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1、北京市三年(2 0 2 0-2 0 2 2)小升初英语真题分题型分层汇编0 4 补全短文一、可数名词及其单复数(共5小题)1.(2 0 2 0海淀区)读语篇,选出恰当词汇补全短文。Th e Dr a g o n Bo a t Fe s t i v a l i s c a l l e d Du a n w u Ji e (1)(i n/o u t)Ch i n e s e.Ji e m e a n sf e s t i v a l.Pe o p l e c e l e br a t e t h e Dr a g o n Bo a t Fe s t i v a l by h a v i n g d

2、 r a g o n bo a t (2 )(r a c e s/f o o t ba l l)a n d (3)(a t e/e a t i n g r i c e d u m p l i n g s o n t h e f i f t h d a y o f t h e f i f t hl u n a r m o n t h.It s (4)(s u m m e r/w i n t e r)t i m e w h e n t h e Dr a g o n Bo a t Fe s t i v a l c o m e s.It s a d a y t oc o m m e m o r a t

3、 e (纪 念)t h e (5)_ _ _ _ _ _ _(p o e t/a r t i s t),Qu Yu a n.畤 .给般装宗#2.(2 0 2 0大兴区)根据图片故事选择恰当的单词填空,将其标号写在横线上.(第一个单词已选定)A.p a r k B.a n g r y C.g o o d D.bi r d E.k i t c h e n F.s l e e pt a k e s h i m t o t h e(A)Mu m Mu m t a k e s Fl o p p y h o m e.HeFl o p p y c o m e s t o m y r o o m i ni n

4、 r u n s a f t e r a (1)a n dt h e a f t e r n o o n.He m a k e s m yt h e m o r n i n g.Fl o p p y g o e s i n p u l l s t h e c l o t h e s d o w n.r o o m m e s s y.Im s o (2)t h e m u d (泥坑).At n i g h t,Fl o p p y ba r k s a W e a l l g o t o t h e第1页 共1 9页lot.Dad can,t(3)(4).The kettle(水 love

5、Floppy.壶)is on fire.Floppytries to let us know.3.(2022东城区)按要求填空。A.hobby B.station C.umbrellaD.scarf E.cheese(1)You go to this place to catch a train or to meet people arrived.(2)People like to put it,often yellow,in sandwiches or on pizza.(3)You can wear it round your neck if the weather is cold.(4)

6、You open it and hold it over your head when it rains.(5)A kind of thing you love doing at your free time.4.(2022东城区)读故事,根据故事大意选择相应的单词,将标号填在横线上。A.got B.visit C.dress D.her E.some F.washedSara(1)A up at seven She put on her favorite orange She had an egg,a piece of breadthirty last Saturday.(2)and(3 )

7、milk forbreakfast.She rode her new bike and went H er grandparents welcomed her After lunch,Ann cleaned theto(4)her grandparents,and cooked a big meal for table and(6)dishes.(5).5.(2022西城区)读英文释义,根据释义选择相应的单词,将标号填入括号内。A.wish B.dark C.speech D.September E.happiness(1)the ninth month of the year,between

8、 August and October(2)the feeling of being pleased or happy(3)with little or no light(4)to want to do something第2页 共1 9页(5)a t a l k t h a t y o u g i v e t o m a n y p e o p l e二、不可数名词(共1 小题)6.(2 0 2 1 北京)读短文,根据短文内容和方框中词语完成短文。(每空一词)g o o d;e n v i r o n m e n t;k e e p;s p e c i a l;s a v e;g a r d

9、 e n;g r a s s;p r o t e c tLa s t Su n d a y I s a w a v e r y (1)h o u s e.It s v e r y bi g a n d v e r y p r e t t y.Th e r e i s s o m e (2)o n t h e r o o f (房 顶).It l o o k s l i k e a (3)o n t h e t o p o f t h e h o u s e.It s a (4)i d e a t o p u t g r a s s o n t h e r o o f,be c a u s e

