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1、河南省开封市 2023 届高三下学期第二次模拟考试试题含答案(六科试卷)目录1.河南省开封市 2023 届高三下学期第二次模拟考试理科数学试题含答案2.河南省开封市 2023 届高三下学期第二次模拟考试理综合试题含答案3.河南省开封市 2023 届高三下学期第二次模拟考试文科数学试题含答案4.河南省开封市 2023 届高三下学期第二次模拟考试文综试题含答案5.河南省开封市 2023 届高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题含答案6.河南省开封市 2023 届高三下学期第二次模拟考语文试题含答案扫描全能王 创建扫描全能王 创建扫描全能王 创建扫描全能王 创建(理科)1开开封封市市 2 20 02 23

2、 3 届届高高三三年年级级第第二二次次模模拟拟考考试试数数学学(理理科科)参参考考答答案案一一、选选择择题题(每每小小题题 5 5 分分,共共 6 60 0 分分)题号123456789101112答案BDCBAABACBAD二二、填填空空题题(每每小小题题 5 5 分分,共共 2 20 0 分分)13.1 i1答案不唯一,虚部为14.16915.5 616.6双曲线,第一空2分,第二空3分三三、解解答答题题(共共 7 70 0 分分)17.(1)当2n时,因为1nnnaSS,所以111nnnnSSSS,2 分即2211nnSS,所以数列2nS为等差数列,公差为1,首项为211S,4 分所以2

3、nSn,na为正项数列,则nSn;5 分(2)由(1)可知,当2n时,11nnnaSSnn,11a 亦适合上式,所以1nann,7 分所以111nnnnbnna,8 分当n为偶数时,1 12231nTnnn L L10 分当n为奇数时,1 12231nTnnn L L11 分综上可知nnnTnn,为偶数,为奇数.12 分18.(1)样区野生动物平均数为120028866706520,地块数为 200,该地区这种野生动物的估计值为200 6513000.3 分(2)将样本点 4 282 8,替换为 3 663 70,构成一组新的样本数据1220iixyi,计算得604233=320 x,1200

4、28 86670=6520y,201=44004 282 8+3 66+3 70=4680iiix y ,2021=260 164+9+9=258iix,6 分所以2012022120468020 3 65=1025820 920iiiiix yxybxx,65 10 3=35a,8 分所求回归方程为1035yx.9 分(3)每个地块的植物覆盖面积增加 1 公顷,该地区这种野生动物增加数量的估计值为:10 200=2000.12 分(理科)219.(1)由已知,ADC为等腰直角三角形,E为AC的中点,可得DEAC,1 分ABC中,=2AC,=2 2AB,=45BAC,所以=2BC,因为222A

5、CBCAB,所以ACBC,2 分又因为ADBC,=ACAD A,所以BCADC 平面,又DEADC 平面,所以BCDE,4 分又=ACBC C,所以DEABC平面.5 分(2)如图过C点作平面ABC的垂线CP,以C为原点,分别以,CCA CBP 为xyz,轴建立空间直角坐标系-C xyz,0,0,02,0,00,2,01,0,0CABE则,21,111Daaa 设,其中,221,2,12,0,0=1,1BDaaCACDaa 则,7 分设平面ACD的一个法向量为,x y zn,则22=0=01z=0=0 xCAxayaCD ,即,nn可得20,1,aan,8 分3cos,sin60=2BDBDB

6、D 由题意nnn,1124aa解得或,9 分易知平面ABC的一个法向量为0,0,1m,10 分当1310,222a时,=n 1cos,2 n mn mnm,二面角-D AC B的余弦值为12,当11510,444a时,=n 1cos,4 n mn mnm,二面角-D AC B的余弦值为14,综上,二面角-D AC B的余弦值为1124或.12 分20.(1)当AB平行于x轴时,四边形ABCD为矩形,=2=2pABp AD,2 分所以2=2=42ABCDpSABADpp,解得=2p.4 分(2)由(1),抛物线2:4E xy,即24xy,2xy,01F,设001122:1,l ykxP xyA

