1、BEC中级口语考试BEC 口语考试分为三部分。第一部分是考生与考官的交流,着重于个人情况、学习工作、兴趣爱好。这一部分必须充分准备,但难度不会超过普通的工作面试,且一般不会涉及商务知识。主要的难点在于第二、第三部分。第二部分让考生就某一商务主题发表一分钟的演讲,而第三部分中,两位考生就某个商务主题进行讨论。这两个部分要求较高,第二部分的准备时间仅为一分钟。第三部分为三十秒。针 对BEC 口语出题范围,可将其细分为多个出题领域:职业发展、人事、营销、商务交流、信息管理、物流、金融、公司发展、项目管理、质量控制、竞争、健康安全、战略策划、生产管理、国际商务、交通、商业文化与伦理等,各个击破。对于每
2、个领域内的经典题型,必须对大量范文作详细分析,总结最常用的话题与理由,体会不同场合变换说法的重要性,克服考生中普遍的理解考题却无话可说的尴尬。BEC 口语考试决不能临阵磨枪,口语是在平时的反复练习中逐渐提高的,想口语考试取得好成绩,考前必须找一个同伴,一同练习口语。这样可以互相指出缺点,共同提高,事半功倍。在同伴面前试讲,还能克服心理紧张,提高考试时的自信。练习时,必须把流利度放在语法之上,不要因为有语法错误而不敢讲。对于口语来说,流畅地传达想法是第一位的。语法或句型的不足可在实践中逐渐纠正。另外,考试时不能过分依赖同伴,每个考生必须有主动性和独立性。有时,同伴的提示和帮助是有用的,但每个人都
3、应在谈话中力争占主导地位,迅速积极地回答问题。此外,还要多下功夫背诵一些比较实用的口语化的句子,定期做点口试模拟试题,这些试题可以从网上收集,也可去书店购买。使用更自然更地道的口语。语言的丰富化与口语化不是一日之功,但也要总结规律。比如,用一些语气词如“well,right?”等和反义疑问句可以使语言较为自然。一些口语化的词组如“icing on the cake,selllike hotcakesy ballyhoo,shelf sitter”等也可以给会话增色。当然粗俗的俚语在商务会话中是不允许的。另外,书 面 用 语 如nevertheless,furthermore,inadditio
4、ny utmost”等非但不会让考官欣赏,反而显得做作、不自然。正所谓“过犹不及”,要做到恰到好处,必须对词汇和短语的色彩有精确体会。必须指出的是,口语化不等于散漫化。BEC 口语的目的还是为商务主题服务的,所以决不能沦为聊天式的极其随便的对话。要学会运用会话模式,如开题质询观点扩展型2对 话,并 掌 握 有 效 的 相 关 口 语 技 巧,如Echo,Objection,Proposition,Development,Hypothesis,Definition,Interrogation,Repetition 等。关键在于应做到“casual without losing focus”,即“
5、外松内紧”。要注重积累商务案例。对于任一题目,只说一大堆理由,是很难得高分的,即使理由本身非常正确。关键在于必须有活生生的例子说明问题。这一点上,临时抱佛脚是没有用的,务必平时注意收集并在会话中运用恰当的例子。重视口试中非语言因素的作用。在BEC 口试中,非语言因素也起着很大作用。有的考生平时英语口语还是很过硬的,可在口试中分数并不高,为什么会出现这种情况呢?首先,考生面对考官时太紧张了,不能正常发挥。其次,考生以为口语考试就是看发音,语音语调正确,说话流利,口语分就会很高。其实不然。口试时考生要面对考官,给考官留下第一印象的是考生着装是否大方得体,干净整洁。一般来讲,适度的自我包装可以使考生
6、更加自信。因此有条件的男生可以穿上商务西服,打上领带;女生可以穿上职业套装,化淡妆。这样也会使考生很快进入角色并给考官留下良好的第一印象。结语:BEC是取证考试。BEC 口试是对考生语3法、词汇、语篇、语音、语调、商务知识、跨文化交际能力的综合性测试,因 此 BEC 口试的前期准备工作是至关重要的。考生需要熟悉口试内容形式,有针对性地掌握各知识点并加以训练。口试时,考生需克服紧张心理,做到游刃有余。相信以上备考技巧会有助于考生顺利通过测试并拿到证书。1.Be well prepared.做好充分准备是成功的基本保障,这包括对考试风格,模式,题型和最新动态的熟悉,更包括大量的、有针对性的口语练习
7、。但必须指出一点,准备的过程不应是背诵的过程。很多考生对自己在面试中的表现感 觉良好,最终却对自己出乎意料的低分大吃一惊,百思不得其解,其实原因很简单:考官对考生背诵事先准备好的答案很反感,尤其当他/她听到同一种答案被很多考生重复使用时,那种令人作呕的感觉可想而知 o 在考官看来,Using a prepared answer is similar tocheating!所以给准备BEC考试的考生一个忠告:Over prepared is often as harmful as under prepared.2.Have an easy but concentrated state of mi
8、nd.心态对于任何事的成功都是至关重要的,语言测试,尤其是一对一的口语测试更是如此。良好的心态4可以使人超水平发挥;糟糕的心态却可以让人遭遇滑铁卢。在以往的BEC考试中,相当数量的考生是因为心态不好,主要是过度紧张导致失利的。应该说适度的紧张还是有益的。我们应该充分重视BEC 口语考试,但没有理由惧怕它。调整心态,放松心情的几种方法:1)尽量把参加BEC面试想象成拜访一个朋友,而那个朋友有一些问题不明白,需要向我请教。2)面试前一晚一定要睡个好觉,考前一餐不要吃得太饱,当然也不能空腹。3)进入面试房间前做几次深呼吸,然后告诉自己:既然我知道自己英语说得不错,别人也应该知道。4)把对方想象成考生
9、,把自己想象成考官,当然该回答的问题还是要认真回答。5)如果知道自己的英语口语不太好就更没必要紧张了,紧张又不能帮我提高成绩,不如彻底放松,奋力一搏,说不定就能达到柳暗花明的效果。3.Focus on your English instead of your ideas.考官在考察我们的英文而不是我们的思想,没有必要为了一个我认为“闪光”的思想强迫自己说那些5说不清的英文句子,重要的是把我有把握的英文说清楚。考官基本上不会在乎我们的观点,而是根据我们的英文打分的,况且我认为很精彩的一个观点很可能其他人已经重复过多次。一个蹩脚的复杂句并不比简明流畅的短句给考官的印象更好。在口语表达中我是主动的,
10、没有人强迫我说什么。不会说的词就换另一个词;没有把握的句型就换另一个句子;讲不清的观点可以马上用另一种观点,甚至违心地说几句话也无妨,为了拿到分数豁出去了。记住:虽然语言只是表达思想的载体,但那是在生活中。在语言测试中,尤其是当我们的语言手段不足以表达我们复杂的思想时,一定要让思想服从于语言,只讲能讲得清的观点。4.Use your common sense.很多考生分丢得实在冤枉,当被问到一些常识性问题时,我们往往因为缺乏常识或不会利用常识而轻易放弃机会,白白丢分。要知道十几分钟的面试转瞬即逝,放弃一个问题可能就意味着分数降一个档次。有些问题被考生放弃并不是因为语言问题,而是他们认为对这个话
