1、(答案已用红色标出!方便查看)新视野大学英语视听说教程第四册听力练习录音文本和答案Un itlI.Lead in1 Peopl e ten d to get an gry when treated un f airl y.Specif ical l y,we m ayf l y in to a rage when we real iz e we were betrayed by a cl ose f rien d ortricked by a cl erk in to buyin g som ethin g un n ecessary at a high price.Whenpeopl e t
2、reat us with con tem pt,or del iberatel y ign ore us,we m ay getan n oyed.Al so,the sight of in justice of ten f il l s us with in dign ation.For in stan ce,when we see a chil d bein g bul l ied by a group of hoodl um s,it m akes our bl ood boil.T o overcom e our an ger,we have two option s:tof ight
3、 or to run.In the case of a sm al l of f en se,its better to wal k awayan d cal m down.It is n ot n ecessary to expl ode at a sl ight provocation.However,when con f ron ted with a gross in justice or a serious crim e,wen eed to stan d up f or oursel ves an d speak our m in d.Af ter ven tin g our an
4、ger,we m ay f eel better.If we keep n egative f eel in gs to oursel ves,we wil lprobabl y f eel m iserabl e f or a l on g tim e an d regret n ot takin g action.2peopl e f eel bl ue f or a variety of reason s.T hey f eel depressed af terf ail in g an exam or l osin g a job.T hey f eel grief when som
5、eon e dear to them,f or exam pl e a cl ose f am il y m em ber,passes away.Suf f erin g f rom a seriousdisease with l ittl e hope of a com pl ete recovery,on e m ay f eel dejected.T here seem s to be a rel ation ship between depression an d bad l uck.If yourspirits are down an d you show it,peopl e m
6、 ight ref rain f rom tal kin g toyou.Man y good opportun ities m ay sl ip away as a resul t.An d you m ight bel ef t won derin g why your l uck doesn t chan ge.T o cheer yoursel f up,youcan study or work.Your m ood m ight im prove if you keep yoursel f busy an dtry to achieve goal s.An d if stayin g
7、 busy doesn,t hel p,you can just waitf or the sadn ess to go away.It is said that tim e heal s al l woun ds.Fin al l y,you m ight f in d sol ace in real iz in g.Your situation is n ot the worst.Youcan al so choose to l ook at the bright side of thin gs because every cl oudhas a sil ver l in in g.3T
8、he greatest pl easures seem to com e f rom hard-won achievem en ts.Forexample,if after a lot of hard work,you passed an important examination,finished a big project,or got a promotion,you would feel incredibly happy,right?Human happiness is not limited to ones good fortune or success.If you help som
9、eone in need,you 11 probably feel wonderful.This accountsfor the success of Project Hope,through which people volunteer time anddonate money to help people in need.413oth reason and emotion are important in our lives.Although they areobviously different from each other,they complement each other jus
10、t thesame.Think about it,it is difficult to isolate reason from emotion andvice versa.When one is arguing,one is combining logic with feelings.When a speaker is advocating a principle,the feeling he puts into hisvoice reinforces his argument.When scientists conduct researches,theymay choose an area
11、that is interesting to them.Darwin studied sciencebecause he had been fascinated by plants and animals since his childhood.However,in some areas either reason or emotion may play a bigger role.Science students may need more logic than emotion to conduct experiments,while art students tend to rely mo
12、re on their emotion for creativity.Within a family,people usually cherish the emotional ties between familymembers.Emotion could be more important than reason when falling in loveor trusting a member of one,s family,whereas reason plays an importantrole when deciding how to educate a child.Together
13、or separate,reasonand emotion play critically important roles in our lives.What do you think?Or feel?II.Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptM:Im beside myself with joy.Im so lucky.Guess what?Ive won a litof money in the lottery.W:Yeah?Well,you do know that money is the root of all evil,right?Q:What does
14、 the woman mean?2.ScriptW:Mary was furious.Her son wrecked up her car.M:He shouldn,t have driven a car without a drivers license.Hes s tilltaking driving lesson.Q:What do we know about Marys son?3.ScriptM:Susan,I hear youre going to marry that guy.Some people think youllregret it.W:Is that so?Only t
15、ime tell.Q:What does the woman imply?4.ScriptM:Mary,I just want to say how sorry I was to learn of your mothers passing.I know how close you two were?W:Thank you.It was so sudden.TM s till in a state of shock I dont knowwhat to do.Q:Which of following is true?5.ScriptW:I get furious at work when m y
16、 opinions arent considered just becauseIm a woman.M:You should air your view more emphatically and demand that your vicebe heard.Q:What is the woman complaining about?Keys:l.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.DIII.Listening InTask 1:Soft answers turn away wrath.Mary:Dam!Youre spilled red wine on me.M y new dress is ru
17、ined.John:r m terrible sorry!What can I do to help?Heres some water towash it off.Mary:Stop splashing water on me!Oh,this is so embarrassing!Im a mess.John:Well,you do look a little upset.Please dont blow up.Dont lose yourcool.Mary:H m m,youve got the nerve talking like that!W ho shouldnt fly offthe
