1、 1.音和意的融合(P44)a combination of sound and sense 2.揭示隐藏的方面 reveal the hidden dimension 3.把握不住;理解不了 beyond ones grasp 4.发觉到节奏 detect a rhythm 5.引领你更好地理解某事 lead you to a better understanding of sth.6.一位陌生风景里的探索者 an explorer in an unfamiliar landscape 7.挖掘线索(P45)dig up clues 8.费尽心思 with painstaking effor
2、t 9.把诗放在一边 set the poem aside 10.努力得到回报。1L抛开逻辑思维以发现内在美 Your efforts will be rewarded.abandon logical thinking to discover its inneibeauty 12,领悟到另一层意义 perceive another level of meaning 13.超越普通现实追求永恒之美 14.不在合适的位置(P47)15.显眼;伸出;突出 go beyond normal leality for the everlasting beauty,be out of place/stick
3、 out/16.把重点放在(p48)17.经历名叫工业化的过程 put emphasis on/*undergo a process called industrialization 18.提倡回归自然 19.试验新的诗歌形式(p49)20.强调灵感 21.丰富的感官细节 advocate going back to nature experiment with new poetic forms stress the moment of inspiration rich sensory details 22.获得学位 23.对有重要影响 receive ones degree have a h
4、uge impact on.24.把信息传递给读者(p52)一 get your message across to readers 25.在相似的情况中 in a similar situation 26.伸手去摘天上星(P53)入 reach out J)r the stars in the sky 27.以免,惟恐 for fear of.28.展现浪漫主义风格 display signs of a romantic style 29促进W V contribute to.read ancient philosophers of different schools 31.熟悉古代中国经移
5、 familiarize himself with classical Chinese culture 32.汲取先贤们的智X)33.被强烈的探险欲所驱使 acquire the wisdom of previous generations be driven by a burning desire for adventure encounter different customs and practices 35.培养对自然的热爱 nourish his love of nature 36.深植于社会历史环境中 be deeply rooted in the social and histo
6、rical context 37.经济繁荣社会安定的时期 a time of economic boom and social stability 38.培养率性放达的个性(P54)develop a free and unconstrained personality 39.反过来 in turn 40.以为特征 be characterized by.41.给赋以灵性 breathe vitality into.42.使区别于 distinguish.from.43.不可分割 be inseparable from.44.具有代表性 be representative of.45.被公认为 be widely recognized as 46.应当感谢 owe a debt to sb./sth.Name:Class:Grades: