1、关于求职英语对话带翻译 关于求职英语对话带翻译一 杰克和玛丽在讨论面试中要注意的身体语言 Jack: Body language in the interview i cloely related to the job-hunter image. 杰克:面试中的身体语言与求职者的形象密切相关。Mary: Surely it i. 玛丽:这是自然。Jack: You hould look the interviewer in the eye o a to how that you are carefully litening to him. 杰克 :面试时,眼睛要望着对方,以显示出你在认真昕对方
2、的讲话。Jack: When you are eated, bent for队lard a little with your hand croed, to how you repect the interviewer. 杰克:就坐时,一般双手交叉,身体前前顷,以示尊敬。Jack: Proper poture can how your confidence. 杰克:端正的坐姿可以传达出你的自信。Mary: The bet would be you have a mile on your face in the interview to win a good impreion of the int
3、erviewer. 玛丽:最好面带微笑,赢得面试官的好感。Jack: Pay attention to keeping eye contact a well. 杰克:也要注意眼神交流。Mary: Throughout the interview you hould maintain patience. 玛丽:面试过程中一定要有耐心。Jack: In a word, you hould keep decent manner in the interview. 杰克:总之,面试中要保持大方得体的举止。Mary: Only in thi way can you leave the interview
4、er a good impreion and achieve ucce. 玛丽:这样才能给面试官留下好的印象,增加成功几率。关于求职英语对话带翻译二 杰克和玛丽在讨论如何在面试中成功地推销自己 Jack: Jut a the aying goe, every potter praie hi own pot. You hould pay pecial attention to elling yourelf properly in the interview. 杰克:正所谓王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸在面试中尤其要注意恰当地推销自 己。Jack: Youd better prepare what you a
5、re going to ay in advance, in order to have a good performance in the interview. 杰克:最好是在面试前就准备好说辞,以便面试时能有良好的表现。Mary: The content hould be mainly decription of your background. And the length depend on the particular ituation. 玛丽:内容应当以基本情况的介绍为主,长短视具体情形而定。Only when you are aware of what the interviewe
6、r will be intereted in, can you make a targeted preparation.杰克:当然,你必须清楚面试官想知道些什么,才能有针对性地着手 准备。Mary: To el l yourelf uccefully, you hould leave the interviewer a deep impreion. 玛丽:成功的推销,应当使面试官眼前一亮,印象深刻。Jack: Selling yourelf hould go traight to the point, and the tatement hould be clear and brief. 杰克:
7、要直切主题,表述清晰,简明扼要。Mary: It hould alo be truthful and realitic. Do not blindly blow your own horn. 玛丽:也要实事求是,不要一味地自吹自擂。Jack: You hould particularly tate your trong point which are cloely related to the poition you are applying for. 杰克:要注重展示与所应聘职位相关的长处。Mary: While you hould not omit your weak point, the
8、y need to be decribed appropriately 玛丽:短处虽然不能隐瞒,却也要注意恰当地表述。Jack: Time permitted, you could add certain e某ample to your decription. 杰克:如果时间允许的话,可以适当地列举实例来说明。Mary: Beide, in the interview, it i the bet that you make correponding adjutment to apply your prepared content fle某ibly. 玛丽:面试时,最好作相应的调整,以便灵活应用
9、。关于求职英语对话带翻译三 杰克和玛丽在讨论如何在面试中做一个善于倾听的人 Jack: It i quite important to be a good litener in the interview.杰克:在面试中做一个善于倾昕的人是很重要的。Mary: Litening carefully can how you undertand and repect the peaker. 玛丽:认真聆听,可以体现出你对谈话者的理解与尊重。Jack: It can how your good attainment a well. 杰克:也是个人良好素养的体现。Mary: Beide, you ca
10、n pick up ome helpful information from the talk. 玛丽:此外,你也可以从对方的谈话中得到一些有用的信息。Jack: Firt of all, you hould keep proper poture and make eye contact with the peaker with a mile. 杰克:首先,要端正坐姿,面带微笑地注视对方。Jack: And your tatement hould be clear and brief to the point. 杰克:注意表述清晰,简明扼要。Mary: Never hould you inte
11、rrupt on a unfamiliar topic. 玛丽:对于自己并不熟悉的话题,一定不要随意插话。Jack: Sure, in order not to leave a bad impreion on the interviewer. 杰克:是的,以免给面试官留下不好的印象。Mary: Additionally, dont how any impatience to a repeated topic. 玛丽:另外,对于重复的话题,也不要表现出不耐烦。Jack: Dont be abent-minded even when you are not intereted in the talk.杰克:即便你对谈话内容不感兴趣,也不要显得心不在焉。Mary: In a word, any impolite behavior hould be avoided in the litening. 玛丽:总之,倾昕过程中,一定不要有任何的失仪的举止。推荐访问: