1、 1 Reference Notes Unit 3 Leisure Activities Reading Focus Why Harry s Hot Information Notes 1.About the text and the author This passage is taken from Newsweek(July 16,2000)exploring the underlying reasons why the Harry Potter series books make huge success.The passage is largely argumentative,invo
2、lving the authors personal ideas about the Harry Potter books.It is a model essay in itself.Students are able to learn how to write an argumentative essay on the grounds of a particular phenomenon.The passage has a typically three-part anatomy that is easily recognized in an argumentative essay.It s
3、tarts with the indisputable fact that the Harry Potter books capture the attention of an amazingly large audience,although they are confronted with challenges by some parents and conservative religious leaders.They disapprove of the Harry Potter books because they think that these books advocate wit
4、chcraft.Then the author makes his own comments on the Harry Potter books,including their merits and demerits.Finally,the author arrives at a conclusion that there is every reason to say that Harry Potter possesses all the earmarks of a classic.Malcolm Jones writes about books,music,and photography f
5、or The Daily Beast and Newsweek,where he has written about subjects ranging from A.Lincoln to R.Crumb.He is the author of a memoir,Little Boy Blues,and collaborated with the songwriter and composer Van Dyke Parks and the illustrator Barry Moser on Jump!,a retelling of Brer Rabbit stories.2.About J.K
6、.Rowling Harry and her Potter Series Joanne Jo Murray,OBE(1965),who writes under the pen name J.K.Rowling,is a British author best known as the creator of the Harry Potter fantasy series,the idea for which was conceived while on a train trip from Manchester to London in 1990.The Potter books have ga
7、ined worldwide attention,won multiple awards,and sold more than 400 million copies.,Aside from writing the Potter novels,Rowling is perhaps equally famous for her rags to riches life story,in which she progressed from living on welfare to multi-millionaire status within five years.The 2008 Sunday Ti
8、mes Rich List estimated Rowlings fortune at 560 million($798 million),ranking her as the 12th richest woman in Britain.Forbes ranked Rowling as the 48th most powerful celebrity of 2007,and Time magazine named her as a runner-up for its 2007 Person 2 of the Year,noting the social,moral,and political
9、inspiration she has given her fandom.She has become a notable philanthropist,supporting such charities as Comic Relief,One Parent Families,Multiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain,and the Childrens High Level Group.Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J.K.Row
