1、媒体英语课程简介课程英文名Media English课程代码P0150126学分2总学时32理论学时32实验/实践学时0先修课程大学英语适用专业非英语专业内容简介 (中文)“媒体英语”课程是人文与外国语学院“专业化沟通英语系列”中的一门课程。 本课程着重介绍英、美重要媒介机构,引导学生了解几大媒介机构如BBC、VOA、 CNN的概况,结合精选的文本讲授一定的媒介分析技巧,使学生初步掌握基本的媒 介文本解读方法,通过对英语原版视频、纸质、或网络文本的观赏或阅读,以及对 新闻、广告、电影、电视、新媒体等各类媒介形态的运作机制和功能的分析,使学 生的英语语言运用能力和媒介素养水平得以提高。内容简介
2、(英文)Media English is a course designed for the undergraduate students whose major is not English Language & Literature. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the key areas of media studies and cultural communication. It introduces students to the dominant critical frameworks used for understan
3、ding media industries. It aims at stimulating students, interest and enabling them to critically appraise a variety of media text types, at enhancing students capacity on the international perspective, at developing students media literacy and cross-cultural communication skills and at promoting stu
4、dents9 capacity of critical thinking by helping them to understand media and culture, eventually the society. A greater emphasis is placed on the important reading methods such as Mise-en-scene analysis, Ideology, Representation and Genre study .Students are exposed to different media forms and cultures through lectures, case studies, tutorials and a greater variety of topical presentations and discussions. Students are required to make presentations on assigned topics and make comments.执笔人审定人周敏制定时间2022年4月