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1、UnitlEx.1 Answer the following questions according to Text A.1.If you ask about artificial intelligence to an AI researcher,what would he say?If you ask about artificial intelligence to an AI researcher,he would say that its a set of algorithmsthat can produce results without having to be explicitly

2、 instructed to do so.2.What is artificial intelligence at its core?At the core of artificial intelligence,it is a branch of computer science that aims to create orreplicate human intelligence in machines.3.What is the goal of artificial intelligence?The goal of artificial intelligence is to aid huma

3、n capabilities and help us make advanced decisionswith fiir-reaching consequences.4.What are the examples of weak or narrow AI?Examples of weak or narrow AI are Siri,Alexa,Cortana,IBMs Watson,seli-driving cars,facialrecognition softwares,E-mail spam filters,and prediction tools.5.What does artificia

4、l general intelligence refer to?Artificial general intelligence refers to the concept through which machines can mimic huinanintelligence while showcasing the ability to apply their intelligence to solve problems.6.What is superintelligence cuiTently?Currently,super-intelligence is just a hypothetic

5、al concept.P eople assume that it may be possible todevelop such an artificial intelligence in the future,but it doesnt exist in the current world.7.What would be the overall goal of artificial intelligence?The overall goal of artificial intelligence would be to allow machines and computers to learn

6、 andlunction intelligently.8.What are some of the other goals of AI?Some of the other goals of AI are problem-solving,knowledge representation,planning,learning,and social intelligence.9.What have we always been fascinated by?What has artificial intelligence emerged to be?We have always been fascina

7、ted by technological changes.Artificial intelligence has emerged to bethe net greatest advancement in the field of technology.10.According to the World Economic Forum,how many new jobs are said to be created byartificial intelligence by the year 2024?What is the fulure of AI?According to the World E

8、conomic Forum,133 million new jobs are said to be created by artificialintelligence by the year 2024.The future of AI is definitely bright.Ex.2 Fill in the following blanks according to Text B.1.The execution of tasks by humans is more prone to.We often make mistakeswhile.This might be due to the va

9、riation of of anindividual.make errors,doing a specific task,the intellectual ability2.The use of artificial intelligence in various fields helps and.Algorithms used for building Al-based models implement complicated thathelp perform actions and.reduce unnecessary em)rs,losses,mathematical construct

10、s,with greater efficiency,fewer errors3.Al-based machines can perfonn for a long time wi t hout.Artificial intelligence helps operate the machines for an indefinite time,wi t hout.repetitive tasks,any slowdown,lacking productivity4.An average worker can only invest his services fo r per day while ar

11、tificialintelligence helps provide to an organization.7-8 hours,24/7 services5.One of the advantages of artificial intelligence is its ability to.There areattached to the Al-based machines,which can help prevent.make the right decision,no emotions,hampering efficiency6.1bday,most of the ozonizations

12、 make use of digital assistants to.This helps.Digital assistants also help us in our day-to-day activities.There are manypractical applications of Al-based digital assistants such as,and many more.perfonn automated tasks,save human resources,Google Maps,Grammarly,Alexa7.The creation of machines empo

13、wered with is.For alaige-scale project,the price might reach up to.Al-powered devices are built,employing complex codes,and hardware.The maintenance ofthese components requires and costs very high.artificial intelligence,very costly,millions of dollars,algorithms,software,great effort8.Artificial in

14、telligence will create jobs as well as may.It will create jobs forpeople who,but will replace.leave some people unemployed,are skilled in technologies,low-skilled jobs9.Artificial intelligence can to learn from data but cannot make the machinesand skills.The accuracy of the results from an Al-powere

15、d machine dependson used by the creator.provide functionalities,mimic the exact human brain,the level of analytics10.Al-powered machines work on al gor i t hms,and.They can become highly advanced but cannot.Machines are consideredintelligent,but they lack as they are not aware of,the right,or.mathem

16、atical computing,cognitive technologies,act or think like a human,judgemental power,ethics,morals,the wrongEx.3 Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese.L ability L n.能力;才能2.analogy2.n.类推3.available3.adj.可用的,可获得的;有空的4.decision4.n.决策,决定5.entity5.n.实体putational resource6.计算资源

17、7.artificial intelligence7.人工智能8.affective computing8.情感计算9.facial recognition9.面部识别10,deep learning1 0深度学习Ex.4 TYanslate the following terms or phrases from Chinese into English.L n.功能;函数 L function2.n.知识2.knowledge3.n.特性,属性3.property4.a 4 j.(计算机)虚拟的;实质上的4.virtual5.n.特征,特点v.以为特色5.feature6.机器智能6.mac

18、hine intelligent7.机器学习7.machine learning8.语音识别8.speech recognition9.监督机器学习9.supervised machine learning10虚 飒 理10virtual assistantEx.5 TYanslate the following passage into Chinese.与人工智能相关的常见问题解答1.人工智能未来会减少工作岗位吗?人工智能仍在发展。A I领域还有很大的改进和进步空间,尽 管 为 了 不 断 变 化 的 趋势可能需要一定的技能提升,但AI将来很可能不会取代或减少工作。实际上,Gartner的一

