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1、高一英语任务型阅读一Beggars are often seen sitting by the side of a street with headsbowed as people pass them by.Some ask people passing by for a small amountof money and some just sit and wait to be given money.A few use aggressivebehaviour to earn money.T o solve the problem of aggressive begging,an altern

2、ativegiving”plan has been suggested.T en blue money boxes will be placedin busy places such as the market and the railway station.It aims toencourage people not to give money directly to beggars but instead togive generously to local homeless causes.Supporters of this plan think it will be an effect

3、ive way to solvethe beggars?alcohol and drug problems.But the police oppose the planarguing that beggars who do not receive cash may turn to criminality tofeed their addictions.T he homeless charity“Crisis”said the successof any plan will depend on its style.T hey think that imaginative andpositive

4、plans can help create local understanding and sympathy insteadof hardness.Most of the beggars dislike the plan because they think theywill not get enough money from the boxes for their showers,food andclothes.Begging is a big social problem both in developing and developedcountries.Governments must

5、play a big role in solving this problem.T raining beggars to work and helping them to find appropriate jobs isone option.T his is especially true for developing countries where manylow-skill jobs exist.T he general community should also be educated to see beggars not asdirty and dangerous,but as peo

6、ple who need understanding and help.Begging problemIntroduction to the beggingproblem Some beggars ask 3_ formoney Some beggars just sit and wait tobe givenmoneyA n alternative plan“to theproblemIn some busy places,such as themarket and railway station,ten blueboxes will be placed to 4_ peopleto giv

7、e money to local homeless causes.Different 1_towardsthe suggested plan Supporters of this plan think itvery 5 to solve the problemrelated to beggars.The police oppose the planarguing the beggars may turn tocriminality because of 6_of cash.The homeless charity said that itremains to be seen whether t

8、his planwould be 7._.Most of the beggars dislike theplan because the money that they willget from the box will not be 8._.2._to the problemGovernments must be actively9_in solving this problem betraining beggars to work and helpingthem to find proper jobs.Beggars shouldn,t be 10_as dirty and dangero

9、us people but aspeople needing help and understanding.高一英语任务型阅读二Global warming is one of the major environmental problems we arefacing today.Scientists think a further rise in the carbon dioxide levelswill make this situation worse.T he greenhouse effect causes the earthJ sheat to be trapped in the

10、atmosphere,which results in the increase intemperature.T his,in turn,has an effect on various plants and animals.Global warming makes it difficult for some of them to survive.Ozone depletion means a drop in the quantity of the ozone(臭氧)inthe earth s stratosphere(平流层).T he ozone hole in the Antarctic

11、 ismainly due to the release of CFCs(a type of gas).Because of ozonedepletion,humans are facing various problems such as the harmful effectsof UV rays.Water pollution is caused when wastes are thrown into water.What?smore,many harmful chemicals are also put into water,which causes thedeaths of many

12、wild animals and endangers the health of humans.T he increasing population is causing a loss of natural resources.T his is related to various human activities.For example,overfishinghas caused many kinds of fishes to die out.Forests are being clearedto meet the rising demand for paper,wood,even for

13、land.Mining,thework of getting gold,coal etc out of the earth,has led to a furtherdrop in mineral resources.If we used up all the resources,how couldour children survive on this planet?T hese are some of the current environmental problems we are facingtoday.Only with an effort from each person,can w

14、e hope to save our planetfrom being destroyed.EnvironmentCauseDamagealPr o b le mG lo b al(1)_I n c r e as in g c ar b o nd io xid e le v e lsMak in g it d if f ic u lt f o rv ar io u s p lan t s an d an im alst o(2)_ _ _ _ _ _(3)_ _ _ _ _ _De p le t io nR e le as in g CFCsVar io u s p r o b le m s

15、s u c h as t h eh ar m f u l e f f e c t s o f UV r ay sWat e r (4)T h r o win g (5)_in t o wat e rAd d in g h ar m f u l(6)_ _ _ in t o wat e rEn d an g e r in g wild an im als liv e sEn d an g e r in g h u m an s (6)T h e lo s s o fN at u r al(8)_I n c r e as in g (9)En d an g e r in g t h e n e x

16、tg e n e r at io nVar io u s h u m anac t iv it ie s s u c h as(10)_ _ _ _,c u t t in gd o wn f o r e s t s an dm in in g高一英语任务型阅读三Educating girls quite possibly harvests a higher rate of return thanany other investment available in the developing world.Women,s educationmay be an unusual economical

17、field,but increasing women,s contributionto development is actually as much an economic as a social issue.Andeconomics,with its focus on encouragement,provides an explanation forwhy so many girls are rid of an education.P arents in low-income countries fail to invest in their daughtersbecause they d

