1、音乐鉴赏音乐鉴赏 Music Appreciation中国近现代音乐中国近现代音乐Chinese Modern Music一、近现代音乐的特点一、近现代音乐的特点I.Features of modern music 外因外因 External Cause在在西西方方列列强强侵侵略略的的同同时时,西西方方音音乐乐知知识识和和世世俗俗性性音音乐乐作作品品也也开开始始渗渗入入进进来来,并并出出现现了了一一些些初初步步掌掌握握西西洋洋音音乐乐知知识识、技技能能的的人人才才,为为我我国国近近代代音音乐乐的的发发展展带带来来了了新新的的因素。因素。While the Western powers inva
2、ded China,Western music knowledge and secular music works also infiltrated into this country.Some talents who initially mastered Western music knowledge and skills appeared,which brought new factors to the development of Chinese modern music.内因内因 Internal Cause社社会会动动荡荡加加速速城城乡乡之之间间的的人人口口流流动动。城城乡乡音音乐乐
3、文文化化碰碰撞撞之之间间生生发发出出许许多多新新的的乐乐种种、曲种和剧种。曲种和剧种。Social unrest accelerates the population mobility between urban and rural areas.There are many new types of folk music and opera created between the urban and rural music culture collision.“中中西西合合璧璧”成成为为近近现现代代音音乐乐发发展展的的基基本本特特点点。即即在在保保持持中中国国传传统统音音乐乐核核心心精精髓髓的
4、的基基础础上上借借鉴鉴、融融合合西方音乐技术手法及音乐观念。西方音乐技术手法及音乐观念。为为区区别别于于中中国国古古代代音音乐乐或或传传统统音音乐乐,此此阶阶段段的的音音乐乐被被统统称称为为新新音音乐。乐。音乐特点音乐特点 Features of Music“Integration of East and West has become the basic feature of modern music development.That is to draw on and integrate Western musical techniques and concepts on the basi
5、s of maintaining the core essence of traditional Chinese music.To distinguish it from ancient Chinese music or traditional music,the music at this phase is collectively referred to as new music.二、中国近现代音乐作品欣赏二、中国近现代音乐作品欣赏II.Works of Chinese Modern Music陈陈 钢钢 何占豪何占豪 曲曲Composed by Chen Gang&He Zhanhao
6、梁山伯与祝英台梁山伯与祝英台 Butterfly Lovers (小提琴协奏曲)(小提琴协奏曲)(Violin Concerto)陈陈钢钢(1935)(1935)作作曲曲家家。1010岁岁师师从从匈匈牙牙利利钢钢琴琴家家伐伐勒勒学学钢钢琴琴,19551955年年入入上上海海音音乐乐学学院院作作曲曲系系,毕毕业业后后留留校校任任教教。作作品品有有梁梁祝祝阳阳光光照照耀耀着着塔塔什什库库尔尔干干金色的炉台金色的炉台苗岭的早晨苗岭的早晨及交响诗及交响诗屈原屈原等。等。Chen Gang(1935)composer.At the age of 10,he studied piano with Hung
7、arian pianist Valer.In 1955,he entered Shanghai Conservatory of Music,majoring in composition.His works include“Butterfly Lovers”,“Sunshines in Tushkurgan”,“The Golden Steel Smelting Furnace”,“Miaolins Morning”,symphonic poem“Qu Yuan”,etc.何何占占豪豪(1933)(1933)作作曲曲家家。曾曾在在浙浙江江省省越越剧剧团团乐乐队队工工作作,19571957年年入
8、入上上海海音音乐乐学学院院管管弦弦系系进进修修(后后转转作作曲曲系系)。在在此此期期间间,与与陈陈钢钢合合作作创创作作小小提提琴琴协协奏奏曲曲梁梁祝祝。代代表表作作品品有有烈烈士士日日记记、刘刘胡胡兰兰、孔孔雀雀东东南南飞飞等。等。He Zhanhao(1933-)composer.He once worked in the band of the Shaoxing Opera Troupe of Zhejiang Province.In 1957,he entered the orchestral department in Shanghai Conservatory of Music(an
9、d later transferred to the composition department).During this period,he co-wrote the violin concerto“Butterfly Lovers with Chen Gang.His magnum opus include Diary of the Martyr,Liu Hulan,Peacock Flying Southeast“,etc.作作品品作作于于19581958年年冬冬。其其题题材材选选自自家家喻喻户户晓晓的的民民间间故故事事,以以越越剧剧中中的的曲曲调调为为素素材材,综综合合采采用用交交响
10、响乐乐与与我我国国民民间间戏戏曲曲音音乐乐的的表表现现手手法法,深深刻刻而而细细致致地地描描述述了了梁梁山山伯伯与与祝祝英英台台的的真真挚挚爱爱情情,突突出出地地表表现现了了祝祝英英台台对封建势力的强烈反抗精神,歌颂了人民对美好生活的向往。对封建势力的强烈反抗精神,歌颂了人民对美好生活的向往。“Butterfly Lovers”was composed in the winter of 1958.The story was selected from well-known folk tales,using the tunes in Shaoxing opera as the material.