7、x yB xy,则00=0=22x xxy|kxk,2200=4xyk,5 分联立2=41xyykx,得222 121=0yky,21212=2 12=1yyky y,6 分则212=+2=4 1AByyk,点P到AB的距离22222+1=11kkdkk,所以221=2 112ABPSAB dkk,228=113APBSkk弓形,8 分又1212=yyk xxk CD,所以2=4 1CDk,(理科)3又四边形ABCD是直角梯形或矩形,所以22121=4 1 212ABCDSyyCDkk四边形,9 分所求概率22222811213=1=1=33 1 24 1 21APBABCDkkSPSkkk弓

8、形四边形,11 分由20k 得1233P,所以所求概率的取值范围是1 23 3,.12 分21.(1)2ln()+1xfxx,(1)1f,1=2f,2 分故 xf在点P处的切线方程为:+1yx.4 分(2)若MNl,则 =1f mf nmn,即 =f mm f nn,即ln1ln1mnmn,即11111 ln1 lnmmnn,5 分设 1 lng xxx,1211xxmn,则12g xg x,所证为122+exx,()lng xx,当10 x时,()0g x,当1x时,()0g x,所以函数 xg在1,0上单调递增,在,1上单调递减,7 分不妨设12xx,由 xg的单调性及 e=0g易知120

9、1exx,证明122+xx:令 120,1h xg xgxx,1()ln20h xxx,所以 1h x在0,1上单调递增,110h,所以 10h x,所以111120h xg xgx,即2112g xg xgx,又 xg在,1上单调递减,所以212xx,即122+xx.9 分证明12+exx:当2e 1x 时,结论显然成立;当2e 1ex 时,令 2ee 1,ehxg xgxx,2()lneh xxx,所以 2hx在e 1,e上先单调递减后单调递增,可证 20hx,所以2222e0hxg xgx,即122eg xg xgx,又 xg在1,0上单调递增,所以12exx,即12+exx.11 分综

10、上所述,122+exx即112emn得证.12 分22.(1)由2C的参数方程得:22sincossincos2222yx,曲线2C的普通方程为:12422yx.4 分(2)由已知得:曲线1C为过点 M1,0的直线,其标准参数方程形式为:11232xttyt,为参数,(理科)4联立1C和2C的方程得:0423221122tt,即0,012472 tt,6 分设1C与2C的两个交点BA,对应的参数分别为21,tt,所以,7421tt71221t t,8 分因为071221t t,由t的几何意义得:1212121211111113ttMAMBttttt t.10 分23.(1)33 abccba,

11、322223abccba,332229abccbacba,2 分=1abc,2229abcabc,当且仅当31cba时“=”成立.4 分(2)abcR,22111621681bbaabaa,当且仅当14ba 时取等号,22111621681ccbbcbb,当且仅当14cb 时取等号,22111621681aaccacc,当且仅当14ac 时取等号,6 分2221111616168332acbcbaabccba,8 分当且仅当1=3a b c时“=”成立,22211116acbcba.10 分扫描全能王 创建扫描全能王 创建扫描全能王 创建扫描全能王 创建扫描全能王 创建扫描全能王 创建扫描全能

12、王 创建扫描全能王 创建扫描全能王 创建扫描全能王 创建扫描全能王 创建扫描全能王 创建扫描全能王 创建扫描全能王 创建扫描全能王 创建扫描全能王 创建理综生物二模试题参考答案一、选择题:本题共6个小题,每小题6分,共3 6分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。1.D 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.A 二、非选择题:共5 4分,第2 93 2题为必考题,每道试题考生都必须做答,第3 73 8题为选考题,考生根据要求作答。(一)必考题(共3 9分)2 9.(1 3分。除注明外,每空2分)(1)差速离心法(1分)叶片的呼吸作用、建构自身结构需要利用一部分有机物(2)光反应中

