4、,under.You“almostdrivesmemad!putyourselfmyhandsfortwoyears,“saidthein uJustdoctor.“Cometomethreetimesaweek,andl 1Icureyourfears.“Howmuchdoyoucharge?”Ahundreddollarsavisit.”“saidjack.uIllthinkaboutit,Sixmonthslaterthedoctormetjackbychance.uW h y d i d n t y o u e v e r c o m e t o s e e m e a g a i n
5、?n a s k e d t h e d o c t o r.a r s.,uFo r a h u n d r e d b u c k s a v i s i t?Ac a r p e n t e r c u r e d m e f o r l O d o l l uIs t h a t s o?Ho w?n He t o l d m e t o c u t t h e l e g s o f f t h e b e d!Re a d i n g c o m p r e h e n s i o n U n d e r s t a n d!n g t h e t e x t 1IBe c a u
6、 s e w h e n h e o n c e h o p p e d f r o m t h e h i g h e s t d i v i n g b o a r d a t t h e po o l,h e h i t t h e w a t e r w i t ha n i n c r e d i b l e i m p a c t a n d b l a c k e d o u t.2No,t h e y c o u l d n t.Be c a u s e w i t h t h e w a t e r s t o w,t h e y d n e v e r g e t to t
7、 h e d r o w n i n g b o y.3 Be c a u s e n o b o d y e x c e p t Ja s o n s a w t h a t g o i n g o u t o n t o t h e j e t t y,w hi c h w a s c l o s e t o t h e b o y,w a s学习指导参考资料完美WORD格式编辑t h e f a s t e s t w a y t o r e a c h t h e d r o w n i n g b o y.Be c a u s e h i s f e a r o f w a t e
8、r s u d d e n l y s t r u c k h i m.45Hefeltlikehewasbackinthatpool,breathless,struggling,terrif ied.eyeswidewithterror,pawingandtwisting6Theboypoppedbackup,againstjason.itwasforcibly7ripcurrent,whenJasonswamagainsttheNo,itwasnt.Atfirstdraggingthemouttothesea.Thenhedecidedtoswimsidewaystothepullofth
9、ecurrentandslowlymadetheirwaybacktoshore.Finallyhemadehiswaybacktosafety.8BecauseJasonhadalreadyconqueredhisinnerfearofwaterandhealsofeltrelievedanddelightedwhenhesawtheboywashuggedtightlybyhismother.Criticalthinking2IToovercometheinnerfearofwater,weneedto:?conquerourselves with couragebyhelpingothe
10、rs,stepupandfaceourfear;musclegroupscontrolledbreathingandalternatelytenseandrelax?practicet o b r i n g i n t op h y s i c a l a w a r e n e s s t h e d i f f e r e n c e s b e t w e e n b e i n g t e n s e a n d b e i ng r e l a x e d;?m a k e t h e v i c t i m s t o p s t r u g g l i n g.In t h i
11、 sw a y h e/s h e c a n b e p u l l e d t o s a f e t y.2T h e f e a r s m a y c o m e f r o m:o u r o w n p a s t e x p e r i e n c e;?s f e a r s w e w i t n e s s;t h e r p e o p l e?s d e s c r i p t i o n a b o u t t h e i r f e a r s;s o m e o n e?i n f l u e n c e o f s p e c i f i c c u l t
12、u r a l a n d h i s t o r i c a l c o n t e x t.?3 T o g e t a g u y t o a s k a g i r l o u t,t r y g i v i n g h i m s o m e p o i n t e r s a n d i d e as o n h o w t o a p p r o a c h t h es i t u a t i o n w i t h c o n f i d e n c e:?T e l l t h e g u y t o a s k a g i r l o n a c a s u a ld a
13、 t e a n d s e e w h e r e i t g o e s f r o m t h e r e.Ex p l a i n t o h i mt h a t a s k i n g a g i r l o u t f a c e-t o-f a c e c a n b e m o s t a p p r o p r i a t e,a s i tw i 1Is h o w h e r h o w s e r i o u s h e i s.Ho w e v e r,i f h e t h i n k s t h a t i s t o o d ar i n g,t h e n