19、项研究表明,至IJ 2025年,与AI相关的工作将净增加200万个新岗位。采用AI将有助于简化组织的工作。2.人工智能如何工作?人工智能可以建立在各种组件之上,并且可以作为以下各项的合并:哲学 数学 经济学 神经科学 心理学 计算机工程 控制理论 语言学3.在机器人技术中如何使用人工智能?人工智能和机器人技术通常被视为两种不同的事物。人工智能涉及编程智能,而机器人技术涉及构建物理机器人。但是,这两个概念是相关的。机器人技术确实使用了 AI技术和算法,而A I弥合了两者之间的鸿沟。这些机器人可以由AI程序控制。4.为什么人工智能很重要?从音乐推荐、地图导航、手机银行到欺诈预防,人工智能和其他技术

20、己经占据了主导地位。人工智能之所以重要,有很多原因。A I有许多优点,例如,减少人为错误、全天候可用、有助于重复工作、数字化协助、更快的决策等。5.人工智能的分支是什么?人工智能主要可分为六个分支。它们是机器学习、神经网络、深度学习、计算机视觉、自然语言处理和认知计算。Unit 2Ex.1 Answer the following questions according to Text A.l.What is knowledge representation basically?Basically,it is a study of how the beliefc,intentions,and

21、judgments of an intelligent agent can beexpressed suitably for automated reasoning.2.What do the different kinds of knowledge that need to be represented in AI include?The different kinds of knowledge that need to be represented in AI include objects,events,performance,facts,meta-knowledge and knowl

22、edge-base.1.How many types of knowledge are there?What are they?There are 5 types of knowledge.They are declarative knowledge,structural knowledge,proceduralknowledge,meta knowledge and heuristic knowledge.2.Artificial intelligent systems usually consist of various components to display their intell

23、igentbehavior.What do some of these components include?Some of these components include perception,learning,knowledge representation&reasoning,planning,and execution.5.What is logical representation?Logical representation is a language with some definite rules which deal with propositions and hasno

24、ambiguity in representation.6.What does semantic network consist of?Semantic network consists of nodes representing objects and arcs which describe the relationshipbetween those objects.7.What is a frame?A frame is a record like structure that consists of a collection of attributes and values to des

25、cribe anentity in the world.8.What does the production rules system consist of?The production rules system consists of thiee main parts.They are the set of production rules,working memoiy and the recognize-act cycle.9.What properties must a good knowledge representation system have?A good knowledge

26、representation system must have properties such as pepresentational accuracy,inferential adequacy,inferential efficiency and acquisitional efficiency.10.What are the different appmaches to knowledge representation?The different approaches to knowledge representation are simple relational knowledge,i

27、nheritableknowledge and inferential knowledgeEx.2 Answer the following questions according to Text B.1.What is knowledge graph?Knowledge graph is a model of a knowledge doniain created by experts with the help of intelligentmachine learning algorithms.2.What do knowledge graphs represented in RDF pr

28、ovide?Why?Knowledge graphs represented in RDF provide the best framework for data integration,unification,linking and reuse.Because they combine expressivity,performance,interoperability,andstandardization.3.What do ontologies serve as?Ontologies serve as a fonnal contract between the developers of

29、the knowledge graph and its usersregarding the meaning of the data in it.4.What are the representation and modeling instruments mentioned in the passage?The representation and modeling instruments mentioned in the passage are classes,relationshiptypes,categories and free text descriptions.5.What are

30、 the relationships between entities usually tagged with?What do they provide?The relationships between entities are usually tagged with types.They provide information about(he nature of the relationship,6.What is a key feature of a KG?A key feature of a KG is that entity descriptions should be inter

31、linked to one another.7.What does DBP edia do?It leverages the structure inherent in the infoboxes of Wikipedia to create an enormous dataset(linkhttps:wiki.dbpedia.o喀/about)and an ontology that has encyclopedic coverage of entities such aspeople,places,films,books,oi?anizations,species,diseases,etc

32、.8.What is Wordnet?It is one of the most well-known lexical databases for the English language,providing definitionsand synonyms.It is often used to enhance the peiibrmance of NLP and search applications.9.What is another important feature of RDF databases?Another important feature of RDF databases

33、is their inference capability where new knowledgecan be created from already existing facts.10.What is Ontotext platform?Ontotext platform is a platform for organizing enterprise knowledge into knowledge graphs,whichconsists of a set of databases,machine learning algorithms,AP Is and tools for build

34、ing varioussolutions for specific enterprise needs.Ex.3 TYansIate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese.L agent L n.实体;代理attribute 2.n.属性,特征3.database3.n.数据库4.event4.n.事件5.heuristic5.adj.启发式的6.automated reasoning6.自动推理7.foiinal logic7.形式逻辑8.inferential knowledge8.推理知识9.intelligent