13、产生的AT P、H(或NA D P H)的含量不再增加;暗反应中C O2不足;C5(五碳化合物)含量不足或酶的含量有限等(答出1点即可)(3)电子和H+(或质子)将水稻幼苗进行分组并分别用茉莉酸甲酯、茉莉酸甲酯+林可霉素处理,在适宜条件下用强光照射,观察其光合作用强度的变化(4分)预期结果如图(乙、丙分别表示茉莉酸甲酯、茉莉酸甲酯+林可霉素的处理,每条曲线1分)3 0.(8分。除注明外,每空2分)(1)神经-体液-免疫调节网络(1分)(2)非必需(1分)(3)高级神经中枢对低级神经中枢的控制减弱(4)否。抗利尿激素类药物促进肾脏肾小管和集合管的重吸收,使细胞外液量增加、渗透压下降,脑水肿加剧。

14、(3分)(5)蛋白质(1分)3 1.(7分。除注明外,每空2分)(1)内质网发达(1分)(2)一(1分)(3)特异性免疫(4)抗体的产生与T细胞数量的增加有一定的相关性 (5)防卫(1分)3 2.(1 1分。除注明外,每空2分)(1)将两个或多个品种的优良性状通过交配结合在一起,再经过选择和培育,获得所需要的多个优良性状新品种(2)一(1分)杂交1,F2中3育性正常:1雄性不育C1对C3为显性、C3对C2为显性(3)所得种子中混有C2 C2自交产生的种子、C2 C3与C1 C1杂交所产生的种子、C2 C2与C2 C3杂交所产生的种子,这些种子不兼具品系A、B的优良性状或雄性不育(4分)(二)选

15、考题(共1 5分。请考生从第3 73 8题中任选一题作答,如果多做,则按所做的第1 1题计分)3 7.生物 选修1:生物技术实践(1 5分。除注明外,每空2分)(1)聚集土壤中的纤维素分解菌(2)用蒸馏水定容到1 0 0 0 mL 选择 纤维素为碳源(1分)(3)C R(或刚果红)稀释涂布(平板)(4)C 接种菌株C后秸秆失重最多,纤维素降解率最大3 8.生物 选修3:现代生物科技专题(1 5分。除注明外,每空2分)(1)胰蛋白酶(1分)血清、血浆等一些天然成分(2)激活全能性基因的表达,同时抑制体细胞中特异性基因的表达,使体细胞重新获得干细胞的特性(3)抗凝血酶基因的脱氧核苷酸序列、基因的功

16、能、基因在染色体上的位置、基因的转录产物m R N A以及基因的表达产物蛋白质(4)启动子、终止子以及标记基因等(5)基因的选择性表达(6)发育的全能性(7)基因工程、动物细胞培养化学参考答案说明:简答及列式答案只要合理即可给分。7.C 8.B 9.A 1 0.C 1 1.B 1 2.D 1 3.D2 6.(1 4分)(1)增大反应物的接触面积(1分)27(2分)N a2C r O4和F e2O3(2分)(2)C D(2分)(3)A(1分)(4)1 9 0 m21 4 7 m11 0 0%(2分)(5)稀硫酸(2分)抑制C r2O2-7 转化为C r O2-4(2分)2 7.(1 4分)(1)

17、S O2+I2+2 H2O 4 H+2 I-+S O42-(2分)(2)溶液变为浅绿色(2分)实验(2分)原溶液中含有S O2-4(2分)(3)棕色溶液滴入蒸馏水后离子浓度减小,使 C u C l(s)+2 C l-(a q)C u C l32-(a q)QK,反应逆向移动,析出 C u C l沉淀(2分)(4)C l-与C u+结合成C u C l32-,其氧化性弱于S O2,使C u能够被S O2 氧化(2分)(5)C u2+S O2C u C l (2分)2 8.(1 5分)(1)NCHC u(2分)3 d1 04 s1(2分)(2)+1(或-1)(1分)B D(2分)三角锥形(1分)(