18、 handle?This dress cost a fortune.John:You look really cute when youre mad.I kid you not.Some peopledo look attractive when they are in a rage.Mary:This is very expensive dress.I saved for months to buy it,and nowif s ruined.Look at this stain!John:Accidents do happen.Give me your dress,and Ill take
19、 it to thecleaners.Mary:Sure!You want me to take it off right here in public and give itto you?I dont even know you!John:This might be a really goof time to get acquainted.Im John Owen.Mary:M m m,at least youre polite.I guess I really shouldnt have flaredup.After all,it was an accident.Im Mary Harve
20、y.John:Come on.Ill take you home.You can change your clothes,and Illget the dress cleaned for you.Mary:Now youre talking.Thanks.Youre a real gentleman.John:Youd better believe it.Im glad to see that youve cooled down.Feel look a bite to eat afterward?Im starving.Mary:Ok.Youre pretty good.Im not near
21、ly as mad.If you can get thisstain out,DI be very happy.John:r i l try my best.But if I can,t get the stain out,please dont letyour happiness turn to wrath.1.Which of the following would be the2.W hy does the woman get angry?3.What does the man say to please the4.W hy does the woman say the man is a
22、best title for the dialog?woman when she looks angry?real gentleman?5.What is the mans final proposal?Keys:ID 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C1.What three factors make the woman angry?The man spilled red wine on her dress.Her dress was new and cost a fortune.2.What four steps does the man take to turn the womans fur
23、y into delight?first,he praises the woman,saying she looks cute and attractive.Then he offers to take thedress to the cleaners.Seeing the woman is not satisfied with that,he offers to take her home,where she can change her clothes,and then he will get the dress cleaned for her.Finally heinvites the
24、woman to dinner by saying,Feel like a bite to eat afterward?I*m starving.Task 2:Big John is coming!ScriptA bar owner in the Old West has just hired a timid bartender.This(SI)ownerof the establishment is giving his new hire some instructions on(S2)running the place.He tells the timid man,“If you ever
25、 hear that Big Johnis coming to town,(S3)drop everything and run for the hills!Hes thebiggest,nastiest(S4)outlaw whos ever lived!”A few weeks pass(S5)uneventfully.But one afternoon,a local cowhand comesrunning through town(S6)yelling,“Big John is coming!Run for your(S7)lives!”When the bartender leav
26、es the bar to start running,he is knocked to theground by several townspeople rushing out of town.(S8)As hes pickinghimself up,he sees a large man,almost seven feet tall.Hes muscular,and is growing as he approaches the bar.He steps up to the door,orders the poor barkeep inside,and demands,Iwant a be
27、er NOW!”He strikes his heavy fist on the bar,splitting it in half.(S9)The bartendernervously hands the big man a beer,hands shaking.He takes the beer,bitesthe top of the bottle off,and downs the beer in one gulp.As the terrified bartender hides behind the bar,the big man gets up to leave,“Do you wan
28、t another beer?the bartender asks in a trembling voice.“Dang it,I dont have time!”the big man yells,(S10)“I got to get outof town!Dont you hear Big John is coming?”Task3:A View of HappinessScriptDr.Smith has proposed a reasonable,if perhaps somewhat oversimplifies,viewof happiness.According to his t
29、heory,happiness might be described as astate if balance.And when human or certain animals achieve that balance,they rend to remain in that condition in order to repeat the happy feeling.To illustrate this,we may study two magnets.When their positive and negativepoles meet,they are comfortably joined
30、,and they remain there.In otherwords,they have attained a balance or state of happiness.If on the otherhand,one of the poles is reversed,and positive pole is presses againstpositive pole,there is resistance,instability,imbalance a state ofunhappiness.Animals with some degree of intelligence seem to
31、find happiness inreinforcement.Once they have gained one or more of their goals such asfood,and water,they learn to repeat the actions that led to satisfactionof those goals.This repetition or reinforcement produces a state of balanceor sense of happiness.According to this theory,only animals with a
32、 significant capacity tolearn should be able to experience happiness.But in truth learning cantake place through surprisingly simple short-term action such asscratching an itch,followed by pleasure,followed by more scratching,and so on.Thus learning can occur with almost no conscious thought.For hum
33、an beings,blessed with the ability to reason,goals are not limitedto the short-term satisfaction of needs.Indeed,there is a strong linkbetween happiness and the fulfillment of long-term goals.Even if humanstrive for goals that are more complex and longer-term than the animals5goals,once those goals
