1、初三英语中考复习策略初三英语中考复习策略二00八年六月三日本学期是初中阶段的最后一个学期,也是初三英语教学进 入总复习阶段的关键时期。如何通过较短时间的复习,做到事半 功倍,是摆在我们全体初三学生和英语教师面前紧张而艰巨的任 务,也是值得我们研究和讨论的问题。受俞嘉老师的委托,在这 里我谈谈自己在去年的初三英语复习中的一些做法以及经验与 感悟,与各位同行共享,相互学习和借鉴。以求在今年的中考中 能给大家提供帮助。首先,从宏观上要制定一个合理的复习计划初中英语三年共五本书,语言知识复杂,内容繁多,我们应 该 遵 循 课程标准,以标为本的原则,着重把握中考要求及考 试范围,对 英语中考说明要反复研
2、究、推敲。删除繁,偏,怪,难题。我不会做的题决不要求学生做。整个复习大致分为三 个阶段。第一阶段:细过课本。4月至5月让学生快速浏览初中五册 的课本,主要利用早自习复习,朗读,熟记单词及重要的短语、词组,并将它们融入到具体句型及课文中一起记忆,对那些平时 易疏漏的单词要重点记忆,夯实基础。同时老师有必耍辅以听写 作为检测学生是否掌握单词的手段。另外也可通过词汇互译的方 法辅之以笔头练习,进行语言知识的归纳和运用,加强学生对词 汇的记忆。每次遇到好文章时我就请几位同学朗读并回答一到两个问 题,为口语测试做了有利的铺垫。同时每册书摘选5个作文题作 为作业,并在课堂上演讲。学生在不知不觉中熟知了作文
3、素材。通过这一阶段的复习,给学生的口语能力测试和词汇掌握打下了 坚实的基础。第二阶段:分 类 复 习(即专项复习)。5月底6月初。这一 阶段应充分发挥学生的主观能动性,以教师总结为辅,学生复习 为主。所复习的内容包括冠词、名词、代词、数词、形容词、副 词、介词、连词、动词、句子等。对学生已掌握的内容少讲或不 讲,对学生不够熟练的要重点讲,每复习一个项目,让学生创设 与知识点相关的问题,寻找专项练习。做到每节课复习都有复习 目标、耍点、课内追踪练习、课外巩固练习等,做到项目有专练,人人有所得。这就要求老师多整理资料去年的专项练习我主要 使用区上统一资料 学习之友,那本书是专项复习的好材料 每项知
4、识讲解完后,当堂课我限时5分钟完成15至20道选择题,然后比谁的正确率高,学生兴趣浓,充分调动了积极性。用这种复习方法减轻了学生学习劳累感,尤其是学困生也有成功感。使 被动学习变成主动学习。课后学生争着找题做,让我批改。每天 做2 0道英语选择题成为了乐趣。通过这一阶段的复习,使学生 对每项内容得以全面、系统地巩固和提高。第三阶段:综合练习,进入模拟冲刺阶段。大约2 0天左右,完 成1 0套模拟题。主要紧扣题型,讲练结合。专项训练仅仅是 就某一个知识点的单纯训练,在此基础上,我想我们应对学生进 行综合运用能力的训练,即有选择地进行听力、笔试为一体的成 套试题的训练。通过对学生限时测试,使他们把
5、所学的知识上升 为综合运用能力,逐步适应中考要求。同时对各地区历年的中考 试卷,试题类型结构加以认真研究,并就每一种答题思路和解题 方法加以指导,力求对不同内容采取不同方法。另外本人从网上 筛选搜集了许多复习资料以供自己和教师使用,从兄弟学校(银 川1,2中,澹彳来中学,石嘴山8中等)拿来比较新的模拟试卷 供学生测试,真正做到资源共享。其次,针对今年的中考题型要逐一进行解法指导和训练。一、完形填空,做此题型耍从以下几个方面入手。(1)重视首句的开篇启示作用。(2)通读全文,弄懂大意。(3)符合短文内容,遵循语法规则。(4)复读全文,核定答案。二、阅读理解,解答这类题目,一般采用三个步骤。(1)
6、首先通读全文,迅速抓住文章内容,在不影响理解的前 提下,尽可能快速阅读,并重点抓住主耍信.息,整体理解文章大7 S,i。(2)阅读短文后的选择题,包括题干和选择项,明确问题的 要求后,再细读全文或有关段落,最后选定答案。注意文章开头 和结尾对把握主题很关键。细微地方要前后进行逻辑推理。(3)答完一篇短文的全部题目后,再把短文略读一遍,逐一 核对答案。深层理解一定耍细心。三、任务型阅读,根据任务型阅读的题型,我指导学生采用 以下解题思路(1)认真审题,读 懂 题 意(明确任务)(2)快速阅读,掌 握 题 意(找准关键句)(3)细读题目,完 成 任 务(注意常用句型)(4)复读文章,核 实 任 务
7、(检查语法)针对以上三种题型,我要求学生在掌握了每种解题思路后都 要按照这种原则、步骤去解题,慢慢适应解题方法,并在课堂练 习中针对练习详细讲解为什么要这样做,如:为什么要瞻前顾后,通过例子加以说明等。四、书面表达题,除了认真审题,端正书写等常规性的训练 以外,要求学生首先确立时态和人称。尽量采用熟悉的句型和词汇来写,避免重复和错词。其次注意首句和结尾句的运用,首句 开思路,尾句重思想感情抒发。同时还应注意对学生讲清日记、书信、等的写作方法与时态的运用。五、听力题,尤其是中考前的一个月,应加强训练,做到每 天都有听力练习,以便提高听力应试能力。我在6月份每天早自 习练习一套听力题,进行听力训练
8、,收到较好的效果。我把中考试题分了三部分,(3 个 4 0 分)听力作文4 0 分;综合能力4 0 分,阅读4 0 分。保 基 础,抓 中 档,争 高 分,是对 全体学生的耍求。无论是第一轮的课本复习,还是第二轮的阶段复习,教学的 着眼点都要新,耍着眼于培养和提高学生的能力,必须摸清学生 的知识缺陷,有的放矢,从而提高课堂学习效率。注意知识的系 统归纳,重点难点突出,同时将知识点题目化。总之,对于初三老师来说,得法的复习是很关键的,这就要 求老师要有吃苦精神和不懈的钻研认真精神,才能打好这一仗。中考复习方法多样,老师要切合自己学生特点,认真把好关,不 应该填鸭式的一唯灌输,应该把课堂作为复习的
9、场所,学生作为 复习的主体,老师作为复习的指挥棒,同时耍充分利用电化教学 手段,加大训练量,节省时间,以便全面提高教学质量。反思:1 .在每一轮的复习过后都有一个相同的感受就是每一轮复 习都比较仓促,不够踏实。同样的题目在不同的复习资料上出现,总是有部分同学答不上;2 .对学生进行阅读理解题型的解题指导还不够,阅读理解的 分值很高。学生在平常的练习中不愿意做阅读理解,词汇量又小,所以考试中失分较多。3 .在搜集和积累学生平时在各方面出现的错误,将其集中,对症下药,逐题突破做得不够。4.归类不够;同时应注意学生解题得分能力和实战能力的5.心理应试辅导,树立自信心还缺少方法。6 .学困生的学习积极
10、性没有很好发挥,造成低分也较多。八年级下学期必背英语句子(U n i t s 5 1 0)U n i t 51.If y o u g o t o t h e pa r t y,y o u l l h a v e a g r e a t t i m e.如果你去参加聚会,你会玩得很开心的。2.-I think I ll ride my bike.I f you do.you 1 1 be late.我想我会骑我的自行车。如果你这样,你会迟到的。3.-1 think I m going to stay at home.-I f you do,youll be sorry.-我想我会呆在家里。如果你
11、这样,-你会后悔的。4.Well go to the park if it doesnt rain tomorrow.如果明天不卜 雨,我们将去公园。5.When is a good time to have the p a rty?什么时间举行聚会合 适?6.I f we have the party today,half the class wont come.如果我们今天举行聚会,班上一半的学生不会来。7.I think this is a good chance for you.You should take it.我认为这对你来说是个好机会,你应该抓住它。8.I f you join
12、 the Lions,youll be able to make a lot of money.如果加入狮队,你将能赚很多钱。9.I f you are famous,people will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere.如果你出名了,人们会随时盯着你,到处跟着你。10.For many young people,becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job.对于许多年轻人而言,成为一名职业运动员可能看起来像是 一份理想的工作。11.He makes a
13、 living by selling b ooks.他以卖书为生。12.This can make life difficult.这会使生活艰难。13.We must keep our classroom clean.我们应该保持我们的教室 干净。14.We should figlit against terrorists.我们应该同恐怖分子作斗争。15.Many professional athletes get injured.许多职业运动员受了 伤。16.They have problems(in)learning English w ell.他们在学好英 语方面有问题。17.The t
14、eacher took away my mobile phone because I used it in class.老师拿走了我的手机,因为我上课使用它。V nit 61.How long have you been skating?I ve been skating for live hours.你滑冰多长时间了?我一直滑了五个小时。2.How long did you skate?I skated for two hours.你滑了多久?我滑了两个小时。3.Our class is organizing a talent show to raise money for charity我
15、们班在组织一个才艺表演,以便为慈善事业筹集资金。4.How long has Tom been collecting kites?Since 2003/Since four years ago./Since he was ten years oldT om收集风筝多久了?自从2003以来/自从4年前以来/自从他十岁以来。5.Alison was the first to start.阿里森是第一 个 开始的。6.I n fact 1 think it飞 probably my favorite.事实上我觉得它是我 的最爱。7.1 like Chinese tea with nothing in
16、 it.我喜欢里面什么都不放 的清茶。8.1 like to start a music club.我想发起一 个 声乐俱乐部。9.By the way.W hats your h obby?顺便问一 下,你的爱好是什 么?10.1 didnt finish writing my test because 1 ran out of time.我没 有写完考卷因为我用完了时间。11.Beijing is the capital of China.北京是中国的首都。12.I ve been teaching in China for two years.我在中国任教已有 两年了。13.Harbin
17、 is an interesting city with a very colorful history.哈尔滨是一个带有丰富多彩历史的有趣城市。14.I n Harbin,some of the old buildings are in Russian st、le.在 哈尔滨,有些古老建筑是俄罗斯风格的15.1 started studying/to study Chinese history two years ago.两 年前我开始研究中国历史。16.Chinese history is very hard to understand.中国历史难以理 解。17.The more 1 le