18、3)吡啶能与H2O分子形成分子间氢键(2分)(2分)(4)D(1分)(5)4Mra2cNA1 0-2 1(2分)3 6.(1 5分)(1)对溴甲苯(或4-溴甲苯)(2分)酯基(1分)(2)(2分)(3)D(1分)(4)(2分)取代反应(或酯化反应)(1分)(5)1 3 (2分)(各2分,共4分)物物理理参参考考答答案案14.C15B16.A17.A18.AD19.BD20.ACD21.B BC C22.(1)0.1752 分(2)FL1 分(3)AC2 分(选对而不全对的得 1 分,错选或不选的 0 分)(4)C1 分23.(1)11 分(2)21k2=(每空各 1 分)(3)1c4(每空各

19、2 分)24.(14 分)(1)(8 分)A、B 两小球发生完全弹性碰撞,由动量守恒定律得 mV0=mV1+MV2机械能守恒定律得222120M2121m21VmVV解之得1=+V02=2+V0因小球 A 不再向右运动且两小球能发生第二次碰撞,故 V10,且 V2V1于是得,13(2)(6 分)当 M=m 时,小球 B 离开地面的距离最大,2=2+V0=V0当 M=3m 时,小球 B 离开地面的距离最小,2=2+V0=12V0对小球 B 由机械能守恒得,MgH=1222Hmax=022Hmin=028故 H 的取值范围为028H02225.(18 分)(1)(5 分)因小球恰好做匀速圆周运动,

20、所以有 qE=mg 即qmgE rVmB200qV由几何关系得,2ar 解之得,a2mB0qV(2)(5 分)小球在第二象限内做平抛运动,则2g21at,X=V0t解之得gVa2X0小球落地时的坐标(gVa2-0,0)(3)(8 分)由12002q2VrVmB)(得,小球在复合场中做匀速圆周运动的半径为 r1=a小球 B 在磁场中运动时间012atV小球离开磁场后做竖直上抛运动,运动时间g422t002VgV小球在第象限内做周期性运动,其周期为00212a4TVgVtt小球经 t=5T-12004a920VgV时间第 5 次进入复合场,X=5r1,其坐标为(9a,a)33(1)(5 分)ABE

21、(2)(10 分)(2)未解除锁定时,P1=P0+L/sin=80cmHgL/为水银柱长度,V1=(30-X)ST1=300K解除锁定后,P2=P0=75cmHg,V2=30S由玻意耳定律得,p1V1p2V2代入数据解得 X=1.875cm 锁定升温后,V3=30S,P3=P1=80cmHg,T3=?由盖-吕萨克定律得,11=33代入数据解得 T3=320K注:其他解法,只要合理,均给分34(1)(5 分)ABE(2)(10 分)()如图所示的光路图,在点光源正上方观察时,、都比较小由折射定律得SinSinn 由几何关系得ASBBASI,又角很小时,近似认为:sintanIIASASASABA

22、SABtantann即nhH()如图所示,光在水面发生全反射有n1SinC t 时刻光源 S 距水面的距离为221-Hhat光斑的半径 R=htanC光斑的面积 S=R21)21S222natH(评分标准:各 1 分开开封封市市2023届届高高三三年年级级第第二二次次模模拟拟考考试试英英语语本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,考生作答时,将答案答在答题卡上(答题注意事项见答题卡),在本试题卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试题卷和答题卡一并交回。注意事项:1本考试设试题卷和答题卡两部分,所有答题必须用2B铅笔涂(选择题)或用黑色签字笔写(非选择题)在答题卡上,做在试卷上一律不得分

23、。2答卷前,务必用黑色中性笔在答题卡正面清楚地填写姓名、准考证号。3考试时间120分钟。试卷满分150分。第1卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.When does the notice say the sports meet will begin?A.On Ap

24、ril 12th.B.On April 20th.C.On April 22nd.2.What will the woman probably do before eight?A.Visit a friend.B.See a doctor.C.Go to a movie.3.How does the woman feel about the man?A.Thankful.B.Dissatisfied.C.Proud.4.Why does the woman look troubled?A.Because she has to leave her friend.B.Because she doe

25、snt like living in the dorm.C.Because she cant manage to move house herself.5.Where are the speakers?A.At a clothing store.B.At the doctors.C.At home.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料

26、,回答第6至第7题。6.Why is the man talking to the woman?A.To do a task for a program.B.To sell books.C.To do a survey.7.Who does the woman admire most?A.An actress.B.A writer.C.A dancer.听第7段材料,回答第8至第9题。8.How much will the man pay for the room per night?A.$50.B.$62.C.$75.9.What does the man care about most?A

27、.The telephone.B.The television.C.The Internet.听第8段材料,回答第10至第12题。10.What is the man doing?A.Telling the woman about a teacher.B.Introducing a course to the woman.C.Helping the woman with her homework.11.What does the man like most about Dr.Miller?C.The Internet.A.His patience.B.His seriousness.C.His

28、 understanding.12.What can we learn from the conversation?A.The woman is going to take Dr.Millers class.B.The man had a teacher like Dr Miller before.C.Dr.Miller has been teaching in England for 10 years.听第9段材料,回答第13至第16题。13.How much does the man have to pay to join the club?A.1.50.B.2.C.5.14.Why do

29、es Video Club hold a meeting?A.To send out a list of films.B.To introduce films from abroad.C.To collect information on popular films.15.What films are most people interested in?A.British films.B.American films.C.Australian films.16.How will the man get the form?A.Hell have it by post.B.Hell pick it

30、 up himself.C.Hell get it from the clubs website.听第10段材料,回答第17至第20题。17.When does the speaker usually go to the health club?A.In the evening.B.At noon.C.In the morning.18.What does the speaker have in the morning?A.Asandwich.B.Some coffee.C.A hamburger.19.Where does the speaker have her lunch?A.In he

31、r office.B.At her home.C.In a restaurant.20.What does the speaker usually do on Sunday evenings?A.Play soccer.B.Play tennis.C.Go swimming.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。APlanned track closuresWe are always working to improve our infrastructure

32、(基础设施)and technology to make sure our customerscan enjoy a safe,reliable and comfortable experience on trains and at our stations.Sometimes we need totemporarily close tracks or stations to complete upgrades or work to ensure our trains run safely and on time.Additionally,some track closures will af

33、fect Cross River Rail,which is Queenslands largest rail infrastructureproject.Most works are scheduled outside of peak times to minimise disturbance.Here are lines affected in February.2 to 5Roma Street to Northgate and Ferny Grove,Doomben,Airport,Lindum andCoopers Plains6 to 7Roma Street to Yeerong

34、pilly10 to 11Bowen Hills to Ferny Grove,Roma Street to Moorooka and Murarrie18Roma Street to Ferny Grove and Northgate19Park Road to Kuraby20 to 22Roma Street to Corinda26 to 27Bowen Hills and Albion to Park Road and Milton28Roma Street to Ferny Grove and NorthgateService arrangement:Buses will repl

35、ace trains and operate as close as possible to the train timetable.During certain closures,sometrain services will be operating to an altered timetable.More information:If you are travelling during this time,plan your journey at .au,call 13 12 30 or download theMy TransLink app.For ticket informatio

36、n,please ask at your local station or call 13 16 30.Many stations have wheelchair access from the car park or entrance to the station platforms.For assistance,please call 13 16 17.21.What can we say about Cross River Rail?A.It is closed frequently.B.It operates to an altered timetable.C.It is mainly

