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1、养老机构管理人员培训养老机构管理人员培训Nursing Home Administrator TrainingNursing Home Administrator Training中美亦康关怀中美亦康关怀SinoCare OrganizationSinoCare Organization前言前言中国老龄办在“中国人口老龄化发展趋势预测研究报告”中指出,21 世纪的中国将是一个不可逆转的老龄社会。从 20012100 年,中国人口老龄化将呈现“三步走”的发展特征。第一步(20012020 年)是快速老龄化阶段。到2020 年,老年人口将达 2.48 亿,老龄化水平将达到 17.17%;第二步(2

2、0212050 年)是加速老龄化阶段。到 2050 年,老年人口总量将超过 4 亿,老龄化水平推进到 30%以上。第三步(20512100 年)是重度老龄化阶段。2051 年,中国老年人口规模将达到峰值4.37亿,约为少儿人口数量的2倍。到2100年,80岁及以上高龄老人占老年总人口的比重将保持在 25%30%,进入一个高度老龄化的平台期。家庭养老一直是中国养老的主要方式。然而,随着独生子女政策造就的“四二一”式的家庭结构逐渐显现,独生子女们结婚后面对的是两个人要赡养四个老人,甚至更多,这注定了这种方式难以为继。据了解,目前我国城乡空巢家庭超过50%,部分大中城市达到70%;农村留守老人约40

3、00万,占农村老年人口的 37%,城乡家庭养老条件明显缺失。截至 2009 年底,我国 1.67 亿老年人中失能老人 1036 万,半失能老人 2123 万,共占老年人口总数的 18.9%。人口老龄化对经济和社会的发展必将带来一些新的矛盾和压力、提出新的挑战。“十二五”规划提出,今后五年要更加注重以人为本,坚持把保障和改善民生作为加快转变经济发展方式的根本出发点。具体实施措施就是要惠民利民,保障和改善老百姓民生。大力发展社区卫生服务机构、增加社区医疗保险定点医院、积极发展养老服务业、建立满足庞大老年人群需求的为老社会服务体系、增加为老服务设施及为老服务网络等,是国家政策及民生的迫切需求,是解决

4、我国人口老龄化问题的必由之路,是应对养老问题的重要举措,是提高空巢老人的生活质量的一个重要途径。我国养老机构建设起步较晚,各地养老院的数量和质量还不能适应人口老龄化需要,面临着“先天不足”与“后天失调”的双重缺陷,具体表现为:1.养老院硬件设施不达标。仅从养老院床位设置上看,我国已有各类养老机构38060个,拥有床位266.2万张,收养各类人员210.9万人。养老床位总数仅占全国老年人口的 1.59%,不仅低于发达国家 5%7%的比例,也低于一些发2展中国家 2%3%的水平。2.缺乏专业的管理人员。大部分养老机构管理人员普遍年龄偏大,学历偏低。因为没有相应的专业培训,大部分没有管理方面的业务知

5、识,管理水平参差不齐,养老服务机构的一些优惠政策也难以落实。3.缺乏专业的护理人员。一是没有接受过相应的健康教育与康复指导。例如,在360万人口的太原市,仅有6所养老院配有从事老年护理的工作人员,其他养老院均没有配备专业护理人才。由于护理不到位,使老人出现褥疮、肌肉萎缩、关节挛缩畸形、下肢静脉曲张、血栓形成等相关并发症。二是个人文化综合素质较低。杭州市 17家养老机构中,护理人员中仅 75为护理专业,且为中专学历。养老护理服务没有统一的分级护理标准、没有养老护理操作规范及评价体系、没有养老护理员准入和分级管理制度,致使老年人的生活质量难以保证。三是缺乏对老人的人文关怀与心理安抚。护理人员注重生









