“w h a t y o u o f t e n d o e v e r y d a y?”并写出来教学准备教师准备1 .教师准备本课时相应的挂图。2 .教师准备录音。学生准备课本教学方法情景交际法课时安排第三课时教学S t e p 1.预习温故1.R e v i e w t h e s e w o r d s i n t h i s u n i t.2.R e v i e

31、 w t h e s e s e n t e n c e s:T:W h a t d o y o u d o o n t h e w e e k e n d?S s:I o f t e n /1u s u a l l y /S o m e t i m e s I多和几组学生操练。S t e p 2.新课内容展示1.L e a r n L e t s s p e l l”.1)L e t s c h a n t.2)R e a d t h e s e w o r d s,f i n d o u t t h e s a m e p o i n t,c l e a n c l o c k c l a

32、 s s c l e v e r /k l/p l a t e e g g p l a n t p l e a s e p l a y /p l/(板书)C a n y o u t r y t o r e a d t h e w o r d s b y y o u r s e l f?3)L i s t e n,w r i t e a n d s a y.(老师示范书写。)4)C h o o s e,w r i t e a n d s a y.2.R e a d a n d w r i t e.1)L e t s r e a d t h e p a s s a g e a n d t r y

33、t o t r a n s l a t e t h es e n t e n c e s.(老师找出重点单词或短语,反复教读并让学生理解意思。)修改意见过2)Tick or cross(老师讲评并纠正).3)Write a letter to Robinson.Tell him what youoften do every day.Step 3.合作交流,师生共建1.找一找、读一读含有字母组合c l和p l的单词。2.You can design a robot of your own.Draw and writeabout him/her.Step 4.布置当堂作业背诵并默写本课所学句型。板

34、书设计Unitl my daycl:clean clock class cleverpl:plate eggplant please playI live in.I often.课后反思教学内容B Lets learn Do a survey第四课时教学目标1.能够听说读写 c l e a n m y r o o m,g o f o r a w a l k,g o s h o p p i n g,t a k ea d a n c i n g c l a s so2 .掌 握 句 型:“I o f t e n/u s u a l l y/a l w a y s/s o m e t i m e s

35、 c l e a n m yr o o m/*o n S a t u r d a y s”。教学重点1.掌握四会动词短语,并用于句型“Io f t e n/u s u a l l y/a l w a y s/s o m e t i m e s c l e a n m y r o o m/*o nS a t u r d a y s”谈论周末活动。2.能运用o f t e n/a l w a y s/s o m e t i m e s进行替换练习。3.D o a s u r v e y.教学难点正确使用频度副词表达自己的周末活动。教学准备教师准备1 .教师准备录音。2 .教师准备相关的词卡。学生准

36、备课本教学方法情景交际法课时安排第四课时教学S t e p l :预习温故1.T r a n s l a t e.吃早饭_ _ _ _ 上英语课_ _ _ _ _ _ 进行体育运动_ _ _ _ _做早操_ 吃晚饭_ w h e n _a f t e r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u s u a l 1 y _ _ _ _ _2.R e a d a n d a n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s.(板书,学生口头回答)W h e n d o y o u u s u a l l y g e t u p o n M o n d a y s?修改意见W h

37、e n d o y o u u s u a l l y g o t o b e d o n F r i d a y s?S t e p 2.新课内容展示1.L e a r n t h e n e w p h r a s e s:c l e a n m y r o o m,g o f o r aw a l k,g o s h o p p i n g,t a k e a d a n c i n g c l a s s .T:c l e a n m y r o o m,c l e a n m y r o o m一L e t s c l e a n m yr o o m.学生跟读过程用同样的方法教读词

38、组。T:Do you usually clean your room/on Saturdays?Ss:Yes,I usually clean my room/-*on Saturdays.2.Learn the new sentence:I usually clean my room/*on Saturdays.运用新学词组反复操练此句型,再 将usually换成often:I often clean my room/on Saturdays.反复操练该句型,让学生掌握。3.Listen to the tape and read it again.Step 3.合作交流,师生共建1.Subst

39、itution drills:用 always/sometimes 替换often进行句型练习。2.Listen and read Let s learnv.3.Do a survey:T:What do you do on Saturdays/on Sundays/on theweekend?Ss:I often/always/sometimes go shopping/withmy mother/on Saturdays/on Sundays/on theweekend.反复操练。Step 4.布置当堂作业背诵并默写本节课的单词和句型。板书设计Unitl My dayclean my ro

40、om go for a walk go shopping take a dancing classI often/always/sometimes go shopping/.with my mother/.on Saturdays/onSundays/ontheweekendWhat do you do on the weekend?I usually/often/sometimes.课后反思教学内容B Lets talkLets try第五课时教学目标1.能听懂LeTs try部分的内容,并勾选出正确的图片。2.能听懂、会说What do you do on the weekend?usua

