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1、Handouts and Key to book4 unitl-4U iit 1Active reading(X)Looking for a job after university?First,get off the sofaBackground informationThis is an article by an Education Correspondent,Alexandra Blair,published inSeptember 2008 in The Times,a long-established British quality newspaper.In Europe gene

2、rally,and inBritain in particular,for a number of years there has been a rising numberof students who go to universityand therefore more new graduates seeking employment.However,for manygraduates finding a job becameharder in 2008-2009 because the economic downturn-then a recession-meant that many e

3、mployers werereducing their workforce.After theirfinal exams,some students rested in the summer before looking for jobsand then they found that it was difficult to find employment in their fieldor at the level they wanted.Thearticle addresses the problems of such new graduates who might be stuckat h

4、ome and advises their parentsto be there for their children(ie to be available if their children wantto talk about the problem or if theyneed help).The article recommends finding work in a bar or supermarketrather than sitting unemployedat home since this is more likely to lead to better employment

5、later.Thestyle is partly of a report,but alsoof a humorous comment for light entertainment(seen in the jokey languageand problem-solving advice toparents).Why finding a job in 2008 is so difficult for university graduates?Universities in Europe,particularly in Britain,have expanded greatlyin the las

6、t fifteen years(over 45%ofyoung adults now go on to higher education),so there are more graduateslooking for jobs.This competitivesituation became a lot worse in 2008 onwards with the credit crunch andeconomic depression,which meantthat there were fewer jobs available and a rise in unemployment.Thus

7、 newgraduates have to be activeto seek a job,they need to fill in many application forms and try to getjob interviews:they won,t findemployment by lying on the sofa at home.Cuiture pointsTraditionally,in the British university system,BA andBSc honours degrees are awardedin different categories:a fir

8、st class degree(written using Roman numbersas I),a second(divided into twosubcategories,written as Ilii and Ilii,which are called“a two one”and“a two two”),a third(written III)anda pass degree.Most people get a second.There are also ordinary degreeswith more general courses of studywithout these cat

9、egories.The main idea here is that there is a successionof different generations orcohorts of adults who come into the workforce in North America which aregiven different informal namesto characterize them.First,“Baby boomersv were born in the greatincrease(the boom)of births after WorldWar II(1946-

10、I960),followed by Generation X”people(born 1960-1980)who were said to bring newattitudes of being independent,informal,entrepreneurial,and expectedto get skills and have a career beforethem.uGenerationYv or the uMillenial Generationv(born 1980s and1990s and becoming adult in the newmillenium)are now

11、 making up an increasing percentage of the workforce;they are said to be spoilt by dotingparents,to have structured lives,to be used to teamwork and diversepeople in a multicultural society.Inthe passage,this generation is now becoming(morphing into)GenerationGrunt,which is an ironic namereferring t

12、o repetitive,low status,routine or mindless work-this maybe the only work available to somegraduates,who may have to take very ordinary jobs to get experience beforethey find something moresuitable.Grunt”also refers to coarse behaviour or bad manners andto the deep sound that is made by a pig;when p

13、eople“grunt”they express disgust but do not communicate withwords-this may be how the parentsof new graduates think their children communicate with them!A refers to a British type of secondary school which becamepopular in thel960s.Before thatthere were academic grammar schools”and more general“seco

14、ndarymodern,schools for those who didnot pass the grammar school entrance tests,but the comprehensive schoolswere designed for all students ina social philosophy of bringing diverse students together whether theywere academic or not.Those studentswho went to a comprehensive school probably felt that

15、 had to studyparticularly hard(I worked my backsideoff)to get to university,compared to those who went to grammar schoolswhere all students were academic-comprehensive students felt they hadto struggle to get to university.This refers to a large yellow costume that someone wears whichmakes the perso

16、n look like agiant chicken.Before he became a famous actor,Brad Pitt once dressedin such a costume when he had a jobadvertising for a restaurant called El Polio Loco(The Crazy Chickenin Spanish)-the job meant that he hadto walk around the streets like a chicken to attract customers to cometo the res

17、taurant.Language points1 Those memories of forking out thousands of pounds a year so that he could eatwell and go to theodd party,began to fade.Until now.(Para 1)The parents paid a lot of money for their son s university fees and livingexpenses(so that he could eatwell)and for occasional social even

18、ts-at graduation these memoriesof money were mostly forgottenbecause the parents were proud.But now the parents are thinking of moneyagain because the son doesn,thave a job and doesn,t seem to be actively seeking one.2 This former scion of Generation Y has morphed overnight into a member ofGeneratio

19、n Grunt.(Para 2)The distinguished son of Generation X(of the parents?generation whoworked hard,got jobs,and hadgood careers and expected their son to do the same)has changed into amember of Generation Grunt-hedoesn,t seem to communicate much,lies around and doesn,t get a job(orcan only do a low stat