14、理护理:介绍老龄对健康的影响。了解老人的心理表现。如何帮助让老人度过一个积极有意义的晚年。家人对老人心理卫生应有的认识。2:临终患者的心理护理:临终老年人的心理活动概述和典型心理特征。老人个体对死亡的认知,情感和价值观的探讨。临终患者常见的心理问题。老年人眼中的“来世”之谜。(七):专题讨论(七):专题讨论1.优化老人照顾基础:与年龄相符的诊断方法。2.老年忧郁量表。3.Braden 褥疮风险测量表。4.Hendrich 二老人摔倒风险测量表。5.痴呆和谵妄的鉴别。6.吞咽困难老年人误吸的预防。7.避免或减少老年痴呆症患者的人身限制措施。8.评估老年人睡眠质量。9.老年人和痴呆症患者疼痛诊断。

15、10.老年人性健康评估。11.痴呆老年患者的饮食和喂养问题。12.老年痴呆住院患者的家庭合作。13.宠物治疗介绍。14.娱乐和丰富多彩的生活设计方案讨论。815.打破沉默:增进同听力,视觉和语言障碍的老人的沟通。附:团队介绍:Sunny SongSunny Song毕业于山东大学,并获得加拿大卡尔加里大学公共卫生管理硕士。曾任职于弗吉尼亚大学心脏中心。后任职于Kort Hospital医院的管理部主任。主要负责医院战略发展与规划,监督政策执行和条例法规的贯彻实施,提高医护服务品质量等管理工作。Sunny 在实际工作中,运用扎实的专业知识和卓越的领导技能,建立了和临床医生,护士以及其他的治疗团队

16、良好合作关系,保障了医院的良性运转。在培训项目里,Sunny 将负责养老机构住民的医护服务,运营管理及领导艺术等方面的培训。Cindy WangCindy WangCindy 毕业于北京大学。曾经任职强生公司北京代表处。由于她出色的业绩,很快被晋升为中国北方市场的首席客户经理。后赴美获得工商管理硕士学位。任职于瑞银(瑞士联合银行),负责预算,业务估值,收购和税务问题。后加入Kaiser hospital 的 HMO(健康医保组织)。作为管理人员负责长期护理部门和养老院的发展和运营。在培训项目里,Cindy 将负责人力资源,市场营销及推广方面的培训。David WangDavid WangDav

17、id 毕业于泰山医学院,挪威卑尔根大学医学博士,美国斯坦福大学博士后。作为神经外科医生,有 10 年的临床工作经验,后被加拿大麦吉尔大学邀请做访问学者2年。随后转赴挪威卑尔根大学完成博士学位。David 目前任职于美国斯坦福大学,作为资深研究员,从事肿瘤学和干细胞学的研究。他曾经被中国政府授予“中国 2006 年优秀出国自费留学人员”。David 不仅表现杰出的医学科研能力,更具有卓越的领导才能。他获得多项挪威科研基金,并带领他的研究小组在全球著名医学期刊发表 20 多篇价值很高的论文。在培训项目里,David 将负责护理计划及临终关怀方面的培训。Cherry WangCherry Wang毕

18、业于东南大学,管理科学和工程专业博士。目前是山东大学管理学院副教9授。2005 年2006 年美国马里兰州立大学高级访问学者,20082009 年加州大学旧金山分校高级访问学者。长期从事管理学及运营管理的本科和研究生教学。承担了多项科研和科技公关项目,并有多部论著出版。在培训项目里,Cherry 负责运营管理和领导艺术的培训。Sarah EdwardSarah EdwardSarah 获得了波士顿大学的护理学学士学位。服务与数个养老机构。目前任职与加洲山景城养老中心主任。Sarah 拥有 20 年专业护理知识,也是加洲养老管理协会的成员之一。在培训项目里,Sarah 将负责培训人员的美国培训项

19、目。Charlie LowCharlie Low毕业于新加坡国立大学,曾任职于微软。后在加拿大创建网络安全公司。是资深 IT 专业人士。作为中美亦康关怀的 IT 技术顾问,Charlie 将负责老年养老机构的管理软件的开发和运营。10PrefaceChina will face a dramatic transition from a young to an aged society inthe coming 30 to 40 years.According to Research report of Chinas agingpopulation:Future and Trend,China

