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1、上海市消费者权益保护条例(2022修订)【发布部门】 【发文字号】 【发布日期】 【实施日期】 【效力级别】 【法规类别】Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Protection of theConsumers1 Rights and Interests (2022 Revision)上海市人大(含常委会)上海市人民代表大会常务委员会公告(15届)第118号省级地方性法规消费者权益保护Issuing authority: Local Institutions,Shanghai Municipality,Shanghai Municipalit

2、y Peoples Congress (incl. Standing Committee)Document Number: Announcement No. 118 of the Standing Committee of the 15th Shanghai Municipal Peoples CongressDate issued: 07-21-2022Effective date: 08-01-2022Level of Authority: Provincial Local Regulations上海市人民代表大会常务 委员会公告Area of Law: Industrial and Co

3、mmercial ManagementAnnouncement of the Standing Committee of the 15th Shanghai Municipal Peoples CongressNo. 118No. 118上海市消费者权益保护 条例已由上海市第十五届 人民代表大会常务委员会 第四十二次会议于2022年 7月21日修订通过,现予 公布,自2022年8月1日 起施行。上海市人民代表大会常务 委员会(十五届)第一一八号)Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Protection of the Consumers* Ri

4、ghts and Interests were revised and adopted at the 42nd Session of the Standing Committee of the 15th Shanghai Municipal Peoples Congress on July 21, 2022, and are hereby promulgated. They shall be effective as of August 1,2022.Standing Committee of Shanghai Municipal PeoplesCongressJuly 21,2022July

5、 21,20222022年7月21日务、设施和场所符合保障消 费者人身、财产安全的要 求。经营者对可能危及人身、财 产安全的商品、服务、设施 和场所,应当向消费者作出 准确的说明和明确的警示, 并说明、标明正确使用商 品、设施、场所或者接受服 务的方法以及防止危害发 生的方法。从事具有一定风险的文体、 娱乐等工程的经营者,应当 具备保障消费者人身安全 的技术条件、服务设备和必 要的救护设施等,并制定应 急预案。第二十一条 经营者 处理消费者个人信息的,应 当遵循合法、正当、必要和 诚信的原那么,明示处理信息 的目的、方式和范围,并依 法征得消费者同意;不得从 事违反法律法规、超出消费 者同意范

6、围或者与服务场 景无关的消费者个人信息 处理活动。经营者履行明示 义务和征得消费者同意的 证明资料至少留存三年。经营者应当建立健全信息 保密和信息安全管理制度, 制定信息安全应急预案,确 保信息安全,防止消费者个 人信息泄露、丧失。在发生 或者台B份止住自油需壬meet the requirements for the protection of the consumers1 personal and property safety.The operators shall give consumers accurate explanations and explicit warnings of

7、 their commodities, services, facilities and premises that may endanger personal and property safety, and describe and indicate the correct ways of using such commodities, facilities and premises or receiving such services, and ways of preventing harms.The operators engaged in adventurous recreation

8、, sports and entertainment business shall have proper technical conditions, service equipment and necessary protection and rescue facilities that will ensure the consumers, personal safety, and shall formulate emergency schemes in advance.Article 21 The operators who process the consumers1 personal

9、information shall follow the principle of legality, justification, necessity and good faith, clearly indicate the purpose, method and scope of their processing of the information, and obtain the consumers* consents in accordance with law; they shall not engage in the consumers* personal information

10、processing activities that violate the laws and rules, exceed the scope of the consumers* consents, or have nothing to do with the serviceable. The proofs that the operators have performed the obligation of clear indication and obtained the consumers* consents shall be kept for at least three years.

