1、专 业: 工 商 管 理 设计(论文)题目: 企业核心竞争力与企业核心人才能力 教导教师: 李 保 银 (姓 名) (专业技术职务)材料目录序号名称数量备注1毕业设计(论文)选题、审题表12毕业设计(论文)任务书13毕业设计(论文)开题报告(含文献综述)14毕业设计(论文)外评议资料翻译(含原文)15毕业设计(论文)中期检查表12005年 5月注:毕业设计(论文)中期检查工作结束后,请将该封面与目录中各材料合订成册,并统一存放在学生“毕业设计(论文)资料袋”中(一律用A4纸型)。 毕业论文开题报告专 业: 工 商 管 理 论文题目: 企业核心竞争力与企业核心人才能力 开题报告填写要求1.开题报
2、告作为毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会对学生答辩资格审查的依据材料之一。此报告应在指导教师指导下,由学生在毕业设计(论文)工作前期内完成,经指导教师签署意见及教研室审查后生效;2.开题报告内容必须用黑墨水笔工整书写或按教学办统一设计的电子文档标准格式可从成人教育学院网址上下载)打印,禁止打印在其它纸上后剪贴,完成后应及时交给指导教师签署意见;3.学生查阅资料的参考文献应不少于6篇(不包括辞典、手册);4.有关年月日等日期的填写,应当按照国标GB/T 7408-94数据元和交换格式、信息交换、日期和时间表示法规定的要求,一律用阿拉伯数字书写。如“2004年4月26日”或“2004-04-26”。毕 业
3、 论 文 开 题 报 告1本课题的研究意义企业核心竞争力又称企业核心能力,从1990年由美国著名管理学者普拉哈德和哈默提出此概念,至今已成为各界研究和争论的热点,企业核心竞争力成为衡量企业成功与否的重要标准,对企业核心竞争力的探讨和研究对企业的发展有着重要的意义。在当今知识经济时代,人才至关重要,核心人才作为核心竞争力的一个重要标志,能为企业带来价值性的,支撑企业过去、现在和未来的竞争优势,并使企业长时间内在竞争环境中取得主动性的竞争能力,是企业核心竞争力的关键。2本课题的基本内容本文全面阐述了企业核心竞争力的概念,企业核心竞争力是指企业独具的,支撑企业可持续性竞争优势的核心能力。广义而言,企
4、业核心竞争力内容有资源核心竞争力、技术核心竞争力、人才核心竞争力、管理核心竞争力、企业文化核心竞争力等。企业核心竞争力具有三大特征:价值性、异质性和延展性。如何打造和构建企业核心竞争力。本文论述企业人才核心竞争力的概念,核心人才是指创造业绩及公司发展最有影响作用,并在某方面不可代替的员工。阐述人才核心能力是企业核心竞争力的关键因素,如何留住核心人才,加强企业核心人才的管理模式,防止企业核心人才流失,以增强企业核心竞争力。毕 业 论 文 开 题 报 告3本课题的重点和难点1、 企业核心竞争力的定义。这是各界争论的要点,也是写作的难点。2、 企业核心竞争力的构成要素和特征。3、 如何打造和构建企业
5、核心竞争力?这也是论文的重点之一。4、 企业核心人才的定义。5、 论述“企业核心人才是企业核心竞争力的关键”这是写作重点和难点。6、 企业如何留住核心人才、防止流失,以增强企业核心竞争力。4论文提纲1、 企业核心竞争力的概念和内容。2、 企业核心竞争力的构成要素和特征。3、 如何打造和构建企业核心竞争力?4、 企业核心人才概念。5、 企业核心人才能力是企业核心竞争力的关键因素。6、 企业核心人才管理模式7、 企业如何留住核心人才,防止人才流失,以增强企业核心竞争力。毕 业 论 文 开 题 报 告指导教师意见:(对本课题的深度、广度及工作量的意见)指导教师: (亲笔签名) 年 月 日毕业设计(论
6、文)负责人审查意见:负责人: (亲笔签名) 年 月 日新疆大学毕业论文(设计)题 目: 企业核心竞争力与企业核心人才能力 文献综述和外文翻译 所属院系: 经管学院 专 业: 工商管理 文献综述从1990年两位美国战略管理学专家帕拉哈德和哈默指出“企业核心竞争力”这一概念来,已经成为国际各界关注和讨论的的热点问题。正如帕拉哈德和哈默在哈佛商业评论中所言,企业核心竞争力已经成为目前衡量一个企业成功与否的重要标准。并提出企业的核心竞争力是企业组织中的集合性知识,是在一个组织内部经过整合了的知识和技能,尤其是关于怎样协调多种生产技能和整合不同技术的知识和技能。就短期而言,企业产品的质量和性能决定了企业
13、,蕴涵于企业内质中的,企业独有的,能为企业带来价值性的,支撑企业过去、现在和未来竞争的优势,并使企业长时间内在竞争环境中能取得主动的核心能力。核心竞争力是企业生存发展的动力之源,而核心人才是核心竞争力的关键,这一观点成为学术界争论的焦点,而关于核心人才的定义大家说法不一。 西方人力资源会计中,也有学者从价值会计的模式提出“稀缺人才资源价值”的概念。如赫奇曼和琼斯的“内部竟价模式”提出,他们认为只有稀缺人才有价值。这种“稀缺人才资源价值与职位高低无关系。不是只有、等角色才是核心人才,例如:假设打字员A,随时有很多人代替他,那么,A就不是核心员工。但是如果A在所负责的工作领域中做得十分出色,在外部
16、位所得分的多少进行排序,最终就可得出企业核心员工名单。企业核心竞争力虽然是由诸多因素共同组成的,但其中起根本作用的还是人的因素,无论你是要树立品牌也好,搞技术创新也罢,搞管理也行,都不能抛开人的因素而言其他。我们强调人的因素,但不是说某个人能为企业营造核心竞争力,而是说人力资源管理,企业制定适当的人力资源战略,最终能综合企业各方面因素,形成自己独特的核心竞争力。 这篇论文写作的重点在于企业核心竞争力与企业核心人才能力。首先介绍企业核心竞争力的定义和内容及其重要性,明确企业核心竞争力的概念以及所包括的内容,进而介绍企业核心竞争力的构成要素和基本特征,搞清楚核心竞争力的价值性、独特性、延展性三大特
18、建议,只有留住核心人才,才能增强企业核心竞争力,文章写到此也就算结束了。当然,理论上的研究是无穷的,实际操作也是千变万化的,企业必须从实际出发,理论联系实际,能真正强化企业核心竞争力。 在写这篇文章时候,李保银老师给了我详尽的指导,其独特的思路和独到的见解使我大受启发,在此表示感谢。写作中参考了很多文献资料,如:帕拉哈德和哈默的企业的核心竞争力,唐纳德索尔的如何提高企业核心竞争力,姜国祥的核心竞争力,胡志刚、赵效编著的中国企业核心竞争力经典,朱瑜的企业组织规划与人才任用,王端旭的企业间人才争夺等等。另外还参考了不少期刊、杂志、报纸以及因特网资源,如:企业管理、人才测评、商界、管理周刊、搜狐网等
19、。成人高等学历教育毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译办学单位: 新 疆 大 学 专 业: 工 商 管 理 姓 名: 王 成 学 号:外文出处: Western region televisionIssue 3s of 2002 (用外文写) of magazine (total Issue 77s) 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语:签名: 年 月 日 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。附件1:外文资料翻译译文Broadcast the showbiz industry at the position and the mission that develop greatly
20、western region Yanglianyong The implement develops the strategy greatly western region, we not only need to value the development of the economy, but also to value the development of the cultural business, developping the cultural business in western region greatly develop function.Because develop t
