1、【托福口语】托福口语部分是真人还是电脑 关于托福口语考试的详细形式,事实上许多考生感到困惑。 托福口语考试是机考还是人考。 事实上,这部分考试现在采纳机考的考试形式。 那么,学生应当如何为机考做打算呢? 以下我整理了具体的内容供大家参考! 【托福口语】托福口语部分是真人还是电脑 托福口语考试在机考的过程中,可能会出现一些干扰因素,比如说机器的问题,或者听力题目中的陷阱等等,那么,托福口语机考怎么解除干扰呢?首先试音是必要的,然后在听力过程中的问题就要大家备考时多练习多总结方法。 托福口备考时语还是要以让别人听懂为第一要务。托福口语机考怎么解除干扰? 1.试听和试音 许多人不重视这个步骤,只是简
2、洁履行程序,这是大错特错。硬件设备的性能干脆影响我们的发挥。有这样一个考生,以往考试听力成果都在24分以上,但最近一次由于在试听的时候没太在意,起先新托福听力考试的时候发觉听力设备有问题,一会听得见一会听不见,虽然后来考场实行了肯定的措施,但结果听力只有19分。这不是故事,是一件真实的事务。这个故事告知我们,考试是一件大事,任何一个环节都不能大意。 2.耐力和毅力 除英语实力,托福还考察耐力。持续近4个小时的考试对中国考生来讲是前所未有的挑战,而单是听力部分就要60-90分钟,并且要留意力集中,一不留神就会错过一些重要的信息点。许多人无法适应这么长时间的煎熬,到听力后半段就会烦躁,而且可能会厌
3、烦这种考试,主观上产生排斥,那么后面的内容就更听的云里雾里了。 本文的内容就针对于托福口语机考怎么解除干扰供应了一些方法。 新托福听力考试对策:关于这一点,我要提示各位考生的是,考试绝不是要你意气用事。我们坐在那里是要来解决问题的,绝不是让你表达你对这种模式的喜好和厌恶。即使你发觉自己有些烦躁,也要尽量安静自己的心情,不能任其接着扩大。不妨将这看作是对自己的挑战,看看自己能不能战胜自己。假如能,信任你也必将克服外来的任何困难。 3.听与记 许多人喜爱把尽可能多的内容记在纸上,结果反而导致许多信息没听到。事实上,这是一个误区。人是有记忆力的,我们要尽量把听到的信息记在脑子里,不是纸上。记笔记当然
4、重要,但只是为了提示我们,而不是要我们到笔记里去找信息,否则不是和阅读没什么区分? 所以,新托福听力考试,重在听,不在记。我们记录的可能只是支离破裂的几个字母组合,但我们自己要能依据这些残缺的内容整合出原文的框架。至于详细信息,要靠我们脑子中的记录和自己的思索来进行整合,用以解答问题。 又有很多同学们关切,通过什么途径来复习口语才最有效呢?依据考试的task 1和2来看,须要考生独立描述一个话题,所以我建议,口语搜寻一些托福机经之类的话题,来进行打算。而task 3 至6,通常要求考生结合听到的材料,转述文中观点。所以我建议大家,在进行复述的时候,尽量避开重复,要找同义词进行替换,思路保持清楚
5、。 针对托福口语,其实考生也可以提前打算一些万能话题,可以依据一个话题转到另一个话题,这样在实际考试的时候,不仅可以为自己加分,还可以有效避开惊慌卡壳。 所以总体来说,机考方式有利有弊,机考虽然从一方面来说,是比较公正、客观的,但是从另一方面来看,也是不那么合理的,因为在同一个考场内,多名考生各自坐在电脑前进行口语测试,相互之间干扰、影响是不行避开。所以建议楼主提前适应嘈杂的答题环境。另外,机考不如人考人性化,不论出现什么状况,你都要根据规则完成考试。 托福口语备考之独立口语话题:养宠物 托福独立话题 Your friend is considering getting a new pet.