18、arn about Chinese history,the more 1 enjoy living in China.我了解中国历史越多,我就越喜欢住在中国。18.The more/sooner,the b e tte r.越多/快越好。Unit 71.Would you mind turning down the music?Sorry,1 1 1 do it right away/at once.你介意把音乐关小点吗?对不起,我马上做。2.Would you mind not wearing those old jeans?OK,I ll put on another pair.你介意不穿
19、这条旧牛仔裤吗?好的,我将穿另一条。3.Would you mind moving your car?No,not at a ll.你介意移一卜你的车吗?不,我不介意。4.Could you(please)help me with my hom ew ork?你能帮我做家务吗?5.The store clerk gave me the wrong siz e.售货员给了我错误的 尺码。6.The pen was broken=The pen didnt work=Something was wrong with the pen这支钢笔坏了7.I dont like waiting in lin
20、e.我不喜欢排队等候。8.Could you please not follow me around?I ll ask you if I need some help.。你能不到处跟着我吗?如果我需要你的帮助,我会叫你的。9.I get annoyed when people cut in line.当人们插队的时候我很 恼火。10.This happened to me aO the time.这种事在我身上总是发生。11.Perhaps in the future I should try not to be so polite.也tF 以 后我就不那么客气了。12.1 ordered m
21、y food half an hour ago and it hasnt arrived yet.我 半小时前就订了食物,可它还没上。13.1 wish to spend some time in an English-speaking country.我 希望到一个讲英语的国家去过段时间14.Talking loudly is not allowed h e re.在此大声齐放是不被允许的。15.Even if you are with your friends,it is better to keep your voice down in pubic places.即使你和你的朋友们在一起
22、,在公共场合控制你的声音也要 好些。16.We should take care not to cough or sneeze loudly in public.在公共场合我们应小心谨慎,不要大声咳嗽或打喷嚏。17.M ould you mind joining the line?你介意站到 队列里去吗?18.Could you please put out that cigarette?请你把烟熄灭好吗?19.You cant drop litter here.Would you mind picking it up?你不应在此扔垃圾。你介意把它捡起来吗?20.I f we see some
23、one breaking the rules of etiquette,we may politely give them some suggestions.如果我们见到某人在违反礼仪规则,我们可以礼貌地给他们 一些建议。Unit 81.M hy dont you get her a scarf=get a scarf for her?No,th a/s net special/creative enough.你为什么不给她买条围巾呢?不,那不够特殊/有创意。2.What.s the best gift you have ever received?你曾经收到的最好的礼物是什么?3.W hat
24、 a lucky g u y!多幸运的家伙!4.Dogs are too difficult to take care o f.狗太难以照顾了。5.I dont have enough time to spend with h e r.我没有足够的时 间来陪她。6.The pen cost me ten yuan.=l spent ten yuan on the pen.=I paid ten yuan for the pen.这支钢笔花了我十元。7.The movie was boring.I fell asleip half way through it.这首B 电影太枯燥了,我在中途睡着
25、了。8.Some presents are never too small.有些礼物从不会太小。9.I n the USA,some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buy them gifts.在美国,有 吐 乌 人 请他们的家人或朋友把钱捐给慈善机构,而不给他们买礼物。10.I n Sweden,doing something for someone is the best gift.在瑞 典,为某人做点什么是最好的礼物。11.Last weekend,I studied
26、for the English test instead of going to the beach.上周我准备了英语考试,而不是去了海滩。12.China will be the host for the 2008 Olympics,so many Chinese people want to improve their English in different ways.中国将成为2008年奥运会的主办国,所以许多中国人想以 不同的方式提高英语。13.1 wont go to Shanghai,Fil go to Beijing instead.我将不去上海,我将去北京.14.They w
27、ere able to sing just as well as native speakers.他们能唱得和本族人一样好。15.He made progress in English.他在英语方面看 了进步。16.She looked comfortable on sta g e.她在舞台上神情自若。17.The teacher encouraged me to learn English w e ll.老师鼓励我学好英语。18.He is interested in learning English=He takes an interest in learning English.他对学英
28、语感兴趣。八 卜 Unit 91.Have you ever been to an amusement park?Yes,1 have.你曾经去过一个娱乐公园吗?一 是 的,我是。2 When did you go to the zoo?1 went there two years ago.你什么时候去动物园了?一两年前去的.3.Have you ever been to an English-speaking country?No,I havent.你曾经去过一个讲英语的国家吗?一 不,我没有。4.M here is Mr Green?He has gone to Wuhan.格林先生在哪里
29、?一他到武汉去了。5.You are a student,so am 1.你是一一名学生,我也是。6.I ve never been to a water park.neither/Neither have I.我从来没有去过水上公园。一我也没有。7.Which would you like,tea or coffee?Neither.Fm not thirsty.你是耍茶还是咖啡?一 两 者 都 不。我不渴。8.Most of us have heard of Mickey Mouse.我们大多数人都听说 过米老鼠。9.You can take a ride on the boat for
30、several days.You can sleep and eat on board.你可以乘船游览数日,你能在船上睡觉和吃饭。10.I t was because 1 could speak English that 1 got the job.就是因为我会讲英语我才得到了那份工作。11.His father died two years ago=His father has been dead for two vears.J他的父亲是两年前死的二他的父亲已死了两年了。12.He left his home two years ago.He has been awav from his h
31、ome for two years.他是两年前离开家的二他离开家已有两年To13.I ts ten years since we met l a s t.自从我们上次见面以来已有 十年了。14.Have you finished your homework yet?Yes,I have already finished it.你已完成你的作业了吗?一是的,我已经完成它了。15.1 want to be an English teacher rather than a tour guide.我想成为一名英语教师而不是导游16.I was an exchange student in the Un
32、ited States for three months.我作为一名交换生在美国呆了三个月。17.How long have you been in this school?你在这学校里有多 久了?I ve been here for two years./since I was 13 vears old./since 2004.我在这里两年了/自从我十三岁以来/自从2004年 以来.18.I ts fun to learn another language.学习另一种语言真有趣.19.I had fim playing in the w ate r.我在水中玩得很茴兴。20.lt/s a g
33、ood place to practice English.这是练习英语的好地方.21 On the one hand*he wants to help his friend.On the other hand,he has no time.一方面,他想帮助他的朋友,另一方面,他又没有时间。22.I n Singapore,more than three quarters of the population are Chinese.在新加坡,多于四分之三的人口是中国人.23.China has the largest population in the world.中国有世界最多 的人口.24
