1、 110142:,:(3),;,(4),(1)1 ,1 1.1 1,2 1.2(1),(2),28 1 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14:2010-04-07:(1977-),2000,1.3(1),1.1(2)(),0.70.9 M Pa,0.020.03 M Pa(3)1 m(4)0,(5)1(3),(4),2.3 ,5881 177 k Pa,(),5 m3 2 2()2.1 2,(),3()3.1 3,3 ()1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8 3.2(1),(2)(3),3.3(1),29 2 ()1;2;3;4;5;6;7 8;9 2.2(1)()(2)
2、,O IL D EPO T AND GAS S TA T ION 19 5 111 2010 10 ,2 4%,5 m3;4%,10 m3(2)(1),5 m3 ,1,0.5 m3,3 min(3),4.2 (1)(2),(3)4.3 (1)(2),0.2 M Pa(3)(4),4 4.1 4 1;2;3;4;5;6;7 4,2 1,.M.:,2003:407.,.J.,1998,(1):199-203.2 30 2009,100 2009,80(),:010-64668601 Oil Vapo r Recovery U nit in Oil Depot.Zo u So nglin,Yan X
3、iaoqio ng.Abstract:Acco rding to t he no nstandard p heno mena of anti-explo sive measures fo r oil vapo r recovery unit existing in oil depot,t he applicable co nditio ns of anti-explo sive co nt rol mo des are analyzed,and t he notice of selecting temperat ure limit fo r elect ric apparat us and n
4、o n-elect ric equip ment s is p ropo sed to emp hasize t he necessary of anti-explo sive quali2 ficatio n.Key word:anti-explo sive mo de,temperat ure p ro2 files,no n-elect ric equip ment anti-explo sive,anti-explo sive qualificatio n.28.The Types and Applicatio n of Foam Propo r2 tio nal Mixers.Tan
5、g Liming,Hao Min.Abstract:The wo r king p rinciples of t he co mmo n foam p ropo rtio nal mixers used in p ractical p roject s were int ro duced.The feat ures and applicatio ns of vario us foam p ropo rtio nal mixers were described,w hich p rovided reference fo r wo r king perso nnel to select p rop
6、er st yle and operate co rrectly in p ractical p ro ductio n.Key word:foam p ropo rtio nal mixer,t ype,applica2 tio n.31.Safet y Risk Evaluatio n of Oil Depot Operatio n by Event Tree Analysis Met ho d.Wang Zhiyuan,L ai Guowei,Wang Feng,Wang Zhiming.Abstract:Acco rding to t he management regulatio n
7、 and requirement of oil depot safet y inspectio n,a kind of oil depot safet y risk evaluatio n met ho d based o n Event Tree Analysis (E TA)was devel2 oped,w hich by means of co nst ructing oil depot op2 eratio n event t ree,co uld calculate t he occurrence p ro babilities of all co nsequential even
8、t s,and deter2 mine t he risk index in acco rdance wit h t he serio us2 ness of t he co nsequential event,assess t he risk grade scientifically and release co rrespo nding risk war ning,t hus p revent effectively occurrence of ac2 cident.The example of safet y risk evaluatio n o n oil depot pipeline
9、 fire operatio n showed t he scientific and effectiveness of said met ho d.Key word:oil depot,operatio n safet y,risk evalua2 tio n,E TA.STO RA GE TEC HNOLO GIES 36.Pipe Cleaning Technology Practice of Kuala-Shanshan Oil Pipeline.Zhang Xiaoli,Zho ng Ka,Yang Fan,Wang Fang,Miao Dianguo.Abstract:The si
10、t uatio n of Kuala-Shanshan oil pipeline and t he cleaning operatio n are int ro duced.In o rder to summarize t he experience of pipeline cleaning,t he act ual p rocess of t he 21st pipeline cleaning operatio n of Kuala-Shanshan oil pipeline is int ro duced in details,and t he effect of pipeline cle
11、aning operatio n is st udied and analyzed deeply,w hich p rovided references fo r t he safe pipeline cleaning operatio n in t he f ut ure.Key word:oil pipeline,pipeline cleaning,pipeline cleaning perio d.39.Co nst ructio n of GIS Database fo r Lo ng-Dis2 tance Oil Pipeline.Zhang Zhiliang.Abstract:Th
12、e Geograp hic Info r matio n System(GIS)fo r lo ng-distance oil pipeline is int ro duced briefly.The co ntent s required fo r lo ng-distance oil pipeline GIS database are p ropo sed,and t he flow chart is draw n.The o n-site applicatio n re2 sult s show t hat GIS database can reduce t he f ailure ra
13、te of lo ng-distance oil pipeline by abo ut 30%,w hich can not o nly guarantee t he p ro ductio n and al2 so reduce t he equip ment maintenance co st s.Key word:lo ng -distance oil pipeline,GIS,database,applicatio n.42.Co nst ructio n Ideas of IC Card Self-Assisted Oil Dispatching System in Oil Depo
14、t.Cheng Bochen,Tan Weiwen.Abstract:Implementing IC card self-assisted oil dispatching in oil depot quantitative dispatching system is a deeper technology explo ratio n of data flow directio n and management operatio n mo de of oil depot highway dispatching p rocess based o n ER P system.The implementatio n of oil depot IC card self-assisted oil dispatching system imp roved t he operatio n pat ter n,management mo de,data in2 tegrit y,data collectio n pat h,and info r matio n t ranspo rt efficiency of oil dispatching platfo r m.Key word:oil depot,IC card,self-assisted oil dis2 patching.