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1、G.16 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS概述本局部包括永久工程供水、排水和水处理工程以及管道、沟槽、栅栏等杂项工程。 主要工程量如下表所示:ItemDescriptionUnitQuantityWater supply at the headworkssum1Plumbing and sanitary insallations at headwork buildingssum1Sewage system at headwork bulidingssum1Ventilation and air conditioning system in headworks control buildi

2、ngsum1Ventilation units at storage buildingNo5Fire fighting installations at headworkssum1Spare parts for sewerage system at headworks buildingssum1Spare parts for water supply system at headworks buildingssum1Spare parts for ventilation system at headworks buildingssum1Spare parts for fire fighting

3、 system at headworks buildingssum1Hard furniture and domestic equipment at headworks buldingssum1Water supply at the portal buildingsum1Plumbing and sanitary insallations at the portal buildingsum1Sewage system at the portal buildingsum11.2Earthing ElectrodesCopper wiresm1150Earthing rods, 6 m longN

4、o35Connections and intersectionsNo651.3Pipes Embedded as Ducts for Cables and PipesDiameter 0-32 mmsum2Diameter 50 mmm805Diameter 110 mmm310Diameter 160 mmm1741.4Pipes Buried in TrenchBuried pipe, diameter 50mmm200Buried pipe, diameter 110mmm1400be supplied. All steel shall be stainless steel, stren

5、gthened by T-sections and supported on angles embedded in the floor or fixed to the wall.Unless otherwise specified, light duty hatch covers shall be designed for a uniformly distributed load of 5 kN/m2.All hatch covers shall be divided into sections weighing no more than 500 kg. Each section shall

6、be provided with 4 slots to match hooks for lifting. A total of 12 lifting hooks shall be provided. All steel shall be hot dip galvanized.资源配置根据工程分布和施工时段,主要施工机械设备配置如下表所示:主要施工设备、机具配置表表16-2根据本工程作业特点和施工设备配置进行劳动力配置,在施工阶段根据进度要求 适当调配人员。所需人员配置见表16-3。序号设备创L具)名称型号单位数量备注1自卸汽车8t辆4材料运输2机动翻斗车1m3辆2水平运输3胶轮手推车辆10水平

7、运输4移动式拌和机0.2m3台15移动式拌和机0.35m3台16卷扬机2t台47电焊机BX-200台88氤弧电焊机WS-120台6劳动力组合表16-3序号工种数量备注1司机62焊工83拌和机工45技工66普工208合计44/班Buried pipe, diameter 160mmm3001.5Pulling PitsPulling pit Type ANo8Pulling pit Type BNo10Pulling pit Type CNo31.6Concrete Ducts and Trenches Cast in ConcreteCable and pipe duct Type Am40C

8、able and pipe duct Type Bm55Cable and pipe duct Type Cm90Cable and pipe trench Type Am115Cable and pipe trench Type Bm90Cable and pipe trench Type Cm471.7Fence Gates including Excavation and FoundationsDouble wing gateNo4Single wing gateNo51.8Other Miscellaneous WorkSand filled cable trenchesm2300Fo

9、undations for light postsNo232Heavy duty duct coverkg3650Light duty duct coverkg4120Light duty hatch coverkg2550Heavy duty hatch coverkg5200Gratingskg23000Fencing around switchyard and portal building, including excavation and foundationm505External railings, fixed or removablekg22660Steel ladderskg

10、38560Steel stairskg10946Storage racksm2120Ventilation and air conditioning system in the portal buildingsum3Ventilation units in the portal buildingNo3Spare parts for sewerage system in the portal buildingsum1Spare parts for water supply system in the portal buildingsum1Spare parts for ventilation s

11、ystem in the portal buildingsum1Spare parts for fire fighting system in the portal buildingsum1Fire fighting systemsum2Concrete or sand fill around cables in ductsm160Hard furniture and domestic equipment at the portal buildingsum1Double wing gateNo4Single wing gateNo2Step iron, partly embedded in c

12、oncreteNo10施工布置施工道路主要利用土建工程施工已形成的施工道路,涉及土建或基础结构施工可 利用建筑工程中的小型混凝土拌合系统,涉及型材加工局部可利用就近的钢筋加工 厂。施工风水电可就近利用土建工程中形成的空压站、施工供水排水系统和变电站供 应。材料和成品运输采用配备8t载重汽车运输,垂直运输以人工并配以滑轮或小型 吊运机具运送。永久系统设计根据招标文件内容,Potable water shall be supplied in the Power Station, the Portal Building, the Headworks control building and the

