1、考研基础班必背的62个前缀和52个后缀一、常用前缀1、aero :concerning the air or aircraftplane (飞机)一aeroplane (飞机)space (空间,间隔)一aerospace (航空宇宙) aerogram aerometer aeromedicine2 anti : against;opposite ofn uclear (核核子的)一ant in uclear (反对使用核武器的)m atter (物质)一antim atter (反物质)war (战争、作战、打仗)一antiwar (反战的,反对战争的)antiageing antifat
2、 antigas antinoise3 auto : of or by oneselfbiography (传记)一autobiography (自传)criticism G比评,批判)一autocriticism (自我反省,自我检讨)autoalarm autosuggestion4 be :to treat as the stated thingfriend (朋友,助手)一befriend (待人如友,帮助)little (很少的,矮小的,很少)一belittle (轻视,使渺小,使显得渺小)becalm bepowder beside bem oan5 bi : tw o;tw ic
3、e;doublelingual (语言的)一bilingual (能说两种语言的)cycle (自行车)一bicycle (脚踏车,自行车)biweekly bipolar bilateral bisexual6 bio :concerning living thingschem istry (化学)一biochem istry (生物化学) sphere (圈子)一biosphere (生物圈)7、by:less im portantproduct (产品,产物,)一by-product (副产品,附加产物)w ay (路,道路)一byw ay (小道)by-effect by-busine
4、ss bytim e8、centi : hundredth partgrade (等级)一centigrade (分为百度的,百分度的,摄氏温度的)m eter (米)一centim eter (厘米)9 co : together, withauthor (作家,创造者)一coauthor (合著者,共同执笔者,合著)exist (存在,生存)一coexist (共存)coagent co-worker cooperation10 col :(used before L) together, withlocation (位置,场所)一collocation (排列,配置) collabora
5、te 合作collingual11 com :(used before b, m, p)together, withpassion (激情,热情)一com passion (同情,怜悯)battle战役 com bat 战斗com bine com press com patriot12 con together, withcentric (中心的,中央的)一concentric (同中心的)federation (同盟,联邦,联合,联盟)一confederation (联邦)conclude confirm conjoin contribute13 contra oppositedictio
6、n (措辞,用语,言语)一contradiction (反驳,矛盾)natural (自然的,自然界的)一contranatural (违背自然的)contra-m issile contraclockw ise14 cor :(used before r) together, withrelate (叙述,讲,使联系,发生关系)一correlate (使相互关联,和相关)respond (回答,响应,作出反应,有反应)correspond (符合,协调,通信,相当,相应)correct corru pt cor rival15、counter oppositeact (担当,表现,见效)一c
7、ounteract (抵消,中和,阻碍)attack (攻击)一counterattack (反弓I力)counterterroristcountereffect16、cross :across;going between the stated things and joining themcountry (乡下的,乡村的)一crosscountry (越野地,横过田野的)breed (使)繁殖,教养,抚养,品种,种类)crossbreed(生物杂种,异种交配,培育杂种,(使)杂交)17、de :show ing an opposite; to rem ove; to reducecode (
8、代码,密码)一decode (解码,译解)value (评价,重视)一devalue (= devaluate)减值,贬值)decline increase decrease18 dis :not; the opposite ofadvantage (优势,有利条件)一disadvantage (不利,不利条件,缺点,劣势)agree (同意)一disagree (不一致,不适宜) honest (诚实的,正直的)一dishonest (不诚实的) disorder discourage dispart distract19、em :(used before b, m, p) to cause
9、 to becom ebody (赋以形体)一em body (具体表达,使具体化) power (权力,激励)一em power (授权与,使能够) em bed em bar em bow em bitter20、en :to cause to becom e; to m ake danger (威胁)一endanger (危及)large (大的,巨大的)一enlarge (扩大,放大)en rich enclose enable enact21、ex :former(and still living)m inister (部长,大臣)一ex-m inister (前部长)w ife (
