1、Uint4 Taste the sweets and bitters offamily life I.Lead in Task 1:Extendedfamily;DINK family;Nuclear family;Singleparent family II.Basic Listening PracticeKeys:1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.DIII.Listening InTask 1 :Nuclear family livingpatterns Script:A nuclear family is typical inhighly-industrialized societie
2、s.Beginning in the early 20th century,thetwo-parent family known as thenuclear family was the predominantAmerican family type.Generally children live with their parentsuntil they go away to a college oruniversity,or until they find jobs andacquire an apartment or home oftheir own.In the early mid-20
3、th century,the fatherwas typically the sole wage-earner,and the mother was the childrens principalcaregiver.Today,often both parents hold jobs.Dual-earner families are thepredominant type for families with childrenin the United States.Increasingly,one of the parents has anon-standard shift,that is,a
4、 shiftthat does not start in the morning and endin the late afternoon.In these families,one of the parents manages the childrenwhile the otherworks.Prior to school,adequate day care ofchildren is necessary for dual-earnerfamilies.In recent years,many privatecompanies and home-based daycare centers h
5、ave sprung up to fulfill thisneed.Increasingly,companies are gettinginvolved in the arrangement of day care.Governments are providing assistance toparents that require day care aswell.Keys:(1)typical(2)known(3)Generally(4)find(5)apartment(6)sole(7)principal(8)Dual-earner families arethe predominant
6、type for families withchildren in the United States(9)adequateday care of children is necessary fordual-earner families(10)companies aregetting involved in the arrangement of daycareTask 2:Fatherhood in AustraliaScript:Can it be true that Australian menspend more time during the weekbrushing their t
7、eeth than they do alonewith their children?A new study from the University of NewSouth Wales has discovered thatduring the working week,Australianfathers only spend an average ofjust over a minute each day alone withtheir children.Australian mothers,on theother hand,spend three hours a weekpurelyloo
8、king after their children-a muchgreater disparity than in other countrieslike America,Denmark,Italy,and France,where couples divide thechildcare more evenly.These findings willprobably infuriate those who want to shakeoff theperhaps unfair image of Australia as a landof old-fashioned malechauvinism.
9、According to the study,Australian fathers appear to like the funaspects ofparenthood,but shy away from the boringhousework.So while they tend tobe happy taking the kids to the park or tosporting events,they are unlikely toparticipate regularly in feeding,bathing,ortaking the kids to school.In short,
10、Australian parenting is seen as a womansjob and a mans hobby.Many people believe that the last 20 yearshave seen the arrival of the so-calledew man-th e man who is willing to sharethe housework andchildcare.The new man has a picture of hischildren on his computer desktop at work;he never misses the
11、kids school plays,andhe skips a drink at the bar afterwork so that he can get home in time to readbedtime story to their kids.This studysuggests that the new man feels a littlemore at home inEurope than in Australia.Indeed,a pollconducted in the U.K.for the think tank theFatherhoodInstitute in Janua
12、ry indicates that almost70 percent of British women thinkthat men are as good at raising children aswomen.Thats something for Australianmen to ponder while they brush their teeth!Keys:1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.ATask3:Views on filial piety see changeScript:With fast economic development inHong Kong,young peo
13、ple are lesslikely to cherish the traditional notion offilial piety.Instead,they are graduallytaking a new approach to a welfaresociety,according to a three-year surveyconducted by the City University of HongKong.As many as 85 percent of therespondents expect the government totakeup the responsibili
