1、 Learning Objectives Giving and understanding descriptions of companies Asking and answering questions about companies Planning and writing business report Follow-up PracticeFollow-up Practice Writing TaskWriting TaskWe need to discuss some questions about what we are going to learn in this unit.Sur
2、e,thatll help us understand better about what we are asked to do.1.Storethewordsandphrasesthatareassociatedwithtypesofcompanies.TypesofcompanieselectronicsThe following are logos of some famous companies in the world.How much do you know about these companies?123 45 678910111213141516 2.Discuss the
3、following questions1)Can you tell some companies you are familiar with under the following business headings?-motor vehicles -electronics -advertising -banking -airline -insurance -telecommunications -catering -travel and tourism -energy -engineering -retailing2)Do you prefer to work in the public o
4、r the private sector?And why?3)When someone describes his company,what information do you think they should provide?4)Can you describe one company that you are familiar with?Do you like to work in such a large global company?In this part you will listen to an introduction of Burger King and a talk a
5、bout a company called ACT Systems Corporation.Try to finish the exercises while listening.Are you ready?Are you ready?2.1.1 Listen to the company introduction and fill in the missing information on the fact sheet below.BURGER KING CORPORATION FACT SHEET Burger King was founded in Miami,Florida,USA i
6、n 1954 by James Mclamore and David Edgerton,who were both alumni of the Cormell University School of Hotel Administration.Area of operations:fast-food industry.Number of restaurants:11 350 in 61 countries and territories worldwide.75%of them are located in the United States.Around 55.3%of Burger Kin
7、g business is drive-thru and 20%is take-out.Number of employees:340 000 worldwide Burger King serves 1 380 customers per restaurant,approximately 15 million daily and sells about 2.6 billion hamburgers worldwide annually.Burger King system:franchising.91%of all Burger King restaurants are owned and
8、operated by independent franchisees,many of them family-owned operations that have been in business for decades. Listen to the rest part about the organization of ACT London,and complete the organization chart below.The numbers 7,11 and 16 in the chart are given.7.TechnicalandQualityManager11
10、k your answers2.2.1 Dialogue1)WhenwasSDKfounded?Thecompanywasfoundedin1974.2)Whatisthecompanysmainbusiness?Thecompanysmainbusinessisimportandexporttrade.3)WhyisSDKknownasadiversifiedcompany?Besidesimportandexporttrade,thecompanyalsodealsininternationaltransportation,hotelservice,advertising,exhibiti
12、and15jointventuresinthehomemarket.6)Howmanyemployeesdoesthecompanyemploy?Itemploysaround60800.Intheheadofficehere,thereareabout200employees.2.2.2 Dialogue1)WhatscaleistheNelsonsfirm?Itisasmallpartnershipwith30peopleinit,splitamongstthreeoffices.2)Howmanypartnersarethereinthefirm?Thereareonlytwopartn
14、inthecompany.6)Canyoudescribethesystemofcommandinthecompany?Twopartnersareatthetopwiththreeassociatesbelowthem.Belowthethreeassociatesaretheseniorengineers,juniorengineers,drafts-personsandsoonandsoforth,downtotheofficeboy,typist,andsoforth.PRE-READING QUESTIONS FOR PAIR WORK1.Do you know any famous
15、 global companies in the world?2.What are their characteristics?3.How much do you know about the Royal Dutch/Shell Group?Answer the following questions:1.WhenwastheRoyalDutch/ShellGroupestablished?Itwasestablishedin1907.2.WhatistheGroupbestknownfor?Itisnowbestknowntothepublicforitsservicestationsand
17、loysmorethan119,000peopleworldwide.6.CanyoudescribethestructureoftheGroup?(SeethechartoftheGroupstructure)In this part you are going to learn how to write business reports.BusinessReportsWhatisthepurposeofbusinessreports?Simplystated,abusinessreportconveysinformationtoassistindecision-making.Therepo
18、rtisthemeanstopresentthisinformation.Somereportsmightpresenttheactualsolutiontosolveabusinessproblem;otherreportsmightrecordhistoricalinformationthatwillbeusefultoassistinfuturedecisionmaking.Eitherway,informationisbeingreportedthatwillusefulinmakingdecisions.What is the purpose of business reports?
