1、用心整理可以编辑!放心下载!第 大学生社群运营方案 一、社群的概述(一)建群目的、了解大学生就业创业的需求与痛点;、获取大学生相关简历信息,如姓名、学校、专业、兴趣爱好等;、聚拢大学生中具有相同价值主张、兴趣、特质的人群,在群里进行学习分享;(二)社群定位 整合线上线下资源为大学生提供成长与锻炼的服务平台,能让大学生找兼职、找实习、学课程。二、社群的运营(一)建立社群、申请一个微信号为管理员微信;、管理员建群设置群名;(群名:大学生就业交流群)、加管理员微信;、加群须知:)备注:城市专业求职意向(如:中国农业大学计算机专业文字编辑)发一份简历给管理员,即可获得免费课程一份;)自我介绍:如:大家
2、好,我是来自北京的摩羯男小明,爱好打篮球,想找一份文字编辑的工作,请大家多多指教!)群规:本群严禁任何性质的广告推广,禁链接、禁微商,禁发红包二维码,一经发现秒踢。我们会不定期发布各类资讯、招聘信息,组织活动哦 )每日签到可获得课程积分,课程积分可免费兑换就业课程指导;(二)社群宣传、全国大学生就业创业平台、就业创业平台,每篇文章下方放管理员二用心整理可以编辑!放心下载!第 维码,社群介绍。(加管理员微信领取免费课程)、大创群引流;、外呼;、群员拉新可获得线上课程积分;(三)管理员运营、每日发布兼职、实习工作;、维护社群,剔除发违规内容群员;、每日分享热门话题进行讨论;三、社群的福利、线上课程
3、;、企业直推;、简历测评;、企业就业指导;LAW OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA ON EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS Adopted at the 28th Session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National Peoples Congress on June 29,2007 Effective from January 1,2008 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1 This Law has been formulated in order to
4、improve the employment contract system,to specify the rights and obligations of the parties to employment contracts,to protect the lawful rights and interests of Employees and to build and develop harmonious and stable employment relationships.Article 2 This Law governs the establishment of employme
5、nt relationships between,and the conclusion,用心整理可以编辑!放心下载!第 performance,amendment,termination and ending of employment contracts by,organizations such as enterprises,individual economic organizations and private non-enterprise units in the Peoples Republic of China(“Employers”)on the one hand and Em
6、ployees in the Peoples Republic of China on the other hand.The conclusion,performance,amendment,termination and ending of employment contracts by state authorities,institutions or social organizations on the one hand and Employees with whom they establish employment relationships on the other hand,s
7、hall be handled pursuant to this Law.Article 3 The conclusion of employment contracts shall comply with the principles of lawfulness,fairness,equality,free will,negotiated consensus and good faith.A lawfully concluded employment contract is binding,and both the Employer and the Employee shall perform their respective obligations stipulated therein.Article