11、The operators shall establish and improve information privacy and security management systems, formulate emergency pre-install for information safety, so as to guarantee the information safety, and prevent disclosure and loss of the consumers* personal information. In circi imc+ancau A/hnro tho infn

12、rmatinn rlicrlnci iro nr Incc hac失的情况时,经营者应当立 即采取补救措施,启动应急 预案,依法及时通知履行个 人信息保护职责的部门和 消费者。第二十二条 经营者 提供商品或者服应工用 清晰明白的语言或者文字 向消费者作出真实的介绍 和说明,并就消费者的询问 作出真实、明确的答复。经营者提供商品或者服务 时,应当根据法律、法规的 规定或者约定以及交易习 惯等,主动向消费者告知或 者出示商品的价格、产地、 生产者、用途、性能、规格、 等级、主要成份、净含量、 生产日期、有效期限、检验 合格证明、使用方法说明、 使用技能、售后服务,或者 服务的内容、规格、费用、 标

13、准,以及相关检验检测报 告或者维修服务记录等。涉 及商品房的,还应当告知或 者出示权属证明、建筑结 构、面积构成等。经营者通过互联网媒介,以 竞价排名等互联网广告形 式推销商品、服务的,应当 依法显著标明“广告”。第二十三条采用网 络、电视、 、邮购等方 弁坦毋两且或署照组的好occurred or may occur, the operators shall take immediate remedy measures, start the emergency plans, and promptly inform the departments in charge of personal i

14、nformation protection and notify the consumers.Article 22 When providing commodities or services, the operators shall provide consumers with truthful introductions and explanations in clear and explicit terms or language, and reply to the consumers* inquiries truthfully and unequivocally.When provid

15、ing commodities or services, the operators shall, in line with the provisions of laws and rules, or the operator-consumer agreements, or the trading practice, take the initiative to inform the consumers of the following details or show them clearly the price, place of origin, manufacturer, use, perf

16、ormance, specifications, grade, main components, net content, production date, effective period, certificate of inspection, instructions on use, use skills, after-sale service of the commodities; or the contents, specifications, costs, and standards of the services, and the relevant testing or inspe

17、ction reports or maintenance service records. In the case of commercial houses, the operators shall inform the customers of or show them the certificates of ownership, building structure and area composition.Where the operators use Internet media to promote their commodities or services in the forms

18、 of Internet advertisements such as bidding rank, they shall clearly mark such promotion as “advertisements in accordance with law.Article 23 The operators who adopt the modes of the Internet, television, telephone, and mail order to provide rnmmnrlitioe nr corv/iroc anrl tha nnaralnrc u/hn nrn/irlo

19、营者,以及提供培训服务和 证券、保险、银行等金融服 务的经营者,应当向消费者 提供经营地址、联系方式、 商品或者服务的数量和质 量、价款或者费用、履行期 限和方式、安全考前须知和 风险警示、售后服务、民事 责任等信息。其中,涉及由 其他经营者实际提供商品 或者服务的,还应当向消费 者提供该经营者的名称、经 营地址、联系方式等信息。金融服务经营者对于利率、 费用、收益以及风险等重大 信息,应当使用足以引起消 费者注意的方式进行标识、 予以说明,并以适当方式确 认消费者已接收完整信息、。法律、法规、部门规章对证 券、保险、银行等金融服务 的消费者权益保护另有规 定的,按照有关规定执行。第二十四条

20、经营者 提供商品标识或者服彖信 息,应当符合法律、法规的 规定。经营者提供的商品达不到 规定的标准等级,但仍有使 用价值且根据规定可以销 售的,应当在醒目位置标 明,并在给消费者的购货凭 证上予以注明。代理经销进 口商品的,应当依法在商品卜粽日日小钾商:北F1商或署training service and such financial services as securities, insurance and banking shall, supply the consumers with information on their business address, contact detai

21、ls, the quality and quantity of the commodities or services, the prices or costs, the period and way of performance, safety tips, risk warnings, after-sale service, civil liabilities, etc. Where commodities or services are actually provided by other operators, their names, business addresses, contac

22、t information, etc. shall also be provided to the consumers.In the case of major information such as the interest, fees, earnings and risks, the financial service providers shall mark them in a manner sufficient to draw the consumers, attention and give them explanations, and they shall also use app

23、ropriate methods to ensure that the consumers have received the information in full.Where laws, rules and department regulations provide otherwise for the protection of the consumers* rights and interests in financial services such as securities, insurance and banking, such provisions shall apply.Ar

24、ticle 24 The marks of the operators* commodities or the information of their services shall conform to the provisions of laws and rules.Where the commodities provided by the operators fail to reach the standard grades, but still have use values and can be sold according to the provisions, such infor

25、mation shall be marked at conspicuous places and indicated in the purchase vouchers for consumers. Those who sell imported commodities as agents shall indicate on the commodities the names and addresses of the agents, importers and rlietrihi itnrc经销商的名称和地址。The operators providing services shall put

26、up at conspicuous places of their business premises the service information, which shall contain the following:提供服务的经营者,应当在 经营场所的醒目位置明示 服务信息。服务信息包括以 下内容:1. the service contents, quality standards and charge rates;(一)服务的内容、质量标 准以及收费标准;2. points for attention, restrictions and necessary cues in servic

27、es; and(二)服务中的有关注意事 项、限制条件和必要提示;3. other service contents that shall be indicated.(三)其他应当明示的与服 务有关的内容。第二十五条 经营者 提供商品或者服,的,金当 按照规定明码标价。明码标 价应当做到价目齐全,标价 内容真实明确,字迹清晰, 标识醒目,并明确所标示的 价格对应的商品或者服务。 商品或者服务的价格变动 时,应当及时调整相应标 价。经营者进行明码标价时,应 当在醒目位置采用标价签 (含电子标价签)、标价牌、 价目表(册)、展示板、电 子屏幕、商品实物或者模型 展示、图片展示以及其他有 效形式予以显

28、著标明。Article 25 When providing commodities or services, the operators shall clearly mark their prices as required, to the extent that the list of prices is complete, the price tags are genuine and unambiguous, the words are legible, the marks are eye-catching, and the price tags match the commodities

29、 or services. When the prices of the commodities or services change, the price tags shall change promptly and correspondingly.When the operators mark the prices, they shall mark them clearly at conspicuous places by such effective means as price tags (including electronic price tags), price cards, p

30、rice lists (catalogs), demonstration boards, electronic screens, commodities proper, commodity models, and pictures.经营者不得在标价之外加 价出售商品或者提供服务, 不得收取任何未标明的费 用。The operators shall not sell commodities or provide services at prices higher than marked, nor collect any charges that are not marked.第二十六条经营者 应

31、当在其住所或者主要经 营场所的醒目位置公示营 业执照。电子商务经营者应 当在其首页显著位置,持续 公示营业执照信息以及相 关行政许可等信息,或者上 述信息的链接标识。经营者应当标明其真实名 称和标记。标明经营者名称 的位置、字体、颜色等,应 当便于识别、查询。Article 26 The operators shall display their business licenses at conspicuous places in their domicile or main business premises. The e-commerce operators shall continuou

32、sly display their business licenses and proofs of the relevant administrative permission, or links to such information on their home pages.租用他人柜台、场地从事经 营活动的经营者,应当标明 其真实名称和标记。The operators shall display their true names and logos. The positions, character fonts and colors indicating the operators nam

33、es shall be easy for consumers to identify and make inquiries.Where the operators lease the others1 counters or places to run business, their true names and logos shall also be indicated.通过加盟等形式从事商业 特许经营的经营者,应当标 明特许人和被特许人的真 实名称和标记。第二十七条商品交 易市场的经营管理者和柜 台、场地的出租者,应当核 验场内经营者、承租者的营 业执照、许可证件等资料, 保存复印件,并向查

34、询场内 经营者、承租者情况的消费 者提供上述真实信息。商品 交易市场的经营管理者和 柘与一韬+出的中.和考.由吆The operators who conduct commercial franchise operations by alliance shall indicate the true names and logos of the franchisers and the franchisees.Article 27 The business managers of the commodity trading markets and the lessors of counters o

35、r premises shall verify such materials as the business licenses and administrative permits of the floor traders or lessees, keep copies of such materials, and provide the aforesaid truthful information if consumers inquire about the floor traders or lessees. The business managers of the commodity tr

36、ading markets and the lessors of counters or premises shall put up bulletin boards at conspicuous places on the trading flnnrc tn m ihlieivo maiiarc ralatarl tn thn crrdacticn nf tho在交易场所的醒目位置设 立公示牌,公示场内经营 者、承租者的名称(姓名)、 经营(租赁)期限、经营项 目等与维护消费者合法权 益有关的事项。consumers* rights and interests such as the desi

