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5、mentprogress.一、企业在实践科学发展观中的环保责任Theenvironmentalprotectionresponsibilityoftheenterpriseduringimplementingscientificdevelopmentoutlook 我国当前最重要的国家战略之一是用科学发展观统领经济社会发展全局。One of the most important national strategy of China is to use scientific development outlook to guild all the development pattern of o

6、ur economic society.这是我们说企业的环保责任正在不断增加和严格的根本原因。thatisthefundamentalreasoninourwordstoexplainwhyenterpriseresponsibilityinenvironmentalprotectionkeepsbeingincreasedwithmorerigidrequirement.第二次世界大战之后,国际上形成了最初的发展观思想。这时的发展观具有明显的物质主义倾向,将发展局限于经济发展,将经济发展等同于经济增长,最终将发展归结于物质的积累。After the Word War II,the origi

7、nal thinking of development outlook was in shape in the world.At that time,such development outlook was inclined to be apparent materialism,leading to the conclusion of material accumulation.20世纪60年代,法国经济学家佩鲁发表了新发展观一书,提出发展应以人的价值、人的需要和人的潜力的发挥作为中心,旨在满足人的基本需要,促进生活质量的提高和共同体每位成员的全面发展。突出了人力资本开发的决定性作用,这对于以

8、往过分强调物质资本作用是一个重大修正和进步。In 1960s of 20 century,a French economist,Peru published his work“New Development Outlook”.In this book he put forward that development is supposed to be centered on peoples value,demand and potential,aiming to satisfy peoples basic demand,promoting to upgrade living quality an

9、d integral development of each people member.His theory stresses the decisive role of developing human resource,which is a great modification and progress contrasting to the traditional attention to the role the material capital.20世纪70年代,罗马俱乐部提出增长的极限,提出“零增长观”。In 1970s of 20 century,Roma Club contrib

10、uted“Limit of Growth”,putting forward the viewpoint of“Zero Growth”20世纪80年代,世界环境与发展委员会提出可持续发展,包含了人口、资源、能源、环境等综合要素,是一个特定的环境相关的概念。In 1980s of 20 century,World Commission of Environment and Development(WCED)put forward the concept of sustainable development,involving the comprehensive elements such as

11、population,resource,energy,environment,etc,which is a concept especially concerning environment.党的十六届三中全会提出“坚持以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观,促进经济社会和人的全面发展”的科学发展观。Duringthe16thplenarymeeting,3rdsessionofCPC,itwasproposedthescientificdevelopmentoutlookthat“insistonpeoplefirsttoerectthedevelopmentoutlookofallrou

12、nd,harmoniousandsustainabledevelopmenttopromoteallrounddevelopmentofeconomicsocietyandthepeople”.科学发展观的基本内容,可以总体上归为三点:The basic elements of scientific development outlook can be outlined to be three points as follows:加快发展;to accelerate development;协调兼顾;to have harmonious development mode touching po

13、ssible every sides;以人为本。People first 科学发展观强调执政者(或曰决策者)的作用,是对各级决策者的要求。科学发展观要求建立公共权威,建设法治社会。Thescientificdevelopmentoutlookattachesimportancetotheroleoftherulingparty(orpolicymaker),anrequirementtothepolicymakeratalllevels.Thescientificdevelopmentoutlookrequirestoestablishpublicauthorityandlaw-basedso


15、erprises,the principal entity in economic development,is of significant function in implementing the scientific development outlook:一是具有高度的国情意识。First,equipped with the awareness of national status with stress.二是具有强烈的社会意识。Second,is of strong social awareness.三是具有明确的法律意识 Third,is of clear law awarenes

16、s 二、企业在承担环保责任中的发展机遇II.Thedevelopmentopportunityfortheenterpriseintheresponsibilityofenvironmentalprotection 科学发展观的实施,标志着全社会的重大转变,这对全社会都产生了新的机遇。The implementation of scientific development outlook marks the social upheaval,bringing new opportunity to the entire society.为什么说实践科学发展观对企业而言是发展机遇呢?Why we s

17、ay it an opportunity for the enterprise to implement scientific development outlook?为什么说环境保护可以帮助企业实现新的效益呢?Why we say that environmental protection is able to help our enterprises to realize new economic result?一是科学发展观将把我国经济发展与环境保护的关系引向一个新阶段。Firstly,thescientificdevelopmentoutlookwillleadtherelations

18、hipbetweenChinaseconomicgrowthandenvironmentalprotectiontoanewstage.我国到目前为止的工业化过程,可以大体认为是“环环境境换换取取增增长长”的阶段,即客观上是放弃了一部分环境质量和环境福利来获得经济增长,极大改善了人民的生活,同时也出现了比较多和比较严重的环境问题。So far,Chinas industrialization course can be generally recognized as the stage of“Environment“Environment sacrificed sacrificed for f

19、or economic economic growthgrowth”.That means in objective stance,some parts of environmental quality and welfare are forced to be sacrificed to pursue economic growth,which has greatly improved peoples living stand level,however on the other hand,leaving rather more and serious problem regarding en

20、vironment.与时俱进地认识环境与经济的关系。走这样一条道路,在当时急于追赶世界发展水平,且当时环境容量还有较大余地的情况下,是有一定客观性的。To understand the latest relation between environment and economy.That is a road with some objective stance that when we are eager to run after the international advancement,the then environmental capacity is enough,even suff

21、icient.但是,经过较长一段时间后,这个阶段就基本到头了,这种发展范式不能继续下去了,因为按照这样的资源利用效率继续搞下去,当经济指标达到全面小康目标的时候,我国的资源和环境的消耗将承受不起。However,after some long time span,this stage can see its life end basically,and it will not be continued further.Because if we will continue our current way at the current resource utilization rate,Chin

22、as resource will not be survived to follow energy consumption when our economic indexes reaches the target of all-round well-to-do society(Xiaokang society).按现行名义汇率计算,2003年我国GDP约占世界的4%,但重要资源消耗占世界的比重却很高,石油为7.4%、原煤为31%、钢铁为27%、氧化铝为25%、水泥为40%。我国用水总量与美国相当,但GDP仅为美国的1/8。According to the current official cu

23、rrency exchange rate,China took up 4%in 2003 of the entire world GDP volume,with high ratio of key energy consumption of the one of the world.That is oil takes 7.4%,original coal 31%,iron and steel 27%,alumina 25%,cement 40%.China total water consumption volume parallel the one of US,however,our GDP

24、 only being 1/8 of the one of US.我国环境问题我国环境问题目前,主要污染物排放量超过环境承载能力,流经城市的河段普遍受到污染,许多城市空气污染严重,酸雨污染加重,持久性有机污染物的危害开始显现,土壤污染面积扩大。污染物构成日趋复杂,工业污染仍然突出,面源污染和生活污染比重上升,环境突发事故与隐患增多。生态恶化的趋势尚未得到有效遏制,水土流失和沙化土地量大面广,草原退化严重,森林生态功能不足,生物多样性减少,遗传资源流失,生态系统功能退化。由于环境污染和生态破坏引发的社会冲突日益增多。Chinas environmental problemsCurrently,t

25、he major pollutant emission is more than what our surrounding environment can stand.Generally all the rivers running across urban area are polluted.The air of many cities are in heavy pollution.Acid rain is deteriorated.Permanent organic pollution crisis begins to be felt with widened polluted land.

26、The pollutant comes from more source,including industrial pollution,which remains the apparent phenomena,energy pollution and life pollution.the ratio of the latter two pollution are soaring,leaving environmental disaster and hidden problems increased.The trend of deteriorated ecology refuses to be

27、suspended with vast area of loss of water and soil and sandizaed land,serious degeneration of grassland,lack of forest function,reduced wild creature diversity,loss of genetic resource,and degenerated ecological system.There arises more and more social conflict driven by environmental pollution and

28、destroyed ecological system.我国经济快速发展过程中,资源消费量急剧增加,环境压力越来越大,环境形势仍然十分严峻。Chinas economy is in rapid growth trail with soaring energy consumption amount,casting more and more presure to the environment,which remains to face grim future.因此,必须在经济与环境的关系上有一个重大转变。To this end,it is required to have a great tr

29、ansformation in the economy-environment relation.向何处转变?Directionoftransformation 不能转变为“增长换取环境”,因为发展是第一要务。It is not desirable to transform to the mode of“sacrificing economy growth for environment quality”,since economic development remains the first important target.只能转变为“环境优化增长”,用环保的方式实现增长,用环保的要求改善

30、增长。It can only be survived by the mode of“environment optimizing economic growth”,meaning that economic growth will be based on environmental protection,which will improve the economic growth quality.例证:汽车排放标准对汽车发展的推动:早期开始引进汽车生产技术的时候,尾气排放标准不是很高,这样牺牲了一些空气质量,先把汽车发展起来,到现在,可以把尾气排放标准提得比较高,限制那些技术落后的汽车生产,这

31、样就迫使汽车工业发展得到“优化”。Example:the standard of automobile gas emission is help to drive the development of automobile industry development:as early as we started to introduce the technology of how to manufacture automobile,the standard of gas emission was not high.The story was we had to sacrifice some go

32、od air quality to develop our automobile industry.But today,it is acceptable to upgrade the automobile gas emission standard,restraining the production of those backward-technology vehicle to force the survival of automobile to be“optimized”.国家力图通过各种方式转变经济增长方式。环境保护是可选择的重要手段Thegovernmentistanglinghea

33、dinanattempttotransformtheeconomicgrowthbyeverypossiblemeans.Andenvironmentalprotectionisaimportantmeasuretobetaken.由“环境换取增长”到“环境优化增长”,这是一个重要的转变,它表明环境保护与经济增长之间由一种此消彼长的替代关系,改变为一种相互促进的互补关系。It is a significant transformation from the mode of“sacrificing environment for economic growth”to the mode of“en

34、vironment optimizing economic growth”.That indicates that the relation between environmental protection and economic growth has been converted from inter-replacement relation to inter-complement and promotion relation.由“环境换取增长”到“环境优化增长”的转变,意味着环保由过去滞后于经济而转到前置于经济的地位,这会带来许多新的市场机会。The transformation fro

35、m the mode“sacrificing environment for economic growth”to the mode of“environment optimizing economic growth”means that the position of environmental protection is changed from the past environmental protection after economic growth to todays environmental protection prior to the economic growth,whi

36、ch will bring more market opportunity.例如,绿色产品将会获得消费者的青睐;效率高排放少的生产设备将会得到政府的推荐;环保型的产品将可能列入政府“绿色采购”清单;从事环保服务的公司将会得到更多的定单;等等。for example,the green product will be welcomed by our customers;those efficient with low waste emission will be represented by Chinese government;environment friendly product can

37、enter into the list of governmental purchase project;companies engaged in environmental protection service will be given more purchasing orders;etc.为了落实科学发展观,必然会提高环保法规的执法力度,例如国家将公布落后生产工艺和设备淘汰名录,对规模不经济、污染严重的企业或生产工艺实行强制淘汰,在重点行业实施废水闭路循环。同时,将增加社会公众对企业的环境监督,增加政府环境保护公共开支,等,这都会大量产生对环保设备和技术以及治理业务的需求。Inorder



40、nmentalprotectionequipmentandtechnologyaswellaspollutiontreatmentbusiness.二是实践科学发展观将推动循环经济的发展II.Implementation of the scientific development outlook will drive the development of recycled economy.循环经济是为了改变“大量生产、大量消费、大量废弃”的传统社会经济发展模式而发展起来的新型经济发展方式。Recycled economy is a newly developed economic growth

41、 mode,which is based the purpose of changing the old economic development mode in traditional society,namely“large amount of production,large amount of consumption and large amount of discarded goods”.其主要含义是资源利用实行“减量化、再利用、再循环和无害化”,将“资源-产品-废物”这一传统的线性物流模式改造为“资源-产品-再生资源”的物质循环模式,充分提高资源利用效率。Themajorsigni


43、inresourceutilization.我国当前推行循环经济的重点领域是:Currently Chinas key fields to promote the recycled economy are:(1)生态工业;ecological industry;(2)生态农业;ecological agriculture;(3)废旧资源回收再利用及无害化处置产业;Recycling of old and wasted resource and non-harmful treatment industry(4)绿色服务业。Greenproductserviceindustry三、案例:生产者责任

44、延伸制度III Case:system of extended manufacturers responsibility 生产者责任延伸,是指企业要对产品消费后的最终处理和处置承担责任,即企业的责任从生产领域“延伸”到消费领域。The extended manufacturers responsibility refers to that the enterprise will take the responsibility for finally how to treat the used product.That means enterprise responsibility has be

45、en“extended”from production field to consumption field.过去,人们一般认为产品卖给消费者后,企业的任务就完成了,至于产品消费完毕后如何处置,谁来处理,不关企业的事,应是消费者的事。而现在,对某些特定的行业或特定的产品,法律规定应由生产者来承担处置处理的责任。In the past,people used to admit that once the its product has been salt to customers the manufacturer will end her target.For the matters of ho

46、w to deal with the used product,and who to deal with it,it will be beyond the responsibility scope of the manufacturer,only the business of the user its own.But today,for some special industry or special product,it is stipulated by the law that the manufacturer should continue to be responsible for

47、dealing with the used product.例如,瑞典的法律规定,所有生产、进口包装和包装产品,以及销售产品的企业都有对包装进行回收利用的义务。For instance,Sweden law stipulates that all the enterprises engaged in producing,importing package or packaging product as well as packaging product distributors have the obligation to recycle and reuse their package.自推行

48、“生产者责任延伸制”以来,瑞典在包装的回收利用方面取得了显著的效果。在1994年刚实行“生产者责任延伸制”时,被回收再利用的包装仅为25万吨。Since the“System of Extended Manufacturers Responsibility”(SEMR)is promoted,Swede has witnessed remarkable effect in recycling and reusing packages.In 1994,when the SEMR was firstly adopted,the recycled packages was only 250 thou

49、sand ton.2002年对各类包装材料的平均回收利用率达到了65%,超过66万吨,这就意味着有大量原来焚烧或填埋方式处理的废弃包装材料现在被循环利用了。However,in 2002,the figure of average of recycled various sorts of packaging material hit 65%,over 660 thousand ton.That means a great number of wasted package material,which used to be burnt or buried,has been recycled fo

50、r re-utilization.此外,“生产者责任延伸制”的实行还促进了一批新型废弃包装回收利用企业的诞生。In addition,implementation of SEMR also promotes the birth of a batch of new enterprises which are engaged in recycling discarded packages.现在,瑞典每年甚至需要进口约14.5万吨的包装垃圾才能满足这些企业的生产需求。Today,Sweden has to import about 145 thousand package rubbish every


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