1、 幼儿园中班英语教案:Insects(昆虫)_幼儿园weather英语教案 幼儿园中班英语教案:rain on 目标: 1、在小花园情境中,体验雨点,落在身上、花草上的乐趣,情愿用Rain on 进展大胆表达。2、喜爱和教师和同伴一起嬉戏,在多种方式中感受下雨的情境。 预备:花园场景(花、树、草、小熊、小鸟等)、晴天的标志、雨天的标志 过程: 一、熟识环境1、问好:say hello to the teachers./welcome./give you a kiss.2、Lets ride in our cars.here we go.( 开到花园前部)3、Heres a gardenIs i
2、t nice?very nice/very beautiful.4、Let me show you around it. Follow me.whats this?/what do you see?(渗透what colour is it? 和环境中的flowerbear等打招呼) 5、Now lets have a rest.sit down,please. 二、复习各种天气 1、The spring is coming,and the weather is very changeable. who can tell me whats the weather like?(出示教具,幼儿说说天
3、气。集体个别)2、todayI bring you a piece of music.while enjoying it,lets guess whats the weather like. macr; Listen.音乐(round round the garden.) 第一遍:猜天气(集体个别)whats the weather like? 其次、三遍:唱歌 (渗透和环境打招呼/fly. Jump. run) Stop.listen.音乐(下雨的声音)whats the weather like? Do you like rainy ?(集体个别) Some of you say yeah
4、.i like it.some of you sayno .i dont like it. But I think little Johnny doesnt like rainy day.because he sayrain rain go away Its rainy,lets go home. 三、学习rain on 1、look, whats this?its rain.教师演示rain on me. Do you want to play with the rain?you can say:rain on me. Where isyour shoes?raise your shoes.
5、rain on the shoes. Where isyour hands?raise your hands.rain on the hands.oh, its very funny. Rain rain ,fly fly fly. Rain on the flower/bear.(集体个别)2、Do you want to try?everyone can take one.(轻快的音乐伴奏)幼儿说说rain on幼儿园中班英语教案:shapes 小编为网友整理的幼儿园中班英语教案:shapes,盼望对大家有所帮忙! 活动目标: 、通过各种嬉戏形式学习单词rectangle, triangl
6、e, square,体验英语活动的乐趣。 、听懂句型:“What shape is it?” 3、听力练习:“Draw a triangle” 活动预备:正方形,长方形,三角形的彩纸。黑板(画有由三角形,正方形,长方形组成的房子,以及一些学过的小动物等),录音机,CD 活动过程: 一、 Warming-up: 、 师幼问好 、 律动Walking Walking. 二、 presentation 、 出示黑板,并提问:“Whats in the blackboard?”指导幼儿说出黑板上都有些什 么。当幼儿说到house时,教师做神奇状,将房顶三角形取下来并教授单词rectangle, 并做
7、手势。(triangle, square的教授方式同rectangle) 、 GAME:I say, You do.教师说单词,幼儿做手势。 、 3、 用不同的声调和语调分别教读单词rectangle, triangle, square,注意幼儿发音。 、 GAME:Whats mi ing? 三、 Co olidation 、 GAME: Walking, walking. 当唱到Now, Lets stop时教师发出指令touch something triangle幼儿在活动室内找到三角形的物体触摸or 教师出示外形并提问:“Whats shape is it?” 、 发给幼儿白纸,教师
8、发出指令:“Draw a triangle”,幼儿听指令画出图形。 幼儿园中班英语教案pencil 铅笔 一、活动主题:pencil (铅笔) 二、活动目标: 1.培育幼儿对英语的兴趣,让幼儿欢乐的参加活动2.通过学习英语,引导幼儿在日常生活中用英语交谈。 三、活动预备 1.卡通动物图片若干张2.小故事一个 四、开课前言: 早晨进园请用英语跟教师打招呼: Good morning teacher!离园请用英语跟教师告辞: Good bye teacher! 五、过程 1.单词分解:今日我们这里来了好多好多的小客人,小朋友,你们想知道这些小客人是谁吗?接下来我们来熟悉一下这些小客人吧!p:像左手
