1、2002年考研词汇1) dent 牙2) pl?折,叠3) tempt 尝试4) sent sens 感觉5) ject 投6) visvid 看7) fer运,带8) movemobmot 移动9) form形式10) actag 行动11) fore 前12) tend tent tens 伸13) image 形象14) tri 三15) pend 花钱16) Strong 强壮17) tail 切18) ceedcess ced 走19) merge 淹没20) sist 站,立21) levlieve 轻,升22) just 正23) tain 掌握24) scribescript
2、写,画25) bat 打,击26) late 带来27) use ut 用28) organ 组织29) mon30) ed 吃31) note 标示32) forcefordfort 力量33) sectseg 切,害34) mechan 机器35) versvert 转36) auto 自己37) term 限制38) art艺术,技术39) fie 做,制40) spect spec spic 看41) mitmiss 投,射42) leg法律43) gress gred 走44) fect fact fic 做,制45) dictdicdex 说46) per终结47) aud 听48
3、) ventven 走、行49) mod样式,模式50) gen gener 产生51) pelpuls 推,驱动52) capt cipcept 捉拿53) sem sim 相同54) aetag 行动55) min 小56) cure 关注57) cidcis 切58) usut 用59) vidvis 看60) pot poss 有力的61) cess ceed ced 走62) circ 圈,圆63) fract 破,碎64) flat 吹65) Sphere 球66) sec sequ 跟67) serve保留,服务68) sumsump 拿69) mod样式,模式70) dos d
4、ot don 给71) sci知道72) riv 河73) for拿,带74) monstr 展示75) manu 手76) gram 写,画77) ventven 走,来78) cult 耕种79) struct 建造80) norm规范,标准81) med中间82) for拿,带83) fluct 流动84) clusclud 关85) pospon 摆,放86) equ相等87) drama 戏剧88)第一部分:动词1. identify i+dent+ify +=2. reply re+ply-+=3. attempt at+tempt f+=4. resent re+sent-+=5
5、. inject in+ject- +=6. underestimate under+estimate+=7. devise de+vise_+=8. confer con+fer-+=9. remove re+move +=10. perform per+form +=11.interact inter+act-+=12.forecast fore+cast -*+=13.extend ex+tend-+=14.imagine image+ine -*+=15.triple tri+plef +=16.17.quadruple quadr+u+plef+=suspendsus+pendL +
6、=18.strengthen strong+th+en +=19.retail re+tail-*+=20.exceed ex+ceed=21.emerge e+merge- +=22.assist as+sist-+=23.imply im+plyf +=24.25.seek see+k-+=relieve re+lieve-+=26.27.28.foreseefore+seef+ _=justify just+ifyjf +=contend con+tend-+=29.insist in+sist-+_ = _30.maintain main+tain-+=31.prescribepre+
7、scribef+=_32.33.acknowledge ac+knowledge +=debate de+bate-+=34.prolong pro+long +=35.36.initiate in+it+iate +=translate trans+late +=37.abuse ab+use-+=第二部分:形容词和副词1.disorganized dis+organize+ed-+=2.alternatively altem(alter)+ative+ly-*+=mon com+mon +=4.5.6.appropriate ap+pror+iate-*+=inedible in+ed+i
8、ble .+=_notorious note+or+ousf +=7.8.unforcedun+force+edf +=unbelieving un+believe+ingf +=9.unexpected un+expect+ed +=10.11.burdensome burden+some +=mechanical machine(mechane)+ic+al+=12.universal universe+al +=13.14.automatedterminal termin+al-*+_ =15.tireless tire+less-+=16.17.reliably rely+able+y
9、-+=artificial art+i+fic+ial +=18.19.instantaneous instant+aneous +=suspicious sus+spic+ious +=20.economic feconomy+icL += _21.previous pre+vi+ousL +=22.sensitive sense+it+ivef _ +_ =23.intensive intense+ive-+=24. emerging e+merge+ing-_+_4-_=25. harmful harm+ful+=26. permissible per+miss+ible +=27.te
10、rminally termin+al+ly-*+=28.eventually evnet+ual+ly-+=29.legitimate leg+it+mate +=30.illegal il+leg+al-*+=31.aggressive-aR+gress+ivef +=32.ineffectual in+effect+ual +=33.34.unconcerned un+concem+ed +=predictably pre+dict+al+ly f +=第三部分:名词1. humor hum+or-*+=2.experience ex+per+ience+=3.audienceaud+ie