19、Simply stated,a business report conveys information to assist in decision-making.The report is the means to present this information.Some reports might present the actual solution to solve a business problem;other reports might record historical information that will be useful to assist in future de
20、cision making.Either way,information is being reported that will useful in making decisions.In order for the writer to have a clear understanding of why a report is written,a written purpose sentence is essential.This purpose sentence could be written as either a statement or a question.For example:
21、To determine ways to improve employee morale.(statement)To design a new procedure for the companys annual inventory.(statement)Should new computers be purchased to replaced the older models?(question)Should the office arrangement be open or modular?(question)Reports WritingAbusinessreportconveysinfo
22、rmationtoassistindecision-making.Somereportsmightpresenttheactualsolutiontosolveabusinessproblem;otherreportsmightrecordhistoricalinformationthatwillbeusefultoassistinfuturedecisionmaking.Herearesomebasicstepsforyoutofollowwhenwritingabusinessreport.1)Determine the Scope of the ReportAcommonfaultofm
25、stbeclearlydefinedbydeterminingwhatfactorswillbeincluded.2)Consider Your AudienceAlwaysconsideryourreaderorreaders.Unlikelettersandmemos,reportsusuallyhaveafarwiderdistribution.Manypeoplemaybeinvolvedinadecision-makingprocessandhaveneedtoreadtheinformationinthereport.Yourjobistomakeiteasyforthereade
26、r.Inordertomakereadingyourreporteasier,thinkintermsofthereader.Eachaudiencehasuniqueneeds.Someaudienceconsiderationinclude:Need(fromyourreport)EducationlevelPositionintheorganizationKnowledgeofyourtopicorareaResponsibilitytoactAgeBiasesPreferencesAttitudesFalse assumptions commonly made regarding au
27、diences are:ThatthepersonwhowillfirstreadoreditthereportistheaudienceThattheaudienceisagroupofspecialistsintheirfieldThattheaudienceisfamiliarwiththesubjectofthereportThattheaudiencehastimetoreadtheentirereportThattheaudiencehasastronginterestinthesubjectofthereportThattheauthorwillalwaysbeavailable
29、PeoplewhohavetoactormakedecisionsonthebasisofthereportSecondary PeopleaffectedbyactionsoftheprimaryaudienceswouldtakeinresponsetothereportImmediate Peopleresponsibleforevaluatingthereportandgettingittotherightpeople 3)Gather Your InformationNowthatyouhaveaclearunderstandingofthepurposeandscopeofyour
31、urnalsInformationmaybeinaccurate,outofdate,orbiasedPrimaryQuestionnaires,surveys,observation,experiments,historicalinformation,andrawdataInformationmustbegatheredcarefullytoensureitisaccurateandbiasfree.At this point you should be doing your research.Think WHERE you are going to find your informatio
32、n.If the purpose of your report requires purchase information,you might want to check with vendors and distributors for features and pricing information.For certain types of information you might be checking out the library(books,magazines,journals,or newspapers).Another good source of information i
33、s the internet.Conduct a search using key words to find what information that might be useful to you in cyberspace.As you are gathering your information,create a way to manage your information.Massive information is difficult to sort through if it is not organized.One idea is to place different piec
34、e of information on note cards(with the source on that card).By separating pieces of information on cards,the information later can be rearranged and sorted when you are determining your plan of presentation.5)Determine the SolutionBased on your analysis,you will be then be ready to offer a solution
35、(or solutions)to the problem you have been studying.For example,which computer would be the best buy for the word processing center or what office arrangement would be the best for effective work flow?A word of caution:The gathered information should be the basis for making this decision.A tendency
