1、短文写作步骤(Steps in Writing Essays)成功的写作应该遵循一定的写作步骤,那种拿起笔就写的写作习惯看似节省时间,其实违反了逻辑思维规律,很难写成令人满意的作文来。一、写作步骤(Steps in Writing)短文写作一般包含五个写作步骤:确定文章主题、构思、列提纲、写初稿和检查修改。1. 确定文章主题文章主题即是回答“写什么”的问题,是作者写作目的和思想的体现。我们在写作前心里必须有一个明确而具体的中心思想,才能围绕着主题开展构思和列提纲等写作活动。主题一般出现在引言段,要求表达清楚、明白具体,便于进行扩展写作。2.构思构思即是收集和选择写作素材的思维过程。我们可以选择
2、与主题相关的,能够为主题服务的内容,它包括亲身经历,听到的和看到的有关信息等。具体可以使用联想的方法,先根据文章主题想出与其相关的所有素材,并记录下来。然后通过比较,选择有用的内容,去掉不能为主题服务的材料。将筛选出来的文章素材按照主次、强弱等逻辑关系进行分类安排,从而在写作过程中予以选择使用。3. 列提纲列提纲即是对所选材料的具体化、条理化的过程,也是对文章内容和组织形式进一步理清思路的过程。清楚明晰的提纲可以引导我们写出内容充实、条理清楚的英语短文来。4.写初稿有了前三步的基础,就可以开始写初稿了。按照写好的提纲,按部就班的展开思路,选择合适的段落扩展方法来扩展段落,同时注意文章的逻辑结构
3、和转承词语的使用,注意各个段落之间的连贯性和文章的整体性。5. 检查修改检查和修改是写作的最后一个步骤。首先从文章整体出发,对照提纲检查文章的布局、内容的安排是否合理;其次注意各个段落中的内容组织是否合适,段与段之间的衔接和逻辑关系是否正确;最后检查句法、语法和用词是否准确,如有问题,予以修改。时间允许的话,也可以隔几天或一段时间后再拿出来修改,也许会有新的领悟和理解。二、提纲的编写(Ways of Making an Outline)确定了写作主题,对文章内容进行了筛选和构思后,就可以来拟定写作提纲了。提纲是用来表达一篇文章中各个部分内容之间关系的结构框架。一个好的提纲可以帮助你理清思路、分
4、清主次、明确步骤,从而引导你写出主题明确、内容充实、条理清楚的文章。英文提纲一般按照罗马数字、阿拉伯数字和英文字母排列。提纲的第一层次用大写的罗马数字表示,第二层次用大写的英语字母,第三层次用阿拉伯数字,第四层次用小写的英语字母表示。同一层次的字母或数字要上下对齐,与上一层次缩进式排列。例:.简介. 主要观点A. 从属观点B. 从属观点1.阐明解释观点的细节2.阐明解释观点的细节a. 例1b. 例2.主要观点A.从属观点1.阐明解释观点的细节a.例1b. 例2c. 例32.阐明解释观点的细节B. 从属观点1. 阐明解释观点的细节2.阐明解释观点的细节a. 例1b. 例23.阐明解释观点的细节I
5、V. 结论常见的提纲类型有题目式提纲和句子式提纲两种。1. 题目式提纲(Topic Outline)题目式提纲是以题目的方式把要写的内容按主次及其相互关系罗列出来。通常由名词、动名词和动词不定式短语组成,其特点是简明扼要,一目了然。例:Biomechanics in Our LivesThesis: Because of the rapid advances made in biomechanics, this science will someday affect the lives of everyone, athletes and non-athletes alike.I. Uses o
6、f biomechanics in sports trainingA. Traditional approach to training1. Exercises for long jumpers2. Training for baseball playersB. Bio-mechanical discoveries about trainingC. Implications for training. Technology in biomechanicsA. Performance and efficiency test1. Oxygen consumption2. Weight distri
7、bution3. Running traitsB. Photography and light technologyC. Computer diagnosis and prediction1. Mac Wilkinss improved performance2. Terry Albrittons improved performance. Medical uses of biomechanicsA. Recreation counselingB. Rehabilitative programs1. Surgery2. Medical productsIV. Business and indu
8、strial uses of biomechanicsA. Sports equipmentB. Sports clothingC. Industrial robots例:Microcomputer Programs and the Process of WritingThesis: Microcomputer programs can have a positive effect on students writing if both thepotentials and limitations of the programs areunderstood.I. Major Steps in t
9、he Writing ProcessA. OrganizingB. Writing the first draftC. EvaluatingD. Revising. Writing Programs for the MicrocomputerA. Types of Programs and Their Relationship to the Writing Process1. Thoughta. Use in organizingb. Use in revising2. Word Processorsa. Use in writing the first draftb. Use in revi
10、sing3. Analytical programs: grammar,style, spellinga. Use in evaluatingb. Use in revisingB. Positive and Negative Aspects of Computer Writing Programs1. Positive featuresa. Less time spent on repetitive or mechanical writing tasksb. Greater flexibility and versatility in writing processc. Increased
11、revision strategiesd. Specific learning possibilities2. Negative featuresa. The increased time spent on learning software programs and computersb. The availability of hardware and softwareC. The unrealistic expectations of sets1) A cure-all for writing problems2) A way to avoid learning correct gram