14、s u g g e s t s e n d i n g h e r a t e x t m e s s a g e o r c a l l i n g h e r o n t h ep h o n e.e n c o u r a g e t h e g u y t o b e a s s e r t i v e a n d n o t b e a t a r o u n d t h e b u s h.Co nf i d e n c e i s a d m i r?a b l e,amanwithconfidence.Ifheisbeattractedtoandagirlismorelikel
15、ytoaskingthegirlinperson,heshouldspeakasthoughheknewshewouldsayyes.Tel Ihimnottohesitateandtogetstraighttothepoint.?suggest thatthe guygivethegirlsomechoices asto whereto goonadate.Ifheisunsureofwhatactivitiesorrestaurantssheenjoysmost,thisisagreatopportunityforhimtolearnmoreaboutherandshowherthathe
16、caresabouther.40bsessivefearleadstoanxiety,panicattacksandavarietyofpsychological problems.Weallknowwhatitsliketofeeloverwhelmedbyfear,butfear,asitturnsout,isafundamentalpartof学习指导参考资料完美WORD格式编辑ourlives,andhassomepositiveeffeetsonourlives:?Fearincreases andenhancesoursensoryawarenessoftheenvironment
17、,sothatwecanbepreparedtoprotectourselvesfromanythingpotential 1ythreateningor harmful.Fearisaninvitationtoact.Fearistheretowarnusthatweneedtoget?s t here tot ellusthatwet there tost o p u s;itreadyforthefuture.Itisn areabouttogrow.Fearpushesusbeyondourlimits.Fearmotivatesus.Itdrivesustofindnewres?ou
20、distract5a c q u a i n t a n c e b o r e d l 3 a s s u r a n c e 4 d o m i n a n c e p r i v i l e g e d 25 a v o i da n c e 61210a n n o y a n c e a d m i t t a n c e d i s t r a c t e d c l e a r a n c e 9 8 r e l i a n c e l l 7r e s e m b l a n c eBa n k e d c l o z e6学习指导参考资料完美WORD格式编辑1K2D3 H4
21、J5 I 6 07 G8 A9 N10CEx p r e s s i o n s i n u s e 7 l p u l l e d t o a s t o p 2b l a c k o u t3 p o p u p 4 s t o p p e d s h o r t7 Ie t y o u r s e l f g o 8 g r a b b e d f o r 5 p l o w e d t h r o u g h 6 t h r e w h i m s e l f i n toS t r u c t u r e a n a l y s i s a n d w r i t i n gS t
22、r u c t u r e d w r i t i n g8Ay o u n g a n d s u c c e s s f u l e x e c u t i v e w a s t r a v e l i n g d o w n a n e i g h b o r h oo d s t r e e t,g o i n ga b i t i n d a r t i n g t o o f a s t k i d s h i s n e w j a g u a r.He w a s w a t c h i n g o u t f ro m b e t w e e n f o rp a r k
23、e d c a r s a n d s l o w e d d o w n w h e n h e t h o u g h t h e s a w s o m e t h i n g.As h is c a r p a s s e d,n o c h i Id r e n a p p e a r e d.In s t e a d,a b r i c ks m a s h e d i n t o t h e c a r,s s i d e d o o r IHe s l a m m e d o n t h e b r a k e s a n d d r o ve t h e j a g b a
24、c kt o t h e s p o t w h e r e t h e b r i c k h a d b e e n t h r o w n.T h e a n g r y e x e c u t i v e t he n j u m p e d o u to f t h e c a r,g r a b b e d t h e n e a r e s t k i d a n d p u s h e d h i m u p a g a i n s t a p a r ke d c a r,s h o u t i n g,T h a t suW h a t w a s t h a t y o
25、u?Ju s t w h a t t h e h e c k a r e y o u d o i n g?a l l a b o u t a n dw h o a r ea n e w c a r a n d t h a t b r i c k y o u t h r e w i s g o i n g t o c o s t a l o t o f m o n e y.“W h y d i d y o u d o i t?“Pl e a s e m i s t e r p l e a s e,I m s o r r y.IT h e y o u n g b o y w a s a p o l