13、Headworks storage building. The Contractor shall design, deliver and construct sewerage facilities as specified in this Section. Sewerage systems shall be supplied in the Power Station, the Portal Building and at the Headworks buildings.进水口建筑的供水、排水进水口建筑的供水因进水口建筑处无市政供水管网,设计在其附近合适位置处新打1眼井作为其生 活供水系统的水源

14、,供给进水口控制室和仓库。目前资料没有关于水井的出水量、地下水位等的数据,原水井泵暂时按照 Q=6m3/h , H=80m, N=3.0kW进行设备选型。为保证工作人员的用水平安,水泵出 水口设一台自动过滤器,滤后水进入饮用水水箱,为储存事故用水量,初步选择4m3 的不锈钢组合式水箱。饮用水水箱后设置一套变频恒压供水设备保证供水水压稳定, 其中包含两台2m3/h的生压泵和一个0.5n?储水气压罐,根据罐中压力控制系统的启 停。供水系统主要向进水口控制室和仓库两个建筑物的厨房、茶室以及卫生间供水。 室外埋地给水管采用DN50的PE给水管,室内采用DN40的PPR给水管。进水口建筑的排水为使卫生间

15、污水的排放到达有关规范的排放标准,在进水口建筑的室外设化粪池 和一套污水处理装置,装置采用生物接触氧化法和物化处理消毒原理消解有机污染 物质。污水收集后依次进入两级生物接触氧化室和经澄沉淀室,最后进入消毒室,经 过消毒处理后排放。排水管道系统采用PVC排水管道。主交通洞入口的供水、排水 交通洞入口建筑的供水因交通洞入口建筑处仍无市政供水管网,设计在其附近合适位置处新打1眼井作 为其生活供水系统的水源。目前资料没有关于水井的出水量、地下水位等的数据,原水井泵暂时按照 Q=6n?/h , H=80m, N=3.0kW进行设备选型。为保证工作人员的用水平安,水泵出 水口设一台自动过滤器,滤后水进入饮

16、用水水箱,为储存事故用水量,初步选择4m3 的不锈钢组合式水箱。饮用水水箱后设置一套变频恒压供水设备保证供水水压稳定, 其中包含两台2m3/h的生压泵和一个0.5m3储水气压罐,根据罐中压力控制系统的启 停。供水系统主要向交通洞入口建筑的三个卫生间供水。供水系统室外埋地管采用 PE给水管,室内给水管道采用PPR管。 交通洞入口建筑的排水为使卫生间污水的排放到达有关规范的排放标准,在进水口建筑的室外地面下设 化粪池和污水处理装置,装置采用生物接触氧化法和物化处理消毒原理消解有机污染 物质。污水收集后依次进入两级生物接触氧化室和沉淀室,最后进入消毒室,经过消 毒处理后排放至入口建筑物外的峡谷内。排

17、水管道采用PVC管材。地下厂房的供水、排水地下厂房的供水因在主厂房内GIS室的顶部有个较大的混凝土水箱,作为消防和生活给水的水 源。从室顶水箱引一根DN50的PPR给水管至卫生间,向卫生间内的卫生洁具供水, 在卫生间共安装4个便器、2个洗脸盆和1个洗涤池,满足工作人员的生活需要。地下厂房的排水各卫生设施的排水经DN100的PVC排水管收集后,进入污水处理装置,污水处 理装置设于卫生间下部。污水首先进入的装置的收集粉碎室,将大颗粒悬浮固体粉碎 细化后依次进入装置的接触好氧室、沉淀室和消毒室,经消毒后排至电站尾水渠。主要施工方法供水、排水管路安装Pipework for hot and cold

18、water shall be copper tubing for capillary soldering or for threading. Fittings shall be made of gunmetal or brass. Waste water pipes shall be made of cast iron or polypropylene, where underground pipes and vent pipes shall be 0 110 mm. 给水管道安装切割后的管子不能变形,螺纹清晰,没有毛刺或乱丝,断扣或缺扣的尺寸不 大于管螺纹全长的10% o管子切口和坡口外表符

19、合施工图纸加工要求,管口光滑、平 整,无裂纹、毛刺、铁屑等。加工后管件截面的最大、最小外径差不大于管件外径的8%o弯头无裂纹、折 皱、凹陷和过烧等缺陷。弯曲角度与施工图纸要求相符。在安装前将管件内部清理干净。穿过楼板的管道预埋套管及墙壁的预留孔洞 和暗管的墙槽,在土建工程施工时预留好;穿过外墙处,设防水套管。管道穿过楼板 的钢性套管,其顶部高出地面,底部与楼板底面平齐;安装在墙壁内的套管,其两端 与墙面齐平。管道安装完成后,采用水泥砂浆将孔洞封闭。管道的任何位置不能有十字形焊缝。焊缝距离弯管(不包括压制或热煨弯管) 起弯点不小于100mm,且不小于管子外径。管道组接时,及时清除焊面及坡口两侧