18、o not expect them to make an economic contribution to thefamily:girls grow up only to marry into somebody else,s family and bearchildren.Girls are thus seen as less valuable than boys and are keptat home to do housework while their brothers are sent to school 一 一 theprophecy(观念)becomes self-fulfilli

19、ng,trapping women in a vicious(恶性的)circle of neglect.An educated mother,on the other hand,has greater earning abilitiesoutside the home and faces an entirely different set of choices.She islikely to have fewer but healthier children and can insist on thedevelopment of all her children,ensuring that

20、her daughters are givena fair chance.T he education of her daughters then makes it much morelikely that the next generation of girls,as well as of boys,will beeducated and healthy.T he vicious circle is thus transformed into avirtuous circle.Few will argue that educating women has great social benef

21、its.Butit has enormous economic advantages as well.Most obviously,there isthe direct effect of education on the wages of female workers.Wages riseby 10 to 20 per cent for each additional year of schooling.Such bigreturns are impressive by the standard of other available investments,but they are just

22、 the beginning.Educating women also has a significanteffect on health practices,including family planning.T opic:T he significance of female(1)in developingcountriesViewpointEducating girls is more beneficial and worthy ofb e in g (2)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.Fam ilie sFr o m lo w-in c o m e f am il

23、ie sFr o m e d u c at e dm o t h e r s,f am ilie sAt t it u d e sG ir ls ar e o f le s s(3)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t h an b o y s.De v e lo p m e n t s h o u ldb e f o r all t h e(4)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.Pr ac t ic e sT h e r e is(5)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in v e s t m e n tin d au g h t e r s

24、,wh ile b o y s ar es e n t t o s c h o o l.G ir ls ar e m ad e t o s t ay ath o m e,(6)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h o u s e wor k.I t is in s is t e d t h atg ir ls an d b o y s b e o f f e r e dc h an c e s t o b e e d u c at e d(7)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.Co n s e q u e n c e sA v ic io u s c ir c

25、leA v ir t u o u s c ir c leS ig n if ic an c eEd u c at in g wo m e n (8)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t o s o c ialb e n e f it s,h as e c o n o m ic ad v an t ag e s an d(9)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h e alt h p r ac t ic e s s ig n if ic an t ly,in c lu d in g f am ily p lan n in g.(10)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

26、_Ed u c at in g g ir ls in d e v e lo p in g c o u n t r ie s isim p o r t an t an d r e war d in g.高一任务型阅读训练四For centuries people dreamed of going into space.This dream beganto seem possible when high-flying rockets were built in the early 1900s.In 1903 a Russian teacher named Konstantin Tsiolkovsk

27、y figured outhow to use rockets for space travel.His plan was the first one in rocketscience to use correct scientific calculation.About 30 years later,aU.S.scientist named Robert Goddard built the first rockets that couldreach high altitudes.During World War II,German scientists built largerockets

28、that could travel very far and carry dangerous explosives.Afterthe war,scientists from Germany went to the United States and the SovietUnion to help those countries build space rockets.These two countries were soon racing to get to space first.Each ofthese countries wanted to prove that it was stron

29、ger and more advancedthan the other one.Both countries also had powerful bombs.People inthe United States were worried when the Soviets were first to launch aspace satellite,which was called Sputnik.The Soviets were also firstto send a person into space.Yury Gagarin orbited the earth in the VostokI

30、spaceship in 1961.The US government set a goal for its space program to be the firstcountry to put a person on the Moon.The U.S.space program built a seriesof Apollo spaceship.These vehicles were powered by huge Saturn 5rockets.In 1969 Apollo II took three men to the moon successfully.NellArmstrong

31、became the first person to walk on the Moon.The Soviets may have lost the race to fly people to the Moon,butthey built the first space station in 1971.The United States also builta space station.The space stations allowed people to live and work inspace.Then the Soviet Union and the United States co

32、operated to hooktwo spaceships together in space.This action ended the z,space race.Todaya much larger space station,built by several countries together,orbitsEarth.Another new way to go to space is by space shuttle.A space shuttle,first made in the United States in 1981,looks like an airplane.Astro

33、nautswho fly spaceships have used shuttles to help put satellites into space.History of space travelTimeEventsInformation concernedEarlyHigh-flying rocketsIt made the ancient dream1900swere built.of going to space possible toc o m e 1)_ _1903K o n s t an t inT s io lk o v s k y 2)o u t a way t o u s

34、 e r o c k e t sf o r s p ac e t r av e l.H e p lan n e d t o p u t c o r r e c ts c ie n t if ic c alc u lat io n t o u s ein r o c k e t s c ie n c e.Ar o u n d 3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _R o b e r t G o d d ar d b u iltn e w r o c k e t s.T h e r o c k e t s c o u ld f lyv e r y 4)A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

