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1、市场监督管理投诉举报处理暂行办法Interim Measures for Handling Complaints and Reportsconcerning Market Regulation (2022 Second Amendment)发布部门:国家市场监督管理总局发文字号:国家市场监督管理总局令第61号发布日期:实施日期:效力级别:部门规章法规类别:市场管理Issuing Authority : State Administration for Market RegulationDocument Number : Order No. 61 of the State Administrat

2、ion for Market RegulationDate Issued : 09-29-2022Effective Date : 11-01-2022Level of Authority : Departmental RulesArea of Law : Market ManagementInterim Measures for Handling Complaints and Reports concerning Market Regulation市场监督管理投诉举报处理暂行 办法(Issued by Order No. 20 of the State Administration for

3、Market Regulation on November 30, 2019; amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision of the State Administration for Market Regulation to Amend and Repeal Relevant Rules on March 24, 2022; and amended for the second time in accordance with th eOrder No. 61 of the State Administration f

4、or Market Regulation on September 29, 2022.)(2019年11月30日国家市场监 督管理总局令第20号公布 根据 2022年3月24日国家市场监督 管理总局令第55号令第一次修正 根据2022年9月29日国家市场 监督管理总局令第61号第二次修 正)Article 1 These Measures are developed in accordance with the Law of the Peoples Republic of第一条为规范市场监督管 理投诉举报处理工作,保护自然自行和解的;(2) The complainant and the re

5、spondent are unable to reach an agreement through negotiation on the technical agency entrusted to undertake verification, inspection, testing, or authentication or the payment of expenses.(二)投诉人与被投诉人对委托 承担检定、检验、检测、鉴定工 作的技术机构或者费用承担无法 协商一致的;(3) The complainant or the respondent fails to participate i

6、n the mediation without any justifiable reason, or the respondent explicitly refuses mediation.(三)投诉人或者被投诉人无正 当理由不参加调解,或者被投诉 人明确拒绝调解的;(4) Upon mediation by a mediation organization, the complainant or the respondent clearly indicates that it is unable to reach a mediation agreement.(四)经组织调解,投诉人或者 被投

7、诉人明确表示无法达成调解 协议的;(5) The complainant and the respondent fail to reach a mediation agreement within 45 working days from the date of acceptance of the complaint.(五)自投诉受理之日起四十五 个工作日内投诉人和被投诉人未 能达成调解协议的;(6) The market regulatory department finds any circumstance prescribed in Article 15 of these Measure

8、s after accepting the complaint.(六)市场监督管理部门受理投 诉后,发现存在本办法第十五条 规定情形的;(7) Any other circumstance under which mediation shall be terminated as prescribed by any law, regulation, or rule.(七)法律、法规、规章规定的 应当终止调解的其他情形。Where mediation is terminated, the market regulatory department shall inform the complaina

9、nt and the respondent within seven working days after making the decision on terminating the mediation.终止调解的,市场监督管理部门 应当自作出终止调解决定之日起 七个工作日内告知投诉人和被投 诉人。第二十二条 经现场调解达 成调解协议的,市场监督管理部 门应当制作调解书,但调解协议 已经即时履行或者双方同意不制 作调解书的除外。调解书由投诉 人和被投诉人双方签字或者盖 章,并加盖市场监督管理部门印 章,交投诉人和被投诉人各执一 份,市场监督管理部门留存一份 归档。Article 22 Whe

10、re a mediation agreement is reached through on-site mediation, the market regulatory department shall prepare a consent judgment, unless the mediation agreement has been fulfilled immediately or both parties agree not to prepare a consent judgment. Both the complainant and the respondent shall affix

11、 the signature or seal and the market regulatory department shall affix its seal to the consent judgment. One copy of the consent judgment shall be kept by the complainant and the respondent respectively, and one copy shall be filed with the market regulatory department for recordation.未制作调解书的,市场监督管

12、理 部门应当做好调解记录备查。Where no consent judgment is prepared, the market regulatory department shall properly keep mediation records for future reference.第二十三条市场监督管理 部门在调解中发现涉嫌违反市场 监督管理法律、法规、规章线索 的,应当自发现之日起十五个工 作日内予以核查,并按照市场监 督管理行政处罚有关规定予以处 理。特殊情况下,核查时限可以 延长十五个工作日。法律、法 规、规章另有规定的,依照其规 定。Article 23 Where a ma

13、rket regulatory department finds any clue to the suspected violation of law, regulation, or rule on market regulation during mediation, it shall conduct inspection within 15 working days after finding the clue and handle the violation in accordance with the provisions on administrative punishments f

14、or market regulation. Under special circumstances, the inspection period may be extended by 15 working days. If it is otherwise prescribed in any law, regulation, or rule, such provisions shall prevail.对消费者权益争议的调解不免除 经营者依法应当承担的其他法律 责任。The mediation of disputes over consumer rights and interests shal

15、l not exempt businesses from other legal liabilities that they shall bear in accordance with the law.Article 24 An informant shall provide specific clues to any suspected violation of law, regulation, or rule on market regulation, and be responsible for the veracity of a report. If an informant file

16、s a report in a non-written form, staff members of a market regulatory department shall make records.第二十四条举报人应当提 供涉嫌违反市场监督管理法律、 法规、规章的具体线索,对举报 内容的真实性负责。举报人采取 非书面方式进行举报的,市场监 督管理部门工作人员应当记录。The internal personnel of a business are encouraged to report the businesss suspected violation of any law, regul

17、ation, or rule on market regulation in accordance with the law.鼓励经营者内部人员依法举报经 营者涉嫌违反市场监督管理法 律、法规、规章的行为。Article 25 A report shall be handled by the market regulatory department at or above the county level at the place where the reported act occurred. If it is otherwise prescribed in any law, regulat

18、ion, or rule, such provisions shall prevail.第二十五条举报由被举报 行为发生地的县级以上市场监督 管理部门处理。法律、行政法 规、部门规章另有规定的,从其 规定。Article 26 A local office of a market regulatory department at the county level shall handle reports in the name of the market regulatory department at the county level within the scope of authorit

19、y determined by the market regulatory department at the county level, except that the said local office is authorized by any law, regulation, or rule to handle the report in its own name.第二十六条县级市场监督 管理部门派出机构在县级市场监 督管理部门确定的权限范围内以 县级市场监督管理部门的名义处 理举报,法律、法规、规章授权 以派出机构名义处理举报的除 外。第二十七条对电子商务平 台经营者和通过自建网站、其

20、他 网络服务销售商品或者提供服务Article 27 A report against an e-commerce platform operator or an e-commerce business selling goods or providing services through its website or other的电子商务经营者的举报,由其 住所地县级以上市场监督管理部 门处理。的电子商务经营者的举报,由其 住所地县级以上市场监督管理部 门处理。network services shall be handled by the market regulatory departm

21、ent at or above the county level at the place of its domicile.对平台内经营者的举报,由其实 际经营地县级以上市场监督管理 部门处理。电子商务平台经营者 住所地县级以上市场监督管理部 门先行收到举报的,也可以予以 处理。A report against a business on a platform shall be handled by the market regulatory department at or above the county level at its actual place of business. If

22、the market regulatory department at or above the county level at the place where the e-commerce platform operator is located first receives the report, it may also handle the report.第二十八条对利用广播、 电影、电视、报纸、期刊、互联 网等大众传播媒介发布违法广告 的举报,由广告发布者所在地市 场监督管理部门处理。广告发布 者所在地市场监督管理部门处理 对异地广告主、广告经营者的举 报有困难的,可以将对广告主、 广

23、告经营者的举报移送广告主、 广告经营者所在地市场监督管理 部门处理。Article 28 A report against illegal advertising by mass media such as radio, film, television, newspapers, periodicals, and the Internet shall be handled by the market regulatory department at the place where the advertisement publisher is located. If the market reg

24、ulatory department at the place where the advertisement publisher is located has difficulties in handling a report against a non-local advertiser or advertising agent, the market regulatory department may transfer the report against the advertiser or advertising agent to the market regulatory depart

