1、2021 Global Automotive Consumer StudyGlobal focus countriesAlong with the risk of downside demand pressure, consumers in India and China may be rethinking the type of vehicle they will acquire next.Has COVID-19 caused you to change your mind regarding what type of vehicle you would most like to acqu
2、ire next? No YesQ30. Has the COVID-19 pandemic caused you to change your mind regarding what type of vehicle you would most like to acquire next? Sample size: Germany=804; United States=901; China=899; lndia=947; Japan=678; Republic of Korea=94962%14%49%60%59%56%37%The reason people want a virtual b
3、uying process for their next vehicle can vary significantly by country.Main reason to acquire next vehicle via a virtual processNote: For Germany, Desire to avoid going to dealer includes one percentage point from *Other, reason Q50.What is the main reason you would prefer to acquire your next vehic
4、le via a virtual process?Sample size: Germany=188; United States=258; China=312: lndia=350; Japan=117; Republic of Korea=297But, some things are simply hard to digitize, as people still want to see, touch, and smell (and drive) a vehicle before they buy it.Main reasons for being not interested in ac
5、quiring next vehicle via a virtual processReasonUnited States Germany Japan Rep. of Korea ChinaIndiaI have to see the vehicle before buying it75%76%80%70%47%75%I have to test drive the vehicle64%58%58%48%59%58%I prefer to negotiate in-person38%39%39%29%34%44%I dont (eel comfortable buying online37%1
6、8%41%25%26%42%I want to interact with a real person34%35%30%32%28%41%I want a personal contact27%33%18%23%21%26%I want to be treated like Im important17%11%14%15%15%21%I want to build a relationship for service16%23%23%14%39%42%Most importantQ51. What are the main reasons you are not interested in a
7、cquiring your next vehicle via a virtual process? (Select all that apply) Sample size: Germany-591; United States-621; China-574; India-530; Japan-480: Republic of Korea-60916%13%21%48%46%57%67%22%46%70%47%38%30%48%12%8%6%5%69%60%45%27%26%23%Consumers in India and China are also more willing to pay
8、for access to a vehicle subscription service compared with people in Japan, Germany, and the United States.060. How much would you be willing to pay for each d the following services? (A subscription service where you have the convenience and flexibilily to periodically opt for a different vehicle m
9、odel from the same brand)Sample size: Germany=5&3; United Stales=530; China=931; lndia=88l; Japan=569; Republic of K(xea=90255%55%29%14% 2%About the studyThe 2021 study includes more than 24,000 consumer responses from 23 countries around the world.North AmericaSampleCanada (CA)1,047Mexico (MX)1,049
10、United States (US)1,053EMEASampleAustria (AT)1,046Belgium (BE)1,057France (FR)1,052Germany (DE)1,050*Italy (IT)1,040Spain (ES)1,045South Africa (ZA)1,051Turkey (TR)1,033United Kingdom (GB)1,521Asia PacificSampleAustralia (All)1,024China (CN)1,049India (IN)1,002Indonesia (ID)1,017Japan (JP)1,009Malay
11、sia (MY)1,013Philippines (PH)1,003Republic of Korea (KR)1,050Singapore (SG)1,013Thailand (TH)1,041Vietnam (VN)1,021Study methodologyThe study is fielded using an online panel methodology where consumers of driving age are invited to complete the questionnaire translated into local languages) via ema
12、il.“ Data for Germany has been weighted by age group.Note: Sample4 represents the number of survey respondents in each country.For more than a decade, Deloitte has been exploring automotive consumer behaviors and trends affecting a rapidly evolving global mobility ecosystem.Key insights from our Glo
13、bal Automotive Consumer Study over the years:2010Overall value ranked as the primary factor when evaluating brands2011Cockpit technology and the shopping experience led differentiators2012Interest in hybrids driven by cost and convenience, while interest in connectivity centers on safetyZTXThe Globa
14、l Automotive Consumer Study informs Deloittes point of view on the evolution of mobility, smart cities, connectivity, transportation, and other issues surrounding the movement of people and goods.2014Shared mobility emerges as an alternative to owning a vehicle201720182019 2020 6Interest in full aut
15、onomy grows, but consumers want a track record of safetyConsumers in many global markets continue to move away from internal combustion engines (ICE)Consumers “pump the brakes on interest in autonomous vehiclesQuestions remain regarding consumers willingness to pay for advanced technologies2021 Delo
16、itte Global Automotive Consumer SEVs still have a few hurdles toYounger consumers feeling theDownside risk for demand in someVehicle sales moving online? Not soConsumer powertrain preferences for their next vehicleNote: ,Other category includes eihanol, CNG. and hydrogen fuel cell.042. What type of
17、engine would you prefer in your next vehicle?Sample size: Germany=779; United States=879; China=886; lndia=880: Japan=597; Republic of Korea=90658%57%5Vehicle electrification and connectivityIntention to buy a gasoline or diesel vehicle jumps back up, as consumers may be looking for the comfort of a
