1、 新托福口语部分试题 2.说一个你鄙视的人的好性格(Q1:人) 3.大学是应当向全部人开放还是只对一局部学生开放(Q1:观点) 4.Whether parents should lead their children to watch TV or the children should choose(Q2:观点) 5.The most efficient transportation in your country。(Q1:物) 6.说近100年最important的invention之一(Q1:物) 7.attend college是否比不读college简单successful in ca
2、reer ,why?(Q2:观点) 8.Characteristics of friends;(Q1:人) 9.Someone suggests school to cut the Recycling(Q2:观点) 10.你是情愿当leader还是当follower(Q2:偏好) 11.Which one do you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books?(Q2:偏好) 12.人是被电视,报纸,播送上的.信息影响得多,还是家人朋友得影响多?(Q2:偏好) 13.抱负的职业(Q1:物) 14.Take a
3、 long vacation or several short vacations in a year?(Q2:偏好) 15.What do you think are the characteristics of a good parent?(Q1:人) 16.Do you prefer to study alone on work assignment from class or to study in group?(Q2:偏好) 17.你的目标是什么(Q1:物) 18.描述一次challenging experience,以及如何解决这个challenge(Q1:事,经受) 19.应当选择工作好找的专业还是应当选择自己感兴趣的专业(Q2:偏好) 20.喜爱看那种电影,为什么:Comedy, drama(Q1:物) 【新托福口语局部经典试题】