1、英语短文阅读:为母亲祈祷 Dear God, 亲爱的上帝:Now that I am no longer young, I have friend whoe mother have paed away. I have heard thee on and daughter ay they never fully appreciated their mother until it wa too late to tell them. I am bleed with the dear mother who i till alive. I appreciate her more each day. My
2、 mother doe not change, but I do. A I grow older and wier, I realize what an e某traordinary peron he i. How ad that I am unable to peak thee word in her preence, but they flow eaily from my pen. 如今我已不再年轻,一些朋友的母亲已经去世了。我曾听这些子女们 说过,他们从没有向母亲充分表示过他们的感激之情,而待到要告诉时为时已晚 了。幸运的是,我亲爱的母亲依然健在。我对她的感情与日俱增。母亲没 有变,而我却变了。随着年岁的增长,我越来越懂事了,我认识到她是个非常了 不起的人。这些话在她面前我难以启齿,但在笔下却可以轻易地写出来,这令我 感到多么难过。