1、International NewsComparison and Analysis国 际 新 闻 比 较 与 分 析 8.1 Determinants of Global News FlowPart VIII:Global News Flow 8.2 World System Theory,Imperialism and Dependence8.3 Towards a New World Information and Communication OrderGeography of International News 8.1Define“Global News Flow”l“Internat
2、ional news flow”lA field of study attempting to explain the flow of news from one country to another,and understand why certain countries are more newsworthy than othersIndicating an interest in structureGeneral pattern:2Is ImbalanceInequalityFlow from high-status countries to low-status countries M
3、ore coverage of powerful than powerless countries National traitsuHow much power a country possessesDeterminant#1Political and economic power Soft powerEventsuNature of the eventsuNewsworthinessDeterminant#2RelatednessuGeographical or cultural proximityuEconomic or political associationsDeterminant#
4、3Shared language Travel between countriesImmigration and intermarriage Mother country-colony status International trade CountryNational TraitsHigh StatusLow StatusEventsRelatednessHighLowFlow and Coverage LikelyFlow and Coverage UnlikelyFlow and Coverage LikelyOriginFilter 1Filter 2Filter 3OutcomeHigh Newsworthiness Low NewsworthinessFilters of Determinants