10、妻子)一ex-w ife (前妻)export expose expel exaggerate22、extra :outside;beyondcurricular (课程的)一extracurricular (课外的,业余的)ordinary (平常的,普通的,平凡的)extraordinary (非常的,特别的,非凡的)extrabold extragovernm ental23、fore :in advance, before; in or at the frontarm (臂,武器,装备)一forearm (前臂,准备战斗,预先武装,准备)warn (警告)一forew arn (预先警
11、告)forehead forew ord24 il :(used before I) notlegal (法律的,合法)一illegal (违法的,不合规定的)literate (学者,有文化的,有阅读和写作能力的)illiterate (违法的,不合规定的)illogical illustrate ilium inate25 im :( used before b,m ,p) notm oral (道德(上)的,精神的,道德)一im m oral (不道德的,邪恶的,放荡的,淫荡的)possible (可能的)im possible (不可能的)impolite import im m er
12、ge im pu Ise26 in :notdirect (径直的,直接的)一indirect (间接的,迂回的)sensitive (敏感的,灵敏的)一insensitive (对.没有感觉的,感觉迟钝的)informal intake inspirit invigorate27 infra :below in a range; beyondred (红(色)的)infrared (红外线的,红外线)structure (结构,构造)一infrastructure (下部构造,基础下部组织)inf rah u m an inf rason ic28、inter :betw een ;am o
13、ngchange (改变,变化)一interchange (指两人等)交换,相互交换)national (国家的,民族的)一international (国际的,世界的,国际性组织,国际比赛)interact inpersonal interview29、intra :inside, within ;intocity (城市,都市)一intracity (市内的)departm ent (部,局,处,科,部门,系,学部)intra-departm ent (内部)intraday intrapersonal intra-trading30 ir :(used before r) notregu
14、lar (规则的,有秩序的)一irregular (不规则的,无规律的)responsible (有责任的,可靠的)一irresponsible (不负责任的,不可靠的)irresistible irrelative irruption31、kilo :thousandgram (克,)一kilogram (物千克,公斤)m eter (米)一kilom eter (公里)kilow att kilocalorie kilovolt32、m aero Jarge, esp.concerning a w hole system rather than particular parts ofeco
15、nom ics (经济学)一m acroeconom ics (宏观经济学)structure (结构)一m acrostructure (宏观结构) m acrochange m aroscale33 m al :bad or badlyfunction (官能,功能,作用)一m alfunction (故障) treat (宴请,款待)一m altreat (虐待,滥用) m aln ut rit ion m alform at ionabuse curse34、m icro :extrem ely sm allcom puter (计算机,电脑)一m icrocom puter (微机)
16、electronics (电子学)一m icroelectronics (电子微电子学)m icroscope m ircow ave35 mid :m iddleday (天,白天)一m idday (正午)night (夜,夜晚)一m idnight (午夜)36、mini :sm all;shortbus (公共汽车)一m inibus (小型公共汽车)skirt (裙子)一m iniskirt (迷你短裙,超短裙)m inipark m inistate37 m is :bad or badly ;w rong or w ronglyfortu ne (运气,好运)一m isfortu
17、 ne (不幸,灾祸) understand (懂,了解)一m isunderstand (误解,误会)m isread m isuse m istreat38 mono :one;singleplane (飞机)一m onoplane (单翼机)tone (音调,语调)一monotone (单调的,单调)monolingual m onocycle39 multi :more than one;manypurpose (目的,意图)一m ultipurpose (多种用途的,多目标的)national (国家的,国立有的,民族的)m ultinational (多民族的,)m uItim e
18、dia m edia 媒体m uItiparty m uItilateral40、non :notresident 居住一nonresident (不居住的)sense理性,认识一nonsense (胡说,废话)nonstop noneffective nonsom ker41 out: outside; beyondlive (活的,生动的)一outlive (比长命,比耐久) door (门,通道,家,户)outdoor (室外的,户外的,野外的)outcom e outlet outfit42、over:too m uch ;above; additional head (头,头的,主要
19、的)一overhead (在头上的,在头顶上,在空中,在高处)time (时间,时侯,时机,)一overtime (超时,力口班,延长时间,超时的,加班的,加班地,使超时)overuse overfly oversea overlook43 poly :m anycentric (中心的,中央的)一polycentric (多中心的)syllabic (语音节主音,音节的)一polysyllabic (多音节的)polyfu notional polytech n ical44、post: later than ;aftergraduate (大学)毕业生,研究生,(使)(大学)毕业)一pos