11、With the comprehensive use of symphony and Chinese folk opera music expressions,it describes the sincere love between Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai profoundly and meticulously,which highlight Zhus strong resistance to feudal forces and express peoples longing for a better life.作品简介作品简介 Introduction此此
12、曲曲采采用用单单乐乐章章奏奏鸣鸣曲曲式式结结构构。全全曲曲以以梁梁祝祝故故事事中中的的三三个个具具有有代代表表性性的的情情节节:草草桥桥结结拜、英台抗婚、坟前化蝶为主要内容。拜、英台抗婚、坟前化蝶为主要内容。This composition adopts a single movement sonata form.The whole song is based on three representative plots in the story of“Butterfly Lovers:Sworn Fraternity in Caoqiao,Zhu Yingtais resistance of
13、marriage,and the turning of butterfly in front of the Grave as the main content.作品简介作品简介 Introduction 呈示部呈示部主部(爱情主题)主部(爱情主题)ExpositionPrinciple part(Love theme)音乐突然变得低沉阴暗。铜管乐器奏出强势的代表音乐突然变得低沉阴暗。铜管乐器奏出强势的代表英台父母英台父母(封建势力)的主题(封建势力)的主题:The music suddenly became low and dark.Brass instruments play a stron
14、g theme representing by Zhus parents(feudal forces):展开部展开部抗婚抗婚 DevelopmentResistance of marriage 变变化化运运用用了了戏戏曲曲音音乐乐中中“紧紧拉拉慢慢唱唱”的的手手法法,突突出出地表现了祝英台对封建势力的强烈反抗和控诉地表现了祝英台对封建势力的强烈反抗和控诉 。The variation used the“singing slow with a fast pace technique in opera music,which highlighted Zhu Yingtais strong resi
15、stance and accusation against feudal forces.展开部展开部哭灵哭灵 DevelopmentMourningDevelopmentMourning长笛以柔美的旋律,结合竖琴的级进演奏,把人们引向神话般的仙境。长笛以柔美的旋律,结合竖琴的级进演奏,把人们引向神话般的仙境。加加上上弱弱音音器器的的独独奏奏小小提提琴琴再再次次奏奏出出爱爱情情主主题题,伴伴奏奏音音响响朦朦胧胧而而华华丽丽,展展现现出出梁梁、祝祝在在封封建建势势力力压压迫迫而而死死去去后后,化化作作成成双双彩彩蝶蝶,也也表表达达了了人人们们对对美美好好生活的追求和向往。生活的追求和向往。The
16、soft melody of flute,combined with the step-wise progressive performance of the harp,leads people to the mythical fairyland.The solo violin with a mute once again plays a love theme.The accompaniment sound is hazy and gorgeous.It shows that Liang and Zhu turned into two butterflies after death under the oppression of feudal forces.It also expressed peoples pursuit and longing for a better life.再现部再现部 Recapitulation谢谢 谢!谢!Thank You!