20、的油污、毛刺及其它附着物,清理合格后及时焊接。立管应垂直,其垂直偏差应在允许范围之内。明装水平管不能有明显的弯曲, 管道安装时应按有关规范规定设管道的支、托、吊架等固定架。给水立管和装有3个或3个以上配水点的支管始端,安装可拆装的连接件。 明装管道的连接件设置在墙壁和楼板外面以便于拆装。给水管系统安装完毕后,按施工图纸和有关规范规定的要求进行试压和冲洗。 排水管道安装排水系统的管道和设备安装前,清除内部污物,立管垂直,按施工图纸规定的 坡度敷设横管。预埋管道通过沉降缝或伸缩缝时,按施工图纸的要求作过缝处理。预埋管道安装就位后,使用临时支撑加以固定,防止混凝土浇筑和回填时发生 变形或移位。将预埋

21、管道与临时支架焊接时,不能烧伤管道内壁。管口采用有效措施加以保护,注意防止管道堵塞、接口的损坏和锈蚀,并有明 显标记。在施工图纸未规定时,管道穿过楼板的钢性套管,其顶部高出地面,底部与楼 板底面平齐;安装在墙壁内的套管,其两端与墙面齐平。排水管安装完毕后做灌水试验。灌水高度不低于敷设层地面高。当试验过程中 发现有泄漏时,在消除缺陷后,重新进行试验。向监理工程师提交完整的管道试验记录。 G.16.4.2 Sanitary EquipmentThe water closets shall be of the Western type in vitreous china comprising was

22、h down bowl with concealed bottom outlet, 9 litre cistern with cover, plastic float valve and fittings with combined internal overflow, 10 mm supply valve, chromium plated lever, white porcelain enamelled flush bend, plastic hangers and inlet connection. Hand wash basin shall be in vitreous china ap

23、proximately 560 x 430 mm with hangers, chromium p lated 32 m outlet grating, plug and chain, 13 mm chro mium plated non-rising mixing tap for hot and cold water with isolating ball valves and 32 mm chromium plated bottle trap.Urinals shall be wall mo unted in vitreous china with stainless steel outl

24、e t grating and 15 mm chromium plated flushing tap. Outlet shall be 32 mm polyethylene with polyethylene bottle trap and 32 mm polyethylene pipe connecting bottle trap and cast iron waste pipe. Showers shall comprise chromium plated shower mixer fixed to the wall with 12 mm inlet stop cocks for hot

25、and cold water and with flexible shower hose and tin showerhead. A chromium plated adjustable shower holder/rod to be fixed to the wall allowing variable positions of the showerhead.Floor drain with trap will be made of polyethylene with stainless steel grating mounted flush with the floor. Kitchen

26、sink shall have water trap with connection to 50 mm waste pipe and mixing valve be delivered. The mixing valve shall be 12 mm with raised spout and swivel nozzle and connected to hot and cold water. Isolating ball valves shall be provided on hot and cold water pipes.Bucket sinks shall be stainless s

27、teel 18/8 approximately 5 00 x 350 mm fixed to t he wall either directly or on brackets. Mixing tap shall be 15 mm chromium plated fixed to the wall. Isolating ball valves will be provided on hot and cold water pipes. Bottle trap will be chromium plated brass or polyethylene.Water heater with tank s

28、hall be manufactured from stainless steel, insulated with minimum 50 mm mineral wool and outer mantle of painted steel sheeting. Electric heating element of 2.5 kW shall be installed, together with a thermostat. The tank volume shall be 200 litre.G.16.4.3 Ducts, Pipes and Routing Ways for Electrical

29、 and Hydromechanical Works (1) Pipes as ducts for cablesPipes as ducts for cables and pipes shall be of the double wall type with smooth internal lining. All pipes shall be stored according to the manufacturers* instructions. All pipes shall be installed with a pulling rope. It is not allowed to joi

30、n pipes in the pulling pits unless the method of joining is approved by the Engineer. The pipes shall be watertight and designed for an outside pressure of minimum 8 metres of overburden/water. Maximum allowable deformation under pressure is 2% out of round. When cast in concrete the pipes shall be

31、installed firmly inside the form and anchored for uplift during concreting, minimum distance between fixing points is 1 m. When installed in soil, the pipes shall be covered with a minimum 200 mm of 11-16 mm gravel on all sides. The gravel shall be free of organic material. Several pipes can be laid