20、tgraduate (研究所学生,研究生,毕业后的)w ar (战争,作战,打仗)一postwar (战后的)postpone postdate post-liberation45 pre :before;in advancepay (薪水,工资,支付)一prepay (预付)w ar (战争,作战,打仗)一prewar (战前的,在战前) prefix precool precook prepay46 pro:before; in favor of, supportingAmerica (v美美国,美洲1(包括北美和南美洲) pro-Am erica?Abortion (流产,堕胎,失败,夭
21、折,中止,早产) pro-abortion ?47、pseudo: not real; falsename (姓名)一pseudonym (假名,笔名) science (科学,自然科学)pseudoscience (假科学,伪科学)psudo-dem ocratic psudograph48 re: again; back to the form er state unite (联合,团结)一reunite (使)再结合) use (使用)一reuse (再使用,重新使用) return reback review reborn revival survival49、self :by m e
22、ans of oneself or itself ;of, to, with, for, or in oneself or itselfem ployed (雇用,用,使用)一self-em ployed taught (teach的过去式和过去分词)一self-taught selfesteem self conf idence50、sem i :half ;partlycircle (圆周,圆形物)一sem icircle (半圆形)final (决赛)一sem ifinal (半决赛)sem iconductor ? conductor51 step :not by birth but
23、through a parent who has rem arr iedmother (母亲,妈妈)一stepm other (继母)children (孩子,孩子们)一stepchildren (继子)52、sub:under;less im ortant ;part of the stated bigger wholedivide(分,划分,分开,隔开)一subdivide(再分,细分)section (部分)一subsection (分部,分段)subw ay submarine subadu It53 super :more, larger, greater than usual m
24、arket (市场)一superm arket (超级市场) natural (自然的,自然界的,普通的,正常的)supernatural (超自然的,神奇的,超自然物,不可思议的事)supersized supervise superheat54、tele :at or over a long distancejby or for televisioncom m unicationtelecom m unication 电信 screen (屏,银幕)一telescreen (电视屏幕,荧光屏) telegram telescope television55 therm (o):concer
25、ning heatchem istry (化学)一therm ochem istry (热化学) m eter (计,表)一therm om eter (温度计,体温计)56、trans :across, on or to the other side of; betw eenAtlantic (大西洋)transatlantic (大西洋彼岸的)plant (种植,栽培,培养)一transplant (移植,移种) transm it transport transform er57 tri :three; three timesangular (有角的)一triangular (三角形的)
26、cycle (自行车)tricycle (三轮车,机器三轮车)triplets triple double58 uItra :beyond; very, extremelymodern (近代的,现代的)一u It ram Oder n (超现代化的)sound (声音,语音)一ultrasound (超频率音响)u It racoldu It rafastultrafine59、un :not certain (确定的,必然的,可靠的)一uncertain (无常的,不确定的,不可预测的,靠不住的)fortunate (幸运的,幸福的)一unfortunate (不幸的,使人遗憾的)unco
27、nditional unj ust uncivilized60、under: too little; belowdevelop (发展,显影)一underdevelop (使)发展不完全,(使)显影不足)sea (海洋,大浪)一undersea (海面下的)underline underworld underestim ate61、uni: one;singleform (形态,构成)一uniform (统一的,相同的) uniquedirectional (方向的)一unidirectional (单向的,单向性的)62 vice :next in the rank;belowchairm
28、an (主席,会长)一vice-chairm an (副主席,副议长)president (总统,会长,行长)一vice-president (0总督,副省长)vice-m anager vice-principal二、常用后缀(1)名词后缀1、ability (能力,才干),ibilityable (能的,有才能的,能干的,能够的)一ability (能力,才干)flexible (有弹性的,柔韧的)flexibility (弹性,适应性,机动性,挠性)inflam m ability adaptability2、alarrive (到达,抵达)一arrival (至U来,到达,到达者)re
29、fuse (拒绝,谢绝)一refusal (拒绝,推却)personal global approval revival3、an, ian, arianlibrary (图书馆,藏书室)一librarian (图书馆员,图书管理员)m usic (音乐,乐曲)一m usician (音乐家)urban publican republican4、 ance, enceappear (出现,公开露面)一appearance (出现,露面,外貌,外观)refer (提交,谈及,提到,涉及,查阅,咨询)reference (提及,涉及,参考,参考书目,证明书(人),介绍信(人)gu idance re
30、sistance reliance5、ancy, encyemerge(显现,浮现,(事实)显现出来)一em ergency (紧急情况,突然事件,非常时刻,紧急事件)expect (期待,预期)一expectancy (期待,期望)occupancy elegancy constancy6、ant, entapply (申请)一applicant (申请者,请求者)correspond (通信)一correspondent (通讯记者,通信者)ignorant assistant accsant excitant7、cyaccurate (正确的,精确的)一accuracy (精确性,正确度
31、)private (私人的,私有的,私营的,秘密的)一privacy (独处而不受干扰,秘密)vacancy bankru ptcy8、domking (国王,君主,(部落的)首领,纸牌中的K,立为王,做国王,统治)一kingdom (王国,宗天国,上帝的统治,领域)free (自由的,免费的,免税的,免费)一freedom (自由,自主,直率,特权)w isdom sportsdom film dom9 eeemploy (雇用,ffl)employee (IKI,雇员,店员)interview (接见,会见)一interviewee (被接见者,被访问者)trainee deportee
32、aw ardee 10 er, or, arpaint (油漆,颜料)一painter (画家,油漆匠) beg (请求,乞求)一beggar (乞丐)banker heater w hisper harder11、erybrave (勇敢的)一bravery (勇敢)slave (奴隶)一slavery (奴隶身分,奴隶制度) bakery robbery bribery fishery12、eseChina (中国)一Chinese (中国的,)Japan (日本)一Japanese (日本的)13、essactor (男演员)一actress (女演员)w alter (侍者,服务员)一
33、w aitress (女服务生) hostess heiress m urderess14、hoodchild (孩子,儿女)一childhood (孩童时期)m an (男人)一m anbood (成年男子)adulthood cubhood15、icselectron (电子)一electronics (电子器件) linguist (语言学家)一linguistics (语言学) electronics politics econom ics16、ismMarx (马克思)一Marxism (马克思主义) socialist (社会主义者)socialism (社会主义) critici
34、sm journalism idealism17、istpsychiatry (精神病学)一psychiatrist (精神病医师)violin (小提琴)violinist (小提琴演奏者) socialist chem ist dentist18 ity, tycruel (残酷的,悲惨的)一cruelty (残忍,残酷) pure (纯的,纯粹的)一purity (纯净,纯洁,纯度) speciality hum anity popularity19 m entm ove (移动,迁居)一m ovem ent (运动,动作) retire (退休,引退,退却)一retirem ent (
35、退休,引退)am usem ent basem ent departm ent20、nessdark (黑暗,夜)darkness (黑暗,漆黑)happy (快乐的,幸福的)一happiness (幸福,快乐)w eakness bitterness w illingness21、ologydim ate (气候,风土)一dim atology (气候学,风土学)future (未来,将来)一futurology (未来学)22、shipfriend (朋友,助手)一friendship (友谊,友好)scholar (学者)一scholarship (奖学金,学问,学识) relation
36、ship huntsm anship23 sion, ssiondecide (决定,判决)一decision (决定,决心)expand (使膨胀,扩张)一expansion (扩充,开展) collision suspension conversion24、thgrow (生长,成长)一growth (生长,种植)w ide (宽的,广阔的)一w idth (宽度)w arm th depth strength 25 ureclose (关,关闭)一closure (关闭,使终止)expose (使暴露,受至1使曝光,揭露)一exposure (暴露,揭露,暴光,揭发)pressure c
37、reat u re departure(2)动词后缀26 endeep (深的,纵深的)一deepen (加深,深化)fast (紧的,牢的)一fasten (扎牢,扣住)strengthen sharpen soften27、ifyclass (班级,阶级)一classify (分类,分等)simple (简单的,简易的)一sim plify (单一化,简单化)satisfy intensify purify 28 ize, isemodern (现代人)一modernise/ modernize ( ate mot(动)一motivate (给动机,刺激) cuIt (教育)一cultiv