10、i t c a n (5)e n e r g y(能量)a n d i t i s g o o d f o r t h e (6).Th e r e a r e m a n y t h i n g s w e c a n d o t o (7)t h ee n v i r o n m e n t.W e s h o u l d be c a r e f u l t o d o e v e r y t h i n g t o (8)o u r c i t y c l e a n a n d t i d y.三、h o w 引导的特殊疑问句(共 1 小题)7.(2 0 2 0 朝阳区)请将单词与句

11、子匹配,将其字母标号填在横线上.A.h o s t B.c o r n e r C.i n v i t e D.r e h e a r s a l E.p r o t e c t(1)Ti m e t h a t p e o p l e p r a c t i c e a p l a y o r p i e c e o f m u s i c f o r a s h o w.(2)To m a k e s u r e t h a t s o m e o n e o r s o m e t h i n g i s s a f e.(3)A p e r s o n w h o i n t r o

12、d u c e s (介 绍)a s h o w.(4)A p l a c e w h e r e t w o s t r e e t s j o i n.(5)To a s k s o m e bo d y t o c o m e t o a p a r t y.四、人与自我(共2小题)8.(2 0 2 0 朝阳区)读短文,完成两个任务.任务一:选词填空,将其字母标号填在相应横线上.A.bi n s B.e n v i r o n m e n tC.Ki t c h e n D.m e d i c i n eE.n e w s p a p e rF.i n t oWASTE SORTING可

13、 网 收thI 缱 2MCI第3页 共1 9页There are different kinds of We should put the leftover We should put the oldbins.Do you know how to throw(厨 余 垃 圾)into these(3 ),the brokentrash into the right green bins.They glasses,the cans,plastic(1)?are for the(2)bags into these bluewaste”bins.They are for theRecyclable

14、waste”.We should put the used H ow about other trash?We Waste sorting is a verybatteries,expired(过期的)can put them(5)these important way to protect the(4)into these red yellow or grey bins.They are(6).I hope you canbins.They are for for thez,0ther waste.Such as teach your family how to dotheH armful

15、waste”.the dust,the cigarette butts it,and(烟头),toilet paper and so let*s do it together!on.任务二:将正确选项的字母填在横线上.If you want to throw away some paper boxes,you should put them into the.A.green binsB.blue binsC.red bins9.(2020朝阳区)同学们,随着一场疫情的袭来,使我们都经历了不平凡的一个学期,请你认真阅读下面的文章,并完成相应的任务.任务一:请你选择合适的词组,并将其标号填在文章中

16、的横线上.A.Different kinds of vegetables B.stay at homeC.have a fever D.begin to workE.check every person*s temperature第4页 共1 9页(1)_ _ _ _ _ _ _Th e Ch i n e s e Sp r i n g Fe s t i v a l W h i l e m o s t p e o p l e w e r e Pr o f e s s o r Zh o n g t o l d p e o p l ew a s c o m i n g .Pe o p l e w e

17、 r e g e t t i n g r e a d y f o r t h e t h i s v i r u s(病 毒)c a n g o f r o mbu y i n g t i c k e t s h o m e.f e s t i v a l,s o m e t h i n g t e r r i bl e p e r s o n t o p e r s o n.c a m e.In a f e w d a y s,h u n d r e d so f p e o p l e g o t t h e s a m ed i s e a s e (疾病).It t o o k u s

18、 o n l y 1 0 d a y s t o V o l u n t e e r s f r o m a l l o v e r t h e Do c t o r s a n d n u r s e s f r o mbu i Id bo t h Hu o s h e n s h a n c o u n t r y c a m e t o h e l p.Th e y*r e d i f f e r e n t p l a c e s w e n t t oHo s p i t a l a n d Le i s h e n s h a n a l l h e r o e s.(3)w e

19、r e W u h a n t o h e l p .At t h e bu sHo s p i t a l i n W u h a n.W o r k e r s s e n t t o Hu be i.s t o p,t h e i r f a m i l i e s w e r eh a d n o t i m e t o r e s t.s e e i n g t h e m o f f.W o r k e r s (4)t o m a k e Te a c h e r s (5 )a n d Ev e r y t h i n g g o o d i ss u r e t h e y,