11、题没有id ea,不知道该说什么。例如被问到家乡最有趣的方面是什么时,很多考生吞吞吐吐6说不出来,或者干脆说没什么有趣的。其实这是一个非常简单的问题,只要有一点常识就不难想到有太多话题可讲:自然风光、名胜古迹、地方风俗、历史、地 理、风土人情、节日庆典、饮食习惯、教育制度、天气情况等等都可以成为谈论的话题。任何时候都不要放弃任何问题。Saying something is better thansaying nothing!5.Be calm in mind and active in attitude.回答问题时要沉着,冷静,思路清晰,同时表现出主动参与、喜欢交谈的态度。首先要保证听懂问题再
12、回答,不要听到之言片语就慌忙回答,随后发现误解了考官的问题或答非所问;更不要没听懂考官的问题就沉默不语。如果真没听懂也不要慌,可以先根据此时的谈话背景迅速寻找线索,把自己的猜测大胆讲出来,待对方证实后继续回答。例如:Q:Whats your line of business?A:Excuse me,are you asking me to talk aboutmy job?假如连一点猜测的线索都没有,坦白的告诉考官你没有听懂比不懂装懂,答非所问更能表现出考生喜欢参与的坦诚态度和善于交谈的应变能力。有必要经常提7醒自己:The BEC interview does NOT focus on yo
13、uracademic English.It focuses on your SURVIVALEnglish.评分标准两位考官都给考生评分,评分官运用详细的评分标准给分,与考生谈话的考官参考评分标准给出总分,考生彼此之间互不影响。现将评分标准进一步描述如下:1.语法和词汇指的是对语法和词汇形式恰当运用的范围和准确性。BEC中级测试需要一定程度的语法和词汇量。这一水平的考生应该相当准确地使用足够的适当词汇来表达自己的意图。2.话语组织指每位考生个人谈话是否连贯,长度是否合适,是否切题。话语应足以符合BEC中级水平的要求。3.发音指考生发出让人能够理解的声音的能力。BEC中级水平要求考生通过恰当使用
14、重读、节奏、语调和清楚的单个发音来表达意思。4.互动式交流8指考生在谈话的过程中积极参与的能力。在 BEC 中级考试中,考生应该对轮流说话反应灵敏,并通过恰当地提问和回答使谈话能持续进行。5.综合成绩等级指考生参加口试的总成绩。整个口语测试都在对考生的语言技巧进行评价。为了能公平、准确地对每位考生的成绩进行评分,必须让考官有足够的语言样本来评估。因此,考生必须准备充分地回答考官或其他考生的问题,说话清楚、让人听得见。考官有责任在必要时控制或指导交谈,以确保每位考生都有均等的机会说话,考生也有责任尽可能保持交谈的持续进行。考生均等地轮流谈话可以最有效地利用可以使用的时间。Part OnePhas
15、e II:Good morning/afternoon.Im.and this is mycolleague.S/hes just going to listen to us.Could Ihave your mark sheets,please?(To A)Whafs yourname?Where are you from?A:回答I:Thank you.(To B)And you?B:回答I:Thanks.Do you work or are you a student,B?B:9回答I:(What do you do?What do you study?)B:回答I:What about
16、 you,A?(What do you do?What doyou study?)A:回答I:What do you like most about your job/studies,A?A:回答I:(Why?)A:回答I:What about you,B?B:回答Phase II1I:A,which specific skills will you need most in yourcareer?(Why?)A:回答I:How about you,B?(Why?)B:回答I:B,what qualities does a good employee need tohave?(Why?)B:回
17、答I:What do you think,A?A:回答I:A,to what extent is it possible to train people ininterpersonal skills?(Why/Why not?)A:回答I:B,which special qualities do you think managersneed to have?(Why?)B:回答2.10I:Do you find the internet useful for yourwork/studies,A?(Why/Why not?)A:回答I:How about you,B?(Why/Why not?
18、)B:回答I:Do you think the internet will become more widelyused by companies in the future,B?(Why/Why not?)B:回答I:What do you think,A?A:回答I:Do you think that the internet is an effectivechannel for marketing a companys products,A?(Why/Why not?)A:回答I:Do you think other forms of advertising willcontinue t
19、o be more important than the internet,B?(Why/Why not?)B:回答3.I:How ambitious are you for your career;A?(Why/Why not?)A:回答I:How about you,B?(Why/Why not?)B:回答I:Do you think you are or would be a good manager,B?(Why/Why not?)B:回答I:A,what do you think?(Why/Why not?)A:回答I:Would you rather be a manager in
20、 a small companyor a large corporation,A?(Why)A:回答III:Would you like to be the head of your own business,B?(Why/Why not?)B:回答4.I:How do you feel about being away from home onbusiness,A?(Why)A:回答I:What about you,B?(Why?)B:回答I:Do you think all hotels should provide specialfacilities for business peopl