26、 og e t i c.didn,tdo,“hepleaded.Ithrewthebrickbecausenooneelseknowhatelseto“wouldstop.Withtearsdrippingdownhisfaceandoffhischin,theboypointedtoaspot“Itsmybrother,“hesaid.Herolledoffthecurbjustaroundaparkedcar.tlifthimup.J andfelloutofthewheelchair,andlcanWouldyoupleasehelpmeNowsobbing,theboyaskedthe
28、ythingwasgoingtobeOK.ThankyouandmayGodblessyou,“thegratefulchiIdtoldtheexecutive.mansimplywords,thewatchedthelittleboypushhisTooupsetforw h e e l c h a i r-b o u n d b r o t h e r d o w n t h e s i d e w a l k t o w a r d t h e i r h o m e.It w a s a l o n g,s l o ww a l k b a c k t o t h e Ja g u a
29、 r.T h e d a m a g e w a s v e r y n o t i c e a b l e,b u t t h e d ri v e r n e v e r b o t h e r e dt h i s m e s s a g e:“Do n t d o o r.He k e p t t o r e p a i r h i m o f t h e s i d e t o r e m i n d t h e d e n t t he r eg o t h r o u g h l i f e s o f a s t t h a t s o m e o n e h a s t o
30、t h r o w a b r i c k a t y o u t o g et y o u r“a t t e n t i o n!T r a n s l a t i o n 9美国梦是美利坚合众国的民族精神。该词有各种各样的用法,但其根本含义是,在美国任何人都可以通过努力获得成功,都有可能过上幸福而成功的生活。许多人对美国梦的概念加以学习指导参考资料完美WORD格式编辑拓展和提炼,涵盖了像自由,自我实现和深厚的人际关系等方面的内容。美国梦的思想比美17 世纪,当时的欧洲移民面对这一新发现的、未经开发的广国本身更为久远,可以追溯到袤大陆,开始纷纷怀揣希望,追逐梦想。随着历史的发展,美国梦的含
31、义也已改变,既包含了个人元素,也包含了全局视野。但并不是每个人都对美国梦持肯定态度。一些人认为美国的社会结构决定了不是每个人都能拥有这样的理想目标。批评者常常举以实例,揭露植根于阶级、种族、宗教和民族的不平等现象,指出美国梦并非每个人都可企及。10Re a l i z i n g t h e g r e a t n a t i o n a i r e j u v e n a t i o n,w h i c h w e d e f i n e a s t he Ch i n e s e Dr e a m,h a s b e e n t h e g r e a t e s t Ch i n e s
32、 e e x p e c t a t i o n s i n c e m o d e r n t i m e s.Itb a s i c a l l y m e a n sa c h i e v i n g p r o s p e r i t y f o r t h e c o u n t r y,r e n e w a l o f t h e n a t i o n a n d ha p p i n e s s f o r t h ep e o p l e,t h u s e n s u r i n g t h a t e v e r y e n t e r p r i s i n g Ch
33、 i n e s e c a r r i e s,g e n e r a t i o n a f t e rthatabetterlifegenerat ion,thefirmconvictionisaccomplishedthroughPeopleshouldpersistentachievetheirprosperityeffort.throughdiligence,courage,creativity!nsteadofaidfromanddeterminationsocietyorotherpeople.isaparticipantandadesignertheChineseintheE
34、achindividualcauseofrealizingDream,foritisadreamnotbutalsoforentirenationonlyfortheeveryChinese.SectionB Readingskills 11 Knowinggrins”impliesthattheyregardedbumpingasacommonoccurrenceinflight.2Basedonourpriorknowledgeaboutwhathappens,ifthereissomethingwrongwiththenose-wheelsteeringandthewholelandin
36、eimplyingcouldwassogreatchiIdconqueralltheoutsidefears.4Thisparagraphtellsasimpletruththattheirsurvivalfromthepossibleaircrashwasamiracle,andalotofluck.Readingcomprehension Understandingthetext 2 1A2D3C4B5D6C7D8A学习指导参考资料完美WORD格式编辑Criticalthinking 3l?Lovegeneratesstrengthandconf idencewhichhelptoover
37、comeourinnerfear.?Loveisabletobringinto full play themostcourageousacts intheworld,andlovecanconquerourinnerfear.?Becomingamorelovingpersontowardotherswill helpyoutotranscendyourfear.Becomingmorelovingtowardyourselfwillhelpyoutohealyourfear.2Apartfromlove,Ibelieve,therearemanyotherfactorsthatcanhelp