14、ty for supporting theelderly,and 77 percent agree withthe idea that the burden should fall onsociety as a whole rather than onindividual families.Researcher RichardWong,who took charge of the study,is sadabout theeroding of traditional family bonds.He said that while most people still respecttheir p
15、arents and grandparents,they tend to equate economic assistancewith love.When asked about how theywould show their love for their old parents,many simply said they would send them toold peoples homes.Others said they would give money,andonly two percent of therespondents said they would be ready tot
16、ake care of the psychologicalhealth of their parents.According to thestudy,middle-aged people who havechildren of theirown take their filial duties more seriously.Also,married women know better thanmen the need for this kind ofloving care.Researcher Wong questionedthe wisdom of adopting the new conc
17、ept ofgovernment welfare.He said,A welfare society is founded onhigh tax rates,but here inHong Kong the personal tax rate is only 15percent.涔?惯?流?破数玻散膜癖妨浮滂?潴典歉?惯敲漠?污?椁?汶默汲?He furtherpointed out that even when a socialsecurity network cansupport all senior citizens,it cannotreplace the love that only
18、 familymembers can give.Keys:1.A 2.A 3.A 4.D5.C IV.Speaking Out MODEL1 MODEL2MODELS V.Let?sTalk Task 1 :When Iknew my parents split up Keys:(1)cry(2)relief(3)strong(4)understanding(5)angry(6)left wondering(8)five(9)sad(10)stress(11)friends(12)helps(13)Christmas(14)cousins(15)presentsTask 2:Whats you
19、r answer?She felt itwas very traumatizing,but in other ways itwas a relief to just talkabout it.She makes drawings when shefeels sad.She feels that it*s like a wave ofcalmness just washes over her.It relievesa lot of stress.She talks to herfriends or invites them for a sleepover.They do lots of sill
20、y and fun thingstogether.Task 3:Lets group work!VI.Further Listening and Speaking ListeningTask:Taskl:Reasons for a divorce Keys:(1)divorce her husband(2)irresponsible(3)changing jobs(4)stability(5)bills(6)poverty line(7)apartment(8)yellsat(9)calls him names(10)halfTask 2:Thick cloud of pollution co
21、veringsouthern AsiaScript Question:Hi,I have been divorcedfor eight years.My ex sees our child Mariaon a regular basis.She is eight and in thesecond grade.My ex has a wife that is 20.My ex and his wife go to the school almostevery day to see our daughter.Ourdaughter has failed the second grade andno
22、w has to repeat it.I have seen hergrades plummet since those two startedshowing up atschool.They are both very controlling and verballyabusive to me and to ourdaughter.Tm concerned about this.Heforced my daughter to call his wife mommy.I am really tired of their unkind visits.Idont know what to do.I
23、f you have anyadvice to give me,I would be grateful.Thanks.Answer(by a woman psychiatrist):Hi,Diana.Its obvious to me that yourdaughter is having problems withthe visits.I would suggest having a frankconversation with your daughter to seewhat she feels the problems are.If she says it is all these pr
24、oblems as youhave stated above,I would tryto talk to your ex about her problems.Illtry to stick to what your daughter feels tobe the problems and hope hewill help your daughter do better at school.If he is not responsive,then Ill take yourdaughter for counseling to help her.You cant make others do t
25、hings that areright for your child,not even thefather,so spend your energy on things youcan control like counseling foryour daughter.Also,you should spendquality time with her and allow her to ventherfeelings on you,and let her know you arealways there for her no matterwhat happens.Try to keep her s
26、elf-esteemhigh.When a child fails a grade,they willfeel bad.Good Luck!Keys:1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D5.C Task3:A man who remarried Script Ifyou want me to tell you why I remarried,heres my story.Remarriage was the lastword Id consider for two years after mydivorce.I had heard about the high rate ofremarriage f
