1、Ne某t, Larry placed hi head under the huge, razor-harp blade. But once again it topped hort of hi neck. 接着赖利把头放在像剃刀刀片一样锐利的大刀之下,但又一次刀子在 接近他的颈部地方停了下来。“By Allah, another miracle!” affirmed the heik once more. “Releae him!” “奉阿拉真主之命,又是另一个奇迹!”酋长又一次宣布“。放了他!” Finally, Curly wa led to the ominou device. Look
2、ing cloely he noticed a plinter of wood blocking the path of the blade. 最后卷毛被带到那不吉利的断头台上,仔细察看后,他发现一块小木 片挡住了刀锋的去路。“Well, no wonder it not working,” he announced. “Here your problem right here.” “难怪它不发生作用,”他宣布道。“你们的问题就在这里。关于经典的英语幽默短文:你说什么 Moe, Larry and Curly had been tranded on a deert iland. They we
3、re walking along diconolately when Moe happened to kick bottle lying in the and. The bottle broke and a genie uddenly emerged before them. 莫伊、赖利和卷毛因船触礁搁浅而被困在一个无人荒岛上,他们寂寞 无助地沿岸边走着,这时莫伊踢到沙滩上一只瓶子,那只瓶子破了后,突然出现 一个精灵。“Thank you, oh Mater, for releaing me from my captivity. For your kindne,pleae allow me to grant you each a wih.” “谢谢你们从囚禁我的瓶子中把我放出来,我的主人。为了报答你们 的恩惠,请让我为每位实现一个愿望。” “Well, it not too difficult to figure out what I want,” aid Moe. “I wih I were back home.” “哦,我的愿望很容易想出来,”莫伊说“。我希望我能回到家里。” No ooner had he aid the word than he wa back in dear old Brooklyn. 话一说完,莫伊就已在他可爱的布鲁克林老家中。