1、1. 他们想了想,盯着彼此:“一定除了问题。”2. 意识到这是他们去世父亲的计谋把他们聚在一起聊天。3. 但是很快他们有一次吵了起来。4. 嘟囔着,咒骂着,他们别无选择只能一起打开大箱子。5. 当Tim和Karen打开盖子,他们的心因为焦虑不安而砰砰直跳。6. “这是什么?”Tim抱着一个看起来像相册的东西叫道。7. 当俩人翻开相册,他们的眼泪夺眶而出。8. 看到照片上爸爸妈妈,眼泪沿着脸颊留下。9. 他们回想过去的日子,一家人分享,一起哭泣,想着一家人曾经是多么的开心。10. 俩人拥抱在一起,无尽的眼泪留下。11. 深深的叹了口气,看向那个箱子,知道父亲最后计划着让他们亲密起来。12. 就像
2、父亲希望的那样,姊妹俩决定一起拥有这个箱子。13. 没有钱能买下从家人那里得到的平静和幸福。14. “我陷在电梯第三层了,需要帮助。”我焦急地说。15. “好的,我能在镜子里看到你。请冷静,等待我们将你救出。电梯有一些技术问题,可能需要几小时才能解决。我们为带来的不便向您道歉。”接线员说。16. 我让她联系我的妈妈,因为她一直在等我回家。17. 四十分钟后,我听到了外面妈妈和救援人员的声音。18. 妈妈和我说话想缓解我的焦虑。19. 不久,电梯门打开了。20. 我看到一群人和看起来非常担心的妈妈。21. 尽管我被救了,但我的脸看起来很苍白,感到很累。22. 因为害怕,我无法站着走出电梯。23.
3、 以前,我从来没有过那种感觉。24. 看到我安然无恙,妈妈感到很欣慰。25. 这次经历教会我如何面对紧急情况。26. 几天后,邮差按响门铃,而Aamer出门工作了。27. 一个大信封送到了Aamer手上。28. Zahida看出了信封上的印章。29. 不信自己能撕开信封而不弄坏里面的东西,考虑到它很重要,把它放在了桌子上。30. 当Aamer回来,他查看了里面的东西。1.Something has to be wrong,”they thought and stared at each other.2.They realized it was their late dads(过世的父亲) tw
4、isted plan(诡计) to bring them together and make them talk. 3.But once again, they began to quarrel.4.They grumbled(嘟囔) and swore(咒骂), but they had no choice and decided to open the chest together.5.As Tim and Karen opened the lid, their hearts raced with anxiety.6.Whats this? exclaimed Tim, scooping
5、up(抱起来)what looked like an old photo album. 7.Tears gushedinto(涌出) Tim and Karens eyes when Tim and Karen flipped through(翻页) the album.8.Tears ran down their cheeks at seeing their childhood photos with their dadand mother.9.They recalled the good o“ld times they shared as a family and cried, think
6、ing just how happy their family wouldve been. 10.Tim and Karen then embraced each other as endless tears streamed down their faces. 11.They sighed deeply, looking at the chest, realizing it was their late dads plan to bring them closer.12.The siblings decidedto take ownership of the property togethe
7、r, just like how their late dad wished! 13.No amount of money can buy the peace and happiness you get from your family.14.“I am stuck in the elevator on the third floor and I need help.”I said anxiously.15.“Okay, I can see you in the monitor. Please calm down and wait for us to get you out. There ar
8、e some technical problems with the elevator, and it may take about one hour to solve the problem. We apologize for this inconvenience,” the receiver replied.16. I also asked him to contact my mom, for she had been waiting for me to go home.17.After forty minutes, I heard some voice outside, and it s
9、eemed the voice of my mom and the rescuers. 18.She tried to talk with me to ease my anxiety.19.Before long, the elevator door opened. 20.I saw many people outside with my mom, and she looked very worried. 21.I knew my face looked pale eventhough I was saved, and I felt very tired. 22.Hardly could I
10、stand up or walkout of the elevator, for I was scared.23. I hadnt experienced that kind of feelingbefore. 24.My mother felt relieved after seeing that I was safe and sound. 25.This experience taught me how to face an emergency event.26.A few days later, a postman rang the doorbell when Aamer was awa
11、y for work. 27.A big envelope was delivered to Aamer. 28.Zahida could figure out a government seal(印章)on the envelope. 29.Not trusting her fingers to tear open the envelope without harming the contents within and considering it as important, she placed it on the table.30.Aamer could check what was inside when he returned.学科网(北京)股份有限公司