21、e,B?(Why/Why not?)B:回答I:How about you,A?What do you think?(Why/Whynot?)A:回答I:Do you think it is an advantage to stay in a largeinternational hotel rather than a small hotel when onbusiness,A?(Why/Why not?)A:回答I:Do you prefer to stay in a hotel on your own or withcolleagues,B?(Why?)B:回答5.I:How import
22、ant is it to you to have flexible workinghours,A?(Why/Why not?)A:回答I:What about you,B?(Why/Why not?)B:回答I:Do you think that companies should control thenumber of extra hours staff work,B?12(Why/Why not?)B:回答I:How about you,A?What do you think?(Why/Whynot?)A:回答I:Do you work more effectively at certai
23、n times of theday,A?(Why/Why not?)A:回答I:Do you work faster when you have to meet adeadline,B?(Why/Why not?)6.I:Are you influenced by company logos when youchoose services or products,A?(Why/Why not?)A:回答I:What about you,B?(Why/Why not?)B:回答I:What kinds of popular events or personalities doyou think
24、companies should be involved in sponsoring,B?(Why?)B:回答I:What are you,A?What do you think?(Why?)A:回答I:Do you think that sponsoring sports events orpersonalities is the most effective form of advertising,A?(Why/Why not?)A:回答I:B,do you think companies will make more use ofsponsorship 赞助 in the future
25、as a way of13advertising?(Why/Why not?)B:回答Module模块(A为考官,B 为一考生,C 为另一考生)A:OK.Now let*s get started.Whafs your name?Where are you from?B:My name is Li Ming,and Im from Shanghai.A:Thank you.And you?Where are you from?C:Im Zheng Fang.Im from Hangzhou.A:Thanks.Do you work or study here,Miss Zheng?C:I wo
26、rk as a sales clerk in a foreign company.A:What about you,Mr.Li?B:I*m a student.I study Biology.A:Do you like your major,Mr.Li?B:Yes,Im very fond of Biology.A:Why?B:I find biology very interesting and very useful.Ithelps me understand life forms and nature better.A:How about you,Miss Zheng?C:I like
27、my job very much.The Sales Department isvery important in the company.I can learn a lotfrom my work,and my boss treats me very well.14A:Thank you.Now Im going to ask you both somequestions about office hours.How many hours doyou study each day,Mr.Li?B:I study about 10 hours every day.A:What about yo
28、u,Miss Zheng?How many hours doyou work every day?C:Eight hours.A:Do you think working overtime is a good thing fora company,Miss Zheng?C:No,I don*t think so.A:Why not?C:Working overtime will cause complaints fromemployees and ruin their health in the long run.Ifthe workers develop the habit of worki
29、ngovertime,their efficiency tends to be lower.Andthat means the company should pay more to them.A:What do you think of it,Mr.Li?B:I dont think overtime work is a good thing.Thatmakes the job very stressful and tiring.Of course,it*s understandable to work overtime occasionallywhen ifs really busy and
30、 necessary.A:Mr.Li,do you think people in the future will work15longer hours or shorter hours?B:I think people will work shorter hours in thefuture.A:Why?B:With the help of computers,work efficiency will bemuch higher than before.Within the shorterhours,they can do the same even more work thanwhat t
31、hey can do now.A:Do you think people will feel free to choose thework hours in the future,Miss Zheng?C:Yes,I suppose so.A:Why?C:Computers have made it possible for people towork at home.So they may choose to workpart-time or full time,work in Small Office,HomeOffice.A:OK.Thafs all for the first part
32、 of the exam.Nowlet*s move to the second.其他话题:What do you think of some modern methods ofpayment(credit cards,cheques,bank transfers)?What role does the computer play in modern16business?Which kind of office would you prefer to work in,cellular or an open-plan开敞式平面布置office?What do you think of inter
33、national trade?How to deal with customer enquires on the phone?Health and safety in the workplace(How to ensure ahealthy working environment for employees?Whatare some health hazards in the office/factory shop?What safety measures should be adopted in theworkplace?)How to keep a balance between grow
34、th andenvironment protection?What kind of role does advertising play in promotingyour products/services?Which form of advertising is most effective in youropinion?What are the required qualities of a modernmanager?What do you know about flexible time?Part t w o 小演讲本部分考试为小演讲。每个考生分别会得到一张带有17三个不同题目的卡片,
36、观点和论点。(2)演讲结构要完整,引题,观点陈述和结尾要清晰,衔接自然,有逻辑性。(3)论点论据要充分,将论点充分展开,不可一味的重复论点。(4)如果想不到更多的论点,在一分钟之内能就一方面发挥拓展开来也可以得到理想成绩。因此,考生18在这部分的观点论述不见得要面面俱到,只要能够清晰明了、有理有据地去表达即可。考题:A.What is important when.?Motivating staff Hnancial benefits career development opportunitiesB.What is important when.?Satisfying customers a
37、 good after-sales team more communication with customers参考答案:Sample A:Well,Im very interested in this topic whafsimportant when motivating staff.Personally,I thinkthere are three main important factors:financialbenefits,career development opportunities and aneasy-going boss.19Firstly,the Hnancial be
38、nefits should be the mostimportant factor.They may include good salary,bonus and other perks.As we know,most peoplework to live instead of working for fun.And also asthe saying goes,money can make the mare go,somoney is very important in motivating staff.Secondly,career development opportunities are
39、 quite important.Actually,there is nobody who does not want to bepromoted.If staff cannot see any good careerprospects,they will probably quit the job.Finally,aneasy-going boss is also important.Nobody wants towork with a difficult boss.To sum up,Hnancial benefits,career developmentopportunities and
40、 an easy-going boss are important inmotivating staff.Sample B:Well,I*d like to talk about the important factors thatcontribute to customers*satisfaction.First of all,we need a group of excellent after-salesservice team.It is true that it is not easy to meet theneeds of every customer,but our respons
41、ibilities20involve handling customers*complaints and tryingevery means to solve their problems.In order to havean efficient group of after-sales service team,we mustorganize some staff training courses.In addition,weneed to carry out surveys on customers aboutwhether they are satisHed with our produ
42、cts and inwhat aspects they are dissatisHed.Based on the resultof the surveys,we can make improvement.In a word,more communication with customers and agood after-sales team can help improve customerservice.3.实用表达法(1)引出话题第二部分的考题一般都是以 What is importantwhen引出的,问的是做时要考虑的因素。因此引题部分可以如此表达:Well,when it come
43、s to.several vital factors must betaken into account.As we all know,many factors must be consideredwhen.The purpose/aim/subject of my talk is to provide.21Im going to talk about.(2)正文罗列观点:First.second.,third.,at lastFirstly.secondly.,thirdly.,lastly.First of all.,then.,next.,after that.,finally.To s
44、tart with.later.to Hnish up.(3)解释观点In this way,To put it another way,In other words,That is to say,.so to speak,.lets say(4)阐述原因Due toThanks toOn account ofBecause ofAs a result of(5)阐述后果As a resultAs a consequence22ConsequentlyTherefore,(6)举例:For example/instance.A good example of this is.To illust
45、rate this,I have an example for you.1,11 illustrate this by using the following example.(7)过渡And/Then/BesidesAnd of courseOn the other hand,But more than that,Not only that,Apart from that,And another thing,On top of that,Whafs more,Beyond those,But most importantly,But above all,Last but not least,
46、Once.having(done).23(8)总结:All in all/In short/In a word/In brief,In conclusion/On the whole/Altogether/In anutshell/To cut a long story shortTo summarize,there are three main points.Now,to sum up,I have covered three main points inmy presentation.In conclusion/In short/In a word,I have coveredthree
47、main points in my presentation.So let me summarize what I*ve said.I have madethree points:firstly,the history,secondly,the markets,and thirdly,the staff.4.常考话题真题部分:(1)What is important when.?Trying to attract new staff Competitive wages Company reputation(2)What is important when.?24Preparing to go
48、away on a business trip Informing colleagues and clients Delegating essential tasks(3)What is important when.?Planning corporate hospitality Guest list Type of event(4)What is important when.?Writing a newspaper advertisement for a jobvacancy Description of the work Experience needed by applicants(5
49、)What is important when.?Delegating work to others Clear instructions Choice of person for the task25(6)What is important when.?Designing a company website Type of information to include Different language versions(7)What is important when.?Meeting foreign clients for the first time Foreign language
50、 skills Knowledge of cultural differences(8)What is important when.?Deciding whether to buy or rent office equipment Cost Speed of technological change(9)What is important when.?Aiming to increase staff productivity26 Offering bonuses Creating a pleasant environment(10)What is important when.?Aiming