1、 全国免费咨询电话:400-0123-267 托福口语手把手教你如何练习?小马过河为大家准备了“托福口语手把手教你如何练习?”,供各位备考托福的考生们参考使用,来提高自己的托福成绩!免费咨询电话:400-0123-267。(1)在做综合部分的新托福口语时,听完小短文,阅读完Reading Materials,急于进行口语表述,根本就没有弄清楚题目要求,然后按照自己的理解编排口语陈述。(2)做笔记能力还有待加强,遗漏一些关键信息,使整个口语表述不完整!实例 1 The speakers discuss two possible solutions to the womans problem.De
2、scribe the problem and the two solutions.Then explain what you think the woman should do and why.Sample answer1 Mary has cancelled the three days trip.And she thought she would have no chance,so she promised Professor Clark to help the museum exhibition.And nowadays there is a chance for Mary to ent
3、er the trip.She must choose one place to go,the museum or the trip?I think Mary should help Professor Clark for the museum exhibition at first.Because she promised the professor and this is her job now.If she couldnt finish the job until Wednesday,she should give up the trip because she must perform
4、 her promise.解析 (1)从上面的陈述中我们不难看出这位托友并没有很清楚地且很正确地把握题目要求,这是一个致命的缺点,这样就使题干没有发挥它应有的指标性纲领的使用价值。就这道题的题干而言,它很明确地告诉大家答题顺序,具体分为三个步骤:1,Describe the problem and the two solutions;2,explain what you think the woman should do;3,why.因为托友没有按照题目建议的答题顺序作答,所以整体听起来没有层次。(2)重要信息遗漏,造成题目回答走偏或者可以说是跑题的问题。Listening Materials
5、 中很清楚地说明 Mary 面临两个选择:First,short trip;Second,to help Professor Clark to set up the museum exhibition.同样她有两个 solutions:First,to finish the task before Wednesday;Second,She finds someone else to replace her to help Professor Clark to set up the museum exhibition.按照材料中所透露的信息,我想听后大家 100%会选择第一个方案,因为它两全其美
6、!这样 Mary 在既遵守诺言的同时还可以去参加短期旅行,一举两得!而很显然作者遗漏了其中一个 solution,所以致使其偏离了主题。实例 2 全国免费咨询电话:400-0123-267 Using points and examples from the talk,explain the two definitions of money presented by the professor.Sample answer2 From the professors speech,we can see two definitions of money.Money is papers,bills,a
7、nd coins,just like people use everyday.On the other side,money is anything that people can use to make purchase with.Money has different forms,like goods or something else,just like the examples of the speech.We give 5 dollars to the tax driver for a ride.And the tax driver gives them to the farmer
8、for some vegetables.And in the process,money is a just tool for the exchange.So money is not money only.Money can have its widely use.解析 (1)这道题和上面两道题不一样的地方是:这位考生很好地把握了题干要求,但是对这类型题目的完美把握上还欠缺一些。(2)我们要清楚地明白 IBT的 Integrated Speaking之 Task6这种题目一般难度很高,它只提供一篇lecture,然后要求你对其中的信息进行概述,并不要求发表个人意见,这一点请大家一定要注意了,
9、不要画蛇添足或者多此一举。(3)此类型题一般会对一个专有名词进行定义,那么不要求大家照搬原材料中的定义,可以用自己的理解来定义!就本题而言,这位托友并没有明确提出材料中的高频关键词:the narrow definition of money and the broad definition of money,还有没有对狭义货币定义进行很好的说明:The narrow definition of money might be the legal tender whatever is in the society and whatever has to be suspected as the payment.来源于:小马过河 相关推荐:托福口语常见的杂志词汇 托福口语备考练习:人才外流 托福口语备考练习:学生是否只注重理论知识 托福口语常用的数词句型