10、ling.Since the 1997 release of the first novel Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone,which was retitled Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone in the United States,the books have gained immense popularity,critical acclaim and commercial success worldwide.As of June 2008,the book series has sold more
11、 than 400 million copies and has been translated into 67 languages,and the last four books have consecutively set records as the fastest-selling books in history.So far,the book series includes seven books,including Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone(1997),Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets(1
12、998),Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban(1999),Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire(2000),Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix(2008),Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince(2005),Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows(2007).4.Michael Patrick Hearn is an American literary scholar and one of Ame
13、ricas leading men of letters specializing in childrens literature and its illustration.His works include The Annotated Wizard of Oz,The Annotated Christmas Carol,and The Annotated Huckleberry Finn.5.The Wizard ofOz 绿野仙踪 is a childrens book written in 1900 by L.Frank Baum.It was originally published
14、by the George M.Hill company in Chicago,and has since been reprinted countless times.The story chronicles the adventures of a girl named Dorothy in the land of Oz.It is one of the best-known stories in American popular culture and has been widely translated.Its initial success led to Baums writing a
15、nd having published 13 more Oz books.6.Steven Spielberg(1946)is an American film director,screenwriter and film producer.In a career of over four decades,Spielbergs films have touched on many themes and genres.Spielbergs early sci-fi and adventure films,sometimes centering on children,were seen as a
16、n archetype(原型)of modem Hollywood blockbuster filmmaking.In later years his movies began addressing such issues as the holocaust,slavery,war and terrorism.Spielberg won the Academy Award for Best Director for 1993s Schindlers List(辛德勒的名单)and 1998s Saving Private Ryan(拯救大兵瑞恩).Three of Spielbergs film