11、nceL +=4.sympathy sym+path+y +=5.6.secretary secret+ary +=convention con+vent+ion +=7.accommodation ac+com+mod+ation+_+8.9.scapegoat scape+goat + _=ingenuity in+gen+uityf +=10.device de+vice-+=pulsion com+puls+ion-*+=12.13.robotics robot+ics *+=capability cap+able+ityL_ +_ +=14. fiction fict+ion-+15
12、.assembly as+sem+bly-+=16.transaction trans+act+ion +=17.18.miniature mini+at+ure +=miniaturization miniature+ize+ation +=19.accuracy ac+curi-acy+=20.precision pre+cis+ion-+=21.22.utility ut(use)+ile+ity+=supervision super+vis+ion +=23.24.25.challenge chall(call)+enge +=optimism opt+im+ism +=circuit
13、 circu(circle)+itf+=26.microprocessor micro+process+or +=27.perception pe什cept+ionf+= fract+ion +=memory memor+y +=inflation in+flat+ion +=boom,doomsuspension sus+pens+ion-+=33.34.hemisphere hemi+sphere-=consequence con+sequ+ence +=35.conservation con+sev+ation -*+=36.consumpt
14、ionconsumpt(consume)+ionf +=37.38.portion port(part)+ion +=commodity com+mod+ity_ +=39.40.index in+dexjf+=suicide sui+cide-+=41.42.implication impli(imply)+ic+ationf +=constitution con+stitute+ion-+=43. dosage dose+age-+第四部分:选项词汇1.2.imply im+plyconsciouscon+sci+ous +=3.privilegepriv+i+leRef +=4.infe
15、r in+ferf +=5,benefit bene+fit-+= in+ap+properHatef +=stockstrategyinitially in+it+ial+ly+=demonstrate de+monster+ate +=manufacture manu+fact+ure +=13.14.15.elitetackleprogram pro+gram += full+fill-* +=verbal verb+al-+=intervention inter+ve
16、nt+ion +=20.21.improve im+prove*+=cultivate cult+ive+ate +=22.23.internalstructure struct+ure +=24.perceive per+ceive-+=25.abnormality ab+norm+al+ityf+_ +=26.27.immediately im+med+iate+ly +_ =_infer in+ferf +=28.29.dramatically drama+ate+ic+al+ly-*+=estimate30.fluctuatefluct(flu)+uatef +=31.impact32
17、.conclusion con+clus+ion+=33.oppose op+posef +=mit com+mit-+=35.guilty guilt+yf +=36.inadequate in+ad+equ+ate +=37.systematicsystem+ate+icf +=38.insufficient in+sufi-fic+ient +=39.desperate de+spe什atef+=第五部分:熟词生义1. addressDepending on whom you are addressing, the problems will be different.2. ground
18、You will be on safer ground if you stick to scapegoats like the Post Office or the telephone system.3. dawnSince the dawn of human ingenuity, people have devised ever more cunning tools to cope with work that is dangerous, boring, burdensome, or just plain nasty.4. conferThat compulsion has resulted
19、 in robotics - the science of conferring various human capabilities on machines.5. modelWhat they found, in attempting to model thought, is that the human brains roughly one hundred billion nerve cells are much more talented and human perception far more complicated than previously imagined.6. decli
20、neCould the bad old days of economic decline be about to return?7. swingRich economies are also less dependent on oil than they were, and so less sensitive to swings in the oil price.8. gripStrengthening economic growth, at the same time as winter grips the northern hemisphere, could push the price
21、higher still in the short term.9. contend10. shieldNancy Dubler, director of Montefiore Medical Center, contends that the principle will shield doctors who “until now have very, very strongly insisted that they could not give patients sufficient mediation to control their pain if that might hasten d
22、eath.M11. maintainGeorge Annas, chair of the health law department at Boston University, maintains that, as long as a doctor prescribes a drug fbr a legitimate medical purpose, the doctor has done nothing illegal even if the patient uses the drug to hasten death.12. fuelOn another level, many in the
23、 medical community acknowledge that the assisted-suicide debate has been fueled in part by the despair of patients fbr whom modem medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying.13. codeThe profession is taking steps to require young doctors to train in hospices, to test knowledge of aggressive p
24、ain management therapies, to develop a Medicare billing code fbr hospital-based care, and to develop new standards fbr assessing and treating pain at the end of life.2003考研词汇1) diet 说2) vail力量,价值3) force力量4) tribute 给5) spond 约定6) fuse流动7) plex 折,叠8) pose摆放9) opt选择10) stingu 站,立11) bid 二12) ordin 次序
25、13) sume sumpt 拿14) just正,正义15) crimin 犯罪16) scribe 写画17) flour 花18) quire quest 追求19) teg tag tact 触碰20) per终结21) lim 线22) flu流动23) priv 个人24) mute 改变25) milit 军,兵26) bio生命27) force 同 3)28) liber 自由29) pass 感情30) cept 抓拿31) ultim最后的32) prec 价值33) form形式34) stant 站,立35) capt 同 30)36) press 压,按37) vi
26、t生命38) gene 产生39) gress 走,行40) tain握,保持41) duct 引导42) feet 做,制43)ess说,言44) voc vok 说,喊45) dec 十46) corp 身体47) sid 坐,呆48) signssfsfg 标致49) actag 行动,作50) clar 净,清51) leg法律52) vac van 空53) mun mon 一54) dem 人55) pol控制56) mod样式,模式57) sol58) lievelev 轻,升59) opt选择60) spect 看61) cess ceed ced 走62) quest 追求6
27、3) merge 淹没64) vive 生命65) un ,66) serv保留,服务67) diet 说,言68) crit评论69) hum 土70) cept 同 30), 35)71) tent 伸72) pet追求,寻求73)佗r拿,带74) riv河流75) ordin 次序76) fate 命77) verse 转78) vise 看79) cess 走,行80) sents 感觉第一部分:动词1. reshape re+shape-+=2. compile com+pile+=3. analyze analysis4. predict predictionpre-*-dict-
28、*+=5. avail a+vailf +=6. available avail+able-+ _= 7. reinforce re+in+force-+ _=8. distribute dis+triburte+=9. paraphrase para+phrase +=10. misguide mis+guide_+=11. respond re+spondf _ +_ = 12. confuse con+fuse-+=13. perplex per+plexf+=14.oppose foD+DoseL +=15.reply re+ply-16.adopt ad+opt-*+=17.lest
29、18.extinguish ex+stingu+ish-*+=bine com+bine +=20. merge21. coordinate co+ordin+ate-+=22. overcharge over+charge-+=23. consume con+sume +=24. justify |iust+ifyf+=25. discriminate dis+crimin+atef +=26. subscribe sub+scribe-+=27. flourish flour+ish-+=28. acquire ac+quire-+=29. disintegrate dis+integra
30、te-*+=30. perish per+ish-+=31. cure32. achievement achieve+ment+=33. limit lim+it-+=第二部分:形容词和副词1. influential in+flu+ent+ial +=2. private priv+ate +=3. mutually mut+ual+lyf+=4. military milit+ary-*+_=5. biomedical bio+medical-+ =6. forcefully force+ful+ly+=7. deliberately de+liber+ate+lyf+=8. compas
31、sionate com+pass+ion+ate-*+ _=9.10.unaware un+aware +=unchallenged un+challenge+ed-*+=11.deceptive |de+cept+ivef +=12.13.14.ultimate ultim+ate +=courageous couri-age+ous +=uninformed un+inform+ed-+=15.precious prec+ious+=16.17.heightened height(hight)+en+edf .+=substantial sub+stant+ial +=18.19.20.v
32、asttypically type+ic+al+ly +=captive capt+ive_+-21.pressing press+ive += in+e+vit+ablef+=optional opt+ion+al-+=surgical surg(surgeon)+ic+alf +=unimaginable un+imagine+able-+=genetically gen+et+ic+al+ly +=27.aggressive ag+gress+ive +=28.unsustainable un+sus+tain+ablef +=29.30
33、.potential pot+ent+ial +=productive pro+duct+ivef +=31.32.33.infirm in+firm-+=dramatic drama+at+ic +_ =ineffective in+efl-fect-*-ive +=第三部分:名词1.2.espionage e+spion+age +=_profession pro+fess+ion +=3.vocation voc+ate+ion +=4. revolution re+volut+ion +5.decade dec+ade= intel(inter)
34、+lig+ence_*+=contest con+testf +=corporation corp+ate+ion +=president pre+side+ent +=10.11.12.sign-upagency ag+ency+=declaration de+clar+ate+ion-*+= states+man +=triumphtheoryargumentarRue+mentL +=allegation al+leg+ate+ion+=18.19.20.cruelty cruel+ty-*+=brochurevaccine vac+cin
35、e +=21.immunization im+mune+ize+ationf +=22.epidemic epi+dem+ic +=23.term24. vaccine+ate+ion -+=stakeholder stake+hold+er-*+=personality person+al+ity-+=citizenry citizen+ry*+=monopoly mono+pol+y- +=29.30.freightcommodity com+mode+ity -*+=31.consolidation con+solid+ate+ion-+=3
36、2.relief-reHife(lieve)f +=33.option opt+ion+=34. transaction trans+act+ion-+=35. expectancy ex+(s)pect+ancyf +=36. depression de+press+ion+=37. procedure pro+ced+ure +=38. greatness great+ness-+=39. consumer fcon+sume+er +=40. physician41. trend42. routine43. quest44. pursuit pur+suit-*+=第四部分:选项词汇1.
37、 emergence e+merge+ence-+=2. remold re+mold-+=3. restore |Ye+storef+=4. revive re+vive_+=5. 6. episode7. unique un+ique_+=8. 9. service |serve+icef +=10. 11. guarantee12. truthfulness true+th+ful+ness-_+=13. 14. characterize character+ize +=15. unpredictability un+predict+able+ity-+=16. 17. fair fai
38、rly18. reliable rely+able-_ + _ =19. nonconformist non+con+form+ist -*+=20. criticize crit+ic+izef +=21. doom22. triumph23.inhuman in+human -+=24.unacceptable un+ac+cept+able f+=25.discontent dis+content +=26.ignorance ignore+ance +=27.challenge chall(call)+engef +=28.strive29.humanist human+ist +=3
39、0.enthusiast enthusiastic 去 ic-=31.merger merge+erl- +=petition com+pet+it+ion-*+=33.indifferent in+different+34.rival riv+al-+=35.coordinator co+ordin+ate+or +=36.supervise super+vise-+=37.acquisition ac+quisit(quire, quest)+ion-*+=38.imply im+plyf +=39.fatal fat+al-+=40.unaffordable un+afford+able +=41.reverse re+verse -*+=42.consent con+sent +=43.flexible flex(flect)+ible-*+=44.extravagant extravagantly extra+vag+ant -+=45.prolong pro+long -*+=46.excessive ex+cess+ive +=第五部分:熟词生义1.