37、 used to deliver goods.D.It is important to Queenslands transport.22.Which line will close on 21 February?A.Park Road to Kuraby.B.Roma Street to Corinda.C.Roma Street to Yeerongpilly.D.Bowen Hills to Ferny Grove.23.How can travellers with a mobility problem get help?A.By calling 13 16 17.B.By visiti

38、ng .au.C.By asking at the local station.D.By checking the My TransLink app.BRural Patagonia is famous for its wonderful nature.A Google search for bicycle tour Patagonialed myfriend Rachel and me to the Carretera Austral:a 770-mile stretch of mostly unpaved highway.We packed ourbikes into hoxes and

39、flew to Puerto Montt,a port city some 650 miles south of Santiago.From there,wecontinued south for several days and set foot on the Carretera.It took about two weeks to cycle the route through wild forests,windswept plains,and snow-cappedmountains.On our last full day along the Carretera-and three d

40、ays into a constant rainstorm-we found ourselves ata loss for where to sleep.We were cold and wet.We were still 30 miles from Villa OHiggins,which marked the end of the Carretera and the promise of a hotshower.From there,wed ride about 600 miles further along somewhat better roads to Ushuaia.There w

41、as no way we were going to make OHiggins by nightfall.We hadnt passed a nice campsite in hours.Wed just stopped beside a small stream when we spotted a cowboy-looking man walking out of the trees.And wesaw that the stream led to a small house.The man came to the road.“Do you know a dry place to camp

42、?”Rachel asked.The man invited us into his home.We shared hot chocolate and conversation in his warm,rough kitchen.He brought out an old copy of Patagon Journal,and we were amazed to see a photo of ourhost,Erasmo Betancourt,on the cover.It turns out that our new friend was a well-known cowboy-turned

43、-activistwho had been an outspoken opponent of the damming(筑坝)of Patagonias rivers.In recent decades,localfarmers,fishermen,and conservationists have fiercely resisted the construction of hydroelectric(使用水力发电的)dams on the regions mighty rivers.Our adventure wouldnt have been possible if not for thei

44、r fierce love of thisbeautiful land and devotion to its protection.The next morning,we thanked our host and hit the road.Is there anywhere on Earth so remote that onecannot encounter humanity?24.Where were the author and Rachel headed the next day?A.Ushuaia.B.Santiago.C.Puerto Montt.D.Villa OHiggins

45、.25.What was the major problem facing the author and Rachel that night?A.Where to find a dry campsite.B.How to satisfy their hunger.C.How to find their way in the forest.D.Where to get some drinking water.26.What was Betancourts attitude to building hydroelectric dams on Patagonias rivers?A.Supporti

46、ve.B.Disapproving.C.Tolerant.D.Uncertain.27.What is the best title for the text?A.Dams on mighty rivers ruined our adventure.B.Abicycle tour of Patagonia revealed nature to us.C.Acowboy-turned-activist saved Patagonias rivers.D.We encountered kindness in one of the wildest places on Earth.CIsaac New

47、tons book,the Principia,transformed human understanding of the forces of nature,providing amathematical basis for the movement of planets,moons,and comets(彗星),as well as objects on Earth.Recently,a new survey has more than doubled the known number of first editions of the book,including the first on

48、es foundin Asia.Nearly 200 first editions of Principia were newly identified in the survey,bringing the total knownnumber to 386.The volumes cover 27 countries on five continents,includingAfrica and Australia.Until now,the size of the Principias first edition had been thought to be small-around 250-

49、based on a 1953survey that put the number of copies at 189.That figure partly reflects a long-held idea that the book,formallytitled the Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica,was virtually incomprehensible outside of a small circleof expert mathematicians.But the new survey suggests that the

50、great volume,at 500 pages and written in Latin,may have been popular in many parts of the world.Behind the pages of the Principia,in which Newton laid out his three laws of motion,is aninteresting history that involves the astronomer Edmond Halley and ether great figures.Most famous todayfor the com


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