SHE WALKS IN BEAUTYSHE WALKS IN BEAUTYIn June,1814,several months before he met and married his first wife,Anna Milbanke,Lord Byron attended a party at Lady Sitwells.While at the party,Lord Byron was inspired by the sight of his cousin,the beautiful Mrs.Wilmot,who was wearing a black spangled mourning dress.Lord Byron was struck by his cousins dark hair and fair face,the mingling of various lights and shades.This became the essence of his poem about her.The Background Of the Poem体温升高手心冒汗呼吸急促心跳加速心心相印心有灵犀心慌意乱心照不宣心动不已一见钟情两情相悦三生三世一见钟情两情相悦三生三世MADE IN HI-HOO谢谢观看ppt宝藏_提供下载