20、will inevitably become an aged country.In 2000,there were 88,110,000 persons aged 65 years and older,whichrepresented 7%of the population.By the end 2008,it reached 159,890,000persons,which represented 12%of the population.It is projected that thisnumber will increase to 248,000,000 by 2020;and the

21、percentage of peopleaged 65 years and older will increase to 23%in 2050.Currently,50%of thefamilies in urban China become typical empty-net where heads of householdare seniors;the percentage reached 70%in certain metropolitan areas.It isestimated that 40,000,000 seniors are left alone in rural areas

22、 while theirchildren migrated to the big cities.There is a substantial lack of caring systemfor these seniors.In China,about 10,360,000 seniors became disabled,21,230,000 seniors are semi-disabled;they made up of 18.9%of the totalsenior population.They need different levels of elder care and assista

23、nces indaily lives,how to provide elder care to these fast growing populations hasbecome an urgent issue that will significantly impact every aspect of Chinasdevelopment,economically,politically,and socially.Regarding health and long-term care for older adults,the currentchallenge is to build a comp

24、rehensive system of care for older adults.Nursinghome care is an inevitable care model for frail older adults in China,which islargely sponsored by the government of China with contributions from somenongovernment organizations and private investors.China is a large country.Within the country,long-t

25、erm care varies greatly between rural and urban areas,and among the different economic developing areas.In a recent nationalmeeting,Government of China proposes to build more nursing home facilitiesin both rural and urban areas to reach the goal of having 30 beds for everythousand senior citizens.Ho

26、wever in reality,there are about 38,060 nursing11facilities of various sizes nationwide,and can provide 2,662,000 beds.Itaccommodates only 1.5%of total senior population.This is far less than 5-7%average in the developed countries,and even less than 2-3%average in somedeveloping countries.The Star L

27、ight Program and Beloved Care Engineering were recentgovernment initiatives to improve aged care.They were launched in 2001 andhave dramatically increased the number of both senior centers and nursinghomes for older adults.While the quantity of nursing homes is still inadequatewith an additional mis

28、match problem between the supply and demand,thequality of care in most nursing homes is suboptimal.At present,mostadministrative and frontline workers in nursing homes have received littletraining in elder care.There is a need for good-quality structured training inlong-term care for all types of st

29、aff.Moreover,quality standard for care,including standard setting,assessment,and monitoring,is an important issueand needs substantial improvement for nursing homes in China.Given the fact that only 1.5%of the older adults live in the nursing orassist living facilities and a peculiar 4-2-1 family st

30、ructure in China,we expectthe prevalence of nursing home placement of older adults will increase in thecoming years.The government of China has realized that it is financially notsustainable to expand in this area using only the governments resources.Thecurrent policy is to encourage private and for

31、eign investors to participate in thenursing home business in China.As a non-profit organization,SinoCare has extensive knowledge andknowhow of running nursing home in the US.We have a team of expertsmade up of geriatric doctors,nurses,dieticians,physical therapist,and socialworkers;we master efficie

32、nt western system management and operationcontrol;we own resources and manpower relating to hospital and nursinghomes especially in CA bay area.What distinguishes us from others is ourinborn understanding of Chinese market.We do not just simply introduce thewestern management of nursing home care;mo

33、re importantly,we know how to12bridge the gap so that a new integrated nursing home care model,a crystal ofwestern advance management and Chinese characteristic infrastructure,willbe established in China.This is our mission and our destiny.About the courseAbout the courseNursing Home Administration

34、is a specialized area of medical andhealth services management.Nursing Home Administrators work to superviseclinical and administrative affairs of nursing homes and related facilities.Typical duties of Nursing Home Administrators include overseeing staff andpersonnel,financial matters,medical care,m

35、edical supplies,facilities andother duties as specific positions demand.Nursing Home Administrators work at the cross-section of the healthcare and business fields.To be successful,it requires skills and knowledgefrom both.Being able to absorb and interpret large amounts of possiblyconflicting infor