32、 in the same trench, in which case the minimum distance between layers and between pipes in the same layer shall be 100 mm. Above the upper layer of pipes in addition to the 200 mm of gravel there shall be a minimum of 500 mm of overburden. A plastic band, minimum 50 mm wide and of yellow colour sha

33、ll be placed on top of the top gravel layer and one plastic band 300 mm under the surface to mark the pipes.At the point of entry into pulling pits of concrete construction the pipes shall be firmly fixed to the concrete with a flexible rubber joint.(2) Lighting Post FoundationsWe will design, suppl

34、y and install foundations for outdoor lighting posts. The posts shall be minimum 1.2 m deep, 0.4 x 04 m in plan, and shall have an embedded footplate with 4 No. 16 mm anchoring bolts and nuts, grade 8.(3) Pulling Pit, Cable Pipe Trenches and Duct CoversThe concrete of pulling pits shall be of Class

35、D, with surface finish class B. The bottom, cover and walls shall be designed for a minimum load of 5 kN/m2and/or contain a minimum reinforcement o f 355 mm2 per 0.1 m2cross-section area of concrete. Reinforcement shall be steel bars having a minimum yield-point stress of 400 N/mm2. The pipes shall

36、be cast in the concrete with rubber bonds or special connections approved by the Engineer. The minimum distance to the bottom of the pit shall be 150 mm. Trenches cast in concrete shall have surface finish class B. The trenches shall be fitted with a hot dip galvanized mild steel edge along the top

37、which is to be designed with a recess such that the cover will fit flush with the surface. Trenches shall be fitted with drainage at spacings of not greater than 10 m.Cable ducts shall be made of concrete of Class D, with surface finish class B. The bottom and walls shall be designed for a minimum l

38、oad of 5 kN/m2and/or contain a minimum reinforcement of 355 mm2 per 0.1 m2cross-section area of concrete. Reinforcement shall be steel bars having a minimum yield-point stress of 400 N/mm2. All connections shall be approved by the Engineer. For drainage there shall be embedded one 50 mm diameter PVC

39、 pipe per linear metre along the bottom of the duct.Heavy duty and light duty duct covers shall be designed by the Contractor subject to the Engineers approval. All duct covers shall be divided into sections each weighing no more than 50 kg. If approved by the Engineer the covers may be made of unit

40、s of 500 kg each and be fitted with 4 No. anchor catch-eyes flush with the surface, designed for the weight of the cover. A minimum of 4 No. lifting yokes shall be included in the supply. G.16.4.4 Various Works Including design, deliver and construct permanent fencing, ladders and outdoor and indoor

41、 railings etc.(1) FencingPermanent fencing shall be of steel chain link f encing with mesh 50 x 50 mm mad e from 3.55 mm diameter galvanized steel wire, and supported by 4 mm diame ter steel wires, steel posts and braces with 3 strands of barbed wire on top. Fencing shall be well strained and true t

42、o levels and lines as directed by the Engineer. All posts shall be placed on and fixed to stable concrete foundations.Gates shall be in steel complete with the necessary ironwork for hanging, fastening and locking. All gates shall be furnished with heavy duty padlocks, each with 4 keys. All ferrous

43、pipes, posts, fittings and accessories shall be hot -dip galvanised after fabrication in accordance with ASTM A 153. Fence fabric shall be zinc-coated a (2) Ladders, Step Irons, Railings and Steel StairsLadders and step irons including all fixings shall be fabricated from mild steel sections of the

44、dimensions required by the Contract and fixed with expansion bolts. Where ladders are higher than 3 m, safety cages shall be provided for the part of the ladder which is higher than 2 m above the lower floor or landing.Railings along floor openings etc. shall be made with rails and sustaining posts

45、of circular steel pipes. Posts shall be bolted to concrete floor. All steel will be hot dip galvanized.All steel stairs, both straight run and spiral, shall have open grating treads and landings. Railings in spiral stairs shall be made from steel pipes with two balusters per tread. Brackets for secu

46、ring rails to walls shall be included. When a set of spiral stairs connects more than two levels continuously, floor to floor heights must be coordinated with the position of the landing platforms, the number of risers, and the head clearance required. All steelwork will be hot dip galvanized.Gratin

47、gs fabricated from mild steel or iron will be designed by the Contractor for the loadings shown on the Drawings. All steelwork shall be hot dip galvanized, cast iron shall be painted where specified.(3) Stop-logs and Hatch CoversStop logs shall be made from mild steel sections and durable hardwood or pressure- impregnated non-durable timber or al


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