35、 agent9.智能体;智能代理10.logical reasoning10逻辑推理Ex.4 TYanslate the following terms or phrases from Chinese into English.1.n.元知识1.meta-knowledge2.n.对象;物体;目标的2.object3.adj.程序的;过程的3.procedural4.n.运行期,运行时间4.runtime5.n.意识;了解;觉察5.awareness6.知识表示6.knowledge representation7.产生式规则7.production rule8.通用接口mon interfa

36、ce9.数据模式9.data schema1面向对象设计10 object-oriented designEx.5 lYanslate the following passage into Chinese.知识库知识库是用于知识共享和管理的数据库。它促进知识的收集、组织和检索。许多知识库都是围绕人工智能构建的,它们不仅存储数据,而且还使用以前存储在知识库中的经验数据来进一步查找问题的解决方案。知识管理系统依赖于从关系数据库到数据仓库的数据管理技术。一些知识库只不过是索引的百科全书信息。其他的则是交互式的,并根据用户提示的输入进行操作/响应。知识库不仅仅是存储数据的空间,而且可以是一个提供智能决


38、依赖于查询系统,该查询系统具有可以响应知识库以缩小解决方案的范围的软件。这意味着,与基于查询的人机交互不同,与其他机器共享的机器可读知识库信息通常是线性的,并且在交互性方面受到限制。知识管理(K M)包含组织中用来创建、表示、分析、分发和采用经验的一系列策略。它着重于竞争优势和组织绩效的提高。Unit 3Ex.1 Answer the following questions according to Text A.1.What is reasoning?Reasoning is the mental process of deriving logical conclusion and maki

39、ng predictions fromavailable knowledge,facts,and beliefs.Or we can say,Reasoning is a way to infer facts fromexisting data.*2.What are the categories of reasoning in artificial intelligence?The categories of reasoning in artificial intelligence are deductive reasoning,inductive reasoning,abductive r

40、easoning,common sense reasoning,monotonic reasoning,non-monotonic reasoning.3.What is deductive reasoning?Deductive reasoning is deducing new information from logically related known information.It isthe form of valid reasoning,which means the arguments conclusion must be tine when thepremises are t

41、rue.4.What is inductive reasoning?Inductive reasoning is a form of reasoning to arrive at a conclusion using limited sets of facts by theprocess of generalization.It starts with the series of specific focts or data and reaches to a generalstatement or conclusion.5.What is deductive reasoning sometim

42、es referred to as?What is inductive reasoning also knownas?Deductive reasoning is sometimes referred to as top-down reasoning.Inductive reasoning is alsoknown as cause-effect reasoning or bottom-up reasoning.6.What is abductive reasoning?Abductive reasoning is a form of logical reasoning which start

43、s with single or multipleobservations.Then it seeks to find the most likely explanation or conclusion for the observation.7.What is common sense reasoning?What does it rely and operate on?Common sense reasoning is an informal form of reasoning,which can be gained throughexperiences.It relies on good

44、 judgment rather than exact logic and operates on heuristic knowledgeand heuristic rules.8.What can we do to solve monotonic problems?To solve monotonic problems,we can derive the valid conclusion from the available facts only,andit will not be aflected by new facts.9.Is monotonic reasoning useful f

45、or the real-time systems?Where is it used?No,it is not useful for the real-time systems.It is used in conventional reasoning systems and alogic-based system is monotonic.10.What are the advantages of non-monotonic reasoning?The advantages of non-monotonic reasoning are as follows.For real-world syst

46、ems such as robot navigation,we can use non-monotonic reasoning.In non-monotonic reasoning,we can choose probabilistic facts or can make assumptions.Ex.2 Answer the following questions according to Text B.1.What is fussy logic?Fuzzy logic is a computing approach based on“Degree of Truth“and is not l

47、imited to boolean4 true or fhlse”.2.How many major components does the fuzzy logic system have?What are they?The fuzzy logic system has four major components.They are rules,fuzzification,inference engineand defuzzification3.What does rule base consist of?Rule base consists of a large set of rules pr

48、ogrammed and led by experts that govern the decisionmaking in the fuzzy system.4.What does inference engine do?And how?Inference engine helps in mapping rules to the input dataset and thereby decide which rules are tobe applied for a given input.It does so by calculating the%match of the rules for t

49、he given input.5.What does the membership function define?The membership lunction defines how input in the fuzzy system is mapped to values between 0and 1.6.When is fuzzy logic especially useful?What is it designed to do?Fuzzy logic is especially useful when you want to mimic human-like thinking in

50、a control system.It is designed to deal with uncertainties and is proficient in finding out inference from theconclusion.7.What does algorithm of fuzzy logic system define?It defines all the variables and terms which will be acting as input in the fuzzy system.8.What does Nippon Steel use fuzzy logi


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