35、_ _ in t h es k y.Du r in gan d af t e rWo r ld War I IG e r m an s c ie n t is t sb u ilt lar g e r o c k e t s t h atc o u ld t r av e l v e r y f ar an dc ar r y d an g e r o u se xp lo s iv e s.G e r m an y was ah e ad o f allt h e o t h e r c o u n t r ie s inb u ild in g s p ac e r o c k e t s

36、 an dlat e r it 5)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t h e S o v ie t Un io n an d t h eUn it e d S t at e sT h e S o v ie t Un io n an dt h e Un it e d S t at e sc o m p e t e d t o g e t t o s p ac ef ir s t.T h e S o v ie t Un io n b e c am et h e 6)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o f t h ec o m p e t it io n wh e n it lau

37、 n c h e dt h e f ir s t s at e llit e an d s e n tt h e f ir s t as t r o n au t in t os p ac e.1969T h e Un it e d S t at e swas 7)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in p u t t in ga p e r s o n o n t h e m o o n.I n o n e way,it 8)_ t h e S o v ie t Un io n b y b e c o m in gt h e f ir s t c o u n t r y t o f lyp

38、 e o p le t o t h e m o o n.1970sT h e S o v ie t s b u iltt h e f ir s t s p ac e s t at io nan d was s o o n f o llo we d b yAm e r ic an s .An d t h e yf in ally e n d e d t h ez,s p ac e r ac e b y 9)_ _As t r o n au t s c an liv e an dwo r k in s p ac e s t at io n s.1980s S p ac e s h u t t le

39、 s ar eu s e d as n e w v e h ic le s f o rs p ac e 10_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.S h u t t le s ar e als o u s e d t oh e lp p u t s at e llit e s in t os p ac e.高一任务型阅读训练五Wh e n e v e r we m e e t wit h d if f ic u lt y o r f ailu r e,t e ac h e r s,p ar e n t s o ro t h e r s o f t e n s ay t o u s o r

40、 p e r h ap s we s ay t o o u r s e lv e s,“N e v e r g iv e u p.”T h e s e c an b e e n c o u r ag in g wo r d s an d wo r d s o f d e t e r m in at io n.A p e r s o n wh obelieves in himself will keep trying to reach his goal no matter how manytimes he fails.In my opinion,the quality of determinat

41、ion to succeedis an important one to have.Therefore,I believe that we should nevergive up.One reason is that if we give up too easily,we will rarely achieveanything.It is not unusual for us to fail in our first attempt atsomething new,so we should not feel disappointed and should try again.Besides,i

42、f we always give up when we fail,we will not be able to developnew skills and grow.Another reason we should never give up is that we can learn from ourmistakes so that we can not make the same ones.If we do not try again,the lesson we have learned is wasted.Finally,we should never give up because as

43、 we work to reach our goals,we develop confidence,and this confidence can help us succeed in otherareas of our lives.If we never challenge ourselves,we will begin todoubt our abilities.In short,it is important that we do not give up when working for ourgoals.Whether we succeed in the end or not,we w

44、ill learn something,and what we learn will help us to become better and more confident.Furthermore,if we give up,we have no chance of attaining our goalsany more,but if we keep making great efforts,there is always a chancethat we will succeed one day.Topic:Never Give UpPossiblemeanings and theauthor

45、,s opinions The words“Never give up canl_others or oneself and express one s determination.-A person who wants to 2_ should havethe quality.So we should never give up.If we give up too easily,maybe we will achieve4_,so when we fail in our first attempt atsomething new,we should not5 _ ourselves butT

46、 hetry again.3 Always giving up means that we will not beable to 6_ any progress.受 Never giving up will make us learn from themistakes we ve made before and learn the 7_so as not to make the same mistakes.-T o reach our goals and develop the confidencewhich can help us 8_ ourselves,we must notgive u

47、p but challenge ourselves.ConclusionsIf you give up,you will have no 9_ofreaching your goals.Never give up and you willattain your goals sooner or 10_高一任务型阅读训练六Although many Chinese students say that their knowledge of Englishgrammar is good,most would admit that their spoken English is poor.Wheneve

48、r I speak to Chinese students they always say,“My spoken Englishs poor”,However,their spoken English doesn,t have to remain“poor”.I would like to suggest that there may be some reasons for their problemswith spoken English.First,they fail to find suitable words to express themselves dueto a limited

49、vocabulary.Obviously the better answer is to expand theirvocabulary.However,you can speak with a limited vocabulary,if yourattitude is positive.Others will follow you as long as you use the wordsthat you know.Second,they are afraid of making mistakes.Sometimes they makemistakes when they are speakin

50、g,because they are shy and nervous.Yetstudents should remember that their goal should be fluency not accuracy.Your aim in writing is to be accurate following the rules for grammarand using tenses to get your message across.But to talk to someone inEnglish,as quickly and well as you can,even though s


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