38、ate (使受教育)(3)形容词后缀30 able, iblequestion (疑问)一questionable (可疑的) fashionable changeable31、alnature (自然)一natural (自然的)structure (结构,构造)一structural (结构的,建筑的)em ot ional regional except ional32、an, arian, iansuburb (市郊,郊区)一suburban (郊外的,偏远的) Canada (力口拿大)一Canadian (加拿大的,加拿大人) repu blican European33、ant,
39、 entdiffer (不一致,不同)一different (不同的)please (满足的,使满足)一pleasant (令人愉快的,舒适的)resistant ignorant abundant34 ary, oryadvise (劝告,忠告,警告)一advisory (顾问的,咨询的,劝告的)custom (习惯,风俗)一custom ary (习惯的,惯例的)secondary elem entary35、ateconsider (考虑,照顾)一considerate (考虑周至U的) fortune (运气,好运)一fortunate (幸运的,幸福的) private determ
40、 inate 36 engold (黄金,金币)一golden (金色的,金黄色的) wood (木材)一wooden (木制的) w oolen oaken37、eseChina (中国)一Chinese (中国的,中国人的) Japan (日本)一Japanese (日本的,日本人的) Vietnam ese Portugese38、free care (烦恼,忧虑)一carefree (无忧无虑的,轻松愉快的)duty (义务,责任,职责,职务,税)一duty-free (自由的,大方的,免费的,免税的,免费)sugar-free fat-free39、fulcare (注意,照料)一c
41、areful (小心的,仔细的) pain (痛苦,疼)一painful (疼痛的,使痛苦的) m eaningfuI skillful40、ic, icalatom (原子)一atomic (原子的,原子能的)psychology (心理学,心理状态)一psychological (心理(上)的)h istoric typical41 ishgirl (女孩,少女)一girlish (少女的,少女似的(男孩) child (孩子)一childish (孩子气的,幼稚的) bookish coldish Span ish42 ivecreate (创造)creative (创造性的)suppo
42、rt (支援,支柱)一supportive (支持的,支援的)im pressive protective attractive43 lesshope (希望,信心)一hopeless (没有希望的,绝望的)pain (痛苦,疼,痛,劳苦,努力,使痛苦)一painless (无痛的,不痛的)w orthless countless restless44、likechild (孩子)一childlike (孩子似的,天真烂漫的)lady (女士,夫人,小姐)ladylike (风度雍容如贵妇的,温雅的)godlike fatherlike dream like45、lym an (男人)一man
43、ly (男子气概的)month (月)一monthly (每月的,每月一次,月干II)yearly hom ely costly46 ous, iousdanger (危险)一dangerous (危险的)poison (毒药,败坏道德之事,毒害,毒害,败坏,使中毒,放毒,下毒)一poisonous (有毒的)glorious vigorous continuous47 som etire (劳累,厌倦)一tiresome (无聊的,烦人的)trouble (烦恼,麻烦)一troublesome (麻烦的,讨厌的)aw esom e f earsom e 48 warddown (向下的)一d
44、ow nward (向下的)up (向上)一upward (向上的)backw ard su nw ard ou rw ard 49、yguilt (罪行,内疚)guilty (犯罪的,有罪的) noise (喧闹声,噪声)一noisy (吵杂的,聒噪的) bloody hairy woolly(4)副词后缀50、lyeasy (容易的)一easily (容易地,不费力地) heavy (重的,繁重的)一heavily (很重地,沉重地) tim ely truly fearfully recently51、ward, wardseast (东方,东)一eastward(s)(向东,向东的,朝
45、东的)north (北,北方)一northw ard(s)(向北,向北的) backw ards outwards52 w iseclock (时钟)一clockw ise (顺时针方向的,顺时针方向地)other (其他的,另外的)otherw ise (另外,不同地)coastw ise likew ise考研基础班必背的100核心词根1 ag= do act 做、动agentent名后表示人代理人agentialial形后代理人的subagentsub副的副代理人coagentco共同合作者agency coagency agenda end名后a复数议事日程agileile形后灵活的a
46、gility agitate ate动后鼓动、煽动agitation agitator agitatress2、agri= field agriculture agricultural agriculturist agrim otor agronom y agrochem ical田地、农田=agrocult耕作ure名后农业motor机器农用拖拉机nom y学农学chem ical化学药品农药3 ann= year = ennanniversaryvers转 ary名后周年纪念日annualual形后每年的superannuate super 超越 ate 动后、形后过时的、陈旧的、年老退休superannuation退休金4、audi= hear= auditaudienceence名后听众、倾听auditoriumorium名后(场所)礼堂audibleible形后听得见的a