9、e:像大鲨鱼n:像小门c:像刺猬i:像小孩l:像铅笔这些小客人们在一起发生一件很好玩的事情,下面请小朋友们来听听故事!单词形象小故事幼儿园中班英语教案:five eggs five eggs (中班) Cla : MiddleTeacher: Mi ZhangTime:20 min一、Teacher Aims:1. Study the word “five”, let children learn it. The pronunciation and the meaning of them.2. Review the words: one, two, three and four.3. Stud
10、y the phrase: five eggs二、Teaching preparationpicture (eggs in a box)三、Teaching procedure:T: Hello ,boys and girls.C: Hello ,Mi Zhang. How are you?T: Fine, Thank you. And you?C: Im fine ,tooT: I have a riddle. Who is the most clever?(钩儿弯弯,挂在竹竿、竹杆短,钩钩大,我们记数要靠它)T: Gue , whats it?C: 5T: Yes. Read after
11、me “five, five ,five”(Study the pronunciation of “five”)T: Lets play a game, ok?/C:OK.T: Ill do the action, all of you say the English word. OK?C: One ,two ,three, four, five.T: Lets have a changeIll say the English word, All of you will do the action. OK?C: One, two, three, four five.(Go on)TShow t
12、hem a box) Whats this?C:T: Lets have a look. Whats this?C: Egg.T: Yes, very good. (往外拿)C: One egg, two eggs, three egg, four eggs, five eggs.T: How many eggs in the box?C: Five eggs.T: Yes, very ,very good.(Study the phrase: five eggs)TShow them pictures, let children eak English)C: Five lio . Five
13、eggs.Five trees five boysT: Lets go out to look for “five”幼儿园中班英语教案:Happy birthday 小编为网友整理的幼儿园中班英语教案:Happy birthday,盼望对大家有所帮忙! 活动目标: 1、学习单词“cake”“gift”“card”,在实物帮忙下理解含义,能较精确地仿照发音,在情景中理解“for you.”的含义。 2、情愿演唱歌曲,体会与同伴共同庆祝的欢乐。 活动预备: 排练情景表演、歌曲磁带、蛋糕、礼物、卡、课件 活动过程: 一、Greeting 1、Teacher and children say “Hel
14、lo!” “Good morning!”each other. 2、Teacher and children singNice to see youtogether. 二、Review T and C read the rhymeHorse. 三、Learn. 1、T and C watch TV of Birthday party.“Where is it?”“Yes,its dogs house.”T come in the house, “Oh,This is a TV.Lets watch TV,OK?” 2、T and one child show together. T: “Hel
15、lo,Im cat.Today is dogs birthday,Ill go to this party.” T: “Ding-Dong!” C: “What is it?” T: “Im cat.” C: “Come in, please.” T: “Happy birthday,a cake for you,a card for you,a gift for you.” T1: “Thank you.” 3、C learn “cake” “gift” “card”. (1)T shows and reads “cake” “gift” “card” one by one,C say wi
16、th T.“Whats this?”“keikgiftca:d” (2)C reads alone. “Whats this?” “Yes, here you are.” (3) T shows pictures,C practice together. (4)Game, “Who is the first?” 4、T shows a picture and reads “A cake for you.” C say with T. 四、Game “Birthday party” 1、T show a lot of pictures, “Lets go to party.Who wants t
17、o try?” 2、C say with T, One child take a picture. 3、One child and T knock at door practice sentences. 4、C say with T again.A part of C play the game. 五、Song 1、T and C come in the house,say “ Happy birthday.”to dog. 2、T and C singHappy birthday. 六、Ending. T and C leave the dogs house. 幼儿园中班英语教案:Banan