20、r e h e a l t h y.s t u d e n t s g e t o n w i t h c o m i n g.W e,r e h a p p y w h e n w el e a r n i n g t h r o u g h t h e s e e p e o p l e bu s y a g a i n a n dIn t e r n e t.l i f e i s ba c k t o be n o r m a l.任务二:在这场没有硝烟的战疫中,什么事最令你感动呢?请你将其写在下面的横线上.(提示:可以从文中摘抄,也可以写生活中的所见所闻.)(6)_ _ _ _ _

21、_ _第5页 共1 9页10.(2020房山区)读短文,选择恰当词汇将短文补充完整.A.feeding B.strong C.flowers D.vacationMike*s uncle,Mark,is 40 years old.H e is tall and(1).Mike likes his broad shouldersand huge hands.During the summer(2),Mike often stays on uncle Marks farm inC anada.The farm is beautiful.There are lots of(3)in the gras

22、s.H e enjoys livingon the farm.H e enjoys(4)the sheep and he likes to go fishing with his uncle.1 L (2022西城区)读图片短文H ow to Keep H ealthy,根据内容选择单词填空,将标号填入横线内。A.fruit B.water C.before D.Stay E.ill F.sleep(1 )Eat well.You need different(2)Get enough(足够nutrients(营养)from 的).When you arevegetables,_ A,meat

23、,milk and tired,it is easy for you tograin.become ill.(3)Drink.Five toeight glasses is usuallyenough.When you have afever,drink more.(4)Wash your hands _(5)away from people(6)Get your vaccines(疫you eat or after you play who sneeze(打喷嚏).C over your 苗).They can stop you fromoutside.Please wash hands f

24、or mouth and nose with a mask.becoming.20 seconds.1 2.(2022朝阳区)看图阅读关于世界地球日的短文,选择适当的句子将短文补充完整,将其字母标号填写在相应的横线上。A.Maybe you ride a bike or take a bus instead of taking a car.第6页 共1 9页B.W orld E a rth D a y is a lwa ys on A pril 2 2 C.P eople pla nt trees on the la st F rida y in A pril in some cou ntri

25、es.1).Y ou cou ld recycle instea d of throwing things into the tra shca ns.E.W orld E a rth D a y is a bou t pea ce a nd a bou t ta king ca re oW orld E a rth D a yd晨(1)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ I t ta kes pla ce W hen is W orld E a rth D a y?(1)1 1every yea r in a lmost 2 0 0 M a ny people do a whole E a rthco

26、u ntries.W orld E a rth D a y is W eek,beca u se it is soone of the la rgest holida ys importa nt.of the yea r.一 F WJO n W orld E a rth D a y,you might(4)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y ou ca n ta ke a (clea n u p you r neighborhood.shorter shower to sa vewa ter.f ou r world.Plant Aa tree您:is a lso close to T ree-p

27、la ntingD a y.(3)_ _ _ _ _ _ _蠡企5)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ H ow else ca n Y O Uhelp the world?第7页 共1 9页参考答案与试题解析一、可数名词及其单复数(共5小题)1.(2 0 2 0 海淀区)读语篇,选出恰当词汇补全短文。T he D ra gon B oa t F estiva l is ca lled D u a nwu J ie(1)in(in/ou t)C hinese.J ie mea nsfestiva l.P eople celebra te the D ra gon B oa t F estiva l b

28、y ha ving dra gon boa t(2)ra ces(ra ces/footba ll)a nd(3)6 a ting(a te/ea ting rice du mplings on the fifth da y of the fifthlu na r month.I ts(4)su mmer(su nu ner/winter)time when the D ra gon B oa t F estiva l comes.I ts a da y tocommemora te(2 己念)the(5)poet(poet/a rtist),Q u Y u a n.嗓霞更会教,【解答】(1)