34、.hats the population of China?I ts about 1.3 billion.中国的人口是多少?一大约是13亿。25.I n Singapore,the temperature is almost the same all year round.在新加坡,气温整年几乎一样.26.5X henever(=No m atter when)you go to Hainan I sland,you will have a good time.无论你什么时候去海南岛,你都会玩得很高兴。27.Please wake me up at six o,clock tomorrow m
35、orning.请在明天早上六点把我叫醒。28.I f you go to see lions during the davtime.they 1 1 probably be asleep.如果你白天去看狮子,他们很有可能在睡觉。八 下U10.1.I t,s a nice day,isnt it?天气不错,是吗?2.I t looks like rain,doesnt i t?看起来要下雨 了。是不是?3.She often lias lunch at school,doesnt sh e?她经常在学校吃午 餐,是吗?4.Let,s go for a walk,shall w e?让我们去散步,
36、好 吗?5.Dont forget to turn off the light,will y o u?别忘 了 关 灯,好 吗?6.I dont think Tom is right,is h e?我 认 为 汤 姆 不 对,(他)对 吗?7.He,s never been to Wuhan,has h e?他 从 未 去 过 武 汉,是 吗?8.There are some books in the desk,arent th e re?课桌上有 些 书,是 吗?9.We must go to bed by nine o clock,m ustnt w e?我们必须在 9 点前睡觉,是 吗?
37、10.Your pen must be in your desk,isrft i t?你的钢笔一 定在你的 课桌里,是 吗?11.Do you think its going to rain?I hope n o t.你认为将要 下雨吗?一我希望不。12.I hate waiting for the bus?So do L 我讨厌等车。我也是。13.1 feel like part of the group now.我现在觉得自己像是集体中的一份了。14.You must be careful when you cross the s tre e t.当你横穿马路 时应小心。14 1 had
38、a hard time learning science last year.去年我学习科学很 困难.15.The traffic is very busy at this time 此刻交通繁忙16.Fm going to look through the newspaper for a holiday job.我 将浏览报纸找份假期工作。17.The car costs at least 10,000 y u a n.这辆车至少值 10000 兀。18.1 get on/along well with my classm ates.我和我的同学们相处 融洽。19.1 was looking
39、 for Tom when he came alo n g.我正在找汤姆时 他突然出现(过来)了。20 The prices in this store are too high.这 家 商 场(商品的)价 格太高了。清华大学英语教授50年研究成果八年级英语U nit2练习题第一关基础知识关I.根据句意及首字母,填入适当的单词。(1 0分)1.W hats the m with you?2.We hear with our e and see with our e.3.He usually goes to school on f.4.I have a t,so I want to see a
40、dentist.5.Pm t,I would like something to drink.I I.选择填空。(1 0分)1.Tlie little baby has two.A.tooth B.tooths C.toothes D.teeth2.M hats the m atter with you?A.I m glad B.I have a cold C.I have something to do D.Sorry,I dont know3.we go to the zoo?All right.A.Do B.Lets C.Are D.Shall4.She can both French
41、and English.A.s a y B.t e l l C.t a l k D.s pe a k5.-I s y o u r f a t h e r a b o o k?-N o,h e i s TVA.r e a d i n g,l o o k i n g a t B.r e a d i n g,w a t c h i n g C.l o o k i n g a t,s e e i n g D.l o o k i n g a t,w a t c h i n g第 二 关 挑战能力关(共4 0分)1 1 1.英汉互译。(1 0分)1.你怎么?一我头疼。-?2 .我的弟弟得了重感冒。3.你不
42、应该来学校太晚。4.我口渴,想喝点水。5.H e i s s t r e s s e d o u t b e c a u s e h e h a s t o o m u c h w o r k.6 .I t i s i m po r t a n t f o r y o u t o l e a r n t o s pe a k E n g l i s h w e l l.7.I ts cooler today.Lets go for a walk.8.On the other hand,you should study hard.I V单句改错,下列各句中均有一处错误,请指出并改正。(10 分)