17、s,Jaws(大白鲨)(1975),E.T.(The Extra-Terrestrial)(外星人)(1982),and Jurassic Park(侏罗纪公园)(1993),broke box office records,3 each becoming the highest-grossing film made at the time.7.P.L.Travers(1899-1996)was an Australian novelist,actress and journalist,popularly remembered for her series of childrens novel
18、s about the mystical and magical nanny Mary Poppins.8.The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew:a TV series which aired for three seasons on ABC from Jan.30,1977 to Jan.14,1979.In the TV series,the brothers Frank and Joe Hardy and the girl Nancy Drew are all amateur detectives.TV series was was unusual in that it o
19、ften dealt with the characters individually,that is,some episodes featured only the Hardy Boys and others only Nancy Drew.The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew were also both successful book publishing series.The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew were both successful book publishing franchises,owned by the Strateme
20、yer Syndicate,a publishing group which owned many successful childrens book lines.9.Tolkien(John Ronald Reuel Tolkien)(1892-1973)was an English writer,poet,philologist,and university professor,best known as the author of the classic high fantasy works The Hobbit(小矮人)and The Lord of the Rings(指环王).10
21、.Dahl(Roald Dahl)(1916-1990)was a British novelist,short story writer and screenwriter,bom in Wales to Norwegian parents,who rose to prominence in the 1940s with works for both children and adults,and became one of the worlds bestselling authors.His most popular books include The Twits(坏心的夫妻消失了),Cha
22、rlie and the Chocolate Factory(查理与巧克力工厂),James and the Giant Peach(怪桃历险记),Matilda(小魔女),The Witches(女巫)and The BFG(吹梦巨人).参考译文 没有文学的休闲生活犹如死亡抑或活埋。西尼加(古罗马哲学家)哈利波特风行之迷 4 1 J K 罗琳发誓说自己从来没有过这种预想。她做梦也没有想到会有那么多人对她的书感兴趣。“我从来没有指望过有这么多人喜欢它,”在最近的一次访谈中她仍然这样说,“可是,很显然,我大错特错了。它在许多人心中产生了共鸣。”她说得很委婉。哈利波特系列小说的前三部被翻译成了 3
23、5 种语言,已出版3,500万册,据保守估计,这三部书在三年时间里已经赚了四亿八千万美金。而这还只是个开始。哈里波特系列小说的第四部哈利波特与火焰杯初版530万册,加上高达 180万册的订单,有望创造新的畅销书销售记录。12 岁的杰克莫里西的话很清楚地表达了他们这一代读者的想法。他说:“哈利波特就如同生活,但比生活更美好。”2 让人称奇的是,罗琳让每一册书的情节相互独立,但最后,她却能够巧妙地把它们衔接起来,形成一个意想不到的结局。单从叙述能力而言,哈利波特与火焰杯也是哈利波特系列小说中最好的一部。3 当这本书终于在星期六午夜 12:01 面市时,在英国和北美,成千土万的孩子争相前来领(取预订
24、的)书。书店举办了睡衣派对,邀请了一些魔术师表演,并提供曲奇饼和潘趣酒,可是没人需要这些,因为人们个个情绪高涨。有一次,顾客们发出了巨大的欢呼声,以致邻居们实在难以忍受而报了警。在美国北卡罗来纳州的夏洛特市“边界”连锁书店,12 岁的艾琳兰金一拿到书就快速翻到最后一页。“我听说有一个主角死了,我真的很想知道是谁,”她说。但是几分钟后她放弃了。“我做不到,我不能先看书的结尾。”4 在对“哈利波特”现象的一路欢歌中,出现的唯一一个不和谐音符来自于一些父母和保守的宗教领袖。他们认为罗琳在宣扬巫术。至少在 17 个州的 25 所学校校区内,阅读哈利波特受到了质疑,而在堪萨斯州和科罗拉多州的学校里,哈利
25、波特系列丛书则被明令禁止。但是作为儿童图书专家和绿野仙踪的编辑,迈克尔帕特里克赫恩觉得这并不奇怪。“无论何种魔法都会被有些人视为邪恶,”他说,“绿野仙踪就曾经在 80 年代中期遭到正统派基督教徒们的抨击。”5 但是对于“哈利波特”现象最让人感到好奇的事情可能是几乎没有人会花时间去讨论这些书有多好或者多糟,尤其是当这些评论仅仅涉及书本身的时候。有一天,11 岁的女儿问我是否认为哈利波特是经典之作,我给出了一个恐 5 怕听起来十分成人化的回答,“时间会证明一切的。”这不能算是一个彻头彻尾的谎言,因为谁也没有办法预测有哪一本书能够代代相传。但事实上,我在闪烁其词。我女儿真正想知道的是:与罗伯特路易斯