38、uscopewithchallengesinlife.Someofthemarelistedasfollows:?Confidence maystrengthenourdeterminationtohandleanydifficultieswe areconfronted with.underthegreatwhenwefeel?iscriticallost Asenseofpurposeinourlifepressureoftroubles,beeasilyMaybeourproblemsuseful.could network?Astrongsocial is alsosolvedbyth
39、ejointeffortsfromoursocialnetworkcomposedofrelatives,friends,colleagues,etc.Optimismcanalwaysmakeusfilledwithhope,helpingusmustercouragewhen?wearetorturedbyfrustrations.?Necessaryproblem-solvingski11sandstrategiesaremostcrucialtoourperformance whenwearefacingchallenges.3Tipstokeepfearawayduringexams
40、:?Preparewe11inadvanceanddonotmugup(突击学习).Maketimetorelax.?Reviseproperly.Inordertopreventanxiety,thelastfewweeksbeforetheexa?minationshouldbespentrevisingeachsubject.Beflexibleduringtheexam.Duringtheexam,ifyougettensedorblank?after seeingdifficultquestions,skip themfor thetimebeingandattemptquest i
42、easonsforthefearresponse.whoextendscompassiongroupscanbehelpful?ascanatrustedfriend Support inthefacevictimsofthesurvivorThis fear.stypeofresponsecangoalongwayinhelping学习指导参考资料完美WORD格式编辑workthroughtheirfear.Languagefocus Wordsinuse 45abort1vertical2evaporate3plight4intent91oftyl0necessitate8evoke 6v
43、ulnerable7proximityExpressionsinuse5 3settledback4onboardlintheeventof2immuneto5in/intoposition6was;stunnedby7forsure8hintofSentencestructure 6INothingexcitesmeasmuchasabrilliantmoviewithaninterestingplot,fantasticacting,wildvisualsandastrongscript.dlongedfornothingasmuchasknowledgeabouther20verthec
44、ourseofherentirelife,shemother.3Herdaughterisatastatehospitalandwantsnothingasmuchastobepartofafamily.71Inteachingpractice,itisessentialthatwe(should)teachstudentspropergrammar,sentencestructures,andwritingskills.2Itis importantthatstudents(should)begivenopportunitiestoexpresstheirperspectivestocult
45、ivatetheirresponsibilityandindependence.anactive3Itiscrucialthattheyoungergeneration(should)pursueandpositive roleinpromotingenvironmentalprotection.Collocation Warm-up3terrible4relaxed5absolutely6unremarkablelmassive2incredible8 4amazingpowervisiblyimpossible 1emotionally 23frightened incredibleimp
48、ep2:Askstudentstointerviewtwoorthreeseniorstudentswhoexcelindeliveringpublicspeeches.Studentsshouldpreparetheirowninterviewquestionscarefullyandtrytoderivetheinformat iontheyreallyneedfromtheirinterviews.Step3:Havestudentssummarizethestrategiesorsuggestionstheycollectedfromtheinterviewandpreparearep
49、ort,including:Difficultiescollegestudentsusuallyhaveingivingapublicspeech?Theinterview:?V Whotheyinterviewed;V Questionstheyasked;VAdvicetheirsubjectsgave;V Theirsuggestionsongivingapublicspeech.Step4:Askthespeakerofeachgrouptopresenttheirreportoral1yinthenext class.Fromthereports,thestudentsmaythenevenformalargerpictureabouthow onecanconquerthefearofdeliveringapublicspeech.Again,itisessentialthattheteachergiveclearinstructionstostudents,especiallyaboutwhattheyshoulddoafterthisclassandbeforethenextclass.学习指导参考资料