34、are gained,happiness is reinforced.1.W hy does the speaker mention“magnets”?2.According to the passage,what may animals do after they have got food?3.Which of the following is true according to the speaker?4.What does the speaker say is special about the goals of human beings?5.Which of the followin
35、g best captures the main idea of the passage?Keys:ID 2.C3.B 4.D 5.AHow are humans different from animals in reinforcing happiness?In the case of humans,there is a strong link between happiness and the fulfillment oflong-term goals.Even if humans strive for goals that are more complex and longer-term
36、 thanthe animals goals,once those goals are gained,happiness is reinforced.IV.Speaking OutMODEL 1 D ont l e t it get to y o u!Susan:You look so angry.What happened?Chris:Nothing Id rather not talk about it.Just dont ask.Susan:Come on.Relax.Talk to me.Chris:All right.This morning I took my car to the
37、 garage to check the airconditioner.They only gave it a quick look,refilled it with someFreon,and changed me 300bucks!Susan:No wonder youre livid.Id be mad too if someone ripped me offlike that.Chris:Yeah.And they were rude.They said I didnt know anything aboutcars,which I dont,but they didnt have t
38、o be blunt!Susan:Sounds like you got a raw deal!Chris:Whats worse,as I was leaving,I herd then saying,Dont trustthat guy.He looks broke.When I heard that,I almost hit the roof.Susan:Dont let it get to you.Better ignore them.Chris:I agree.I did manage to keep my cool.Susan:Well,the best thing you can
39、 do is to file a complaint with IheConsumer Protection Agency.Chris:sounds like a good idea.M0DEL2 Im too depressed.ScriptSusan:Chris,I hear youve been down in the dum ps,so T ve com e to cheeryou up.Chris:If s n ot gon g o work.Im too depressedSusan:Com e,on.T el l m e whats on your m in d.Chris:Ev
40、erythin g.My girl f rien d l ef t m e;m y dog ran away;m y wal l et wasstol en.Susan:Dorf t worry.Il l hel p you sol ve the biggest probl em:f in din g youa n ew girl f rien d.Chris:Forget it.An yway,Im gettin g bad grades,an d I was tol d that Idhave to repeat a l ot of courses n ext year.When I he
41、ard that,I al m ostl ost it.Susan:Look,rel ax,ril hel p you with those courses.Chris:Yeah,but I al so have three weeks l aun dry to do.,an d m y room isa pigsty.Susan:Forget it.Youre on your own.Chris:Com e,on.What are f rien ds f or?Susan:T o keep you in high spirits;n ot to do your l aun dry.MODEL
42、S You seem to be on top of the worl d.ScriptNora:Oh,hey,John!John:Hey!Nora:You seem to be on top of the worl d ton ight.Whaf s up?John:Im so happy Im aboul to burst.Guess what?Nora:Youve got m e.John:It m ight be true that m isf ortun es n ever com e sin gl y,but you canal so have a“doubl e bl essin
43、 g。An d thats what I had.Nora:You m ean youve had two happy even ts in your l if e?John:Exactl y.You kn ow,I was stron g in al l subjects except physics.NowIve f in al l y passed the test-the on e I n eeded to qual if y f or a Bachel ordegree.Nora:C o n g ratu latio n s!You,d fa ile d it th re e tim
44、 es.Now wondon y o ure beam ing.W hafsth e o th e r good news?John:The multinational I was dong my field project at offered me a job at a good staringsalary.Nora:W ow,wonderful,simple wonderful.John:I feel like celebrating.Shall we go to a bar?Nora:W hy not?Now Your TurnTask 1SAMPLE DIALOGA:You look
45、 furious.What happened?B:Nothing.Td rather not talk about it.Just dont ask.A:Come on.You shouldnt keep your feeling to yourself.You need to let offsome stream.So,talk tome.B:All right.This morning I went to a shop to buy a digital camera,Ionly need an ordinary one.It is enough for my tours in the su
46、mmer vacation.Buy they persuaded me to buy a professional camera,which cost three timesas much.A:But you were willing to buy for it.Anyway,it must work better.B:You see,I know next to nothing about photography.So they simply trickedme into buying an expensive one.A:No wonder youre livid with rage.Id
47、 be mad too if I were robbed likethat.What are you going to do?B:I already went back to them and asked to exchange it for a cheaper one.A:What did they say?B:Oh,they were rude.They insisted that they hadnt encouraged me to buya professional camera,and that I bought it myself.A:Sounds like you got a
48、raw deal!B:Whafs worse,as I was leaving,I heard they say,“That guy looks broke.He shouldnthave bought any camera.A:Dont let it get to you.Better ignore their rude remarks.B:I agree.I did manage to keep my cool.A:Well,the best thing you can do is to file a complaint with the ConsumerProtection Agency
49、.If they talk to the shop,maybe they will give youa refund.B:Sounds too good to be true.V.Lefs TalkScriptHello,everyone.Today I invite you to join me in an exploration off thecauses of depression.There ate many factors involved,but I believe somedeserve special attention.Heredity certainly plays a r
50、ole.The tendency to develop depression maybe inherited;there is evidence that this disorder may run in families.Physiology is another factor related to depression.There may be changesor imbalances in chemicals which transmit information in the brain calledneurotransmitters.Many modern antidepressant