1、Reading for Writing:write about what makes a great scientistn By the end of this period,you will be able to1.learn about the two great scientists lives,characters and achievements;2.grasp and use some words and phrases describing the qualities of great scientists;3.write a composition about a famous
2、 scientist.22Read the two passages and answer the following questions.1.Why was Qian called the father of Chinas aerospace?2.How was Hawkings own theory proven correct?3.Can you find out the events and achievements in time order?4.Can you summarize the personalities of Qian Xuesen and Hawking?How mu
3、ch do you know about the two scientists?钱学森(1911-2009),享誉海内外 的杰出科学家,我国导弹、原子弹和人 造卫星研究领域的开拓者,航天科学的奠基人。1991年国务院、中央军委授予他“国家杰出贡献科学家”荣誉称号和“一级英雄模范奖章”,以表彰他对我国科技事业作出的杰出贡献。1999年中共中央、国务院、中央军委作出决定,授予钱学森“两弹一星功勋奖章”。史蒂芬霍金 Stephen Hawking(1942-2018),英国著名物理学家、宇宙学家、数学家。生前曾在英国剑桥大学担任卢卡斯数学教授(国际数学领域极具声望的教授职衔),被认为是继爱因斯坦之后最杰出的理论物理学家之一。1963年,21岁的霍金被诊断患有肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症,即运动神经细胞病,从此,霍金便不断与疾病斗争、挑战自我、奉献社会,是人类身残志坚的典范。他著有时间简史(A Brief History of Time)等著作,对宇宙黑洞有独到的见地和研究。The text is mainly about _.the brief introduction of Qian Xuesen andStephen Hawking.2