12、mar/ syntax/spelling3) A method to reduce time spent on writing proficiently4)A simple process to learn and executeC. Future Possibilities of Computer Programs for Writing1. Rapid change2. Improved programs3. Increased use and availability4. More realistic assessment of value-critical work例:Problems
13、 of Divorce on AdolescentThesis: Problems of divorce on adolescent are mainly about family problems, economic problems and peer problems.I. Family ProblemsA. Custodial:Non-custodial conflictsB. Extended FamilyC. Adolescents Age. Economic ProblemsA. Child SupportB. Womens Job TrainingC. Lower Standar
14、d of LivingD. Possible Relocation1. Poorer neighborhood2. New School. Peer ProblemsA. Loss of FriendsB. Relationships with Dates2. 句子式提纲(Sentence Outline)句子式提纲是对文章较为详尽的摘要,一般由完整的句子组成。其特点是细致清楚,内容详尽。例:Working Conditions & Rewards of teachersThesis: The working conditions for a teacher are tough, and th
15、e rewards do not come from a teachers paycheck.A. The hours are longteachers may spend 50hours a week working, grading papers, and preparing for class.B. The job is stressful.C. The salaries are low for a profession:1. Starting salaries are around $24,000.2. Average salaries are around $42,000.3. Ev
16、en after years of experience, salaries are low.例:Negative Effects of Divorce on AdolescentThesis: Negative effects of divorce on adolescent are associated with tough suffering,economicproblems and peer problems.I. When family conflicts arise as a result of divorce, adolescent suffer.A. During the fi
17、rst year, these young people may be depressed due to conflicts between the custodial and non-custodial parents.B. Grandparents,aunts, and uncles are often restricted by visitation provisions.C. Almost without exception, adolescent find divorce very painful,but they react in differing degrees dependi
18、ng on their age. Some of the most negative effects on adolescent may be associated with economic problems. A. The family will most probably experience a lower standard of living due to the cost of maintaining two households.B. Some female custodial parents have poor job skills and must train before
19、entering the job market. C. The lower standard of living may result in misunderstanding and conflicts within the family. D. The decreased standard of living, particularly for an untrained female custodial parent, often causesrelocation.1. The family may have to move to a poorer neighborhood in order
20、 to cut costs.2. As a result, the adolescent may have to attend a different school. Adolescent from divorced families often experience peer problems.A. Due to relocation and prejudice,adolescent may lose friends.B. The lack of a solid relationship with both parents affects an adolescents attitude to
21、ward the opposite sex.例:On Organ and Tissue DonationThesis: Organ and tissue donation andtransplantation is an option every person has,but many people do not take advantage of it because of myths and other ethical issues.I. Organ and tissue donation is the gift of life. A. Organs that can be successfully transplanted include the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys,and pancreas.B. The process of becoming a donor is easy. Many myths mislead people into believing donation is bad and unethical.12