27、ailures.More importantly,Iwondered how remarriage would affect my10-year-oldson,John.My heart ached when I saw my son draw apicture of himself,my ex-wife and meholding handswith sadness on our faces.Since my parents have married anddivorced eight times altogether,Ihoped my son would not have to goth
28、rough the same pain I experienced.As a result,my primary focus after thedivorce was my relationship withJohn,not finding a wife.As time went by,my son gradually grew up,and he becameconscious ofmy loneliness and anxiety.One day heasked me to consider dating.The first timehe said this,I ignored him.T
29、he secondtime he brought it up,I reconsidered my reservations aboutdating.I began to date Maria.As our relationship developed over thefollowing year,I was concernedabout how my son would actually respondto her.At first,Johns affection for Mariawas lukewarm.For instance,he wouldhug her,but the act se
30、emed mechanical.But after several months,hewarmed up to her.Seeing the time wasripe,I asked Maria to marry me.Sheaccepted.So thetwo of us blended smoothly into the threeof us.Thinking back,I believe my remarriagewas the right choice.Some single parentsare still hesitating about remarriage.Nowthatyou
31、ve heard my story,I hope youwont hesitate and let golden opportunitiesslip through your fingers.Keys:(1)thelast word(2)remarriage(3)picture(4)eight times(5)wife(6)dating(7)loneliness and anxiety(8)second(9)response to her(10)lukewarm(11)warmed up(12)accepted(13)ripe(14)blended into(15)rightViewing a
32、nd speaking:Task1 :Mother-daughter relationship Script Ilove all the children,theyve all gotfantastic personalities.Lovely children,butthe one thats the most like me is SarahLucy.I can,I can.she does things like Ido,she says things I say.Um,and I thinkthats why sometimes we have our clashesbecause w
33、eare so similar.Shes very,very much likeme.Me and Sarah Lucy have very.bothhave very strong personalities,sowe clash quite a bit.When Sarah Lucycant have her own way,she struts off,slams the door,stamps up the stairs.憎澡械整擦灸敲猫漫?潦?敬窠?瘠彷?蜚教汴?棒?沓?悭?勘阶?环氧步??楷捻IX Andthen,um,Ill say to her,Stay in your roo
34、mtill you feel better.探:突石慈峻映妓?敢毂彷?诲?溷散愠擎玻污?潴浑?掩峻?莹鹰Um,soshell stay in her room for a few minutesand then shell come back润溶愠擎独敌?污?勘?涯皴牯禳浑滞爆And then if l*ve upset Sarah Lucy,Illapologize if I think Im in the wrong.Andthen well have a discussion or a debateabout it.Theres certain aspects aboutSarah Lu
35、cys behavior,um,its learnedbehavior because children live what theylearn,and so therere some traitsthat shes got and I think,Oh theyrebeautiful,theyYe lovely,I love them.相?椁妨?犯?哪敢?浸微愠擎?玻柏旋?作?椁祥?敲渠3 8防典?滔挚爆For example,herstrutting off and slamming the door.But,um,confession:She gets it off me.Shegets
36、 it off mum.Um,and shell say to me,You havent got a lot of慰桶漆散避 and shes telling the truth.Andso I have to say to her,What do you think?酒泠?润玻?愁敷玻慨?敢毂彷尿And then shell sit me down and shell say,You have to listen more,you慨嗽典?敬牡?潴氟猿整?So,I try.I do.When we have this conversation,I do listenmore,and I do
37、 try.Dont always get it right,but I do try.WhenIm feeling angry,um,if the other childrenare around,when one ofthem sees me upset,they dont like to seeme upset,so one of them w川洞敬玻?敬愠擎彳典紫?Is it time for somemedicine?And their medicine is they giveme a big cuddle.So we have a cuddle,ahug,and that is f
38、antastic medicinebecause it does make you feel better.Andthafs what works for us.Keys:(1)Lovely(2)similar(3)room(4)apologize(5)children(6)patience(7)listen(8)angry(9)medicine(10)fantastic Task 2:Talk afterviewing Unit 4 test Part I Keys:1.D 2.A3.D 4.C 5.C Part II(1)at(2)wheel(3)tone(4)expression(5)Honey(6)divorce(7)speed(8)I dont want you to try to talk me out ofit because I dont love youany more(9)I want the bank accounts,and all thecredit cards,too(10)No,Ive goteverything I need Part III 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D5.A Part IV 1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.A8.B9.C 10.D