18、ffordable, tried, and tested technology in uncertain times.Non- gasoline/diesel (ICE) YoY 2020202141%26%49%32%51%41%57%45% 63%55%Range anxiety and a lack of charging infrastructure are top concerns for consumers in most countries, but safety is top of mind for people in China.Greatest concerns regar
19、ding all-battery-powered electric vehiclesConcernUnited States Germany Japan Rep. of Korea ChinaIndiaDriving range28%28%22%11%25%13%Lack of charging infrastructure25%22%29%32%20%26%Cost/price premium20%16%23%17%9%16%Time required to charge13%13%15%18%13%14%Safety concerns8%12%10%19%29%25%Lack of cho
20、ice4%5%1%3%4%6%Other2%4%0%0%0%0%Q47: What is your greatest concern regarding all battery pov/ered electric vehicles?Sample size: Gefmany=779; United States=879; China=886; lndia=880: Japan=597; Republic of Kxea=906| Top concern12%5026%10%15%23%9%14%71%71%25%44%64%21%63%28%49%47%80% 81%83%61%56%46% 4
21、4%36%Having said that, there are a significant number of people across these focus countries who remain concerned about the security of a connected vehicle.Percentage of consumers who fear someone hacking into their connected car and risking their personal safety (% agree)Q3. To what extent do you a
22、gree with the following statements regarding future vehicle technology?Sample size: Germany-1.017; United States=1,018: lndia=987; China=1,037; Japan=904; Republic of Korea-1.032Q3. To what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding future vehicle technology?Sample size: Germany-1.0
23、17; United States=1,018: lndia=987; China=1,037; Japan=904; Republic of Korea-1.032What other advanced features do consumers want? Overall, safety continues to be most important when people are thinking about their next vehicle.Importance (somewhat or very important) of various vehicles features for
24、 next vehicle purchase Advanced vehicle feature United States Germany Japan Rep. of KoreaChinaIndiaQ26. How important are each of the following features for your next vehicle? Most importantBlind spot warning/alert70%65%77%83%82%85%Automatic emergency braking60%57%83%79%85%89%Lane departure warning5
25、9%55%60%77%82%82%Built-in navigation system59%65%77%65%79%87%Physical knobsbuttons for controls56%55%56%59%66%78%360-degree camera system54%45%66%70%77%85%Automatic/dual-zone climate control53%45%37%55%69%78%Heatedcooled seals52%56%56%74%61%76%Adaptive cruise control52%48%41%50%74%77%Electronic park
26、ing assist43%57%49%64%73%84%Built-in Wi-Fi hotspot41%31%43%58%66%82%Over-the-air software updates40%31%50%59%65%78%Apple CarPiay/Android Auto interface35%31%30%42%61%70%Semi-autonomous drive mode32%30%42%56%69%76%Sample size: Germany=804; United States=901; China=899; lndia=948: Japan=678: Republic
27、of Korea=949At the end of the day, building value in both EVs and connected technology will be key for OEMs looking to generate an ROI on massive R&D investments.Percentage of consumers that are unwilling to pay more than -US$5001 for a vehicle with advanced technologies (including people that would
28、 not pay any more)1 Calculated for each country in local market currency (roughly equivalent to SUS500)Advanced techonology categoryGermanyUnited StatesJapanRep. of KoreaChinaIndiaSafety64%58%68%50%43%47%Connectivity74%66%78%60%51%49%Infotainment79%74%84%70%58%55%Autonomy66%63%62%39%38%37%Alternativ
29、e engine solutions54%57%61%38%40%38%Unwilling to pay more than.400$50050,000W500.0002,50025,000Q4: How much more would you be willing to pay for a vehicle that had each of the technologies listed below?Sample size: Gemany=928; United States=966; China=1,036; lndia=980; Japan=856; Republic of Korea=l
30、 ,00618%31%14%20%35%17%31%34%26%13%21%10%10%13%15%13%17%25%6%25%8%29%53%32%43%26%21%38%27%43%33%29%23%24%28%18%44%27%11%38%21%25%31%36%21%42%48%35%22%35%28%28%41%50%20% 19%17%15% 10%8%13% 15% 34%9%15% 6%9%24%21%11%26%7%14%37%17%15%16%12%31%30%27%28%39%18%41%43%27%36%40%27%Consumers in India and Chin
31、a are the most risk-averse when it comes to taking a vehicle loan, as people in other markets are far less likely to buy loan or lease insurance.Percentage of consumers who are somewhat or very likely to purchase credit protection on a new loan or leaseQ37. How likely v/ould you be to purchase credi
32、t protection on a new loan,lease (i.e., a small increase in monthly payment for protection that pays oft or reduces your amount owed in the case ol disability, death, job loss, etc.)?Sample size: Germany=656; United States=739; China=805; lrx*a=744; Japan=574; Republic of Korea=815The overall averag
33、e for the number of consumers requesting a payment deferment this year may be masking an underlying concern among younger consumers in some markets around the world.Percentage of consumers who have requested a payment deferment this year (% Yes)United StatesUnited StatesStates KoreaRep. of KoreaGermanyNote: Respondents can select either Yes, ,No.or,Not applicable.Q16: Have you requested a payment deferment this year?Sample size: Germany=746; United States=826; China790; India-692: Japan=470; Republic of Korea=697Future vehicle intentions8%15%18% 14%74%71%17%17%66%15%32%24%29%38%53%47%