26、史蒂文森和马德琳兰格尔这一类人相比较,罗琳到底有多棒。6 我本可以告诉她我认为这些书是精心构思的通俗作品,是堪比史蒂文斯皮尔伯格之电影的文学作品。本来我还可以告诉她我认为哈利波特系列小说没有什么新意,它们与众多儿童经典作品有太多相似之处,所以有时候会给读者一种感觉,仿佛罗琳用现成的题材组编了这些故事。但是,这些故事绝对不仅仅是各个部分的简单相加。它们如此受欢迎的关键之处就在于无论是大人还是小孩都能够从阅读中获得乐趣。只有最好的作家他们能够与修斯博士和菲利普 普尔曼,当然还有罗琳一样与众不同才能够做到这一点。7 欢乐满人间的作者帕梅拉林登特拉弗斯概括得精辟至极。她写到,“你不能把你想象的东西砍掉
27、一部分然后写成一本专给孩子看的书,坦白地说,因为事实上你根本无从知道童年究竟是什么时候结束,而成人期又是什么时候开始的。它们相互连接、浑然一体。”在罗琳的书中,从语言开始,就有足够多的让大人和孩子都喜欢的东西。也许她文风朴实,但是她给人和物取名的方式显示了独特的原创才能。8 优秀作家关注孩子特点的能力达到惊人的程度。罗琳不只一次地清楚表达出,即便是最勇敢的孩子也经常会表现得那么无助。在哈利波特(二)中,当那位智慧的、对学生呵护有加的魔法学校校长邓布利多被驱逐出霍格华兹魔法学校时,哈利和他的同学们都感到恐惧万分。“邓布利多走了,前所未有的恐惧蔓延开来。”而这也让我很害怕。在罗琳所有的书中都流淌着
28、一种潜在的伤感与迷失。在哈利波特(一)中,变成孤儿的哈利盯着那面能够向照镜子的人显现出每个人内心深处愿望的厄里斯魔镜看,他看见了逝去的双亲。“直到我自己重读我写过的东西,我才意识到这个情节完完全全完完全全地来自于我对于母亲去世的感觉,”罗琳说,“事实上,我可以说,死亡、丧亲之痛以及死亡意味着什么是所有这七册书的中心主题之一。”而年轻的读者们能够领会这一份深刻的理性吗?也许不能自觉地做到这一点吧。但是我认为,如果这些书只是一些有关魔幻之旅的有趣的故事,那么它们就不可能有这么广泛的吸引力。而且我知道,那样 6 的话成人就不会被它吸引。9 哈利波特系列小说并不完美。在这几本小说中我感到最大的缺失是一
29、个绝妙的反面角色。我这里说的“绝妙的反面角色”是指“有趣的反面角色”。正因为高个子约翰希尔弗既邪恶又迷人,所以他才让人更觉可怕。如果他仅仅只是坏的话,他带给我们的恐怖感会减少一大半。伏地魔王让人能够抗拒就是因为他仅仅只是一个十足的坏蛋。说了上面的缺点后,我要补充的是,罗琳在她的第四部书里以一个反面角色超越了自己。这个坏蛋极具魅力,你永远想象不到会有这样的人,因而他相当令人恐惧。10 除了这个吹毛求疵的意见,罗琳的书可能是孩子们所接触到的最好的书,而且阅读这些书也不是家长强加的任务。我羡慕那些阅读这些书的孩子,因为在我还是个孩子的时候,可没有这么好的东西我的意思是说,我们没有靠自己去发现有这么好
30、的东西,不像现在的孩子,他们找到了哈利。我们深深地记着哈迪男孩和南茜朱尔,但是当我们尝试着重新阅读这些角色的时候,他们的魅力很快就消失了。罗琳的书也许不如托尔金的书那么具有权威性,也不如达尔的作品那般跌宕起伏,但是她的书将涉世未深的读者带入了一个相当高的娱乐水准。哈利波特系列小说还有三部尚未出版,现在下定论还为时尚早。但是,就目前我们看到的情况来看,特别是在最新出版的这一部,哈利波特具备了经典作品的所有特征。Key to Exercises Text Exploration Task 1 Introduction:Para.14 The series have achieved huge su
31、ccess.A.The series appeal to an enormous number of people.Example 1:The first three books have earned$480 million in 3 years.Example 2:Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire promises to break all previous bookselling records.(Para.1)Example 3:In Britain and North America,thousands of children rushed to
32、 claim their copies when Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was on sale.B.Some parents and conservative religious leaders disapprove of the Harry Potter books because they think that these books Example:Reading of the books has been challenged in 25 school districts and the 7 books have been banned
33、 in schools in Kansas and Colorado.The Authors comment on the Hurry Potter Books(Para.5-9)A.The Harry Potter books have much merits:a.They are beautifully crafted works of entertainment,the literary counterpart of Steven Spielberg.b.They amount to much more than just the sum of parts of childrens cl