37、gnation (name) of the floor traders and the lessees, the period of the business operation (lease), and the business items.第二十八条 经营者 经营商品或者提供服是以 量值作为结算依据的,应当 标明法定计量单位,并配备 和使用与其经营的商品或 者提供的服务相适应的计 量器具。经营者提供的商品不得短 缺数量,不得将包装物的重 量作为商品的计价依据,不 得拒绝消费者对计量的复 核要求。Article 28 If the operators* sale of commodities

38、 or provision of services is settled on the basis of quantity, the statutory measurement units shall be indicated, and measurement appliances that are appropriate to their commodities or services shall be provided and used.第二十九条 经营者 应当保存进货的各届原 始发票、单证等能够证明进 货来源的文件资料,并依法 建立台帐。The commodities provided

39、by the operators shall not be short in quantity, the weight of the packing shall not be included in the pricing of their commodities, and they shall not refuse the customers* request to verify the measurements.Article 29 When purchasing commodities, the operators shall keep all the original invoices

40、, bills and other documents that can prove the origins of the commodities they purchased, and establish the day-to-day accounts therefor in accordance with law.经营者提供商品或者服务 的,应当依照国家规定或者 交易习惯,向消费者出具发 票等购货凭证、服务单据; 消费者索要发票等购货凭 证或者服务单据的,经营者 应当出具。消费者索要购货凭证、服务 单据以外的收费清单的,经 营者应当出具。When providing commodities

41、 or services, the operators shall provide the consumers with purchase vouchers or service documents in line with the state provisions or trade practices; upon the consumers* request of purchase vouchers or service documents, they must provide them as required.Where consumers request a list of charge

42、s in addition to the purchase vouchers and service documents, the operators must provide them as required.第三十条经营者对 其售出的商品应当承当修 理的义务,承当修理义务的 期限不得少于六个月,但低 值易耗商品除外。商品房、 汽车等商品,国家和本市另 有规定的,从其规定。商品或者服务不符合质量 要求的,消费者可以依照国 家规定、当事人约定退货, 或者要求经营者履行更换、 重作、修理、减少价款等义 务。没有国家规定和当事人 约定的,消费者可以自收到 商品之日起七日内退货;七 日后符合法定解除

43、合同条 件的,消费者可以及时退 货,不符合法定解除合同条 件的,可以要求经营者履行 更换、重作、修理、减少价 款等义务。经营者应当在承诺或者国 家规定的期限内,及时履行 前款规定的义务。依照前款 规定进行退货、更换、重作、 修理的,经营者应当承当运 输等必要费用。第三十一条 经营者 发现其提供的盲品或营服 务存在缺陷,危及人身、财 产安全的,应当立即向有关 行政管理部门报告和告知 、消知署.赴星即僖 4制隹Article 30 The operators shall undertake the obligations to repair commodities they sold, and t

44、he periods of such obligations shall not be less than six months, except for the low-value consumables. In the case of commodities such as commercial houses and automobiles, if the State and this Municipality provide otherwise, such provisions shall be followed.Where the operators* commodities or se

45、rvices fall below the quality standards, consumers may return the commodities in accordance with the state provisions or the stipulations agreed upon by the parties concerned, or the consumers may require the operators to undertake the obligations of replacing, remaking or repairing the commodities

46、or cutting the prices. If there are no state provisions and no agreements between the parties concerned, the consumers may return the commodities within seven days from the date of receiving the commodities; after seven days, consumers may return the commodities in time if the conditions are met for

47、 terminating their contracts according to law; and if not, they may require the operators to undertake the obligations of replacing, remaking or repairing the commodities or cutting the prices.The operators shall perform the obligations prescribed in the preceding Paragraph within the periods they p

48、romise or the periods prescribed by the State. In the case of return, replacement, remaking or repairing of the commodities according to the preceding Paragraph, the operators shall bear the necessary expenses including the transportation costs.Article 31 If the operators find in the commodities or

49、services they have provided any defect that endangers personal and property safety, they shall immediately report to the relevant administrative departments and inform the consumers, and shall adopt the measures of terminating tho qqIo nf qi irh ccmmcrl什iau ni/inn A/arninHQ ronallinn thn警示、召回、无害化处理、 销毁、停止生产或者服务等 措施。采取召回措施的,经 营者


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