21、o not only need the material devotion, but also need the right thought assurance, strong spirit motive and emollient intelligence supports greatly western region, this has the history responsibility of the Chinese special features socialism cultural business exactly.The conduct and actions contain t
22、he broadcast showbiz industry that the Chinese special features socialism cultural business importance constitutes the part, being is in the important position in western region and greatly develop, should at western region and greatly have develop provide of vast history satge up greatly for conduc
23、t and actions, full exertive oneself in represent the Chinese advanced culture headway direction of important function, this is have the Chinese special features socialism broadcast showbiz business duty-bound to accept mission. In order to develop the thought of provide the exactitude assurance and
24、 public opinions leading greatly western region, the direction function of the full exertive broadcast showbiz. Broadcast the showbiz is a strong modern media, is a party, government the crowd of the different from the peoples mouthpiece, it have the dissemination quickly, overlay to face widely, a
25、painting combine luxuriantly, the atmosphere strong etc. advantage, very easily quilt layer accept, having the very strong public opinion direction function and coagulating the function of public.We should develop this function of broadcast the showbiz well, the horn that blow to ring to enter coura
26、geously, mobilize, guide, organize staffs crowd to aware of self to throw the body to go to the big current that the western region develops greatly in. First, we want to elaborate the concerning a together wealthy strategic speculation of two general situationss and the important thought of three r
27、epresentativess of Jiang Zemings comradeses of Deng Xiaopings comrades accurately completely in the publicity, guiding staffs crowd to beat to open new vista, openning widely the way of thinking, explicit target. The next in order, to use central concerning a series of graveness strategy decision th
28、at develop greatly western region and arrange the understanding and activities of unify staffs crowds, each kind of broadcast showbiz programs all want according to the characteristics of the oneself, extensively thorough, the vivid image ground publicity central concerning the policy, policy and me
29、asure that develop greatly western region, make of widely known, thorough public, make large staffs crowd explicit own responsibility, see western region develop greatly of fine foreground, strengthen to throw the body western region develop greatly of self-conscious, aggressive and create sex. The
30、third, develop greatly western region is also a the society that field is deep change, necessarily will cause various thought idea of hand over the harmonious collision.We broadcast the advanced thought and ideas that the showbiz wants to publicizee strongly to become in western region greatly devel
31、op, ushering in and spreading the advanced culture and principles that everything is advantageous to developping greatly western region strongly, including the southeast to follow sea province District and the advanced experience of the abroads, noticing to avoid the curved road that the flourishing
32、 region have ever walk through at the same time, the full exploitation delivers experience first, high point of departure, the jump up type ground for western region the economy develops to lay the foundation. The fourth, the power of the model is endless.Will flow out in great quantities necessaril