36、in business report writing is to slant information in the report to lead the reader to the decision the writer want.Make sure you report all pertinent information-good and bad.The credibility of the report(and credibility of you)is at stake.Make sure,however,that a solution is even requested.Dependi
37、ng on your position in the organization and the particular business study,a solution may NOT be requested in the report.Your purpose would then be to present the objective facts.These facts would be used by someone else to determine the best solution.6)Organize Your ReportYouvegotyourtopic,yourinfor
39、ebasicstructureofyourreport.Areportcouldbepresentedasamemo report,astandardized form report,oraformal report.Amemoreportwillhavethefollowingfivesteps:Provideidentifying information(usuallyintheTO,FROM,DATE,SUBJECTarea)Definetheprojectorproblem(purposeofthereport)Givethebackground Givethesupporting d
40、ata Stateyourconclusions and recommendationsOrganizing Your ReportReports can be set out in eight parts,but you wont always need them all.TitleortitlepageContentslistAbstractIntroductionDiscussionSummaryandconclusionsRecommendationsAppendixChecklist for Business ReportsGrammar and SpellingIs the wri
41、ting grammatically correct?Is the document free of typographical errors and misspellings?OrganizationIs the document ordered in a logical way?Are the parts of the document logically separated from each other(good),or do the same issues appear unnecessarily in multiple parts of the document(bad)?Do t
42、he subparts logically fit under this major part?Does each paragraph and section show unity of purpose?Is the purpose of the document introduced appropriately?Content IssuesIs the analysis covered sufficiently to allow the reader to follow your logic?Are facts and opinions clearly distinguished?Style
43、Is the style of writing appropriate to your audience and purpose?PresentationHas information been presented in a clearly understandable manner,using tables and graphs as appropriate?Are headings and bullets used appropriately?Writing Task1.Your company has received some complaints from staff about t
44、heir working conditions.The Human Resources Manager has asked you to write a report about the current situation.Please include the reasons for the complaints and recommendations for dealing with them in your report.2.Write a report on your present Business English course.Please include the following
45、 in your report:The aims of the course/the reason it was set up The course content Levels of attendance and participation Attitudes of students before,during and at the end of the course Problems experienced by students Any omissions from the course or unnecessary inclusions in the program Recommend
46、ations for similar courses in the futurePractice makes perfectWe will practice what we have learnt in this unit.Yes,lets do it!1.Questions and Answers Task 1 What would you say?1)A:Could you tell us something about your company?B:_2)A:Do you target mainly local markets?B:No,_3)A:Could you tell us so
47、mething about the organization of your company?B:_ 4)A._ B:Our company is involved in exporting toys to Europe.5)A:_ B:Our best-selling products are computer games.6)A:_ B:We have five factories and fifteen wholesale outlets.7)A:_ B:Total sales last year were around$600,500,000.8)A:_ B:The total num
48、ber of employees is around 3,500.9)A:How many departments are there in your company?And what are they?B:_10)A:Whats the system of demand in this company?B:_Task 2 With a partner,ask and answer questions about the following companies.Company:SmithSoftwareCorp.Company:MarineU.S.A.Established:1980Estab
49、lished:1962 Plants:Plants:2(Miami,Nassau)Head office:LosAngelesHead office:Miami Employees:50Employees:340 Total sales last year:$50mTotal sales last year:$44m Business line:industrialsoftwareMain products:sailingyachts Company:QandASoftwareCompany:CericoSA Location:OxfordLocation:Seville,Spain Main
50、 country markets:UK,USA Main activity:ceramics Employees:80 Main country markets:UK,Germany Turnover:12,600,000Employees:150 Pre-tax profit:1,670,000Turnover:32,000,000 Value of the company:22,000,000Pre-tax profit:3,400,000Example:Location:Oxford Main activity:Designingandsellingsoftware Main count