36、mation,being a decisive leader and possessing goodcommunication skills will help you to be effective as a Nursing HomeAdministrator.This course will provide all requirements necessary to sit for those whoare seeking positions in nursing home administration.This course would alsobenefit administrator

37、s seeking a refresher course or any individuals wanting tolearn more about the nursing home administration profession.The courseconsists of 6 classes;each accompanied by corresponding outlines,assignments and related reading materials.Upon successful competition of allclasses,qualified students will

38、 receive a certificate of completion from theSinoCare Foundation.13Course Aims and ContentCourse Aims and ContentThe course was aimed at aiding administrators to operate their homesmore efficiently and in the manner most satisfactory to themselves,theiremployees,and the patients.It was designed to a

39、cquaint them with currentphilosophies of care and rehabilitation of the aged and chronically ill.Thecourse sought to make the staffs aware that patients have many of the desires,motivations,needs,and likes of all people,and that the aged especiallytreasure an extra bit of special attention.Research

40、shows that staff memberswho adopted these ideas significantly improve the quality of their services.The content was also arranged to give the nursing home providers arefresher course in their everyday tasks,such as housekeeping,bed-caretechniques,and keeping records and reports;to assist the employe

41、es in usingtheir equipments and facilities to do better,more efficient work;and to help theadministrators designate their employees most effectively.Instructors will offer quality materials in a“down to earth”,easily understoodmanner in the following domains of practice:DOMAIN 1:Resident Care and Qu

42、ality of Life DOMAIN 2:Human Resources DOMAIN 3:Leadership and Management DOMAIN 4:Marketing and Quality Control DOMAIN 5:Hospice Service DOMAIN 6:Senior residents mental health DOMAIN 7:Special Topics14Course arrangement:Course arrangement:Class 1:Resident Care and Quality of LifeClass 1:Resident C

43、are and Quality of LifePart 1:Course introductionReview of course,textbooks and reading assignments.Describe nursing home in west,her past,present and future.Discuss the philosophy of long term caring:Resident vs.Patient?Part 2:General Nursing Management and Resident Care PracticeDiscuss modern nurs

44、ing philosophy:Art vs.Science?Introduce therapeutic conversation,therapeutic physical environment,etc.Introduce culturally sensitive approach and individual care plan.Introduce primary nursing home model.Describe administrators roles:the job description of DON(director of nursing),Charge nurse,CNA(c

45、ertified nurse assistance).Discuss resident care practice including UTIs,problems with sight,hearing,swallowing;mentally challenged:depression;dementia;pressure sores;tubefeedings;etc.Case study:Kaiser long-term care nursing model(practice).Part 3:Medical Social ServicesIntroduce Medical Social serv

46、ices;social workers roles.Discuss cultural changes in long-term care;handling resident and familyconcerns.Discuss the journey through Alzheimers disease.Discuss resident rights from the nursing home facilitys perspective.Part 4:The Nursing OperationIntroduce resident preadmission screening;age appro

47、priate assessment skills.Introduce comprehensive care planning;clinical records and nursing review.Describe physician services;dental services and therapeutic recreation.Introduce medical criteria;common medical terms,abbreviations;prefixes,suffixes.15Part 5:Dining ServicesIntroduce dietary services

48、-regulatory guidelines.Discuss the roles of dietitian and dietary manager.Describe the request of staff hygiene;kitchen sanitation;food and foodpreparation.Discuss therapeutic diets,elderly food needs;nutrition;menus and nutritionaladequacy;assistive devices.Part 6:Ancillary servicesIntroduce interd

49、isciplinary team caring model.Discuss physical therapy in long-term care-roles of physical therapist.Introduce rehab treatment team:roles of speech therapists and occupationaltherapists.Class 2:Human ResourcesClass 2:Human ResourcesPart 1:Management SkillsDiscuss employee communication;recruitment,e

50、valuation,retention andpromotion.Describe long term care employee code of conduct,conflict management,andemployee discipline process.Discuss employee health and safety.Part 2:Legal aspects of Human Resources.Introduce labor law and employment regulation.Part 3:Communication Guidelines for Disclosing


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