34、assic,and they can be read by children and adults with equal pleasure.c.The language of the books may be unadorned,but the way with naming people and things is quirky and original.d.Adults also find the books appealing because of the deep intellectualism in them.B.A disadvantage of the Harry Potter
35、books is an absence of an interesting villain in the first four books.Conclusion(Para.10)There is every reason to say that Harry Potter possesses all the earmarks of a classic.A.Both children and adults enjoy reading the books.B.The books introduce young readers to a very high standard of entertainm
36、ent.Task 2 1.FPara.2;2.FPara.3;3.TPara.4;4.FPara.5;5.FPara.6;6.TPara.7;7.FPara.8;8.TPara.8;9.FPara.9;10.FPara.10 Vocabulary in Action 1.A v.fascinate 想到要在雨中久等让人扫兴。B v.earnestly request 呼吁,请求 C v.request a higher court to change a judgment 上诉 2.A v.pledge,swear 许诺,发誓 B v.appear promising,有的希望可能 C:n.h
37、ope,possibility 希望,可能 3.A:take sbs attention 引起(注意)B:state,declare 声称,断言 C:demand or ask for sth you think you have a right to 索取,索要 4.A:take/make a note 做笔记 B;a particular sound in sbs voice 口气,调子 C of note:of importance/great interest 重要的;引人注目的 5.A:prep.considering B:adj.fixed,particular C:adj.fix
38、ed,particular 6.A:谱曲;配词 B:express in a particular way C:write 7.A:likes and dislikes 喜好 B:similar things C refer to Vocabulary on page 70 8.A:express clearly B:connect C.join with joint Task 2 1.stack up against 2.struck a chord 3.amounted to 4.chopping off 5.appeal to 6.pick up on 7.turned out 8.fa
39、de away 8 9.brought together 10.pulled off 11.thrust upon 12.be kept clear of Task 3 1)swirling 2)delivered 3)glowed 4)intervals 5)converge 6)wanderings 7)navigate 8)jealousy 9)presence 10)absorbed Task 3(From Harry Potter VI:Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,beginning Para.1,2,4,and 5)1)swirli
40、ng 2)delivered 3)glowed 4)intervals 5)converge 6)wanderings 7)navigate 8)jealousy 9)presence 10)absorbed Chinese translation:雪花又在窗外旋舞,扑打着结冰的窗棂,圣诞节转眼将至。海格已经独自一人把礼堂里每年少不了的十二棵圣诞树搬来了;楼梯栏杆上都缠上了冬青和金属箔;甲胄的头盔里闪烁着长明蜡烛,走廊里每隔一段都挂上了一大束一大束的槲寄生。每次哈利从走廊上走过时,总会有一堆堆的女孩聚在槲寄生下面,造成交通堵塞。幸好哈利频繁的夜游使他对城堡中的秘密通道摸得透熟,能够不太困难地在
41、课间绕过有槲寄生的路线。这种绕道以前会让罗恩感到嫉妒而不是开心,现在他却只是哈哈大 笑。虽然哈利觉得这个嘻嘻哈哈的新罗恩比前几星期那个郁闷、好斗的罗恩好得多,可这改变却也代价高昂。首先,哈利不得不经常看到拉文德布朗,这女孩似乎把不亲吻罗恩的每一刻都当做浪费;第二,哈利再次成了两个似乎要永远不跟对方说话的人的好朋友。“她没什么可抱怨的,”他对哈利说,“她亲了克鲁姆,结果发现也有人想亲我。嘿嘿,自由国家嘛,我没做错什么。”哈利没有回答,假装专心在看明天上午魔咒课前要读完的那本书(第五元素:探索)。他虽然决心继续做这两个人的朋友,但现在很多时候都闭着嘴巴。Reading More Europeans
42、 Just Want to Have Fun About the text and the author About the text:This passage is taken from Time(Jul.28,2003)revolving around different attitudes toward leisure in Europe and the United States.The passage is mainly contrastive,bringing open to the reader the different pictures of work and life in