25、ment at the place where the advertiser or advertising agent is located for handling.对互联网广告的举报,广告主所 在地、广告经营者所在地市场监 督管理部门先行收到举报的,也 可以予以处理。Where the market regulatory department at the place where the advertiser or advertising agent is located receives a report on Internet advertisements first, it may

26、also handle the report.对广告主自行发布违法互联网广 告的举报,由广告主所在地市场 监督管理部门处理。A report against illegal Internet advertising by an advertiser on its own shall be handled by the market regulatory department at the place where the advertiser is located.Article 29 Where a market regulatory department that receives a re

27、port does not have the authority to handle it, it shall inform the informant to directly file the report with the market regulatory department that has the authority to handle it.第二十九条收到举报的市 场监督管理部门不具备处理权限 的,应当告知举报人直接向有处 理权限的市场监督管理部门提 出。Article 30 Where two or more market regulatory departments have

28、 disputes over the handling authority, they shall resolve the disputes through consultation within seven working days upon the date of occurrence of such disputes; and if consultation fails, they shall request their common market regulatory department at the next higher level to designate the handli

29、ng authority, or their common market regulatory department at the next higher level may directly designate the handling authority.第三十条两个以上市场监 督管理部门因处理权限发生争议 的,应当自发生争议之日起七个 工作日内协商解决,协商不成 的,报请共同的上一级市场监督 管理部门指定处理机关;也可以 直接由共同的上一级市场监督管 理部门指定处理机关。Article 31 The market regulatory department shall handle re

30、ports in accordance with the relevant provisions on administrative punishments for market regulation, among others.第三十一条市场监督管理 部门应当按照市场监督管理行政 处罚等有关规定处理举报。举报人实名举报的,有处理权限 的市场监督管理部门还应当自作 出是否立案决定之日起五个工作 日内告知举报人。Where an informant files a real-name report, the market regulatory department with the handli

31、ng authority shall also inform the informant within five working days after making a decision on whether to docket a case or not.Article 32 Where any law, regulation, or rule prescribes that the market regulatory department shall inform the informant of the handling result or reward the informant, t

32、he market regulatory department shall do so accordingly.第三十二条 法律、法规、 规章规定市场监督管理部门应当 将举报处理结果告知举报人或者 对举报人实行奖励的,市场监督 管理部门应当予以告知或者奖 励。Article 33 A market regulatory department shall keep confidential the informants information, and shall not divulge the informants personal information, handling of repor

33、ts, and other information to the respondent or personnel unrelated to the report handling work, except that the materials provided include those of both the complaint and report, and it is necessary to provide the respondent with the information required for organizing the mediation.第三十三条市场监督管理 部门应当

34、对举报人的信息予以保 密,不得将举报人个人信息、举 报办理情况等泄露给被举报人或 者与办理举报工作无关的人员, 但提供的材料同时包含投诉和举 报内容,并且需要向被举报人提 供组织调解所必需信息的除外。Article 34 A market regulatory department shall strengthen the statistics, analysis, and application of the information on complaints and reports within its administrative region, and on a periodical

35、basis, release statistical analysis reports on complaints and reports, and publicize consumer complaint information in accordance with the law.第三十四条市场监督管理 部门应当加强对本行政区域投诉 举报信息的统计、分析、应用, 定期公布投诉举报统计分析报 告,依法公示消费投诉信息。第三十五条对投诉举报处 理工作中获悉的国家秘密以及公 开后可能危及国家安全、公共安 全、经济安全、社会稳定的信 息,市场监督管理部门应当严格 保密。Article 35 A m

36、arket regulatory department shall strictly keep confidential state secrets and the information that may endanger national security, public security, economic security, or social stability after disclosure to which it has access in the process of handling complaints and reports.涉及商业秘密、个人隐私等信 息,确需公开的,

37、依照中华人 民共和国政府信息公开条例等 有关规定执行。第三十六条市场监督管理 部门应当畅通全国12315平台、 12315专用电话等投诉举报接收 渠道,实行统一的投诉举报数据 标准和用户规则,实现全国投诉 举报信息一体化。Where it is indeed necessary to disclose information involving trade secrets or personal privacy, among others, such information shall be disclosed in accordance with the Regulation of the

38、Peoples Republic of China on the Disclosure of Government Information and other relevant provisions.Article 36 A market regulatory department shall smooth the channels for receiving complaints and reports such as the national 12315 platform and the 12315 hotline, implement unified complaint and repo

39、rt data standards and user rules to realize the integration of information on complaints and reports nationwide.第三十七条县级以上地方 市场监督管理部门统一接收投诉 举报的工作机构,应当及时将投 诉举报分送有处理权限的下级市 场监督管理部门或者同级市场监 督管理部门相关机构处理。Article 37 The work agency of a local market regulatory department at or above the county level that uni

40、formly receives complaints and reports shall promptly assign the complaints and reports to the market regulatory department at a lower level or the relevant department of the market regulatory department at the same level that has the handling authority.同级市场监督管理部门相关机构 收到分送的投诉举报的,应当按 照本办法有关规定及时处理。不 具

41、备处理权限的,应当及时反馈 统一接收投诉举报的工作机构, 不得自行移送。Upon the receipt of a complaint or report assigned thereto, the relevant department of the market regulatory department at the same level shall handle the complaint or report in a timely manner in accordance with the relevant provisions of these Measures. If the s

42、aid department does not have the handling authority, it shall promptly inform the work agency that uniformly receives complaints and reports, and shall not transfer the complaint or report on its own.第三十八条市场监督管理 部门处理依法提起的除本办法第 三条规定以外的其他投诉的,可 以参照本办法执行。Article 38 These Measures shall apply, mutatis mu

43、tandis, to the handling of legally filed complaints other than those set forth in Article 3 of these Measures by market regulatory departments in accordance with the law.举报涉嫌违反中华人民共和国 反垄断法的行为的,按照国家 市场监督管理总局专项规定执 行。专项规定未作规定的,可以 参照本办法执行。Reports on suspected violations of the Anti-monopoly Law of the P

44、eoples Republic of China shall be governed by the special provisions of the State Administration for Market Regulation. If it is not prescribed in the special provisions, these Measures may apply mutatis mutandis.药品监督管理部门、知识产权行 政部门处理投诉举报,适用本办 法,但法律、法规另有规定的, 依照其规定。These Measures shall apply to the ha

45、ndling of complaints and reports by medical products administrations and intellectual property administrative departments. However, if it is otherwise prescribed by any law or regulation, such provisions shall prevail.第三十九条自然人、法人 或者其他组织反映国家机关、事 业单位、代行政府职能的社会团 体及其他组织的行政事业性收费 问题的,按照信访工作条例 有关规定处理。Artic

46、le 39 Where a natural person, legal person, or any other organization reports problems on administrative charges by a state organ, public institution, social group or any other organization acting on behalf of the government, such reports shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions o

47、f the Regulation on the Work on Public Complaints and Proposals.以投诉举报形式进行咨询、政府 信息公开申请、行政复议申请、 信访、纪检监察检举控告等活动 的,不适用本办法,市场监督管These Measures shall not apply if the applicants make inquiries, apply for government information disclosure, apply for administrative reconsideration, file public complaints an

48、d proposals, makeaccusations for disciplinary inspection and oversight, or conduct other activities in the form of filing complaints and reports, market regulatory departments may inform the applicants to file applications through corresponding channels.理部门可以告知通过相应途径提 出O第四十条本办法自2020 年1月1日起施行。1998年3月 12日原国家质量技术监督局令第 51号公布的产品质量申诉处理 办法、2014年2月14日原国 家工商行政管理总局令第62号公 布的工商行政管理部门处理消 费者投诉办法、2016年1月12 日原国家食品药品监督管理总局 令第21号公布的食品药品投诉 举报管理办法同时废止。Article 40 These Measures shall come into force on January 1, 2020, upon which the Measures for Handling Product Quality Complain


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