1、1、territorial expansionbegin 19th20th第1页/共17页第2页/共17页2、difference between south and north第3页/共17页South VS North economysystem abolition of slaveryparty country leadersouth plantationobject Democratic PartyConfederate States of American President Jefferson Davisnorth capitalistsupportRepublican Party
2、United States of American President Abraham Lincoln第4页/共17页 第5页/共17页第6页/共17页南方拍卖黑奴的场景拍卖黑人奴隶的广告拍卖黑人奴隶的广告第7页/共17页Lincolns electionThe election of Abraham Lincoln in November 1860 was the final trigger for secession.第8页/共17页Outbreak of the war Battle of Fort SumterThe Confederate“Stars and Bars”星条旗flyi
3、ng from Fort Sumter第9页/共17页Mass meeting in New York City April 20,1861,to support the Union.第10页/共17页Eastern theaterWestern theaterTrans-Mississippi theaterLower Seaboard theaterPacific Coast theater第11页/共17页Gettysburg:the wars turning pointThis was the bloodiest battle of the war,and has been calle
4、d the wars turning point.This war signaled the collapse of serious Confederate threats of victory.Lees army suffered 28,000 casualties(versus Meades 23,000).From then on,the North possessed the dominant power.第12页/共17页Emancipation ProclamationLincoln issued his preliminary Emancipation Proclamation
5、on September 22,1862,and his final Emancipation Proclamation on January 1,1863.By late 1864,Lincoln was playing a leading role in getting Congress to vote for the Thirteenth Amendment,which made emancipation universal and permanent.It enabled black slaves to get freedom and most joined the Union Arm
6、y.第13页/共17页第14页/共17页General features of the WarOver four years,237 named battles were fought.Mobilization:volunteers,conscriptionMotivation:beliefs-liberty,unionPrisoners第15页/共17页The Significance of Civil Wardestroy the slavery:more rights and freedommaintain the country unitydevelop the economy of capitalism第16页/共17页感谢您的观看!第17页/共17页