20、us routingjob).3 I passed the exams,but at the interviews they accused me of being 4toodetached9 and talking inlanguage that was 4too technocratic which I didnt think possible,but obviouslyit is.(Para 5)He passed the entrance exams for a government post,but he was criticizedin the selection intervie

21、ws:They said he was detached(not personally involved)and too technocratic(he used the language of atechnical expert or high authority).As a new graduate he probably wantedto show his expertise in hislanguage so he can,t understand this criticism.4 For the rest it is 9-to-5 chilling before heading to

22、 the pub.(Para 6)The others who do not have a routine low status job(like stacking goodson a supermarket shelf)chill outall day(they spend their time casually relaxing-they don t look forwork)and go to pub for a drink in theevening.5 I went to a comprehensive and I worked my backside off to go to a

23、gooduniversity.(Para 6)He went to a school for students of all abilities(not to a special schoolfor academic students)and so hehad to work very hard to enter a good university:Your means yourbottom-the part of yourbody that you sit on-to is informal and it meansyou work very hard indeed.6.but having

24、 worked full-time since leaving school herself,she and herhusband find it tricky toadvise him on how to proceed.(Para 7)The mother has always had a full-time job(presumably the father is alsoworking full-time),so she doesnot have relevant personal experience.For her,it is tricky to give advice(diffi

25、cult to do).7 Carry on life as normal and dont allow them to abuse your bank account orsap your reserve ofemotional energy.(Para 11)The advice from Gael Lindenfield here is that parents should live as usual.They should neither let theirchildren spend the parents moneyunnecessarily,nor let the proble

26、m take away all their energy andemotions.Sap their means use up their store of emotional energy.8 After that the son or daughter needs to be nudged firmly back into the saddle.(Para 12)Then the parents should gently push their children firmly so that theyget back into control of their lives.Reading

27、and understanding2 Choose the best answer to the questions.Teaching tipsGo over the correct answers with Ss and ask them to explain why the otheranswers are wrong(Seebelow).1 Why hasn t Jack Goodwin got a job yet?(a)He doesn,t have a very good degree.(No,he has a 2:I which is considered a good degre

28、e.)(b)He refuses to apply for jobs with low salaries.(He feels he should get a better job after studying at university.)(c)It isn,t easy to get a job in the current financial climate.(This may be true but the passage does not mention this.)(d)He prefers to stay at home and help his family.(No,he doe

29、sn*t seem to be helping his family:he watches T V and talksto friends.)2 H ow does he spend a typical day?(a)Doing a temporary job.(No,some of his friends are working in temporary jobs but he doesn twant to do this.)(b)Watching television.(He watches T V a lot,)(c)Queuing up in the university career

30、s service.(No,he went there once but he dicin t want to queue so he walked away.)(d)Preparing for the next job interview.(No,he doesn,t seem to be preparing for interviews.)3 H ow do most of his friends spend the day?(a)They do nothing all day and go to the pub in the evening.(Al 1 except one of the

31、m do nothing except chi 11,then they go to the pub.)(b)They do outdoor activities such as sailing.(No,none of them seem to do outdoor activities;there is no mention ofsailing.)(c)They are forced to work by their parents.(No,only one of them has been forced out to stack shelves by his parents;the oth

32、ers seem to be 1 ikeJack.)(d)They do part-time jobs such as working in a bar.(No,the text mentions bar work but none of Jack,s friends seem to dothis work.)4 H ow are Jack s parents helping him?(a)By looking for jobs for him.(No,Jack has tried to get a job himself;there*s nothing here about hisparen

33、ts helping him look for ajob.)(b)By paying for a trip to South America.(No,although he is going on a three-week trip to South America,thepassage does not say thatJack*s parents have paid for this.)(c)By gradually making him more financially aware.(The passage does not say so explicitly,but this is t

34、he implication aboutthe cut-off point after thetrip when he may be expected to pay rent and contribute to the householdb ills.)(d)By threatening to throw him out of the house.(No,they haven*t threatened to do this,but they definitely want himto work after he gets back fromhis trip.)5 What does Gael

35、L indenfield say about Jack,s parents?(a)They have not really understood Jack s problems.(N o,she doesn t say this;she says they must balance being posit ive withnot making life toocomfortable.This doesn t mean they haven1 I understood Jack*sproblems.)(b)They have made life too comfortable for Jack.