43、1.Wliat*s(A)the m att er(B)to(C)you(D)?2.My father often(A)eats(B)too many(C)food(D).3.We are(A)tired(B),so we want(C)to have rest(D).4.I f you want to(A)stay healtli(B),you must(C)take some exercise(D).5.The old man(A)might(B)is(C)a doctor(D).V.动词应用,用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。(10分)We dont go to school on week
44、ends.I usually(1)(get)up at eight.Sometimes mum(2)(tell)me to help her do some housework.This morning 1 woke up early,but I stayed in the bed.Mum(3)(say)it was very cold outside.Suddenly the doorbell(4)(ring).”Go and see whos outside,Nick,mum(5)(call)from the kitchen(厨房).1 jumped out of the bed and
45、thought to myself,nI t(6)(snow)outside.Who can ithe?”I opened the door and(7)(see)it was my friend Jimmy.He said,We w a n t(8)(s k a t e)on the lake.Would you like to go witli us?Of course,I replied,but are you the only person goingyH No.Jack and Rose(9)(wait)for you near the gate.Let me have breakf
46、ast first,OK?I said.n0K.Please(10)(come)back in ten minutes!V I .对话排序。(1 0分)选择下列每组句子的正确语序,使其组成符合逻辑的对话。I s it anything serious?My head hurts.1 feel terrible.Please sit down.Let me have a look at you.Whats wrong witli you,young man?No,nothing serious.Take this medicine and you can be better soon.A.B.C
47、.D.第三关综合训练关(共3 0分)V I I .补全对话。(10分)根据对话内容在空白处填写入一个适当的词语使对话完整。Doctor:hats_(1)_ with you,young man?Paul:I dont feel_(2)_.Doctor:I m _(3)_ to hear th at.Please take_(4)_ your shirtand_(5)_ down on the bed.Paul:Yes doctor.Doctor:Well,theres_(6)_ m uch wrong w ith you.Do your takem uch exercise?Paul:No,d
48、octor.I never have_(7)_ tim e for exercise.Doctor:How do you sleep?Paul:Very badly,doctor.Can you give me_(8)_ medicine to helpme sleep?Doctor:Yes,I can,but I m not going to.You dont need medicine.Just take m ore exercise.Paul:Youre right,doctor.I ts im portant for me to_(9)_ healthy.T hank you for
49、your advice.Doctor:Youre welcome.I _(10)_ you feel better soon.V I I I.阅读理解:根据文章内容填空,每空一词。(1 0分)Tm Peter Penguin,M ary Penguin is m y wife.Most of the tim e we live in the water.I t is as cold as an icebox.We have m any friends here.Our hom e is large.All we can see here is snow and ice.B ut our lan
50、d is not all w hite.There is bright color,too.Sometimes the land looks green,or blue just like the color of the sky.I n summer,the sun shines all the tim e.We have no night at all.Then w interc o m e s.I t i s n i g h t a l l t l i e t i m e.W e e a t s h e l l f i s h(贝壳类动物).W e r i d e o n b i g p