33、y the advanced typical model and the model persons of each front in western region greatly develop fever now, we want to be not to lose the opportune moment ground to take into the publicity. The fifth, to promote only the thing dialectics, preventfrom the unilateral, guide the staffs crowd right ha
34、ndle some antinomy relations, insure to develop to have greatly western region a right of development direction.For example, develop greatly western region is not to open up wild country greatly western region and open to dig greatly, will notice to protect the ecosystem environment from the first.F
35、or example, develop greatly western region is not to develop all over the place and greatly, must have the point, have the plan and have a science of step to develop reasonably, preventfrom the new repetition construction.For example, develop greatly western region is not a pure western region to su
36、pport the poverty greatly, the support that want to be the nation and the brothers province areas renews through own efforts, expands the innovation knot to put together together.For example, to overcome to be eager to beg in western region greatly develop of win theory soon and pessimism theory for
37、 blame everyone but oneself, set up since hold tight the opportunity and seize every minute and second, the thought etc. of the again persistent and long-term battle. In fine, in western region greatly develop of the whole progress, we want to study the new circumstance continuously, new problem of
38、study, accurate confidence right direction that public opinion leading. In order to develop to provide the strong spirit motive and good cultural atmosphere greatly western region, the full exertive broadcast showbiz encourages the function. Any businesses of grandiosities all need to have the cultu
39、re that the strong spirit makes the motive, forerunner is in advance, develop greatly western region too.It is a historic heroic act to develop greatly western region, needing the hundred million the people coagulate the power, put forth new energy, expand enterprising.Broadcast the showbiz is not o
40、nly the important section of the reflection and the leading news public opinion, but also a cultural the production unit of the art product.Broadcasting the showbiz can pass abundant colorful each kind of literature work of what oneself create exactly, develop it encourage, encourage, infection of t
41、he function of the art power, provide the mental food, the spirit motive for the large crowd, satisfy continuously the people increase increasingly of to the broadcast showbiz of need.The western region big development of the our country is western region historic opportunity that culture booming de
42、velopment.In western region the development of this hot soil, will produce the person and communities that the large quantity gleams the brilliant brilliance continuously, produce numerous deeply moving and moving stories.We broadcast the showbiz, the worker should go deep into a front of the villag
43、e herding area, work mineral business enterprise, border defense card, the organization school, aiming at the fulfillment that the very hot western region develops greatly to our lens, nip, the words tube, aiming at each clan staffs crowd forgets the state of mind and versatile lifes that I struggle
44、, creating to have the strong time spirit, western region new product of broadcast showbiz of special features and the race style, the art ground reappear develops greatly western region of magnificent diagram view. In the last few years, the broadcast showbiz of Xinjiang the worker created the movie successively conscience , sincerely ;Television drama the sand sea weighing scales , the