6、What kind of animal would you suggest and why? Well, I would suggest my friend raise a dog for the following two reasons. First of all, raising a dog you would have a companion and would not feel lonely. Dogs love spending time with their masters. They play with you or just snuggle on the couch whil
7、e you are watching TV. You will feel happy to have your loyal partner around you at all times. Second, raising a dog motivate you to do more exercises. Walks in the park, hiking in the woods are the things dogs love to do with their owners. It greatly promotes your health since you are doing exercis
8、e outdoor while you are walking your dogs. More information Youll feel less stressed. There have been lots of studies that have shown how dogs decrease stress levels. Petting your dog, playing with your dog, and simply watching your dog can reduce your stress each day. Research shows that dog owners
9、hip reduces stress hormones and the effects usually outweigh the stress caused by caring for a dog. Your social life may improve. Not only does walking your dog help you to get exercise, it might also help you get a date. People are more likely to stop and talk with you when youre walking a dog. Goi
10、ng to the dog park or taking your dogs to run errands can also lead to strangers striking up conversations with you about your dog. Youll feel safer. Dogs can be an effective home security system. Studies show that barking dogs deter burglars. Just knowing that youve got a dog who can use its keen s
11、ense of hearing to detect anyone prowling around can help increase your sense of security, which is good for both your mental and physical health 托福口语备考之独立口语:哪个职业应当高薪 Who should be paid more: a nurse, a teacher, or an officer? From my perspective, nurse should receive the highest salary among these
12、three. First of all, nurse has a great deal of responsibility. They provide hands on care to patients, make patients feel more comfortable, and assist in many aspects of patient care from dispensing medicine to drawing blood to simply talking with patients. Secondly, nurses have educational requirem
13、ents. Depending on the type of nurse, their schooling may involve 6-8 years of education, which means they have to spend a lot of money and efforts in finishing their school. Therefore, nurses should definitely receive a higher pay. More information The must-know cons of being a nurse You will be ex
14、posed to all types of germs and viruses. If you are squeamish, nursing is probably not your best career choice. Nurses deal with blood and other bodily fluids. They are also exposed to all types of viruses and other pathogens. Some days will be overwhelming. The job can be stressful for a variety of
15、 reasons. For example, there may be times you are short staffed or get a sudden increase in new patients to treat. Patients do not always want or appreciate help. It would be great if all your patients thanked you and were polite. But that is not how it works in the real world. Some patients are eas
16、y to work with and others are not. You will see sad situations. There will be times in your nursing career where you witness sad or tragic situations. Patients do not all make it, and watching someone die can be tough. You may have to work holidays, nights and weekends. Working as a nurse is not a 9
17、-5 job Monday through Friday. Nurses who work in hospitals and nursing homes are needed around the clock. You may have to work varied shifts including nights. 托福口语备考之独立口语:用新建筑取代旧建筑 Should old buildings be replaced by new buildings? I think the old buildings should be preserved. I have two reasons to
18、 support my opinion. Firstly, old buildings are precious property of human being. We will lose those valuable historical buildings permanently if we don't preserve them. Once a historical building is destroyed, we can never restore it. Secondly, old buildings are a symbol of a city and a valuabl
19、e tourist resource. Think about the Forbidden City and The Summer Palace in Beijing. They are the relics of the city and carrying great historical and cultural information. Every year they attract visitors from all over the world, which generates profound tourist income. More information 1. Old buil
20、dings attract people. Americas downtown revivals suggest that people like old buildings. Whether the feeling is patriotic, homey, warm, or reassuring, older architecture tends to fit the bill. Regardless of how they actually spend their lives, Americans prefer to picture themselves living around old
21、 buildings. Some eyes glaze over when preservationists talk about “historic building stock,” but what they really mean is a communitys inventory of old buildings ready to fulfill new uses. 2. Old buildings are reminders of a citys culture and complexity. By seeing historic buildings whether related
22、to something famous or recognizably dramatic tourists and longtime residents are able to witness the aesthetic and cultural history of an area. Just as banks prefer to build stately, old-fashioned facades, even when located in commercial malls, a city needs old buildings to maintain a sense of permanency and heritage. 【托福口语】托福口语部分是真人还是电脑本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第11页 共11页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页