29、ino考查介词。in+语言,表示用某种语言。故填:in。(2)ra ceso考查名词。由D ra gon B oa t F estiva l”端午节可知,dra gon boa t ra ces龙舟比赛,为常见活动,ra ces”比赛符合。故填:ra ces。(3)ea tingo考查动名词。介词by后跟动名词,ea ting为动名词,符合。故填:ea ting。(4)su mmero 考查名词。根据常识,端午节来临时,天气是夏天,su mmer夏天符合。故填:su mmero(5)poeto考查名词。根据常识,屈原是一位诗人,poet诗人符合。故填:poet。2.(2 0 2 0 大兴区)根

30、据图片故事选择恰当的单词填空,将其标号写在横线上.(第一个单词已选定)A.pa rk B.a ngry C.good D.bird E.kitchen F.sleepF loppy is a pet dog.M u m M u m ta kes F loppy home.H e F loppy comes to my room inta kes him to the(A)pa rk ru ns a fter a (1)D a nd the a fternoon.H e ma kes myin the morning.F loppy goes pu lls the clothes down.ro

31、om messy.I m so(2)_B _in the mu d(泥坑).第8页 共1 9页A t night,F loppy ba rks a W e a ll go to the(4 )W ha t a (5)C dog!W e lovelot.D a d ca nt(3)F E _.T he kettle(水 壶)is F loppy.on fire.F loppy tries to letu s know.【解答】本题考查选词填空.(1)D.考查名词,根据句意并结合图示,可知F loppy追着一只鸟,bird鸟,符合句意,故选:1).(2)B.考查形容词,根据句意并结合图示,可知我的

32、房间被弄得一团糟,我很生气,a ngry生气,故选:B.(3)F.考查动词,根据句意并结合图示,可知F loppy大叫,爸爸睡不了觉,s l e e p 睡觉,故选:F.(4)E.考查名词,根据句意并结合图示,可知一家人都去了厨房,k i t c h e n 厨房,故选:E.(5)C.考查形容词,根据句意并结合图示,可知F l o p p y 是一条好狗,g o o d 好的,故选:C.3.(2 02 2 东城区)按要求填空。A.h o b b yB.s t a t i o nC.u m b r e l l aD.s c a r fE.c h e e s e(1)Y o u g o t o t

33、 h i s p l a c e t o c a t c h a t r a i n o r t o m e e t p e o p l e a r r i v e d.B(2)Pe o p l e l i k e t o p u t i t,o f t e n y e l l o w,i n s a n d w i c h e s o r o n p i z z a.E(3)Y o u c a n w e a r i t r o u n d y o u r n e c k i f t h e w e a t h e r i s c o l d.D(4)Y o u o p e n i t a

34、n d h o l d i t o v e r y o u r h e a d w h e n i t r a i n s.C(5)A k i n d o f t h i n g y o u l o v e d o i n g a t y o u r f r e e t i m e.A【解答】(1)B o考查名词。句意:你去这个地方是为了赶火车或者是迎接到达的人。根据句意和选项可知这是车站。选项B.s t a t i o n 车站。符合句意,故选:B。(2)E o 考查名词。句意:人们喜欢把它放在三明治或披萨上,通常是黄色的。根据句意和选项可知这是奶酪。选项E.c h e e s e 奶酪。符

35、合句意,故选:E。(3)D o 考查名词。句意:如果天气冷,你可以把它戴在脖子上。根据句意和选项可知这是围巾。选项D.s c a r f 围巾。符合句意,故选:D o(4)C o 考查名词。句意:下雨的时候,你打开它,把它举在头上。根据句意和选项可知这是雨伞。选第9页 共1 9页项 C.u m b r e l l a 雨伞。符合句意,故选:C o(5)A o 考查名词。句意:是你空闲时间喜欢做的事。根据句意和选项可知这是兴趣爱好。选项A.h o b b y兴趣爱好,符合句意,故选:A o4.(2 02 2 东城区)读故事,根据故事大意选择相应的单词,将标号填在横线上。A.g o t B.v i

36、 s i t C.d r e s s D.h e r E.s o m e F.w a s h e dSa r a (1)A u p a t s e v e n Sh e p u t o n h e r f a v o r i t e o r a n g e Sh e h a d a n e g g,a p i e c e o f b r e a dt h i r t y l a s t Sa t u r d a y.(2)C a n d(3)E m i l k f o r b r e a k f a s t.Sh e r o d e h e r n e w b i k e a n d w e

37、n t H e r g r a n d p a r e n t s w e l c o m e d h e r A f t e r l u n c h,A n n c l e a n e d t h et o (4)B h e r g r a n d p a r e n t s,a n d c o o k e d a b i g m e a l f o r (5)t a b l e a n d (6)F d i s h e s.D【解答】(1)A。考查动词。根据图意:女孩在起床。参照题干可知句意:萨拉上周六七点半起床。A.g o t,g o t u p (起床)符合题意。故选:A o(2)C

38、o 考查名词。根据图意:女孩穿着连衣裙照镜子。参照题干可知句意:她穿上她最喜爱的橘色的裙子。C.d r e s s (连衣裙)符合题意。故选:C o(3)E o 考查形容词。根据图意:在吃早餐。参照题干可知句意:她早餐吃了一个鸡蛋、一片面包和一些牛奶。E.s o m e (一些)符合题意。故选:E。(4)B o 考查动词。根据图意:女孩骑自行车。参照题干可知句意:她骑着她的新自行车去看望她的爷爷奶奶。B.v i s i t (看望,拜访)符合题意。故选:B o(5)D o 考查代词。根据图意:爷爷奶奶欢迎她。参照题干可知句意:她爷爷奶奶欢迎她,为她做了一顿大餐。D.h e r (她)符合题意。

39、故选:D o(6)F。考查动词。根据图意:女孩在洗碗。参照题干可知句意:午饭后,安擦干净桌子、洗碗。C.F.w a s h e d(洗)符合题意。故选:F o5.(2 02 2 西城区)读英文释义,根据释义选择相应的单词,将标号填入括号内。A.w i s h B.d a r k C.s p e e c h D.Se p t e m b e r E.h a p p i n e s s(1)t h e n i n t h m o n t h o f t h e y e a r,b e t w e e n A u g u s t a n d Oc t o b e rD第1 0页 共1 9页(2)t

40、h e f e e l i n g o f b e i n g p l e a s e d o r h a p p y E(3)w i t h l i t t l e o r n o l i g h t B(4)t o w a n t t o d o s o m e t h i n g A(5)a t a l k t h a t y o u g i v e t o m a n y p e o p l e C【解答】(1)D o考查名词。题干意思为:一年中的第九个月,在八月和十月之间。根据常识可知,是Se p t e m b e r (九月)。故选:D o(2)E o 考查名词。题干意思为:愉快

41、或高兴的感觉。根据句意可知,是 h a p p i n e s s (幸福,愉快)。故 选:E o(3)B o 考查形容词。题干意思为:光线很少或没有光线。根据句意可知,是 d a rk(黑暗的,昏暗的)。故选:B o(4)Ao 考查动词。题干意思为:想做某事。根据句意可知,是 w ish(希望,想要)。故选:A o(5)C o 考查名词。题干意思为:一次你给很多人的演讲。根据句意可知,是 spe e c h(演说)。故选:C o二、不可数名词(共1 小题)6.(2 0 2 1 北京)读短文,根据短文内容和方框中词语完成短文。(每空一词)g ood;e nv ironme nt;ke e p;

42、spe c ia l;sa v e;g a rd e n;g ra ss;prote c tL a st Sund a y I sa w a v e ry (1)spe c ia l house.Its v e ry b ig a nd v e ry pre tty.The re is some(2)g ra ss on the roof(房顶).It looks like a (3)g a rd e n on the top of the house.Its a (4)g ood id e a to put g ra ss on the roof,b e c a use it c a n(5