36、(N o,she says they must balance comfort with being positive.This doesn*tnecessarily mean that theyhave already made life too comfortable for Jack.)(c)The approach they have chosen is the right one.(She says they have struck exactly the right note.)(d)They need help from a psychologist.(N o,she doesn

37、*t say this.)6 What do Whoopi Goldberg,Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt have in common?(a)They all did bar work before going to university.(N o,we don t know from the passage i f any of them did this.)(b)They took part in protests against nuclear power plants.(N o,we don*t know is any of them did this)(c)

38、They learnt to act by dressing up as giant chickens.(N o,only Brad Pitt did this.)(d)They all did temporary jobs at one stage in their lives.(This is right,although they all had completely different temporaryjobs.)Dealing with unfamiliar words3 Mtch the words in the box with their def ini tiona1 to

39、make progress by moving to the next stage in a series of actions orevents2 the process of changing from one situation,form or state to another(transition)3 not feeling involved with someone or something in a close or emotionalway4 referring to something which will happen soon5 to be sitting still in

40、 a position that is not upright6 to return to a previous state or way of behaving7 to say what happened4 Carplete the paragraph with the correct foim of the words in ActivityaIt isn t easy to make the(1)from a busy university studentto an unemployed young adult(2)on a bar stool or half watching a mi

41、ndless television show,wondering if and how their careeris going to(3).Many people who have experienced a long periodof i na c ti vi ty li k e th i s,wh e n(4)h ow th e y f e lt a t th e ti me,re f e r to th e sa me stra ngepsyc h ologi c a l e f f e c t.A s th e d a ys pa ss,th e y b e gi n to f e

42、e l(5)f rom a ny se nse of pre ssure to go a nd lookf or a job,a nd te nd to re ga rd(6)i nte rvi e ws a s i f th e y we re not ve ry i mporta nt.T ypi c a lly,b a c k a t h ome a f te r th re e or f ourye a rs a wa y,th e y(7)to old h a b i ts,sta rt se e i ng old f ri e nd s,a nd,i n ma ny c a se

43、s,b e c ome d e pe nd e nta ga i n on th e i r pa re nts.5 Replace the underl ined words with the correct form of the words in thebox You may need to makeother changes.1 I we nt to a mi xe d-a b i li ty se c ond a ry sc h ool just outsi d e Lond on,(c ompre h e nsi ve)2 I got stoppe d b y a poli c e

44、 ma n wh o a sk e d to se e my d ri vi ng li c e nc e.3 Ha ve you se e n th i s b e a uti f ul f rom th e a i r vi e w of Oxf ord?4 Isa b e l ti gh tly h e r b a g a s sh e wa lk e d d own th e c orri d or towa rd s th e of f i c e,(c lutc h e d)5 You sh ould spe a k to T ob y;h e s a n supporte r o

45、f f le xi b le work i ng h ours,(a d voc a te)6 I h urt my le g b a d ly a c ouple of month s a go,a nd i t sti ll h a sn,t gotb e tte r c omple te ly.6 Answer the questions about the words1 Is a dead-end job one wi th (a)e xc i ti ng prospe c ts,or?2 Is a tricky prob le m,or(b)e a sy to solve?3 If

46、a n a c ti vi ty saps a ll your e ne rgy,d o you f e e l,or(b)morea c ti ve th a n usua l?4 Doe s a pushy pe rson try to,or(b)h e lp you b yli ste ni ng to wh a t you h a ve to sa y?5 If you f e e l apathy d o you wa nt to(a)c h a nge th e world,orl i oni o d o nol I)i h i?7 Answer the questions abo

47、ut the phrasea1 Is fork out(a)a f orma l,orsome th!?2 If you a re in the same boat a s a noth e r pe rson,a re you(a)ma k i ng th e sa mejourne y toge th e r,orth e sa me d i f f i c ult or unple a sa nt si tua ti on?3 If you f e e l you h a ve come full circle d o you匚 s,or(b)f e e l a se nseof sa

48、ti sf a c ti on b e c a use you h a ve c omple te d some th i ng?4 If some one takes a soft line,d o th e y d e a l wi th a pe rson,or(b)i n ala zy wa y wi th out ma k i ng a d e c i si on?5 If you strike the right note a b out some th i ng,a re you e xpre ssi ng yourse lf,or(b)b a d ly?6 If you d o

49、 some th i ng by all means,d o you,or(b)not c a re a b out i t?7 If you nudge someone back into the saddle a re you e nc oura gi ng th e m to,or(b)ta k e i t e a sy?8 If you talk through a prob le m wi th some one,d o youHIIC,or(b)re f e rto i t qui c k ly a nd th e n c h a nge th e sub je c t?R e a

50、 d i ng a nd i nte rpre ti ng8 A nswe r th e que sti on&1 W i ll h e e ve r ge t a job?”W h o i s a sk i ng th i s que sti on?W h a t mood d oe si t e xpre ss?T h e pa re nts c i re ti sk i ng th i s b e c a use th e pa ra gra ph i s a d d re sse d to pa re nts(e a rli e r i t sa ys uyour gra d ua t


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