41、lly./Sometimes I./在实际情境中运用。1 often./I教学重点1.掌握Lets learn的词组,并应用。2.能掌握Lets learn中的句型:要求学生能在相似的情景中正确替换句中关键词,练习新语言。教学难点灵活运用频度副词介绍自己的周末活动。教学准备教师准备1.教师准备录音。2.教师准备相关的词卡。学生准备课本教学方法情景交际法课时安排第五课时教学Stepl:预习温故1.Read and translate:clean my room,clean m yroom-I often clean m y room.再用同样的方法复习:go for a walk,go shop

42、ping,takea dancing class2.Review the sentence:I often/usually/sometimes clean m y room/*onSaturdays.反复操练Step 2.新课内容展示1.Learn le t s talk”.1)Read and translate the words:why,shop,work,last,sound,also,busy,n eed.(反复教读)2)Dialogue P ra ctice.先让学生自读课文,理解课文意思。T:What do you do on the weekend?Ss:I often/!us

43、ually/Sometimes I 修改意见过程反复操练,让学生掌握句型。2.Listen to the tape and read it again.3.Talk with your partner:SI:I often-/I usually/SometimesS2:I often/!usually/Sometimes I Step 3.合作交流,师生共建1.Roal-play熟 悉 会 话 What do you do on the weekend?Iof ten”T:What do you do on the weekend?Ss:I often.T:Do you want to kno

44、w what I do on the weekend?Ss:What do you do on the weekend?鼓励更多的学生参与。T:What do you do on the weekend?S:I usually play sports/.学生间反复操练。2.Listen and read Let s try”,Choose theright picture.Step 4.布置当堂作业背诵并默写本节课所学的单词和句型。板书设计Unitl My daywhy shop work last sound also busy needWhat do you do on the weeke

45、nd?I often./I usually./Sometimes I.课后反思教学内容Lets check Lets wrap it up Story time第六课时教学目标1.通过本课学习,能加强对本单元知识点的掌握。2.掌握动词短语的搭配。3.能听懂story time的故事内容。教学重点熟练掌握动词短语的搭配。教学难点试着自己总结本单元的知识点。教学准备教师准备1.教师准备录音。2.教师准备相关的词卡。学生准备课本教学方法情景交际法课时安排第六课时数学S te p l.预习温故Free talk.Step 2.新课内容展示1.Let s check.1)Listen and tick.

46、2)Give answers about yourself.T:What do you do on the weekend?SI:I oftenS2:I always*S3:I sometimes*2.Let s wrap it up修改意见3.Story time.1),S guesses what happened in the story.2).Read after the tape twice.过程3)Talk about the main meaning of the story.Step 3.合作交流,师生共建1.Review the words of this unit.2.Re

47、view the sentences:T:When do you eat breakfast/*in the morning/?Ss:We eat breakfast/*at o clock.T:What do you do on the weekend?Ss:I often watch/with my mother/.(反复操练。)灵活运用所学单词和句型反复操练。3.Role-play a main scene”P2一P3(时间允许时进行。)Step 4.布置当堂作业背诵并默写本单元四会单词及句型。板书设计Unitl My daygo play have do课后反思Unit 2 My fa

48、vourite season教学内容本单元的教学重点是问答最喜欢哪个季节并陈述原因,主要句型是:W h i c h s e as o n d o y o u l i k e b e s t?/W h y?B e c au s e I c an 难点是B部分要求掌握的四会动词和词组,本单元在内容上与四年级下册第四单元有相同之处,描述天气情况的形容词如C o o l,c o l d,r ai n y,w i n d y,s n o w y,c l o u d y,s u n n y 等单词皆已出现过,因此教师在教学过程中应注意以旧引新,以不同形式反复呈现新知识,从而降低学习的难度。单元目标1、能力

49、目标能够就所喜欢的季节及原因进行问答,如:W h i c h s e as o n d o y o ul i k e b e s t?I l i k e s u m m e r/w i n t e r W h y d o y o u l i k e?B e c au s e I c an.2、知识目标(1)能够认读A、B 部分L e t l e ar n R e ad an d w r i t e 中的单词和句子,并掌握其中的四会单词(2)能 够 R e ad an d w r i t e 掌握的四会句子,能读懂对话内容,并完成阅读理解检测题(3)能够了解L e t,s s p e l l 中

50、字母组合的发音规则,能朗读相关的例词3、情感、策略、文化等有关目标(1)情感态度:让学生有兴趣用英语表达,能积极参与课堂活动(2)学习策略:引导学生注重小组合作学习,培养沟通交流的能力(3)文化目标:让学生了解有关全球天气差异的常识单元重点能够对自己最喜欢的季节进行问答并陈述原因,主要句型是W hichsea son do y ou like best?/W hy?B eca use I ca n.单元难点联系实际对于本单元句型的灵活运用W ha t s y our fa vouriteseson?W hy?B eca use I ca n课时安排6 课时教学内容A Let*s learn R


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