43、)sa v e e ne rg y(能量)a nd it is g ood for the (6)e nv i ronme nl.The re a re ma ny thing s w e c a n d o to(7)prote c t the e nv ironme nt.W e should b e c a re ful to d o e v e ry thing to(8)ke e p ourc ity c le a n a nd tid y.【解答】(1)spe c ia l。考查形容词。house 房子,名词。前面可用形容词修饰。spe c ia l特殊的,结合图片,符合题意。故答

44、案为:spe c ia lo(2)g ra sso考查名词。结合图片可知,屋顶有一些草。g ra ss草,不可数名词,放 在 some 后面用原形。故答案为:g ra sso(3)g a rd e no考查名词。结合图片进行推测,它看起来像一个花园。g a rd e n花园。符合题意。故答案第 1 1 页 共 1 9 页为:g ra s So(4)g ood。Its a+名词单数+to d o sth.做某事怎么样。固定句型。g ood 好的。符合题意。故答案为:g ood o(5)sa v e。考查动词。e ne rg y 能量,前面搭配动词sa v e,构成sa v e e ne rg y

45、 节约能量。固定搭配。故答案为:sa v e。(6)e nv ironme nto 考查名词。结 合 sa v e e ne rg y 节约能量,可知这样也可以保护环境。e nv ironme nt环境,符合题意。故答案为:e nv ironme nto(7)prote c to 考查动词。the e nv ironme nt环境,前面搭配动词prote c t保护,构成短语prote c t thee nv ironme nt保护环境。故答案为:prote c to(8)ke e po考查动词。ke e p+名词+形容词,固定结构,保持某物某状态。ke e p保持,放在不定式to后用动词原形

46、。故答案为:ke e p。三、how 引导的特殊疑问句(共1 小题)7.(2 0 2 0 朝阳区)请将单词与句子匹配,将其字母标号填在横线上.A.host B.c orne r C.inv ite D.re he a rsa l E.prote c t(1)Time tha t pe ople pra c tic e a pla y or pie c e of music for a show.D(2)To ma ke sure tha t some one or some thing is sa fe.E(3)A pe rson w ho introd uc e s(介绍)a show.A(

47、4)A pla c e w he re tw o stre e ts join.B(5)To a sk some b od y to c ome to a pa rty.C【解答】本题主要考查选词填空.(1)D.句子 Time tha t pe ople pra c tic e a pla y or pie c e of music for a show 大意为:人们为练习表演或者一段音乐的时间.re he a rsa l意思为:预演,符合句意.故选:D.(2)E.句 子 To ma ke sure tha t some one or some thing is sa fe 大意为:确保某人或

48、某事是安全的.prote c t意思为:保护,符合句意.故选:E.(3)A.句子A pe rson w ho introd uc e s a show 大意为:介绍表演的人.host意思为:主持人.符合句意.故选:A.(4)B.句子A pla c e w he re tw o stre e ts join大意为:两条街道交汇的地方.c orne r意思为:角落,符合句意.故选:B.(5)C.句 子 To a sk some b od y to c ome to a pa rty 大意为:邀请某人来参加聚会.inv ite 意思为:邀请.符合句意.故选:C.四、人与自我(共2小题)第 1 2 页

49、 共 1 9 页8.(2020朝阳区)读短文,完成两个任务.任务一:选词填空,将其字母标号填在相应横线上.A.bins B.environment C.Kitchen D.medicine E.newspaper F.intoWASTE SORTINGThere are different kinds of We should put the leftover We should put the old(3)bins.Do you know how to throw(厨 余 垃 圾)into these E_,the broken glasses,thetrash into the right

50、(1)green bins.They cans,plastic bags intoA_?are for the(2)C waste”,these bluebins.They are for the“Recyclable waste”.We should put the used H ow about other trash?We Waste sorting is a verybatteries,expired(过期的)can put them(5)F these important way to protect the(4)D into these red yellow or grey bin


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