43、 Europe and in the United States.It begins with some eye-catching phenomena in Paris,Berlin,Madrid,Dublin and Prague where people have a lot of fun.Then the author 9 illustrates the change in Americans attitude toward leisure and the reasons why Americans and Europeans treat leisure in a different w
44、ay.Finally,the author makes a prediction that the idea of a work-life balance might catch on in future in the United States.About the author:Michael Elliott is a TIME columnist who frequently writes TIMEs lead stories.He worked as the editor of TIME Canada edition and now is TIME Asias editor.He is
45、a regular commentator on television,especially with CNN and CNN international,and with Charlie Rose Show on PBS-TV 参考译文 何不即时享乐呢?太多次幸福是因为一些愚蠢的准备而消弭于无形。简奥斯丁 享受生活这就是欧洲人 欧洲人有那么长的假期和那么多的舞会,我们(美国人)为什么不能也放松一下呢?1 法国国庆日前夕,我在穿过巴黎的圣米歇尔大街时,很偶然地碰到了一位老友一位已经在巴黎呆了 25 个年头的美国人。他告诉我说自己迷上了跳探戈舞。困惑之余,我就按照他建议的那样沿圣路易岛对面的塞纳
46、河左岸溜达了一下,一探究竟。2 那是一个场面盛大的舞会。在一块临时搭建的露天圆形剧场上,一大群衣着华丽的人正跳着探戈舞。不远处,不同族裔的人群跳着梅仑格舞。一轮满月爬上了朗朗的夜空,另外有数百人在河边尽情享受着野餐。在孚日广场喝了鲜美的鱼汤后,夜色已深。我来到了玛黑区狭窄的巷子,不经意间看到了一个即兴街区派对。有人在人行道上架起了音响设备,街道上挤满了人异性恋者、同性恋者、老老少少、各色族群。大家跳着萨尔萨舞。3 欧洲人过得真自在。是的,七月下旬,一贯如此。我在巴黎的这个周末,估计有 50 万名年轻人一下子涌到了柏林,参加一年一度的“爱的巡游”。与此同时,成千上万的家庭从潮湿的欧洲北部,经长途
47、旅行前往位于温暖南部的度假屋。但即便不是阳光明媚的天气,欧洲人仍然能够以极大的热情投入到娱乐和欢庆当中。周末的伦敦市中心简直就是一个饮酒派对。昔日受宗教政治桎梏,一度沉闷、压抑的城市,如马德里和都柏林,而今也要狂欢至凌晨两三点钟。在布拉格,人们谈论的外来游客不再是 90 年代初接踵而至的那些一本正经的美国年轻人,而是那 10 些冲着廉价啤酒和漂亮妞儿慕名而至的英国派对客。这个曾经被英国史学家马克马佐沃称作“不折不扣的黑暗大陆”从它那被腐蚀的灵魂中曾迸出过法西斯的恐怖如今却俨然变成了一个狂欢的欧洲,一个尽情享乐的社会。4 想来可笑。这本应该是美国的模样嘛!1976年出版的丹尼尔贝尔的资本主义的文
48、化矛盾一书收录了他的一系列著名的随笔散文。在书中,他指出了新教狭隘价值观的衰败如何使美国资本主义脱离了它的劳动具有内在价值中的道德基础。早在 20 世纪 60 年代,贝尔就指出:“文化层面上的对资本主义的正名是享乐主义,让娱乐成为一种生活方式。”时代杂志同意这一观点。1969年,时代周刊一篇题为加利福尼亚:激情之州的封面专题报道说,正如大多数美国人所认为的那样,“美好的、非宗教性的、集体的快乐追求成为加州一切活动的缩影我已经看到了未来,一位刚从加州回来的游客说,玩是行得通的。”5 然而,美国的未来并未变成我们期望的样子。欧洲人现在缩短了他们在办公室或工厂里的工作时间并延长了假期(在法国,一周的
49、工作时间超过 35 小时则被视为违法),但是,美国人却得出结论:只有拼命工作、拼命玩儿,才能感到快乐。于是,他们的工作时间变得越来越长了。之后,他们到像长岛的汉普顿区那样的地方度过一个人满为患的周末,并创造了独一无二的美国式的休闲理念时间表排的慢慢的快乐假期,即用一个接一个的约会把休息日塞得满满的,好像与办公室的预约没有什么区别似的。与此同时,美国的保守派认为,欧洲人对享乐生活的渴求(真可耻!)和每年六周的假期证明了欧洲人缺乏严肃认真的态度。他们还认为,欧洲人迟早会为经济(衰退)而悔恨流泪的。6 为什么欧洲人和美国人对待工作和休闲的态度会截然不同呢?我认为原因有两点。首先,西欧拥挤的环境与北美
50、宽广的空间造就了不同的消费取向。总体来说,与珍惜时间的程度相比,美国人更看重物质,比如:运动型多功能车、7,000平方英尺的房子,而欧洲人正好相反。其次,正如贝尔所预言的那样,美国作为一个宗教国家的自我意识开始复苏了。最起码,基督教的清教徒教旨教义对美国人一直都有感召力,宗教中宣传这样一条严厉的训条:勤奋工作有益于灵魂。然而,现代欧洲却一直规避这条令人抑郁的训条。7 不管如何解释,工作与生活的平衡总是欧洲人的主要谈资,同时也是智囊团和政策制定者研究和考虑的主题。在美国,人们使用这个说法时总是带着几分针 11 对那些吃蛋奶火腿馅饼的有闲人士才会表现出来的冷嘲热讽的态度。但是,这种平衡观点可能还是