1、翻转课堂在文献检索教学中的应用摘要:翻转课堂,又称为反转课堂,是一种新兴的教学模式, 它将传统的课堂教学模式转变为学生在课前自主学习,课堂上 的时间则用于学生的深入探究和讨论。本文旨在探讨翻转课堂 在文献检索教学中的应用。文章首先对翻转课堂模式进行了概 述,然后从文献检索教学的角度出发,具体介绍了翻转课堂模 式在文献检索教学中的应用,并对翻转课堂在文献检索教学中 的优势和不足进行了分析。最后,从提高教学质量的角度出发, 提出了改善翻转课堂在文献检索教学中的应用的建议。关键词:翻转课堂;文献检索;教学应用Abstract: Flipped classroom, also known as inv
2、erted classroom, is an emerging teaching mode that transforms the traditional classroom teaching mode into students1 self-learning before class and uses classroom time for students1 in-depth exploration and discussion. This paper aims to explore the application of flipped classroom in literature ret
3、rieval teaching. The paper firstly gives an overview of the flipped classroom mode, then introduces the application of flipped classroom in literature retrieval teaching from the perspective of literature retrieval teaching, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of flipped classroom in literature retrieval teaching. Finally, from the perspective of improving the teaching quality, some suggestions are put forward to improve the application of flipped classroom in literature retrieval teaching.Keywords: Flipped classroom; Literature retrieval; Teaching application