18、a and peach Banana and peach 活动内容: Banana and peach 活动目标: 1.学习新单词banana peach 2.愿意参加到活动中 活动预备: 1.草地背景图,monkey 2.实物banana peach 3.水果拼盘(banana peach) 活动过程: 一 引起兴趣,组织教学 1. 出示背景图,集中幼儿留意力 2. 出示monkey引起幼儿兴趣 (1) who is coming? Oh, the monkey. (2)say “hello, monkey.” 二 通过monkey is hungry引出教学内容 1. 询问幼儿小猴子最喜爱
19、吃什么东西? 2. 幼儿自由答复,教师相应出示幼儿所说的水果 3. 引导幼儿开口说banana peach” 三 完毕局部 1. 幼儿品尝水果拼盘中的水果 请幼儿说出自己所吃水果的名称(banana peach) 幼儿园中班英语教案Fruits Are Healthy 教学目标: 1、复习One to Ten 十个英语数字;复习Duck ,Dog,Cat,Bear,Tiger,Monkey,几种小动物的英语词汇。 2、学会并运用更多的水果词汇做嬉戏 3、学习歌曲Fruits Ate Healthy 教学重点: 学习词汇:peach,watermelon,pear,cherry,grape,or
20、ange 教学难点: 词汇cherries grapes wayermelon 的正确发音。 教学预备: 小动物的图片,水果挂图,各类水果的图片宝宝,英语教学平台 教学过程: 一 、1问候: Hi,boys and girls! Hi,Miss sun! 2嬉戏:Let us play a game! Ok! (幼儿在教师的带着下,以嬉戏的形式复习One To Ten 十个英语词汇) 3今日的天气很好,Miss sun带你们到动物园玩好不好。我们来看看动物园里有那些小动物。Look at a picture!(出示小动物的图片)Who is it! Dog!(幼儿依次将小动物的英语名称呼出来。
21、)我们把他们的英语名字编成歌曲唱出来,好不好。(幼儿依次将小动物的英语名称唱出来) 二、1、Ok ,very good!你们唱的真好听来鼓舞鼓舞自己。(good good very verygood)逛了这么长的时间,我都觉得渴了,想吃水果了,你们想不想吃。教师给你们买得好不好?好,close yout eyes一会教师就给你们买来了。Ok open your eyes,看看教师给你们买了那些水果。(出示水果的教学挂图)我们先来看看第一个是谁 。What is it ! Apple。(教师带着幼儿练习apple 的发音,对于错误的幼儿要准时订正。)你们想不想吃Apple 。好的 ,咱们再吃苹果
22、以前要怎么样?(先洗一洗)Ok。咱们在洗Apple 的时候洗一下就说一次Apple 。OK? 1) Apple Apple Apple Apple 啊呜啊呜啊呜 (多多的练习) 2)好的我们来看Apple 吃完了小朋友们学会了吗。 来Numb One说出Apple的英语名称 Numb Two ,Numb Three ,NumbFour 。 3)每组的小朋友一起说能够说出来。我们来看看一个小朋友能不能说出苹果的英语单词,next 下个小朋友接着说,next直到最终一个小朋友说完为止。 其他的水多词汇也是运用多种幼儿感兴趣的形式来学习。 2、我们把教师给你们买的水果都说出它的英语名字了我们把它们编
23、成一首歌好不好。我们依据水果的特点来给它们编歌。你们看Apple长的什么样子呀(红红的 大大的),peach长的什么样子(甜甜的 、大大的)Watermelon(大大的 圆圆的) pear(黄黄的 甜甜的) Cherries (红红的) Grapes(紫色的、圆圆的)Orange(甜甜的) Bnanan(黄黄的 弯弯的)好我们这么唱好不好: Apple Apple 红苹果 peac peach甜桃子 Watermelon 大西瓜 pear pear大黄梨 Cherries Cherries红樱桃 Grapes Grapes紫葡萄 OrangeOrange 甜桔子 Bnanan Bnanan黄香
24、蕉(可以运用在幼儿较熟识的音乐,反复的练习) 3、 好的吃完了好吃的水果,教师这里还有好多的水果宝宝(Fruit baby).它们都想和你们做好朋友。你们想不想成为他们的好朋友呀?你们都想和水果宝宝们做好朋友,(教案出自:)但是水果宝宝们说了它只和能说出它的英语名字的小朋友做好朋友。你们能不能说出水果宝宝的英语名字呀。好的下面水果宝宝们要找它的好朋友了。它只和能够说出它的英语名字还要座好了的孩子做好朋友。我看看谁能成为水果宝宝的好朋友。(幼儿说出图片上的水果的英语名字并将图片宝宝贴在幼儿的胸前)。 三、你们都找到自己的好朋友了吗?和你的好朋友打个招呼。你们的水果宝宝朋友还给你们带了了一个礼物。你们想不想知道是什么礼物?(教案出自:)(出示教学平台)Listen Catefuily!(幼儿听歌曲Fruits Ate Healthy)好听吗?你们想不想学,我们和你们的水果宝宝一起到外面去,让水果宝宝把这首好听的歌教给我们好不好?幼儿听着Fruits Ate Healthy音乐出教室户外活动。 感谢您拜读范文资讯网教案频道的“幼儿园中班英语教案:Insects(昆虫)”一文,盼望“幼儿园中班英语教案:Insects(昆虫)”能解决您的教案需求,同时,我们还为您精选预备的幼儿园中班英语教案专题!