1、-1-三亚华侨学校南新校区2019-2020 学年度第二学期高一年级英语科入学考试试卷(试卷满分:150 分考试时间:120 分钟)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What sthe man workingfor?A.The government.B.A website.C.A club.2.What can we know abo
2、ut Alan?A.He used to be a baker.B.He likes making cakes.C.Hesgood at cooking.3.What are the speakers mainly talkingabout?A.Beautiful scenery.B.A baby.C.A painting.4.Who is serious in the womans family?A.Her husband.B.Her father.C.Nobody.5.What will the woman do in the game?A.Ask the man to do some g
3、estures.B.Guess who the man is thinking of.C.Draw a portrait of the man.第二节(共 15小题;每小题 1.5 分;共 22.5分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第6、7 题6.When would the man go to school in America?A.At 6:30 a.m.B
4、.At 8:00 a.m.C.At 9:00 a.m.-2-7.What can we know about the mans life in China?A.He lived with his family.B.He didnthave lunch.C.He lived in a dormitory.听第 7 段材料,回答第8、9 题。8.What bothers the man in the gym?A.The crowd of people.B.The lack of personal trainers.C.The smelly air.9.What does the man prefe
5、r?A.Doing exercise outside.B.Going to the gym earlier.C.Working out with the woman.听第 8 段材料,回答第10 至 12 题。10.Why does the man say he grew up in the car?A.He had many family car trips.B.He went to school and back by carevery day.C.His family lived in a van for a long time.11.What would the man and his
6、 brothersand sisters mostly do in the car?A.Fight.B.Play games.C.Sleep.12.How is the man in the family?A.Hesthe smartest child.B.Hesthe strongest child.C.Hesthe youngest child.听第 9 段材料,回答第13 至 16 题。13.What did the speakers thinkof the 100 yen shop?A.Crowded.B.Big.C.Cheap.14.How long had they been th
7、ere?A.20 minutes.B.1 hour.C.2 hours.15.What did the woman buy besides a dictionary?A.A T-shirt.B.A skirt.-3-C.A scarf.16.What can we know about the dictionarythat the woman bought?A.It sa Japanesedictionary.B.It cost 2,500 yen.C.It stoo expensive for the man.听第 10 段材料,回答第17 至 20 题17.Where does Neal
8、recommend the woman to go first in Vancouver?A.A mountain.B.An island.C.A park.18.What is there up Grouse Mountain?A.A nice restaurant.B.A bookshop.C.An old wall.19.Which is TRUE about Stanley Park?A.It sthe biggest tourist attraction in Vancouver.B.There sa hiking trail around the park.C.It sone of
9、 the most scenic city parks in the world.20.How long does it take a ferry to go from Vancouverto Victoria?A.2 hours and a quarter.B.An hour and 35 minutes.C.35 minutes.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑AStudentstodayhaveanimportant an
10、dwonderful advantage:social mediaHowever,we shouldknow thatnot all social mediaplatforms arecreatedequalTwitterAdvantage:Twitter is bestfor conductingquick surveysandadvertisingTwitter is alsogreatfor keepingup with current eventsBy following active politicians,we arebecomingmorefamiliar with their
11、policies andtheir facesTwitter is alsobetterforonline debatesbecauseof thecharacterlimit Disadvantage:Twitters disadvantageis that you canseeso manythings youre notinterestedin becausethepeopleyou follow retweetthesepostsFacebook-4-Advantage:Its bestusesarekeeping upwith family andhigh schoolfriends
12、AlsoFacebookmakesit extremely easyto inform studentsaboutconcertsandfairsIts theonly big social mediaplatform-where you cancreatespecific albumsfor differentthingsDisadvantage:Facebooksbiggestdownfall is that if you commenton anything,you getnotifications for every other comment Additionally,debates
13、abouteverything under thesunSnapchatAdvantage:Thebestsocial mediaplatform for socializing is actuallySnapchat Snapchatworks quickly andgives you the freedomto bespontaneous(常心血来潮的)with your postsIt gives you the mostinsight into the peopleyou followor arefriends with In high school,my friends would
14、alwaystell me,Youd probablyknow moreaboutour lives if you wereon Snapchat Disadvantage:On Snapchat,storiesdisappearalter 24 hoursandyou canmiss somegreatmomentif you dont checkit regularlyInstagramAdvantage:Its like anonline diary of our bestmoments For many of us,postingon Instagramis like thecolle
15、ge version of show-and-tellDisadvantage:It hastoo many advertisements Many times whenyou just want to seewhat your friends haverecently posted,the appthrows in an advertisementthat lookslike any otherpost21.Why is Twitter consideredannoying?A.It alwayshasvariousrepetitive contents B.It almost focuse
16、stoomuch onpoliticiansC.It seldom keepsupwith currenteventsD.It oftenasksusersto do quick surveys 22.What is Facebooksuitable for?A.Making contentsB.Doing quick surveysC.Running advertisementsD.Producingdifferent albums23.In which platform will you probably miss somepostsafter aday?A.Twitter B.Faceb
17、ook C.Snapchat D.Instagram BA trip to Parisis not completewithout a visit to theEiffel TowerTogetthe mostout ofyour visit,readour tips below:-5-Visit at NightRiding upthe Eiffel Tower atnight andlooking out over thestreetsof Paris,youll seewhy Parisis known astheCity of Light At streetlevel,thespotl
18、ights onthe top of theTowerzoom acrossthe Parisskyline,andthereflections of theTower in the Seinearesightsnot to be missedPurchaseYour Ticket in AdvanceOnlineBypassthe long ticket linesat the Eiffel Tower by purchasingyour ticket online fromthe Eiffel Tower website Youll pick atime to visit,andthen
19、selectwhetherto print outthe ticket or display it on your phoneor iPada convenientoption if you buy your ticketin Pariswithout easyaccessto aprinterDont Bring ValuableObjectswith YouBefore enteringtheEiffel Tower,your bagswill beexaminedby a securityofficer If anitem you arecarrying setsoff themetal
20、 detector,theofficer will takeyou awayfrom theline for further inspection Wevestoodin line for hours behindpeoplewho missedtheirchanceto go uptheEiffel TowerHave Drinks andSnacksat theEiffel TowerIf yourelike us,after an exciting trip to the Eiffel Tower,youll bereadyto restyourlegsandhavearelaxing
21、snackanda drink in a ParisiancafeAcrosstheSeinein theTrocaderoarea,therearemany elegantcafes The atmosphereis great,but theprices arein the stratosphere Actually,theperfectplacefor common visitors to eatand drink is onthe Eiffel Tower itself24.Why doestheauthor suggestvisiting theTower at night?A.Be
22、causeyou canstandon thetop of theTowerB.Becauseyou canavoid the crowdsandenjoy it peacefullyC.Becauseyou canhaveaspecialsight of thecity of PairsD.Becauseyou canseetheSeineasclear aspossible25.What doestheunderlinedwordBypassin Paragraph3 mean?A.StandB.AvoidC.ControlD.Remember 26.Why did somepeoplef
23、ail to go upthe Eiffel Tower?A.Becausethey didnt seizethe chance B.Becausethey lost valuableobjectsC.Becausethey setoff themetal detectorD.Becausethey hada quarrelwith theofficer27.What canbeinferred from the lastparagraph?-6-A.The authorrecommendstourists havesnacksatthe Eiffel TowerB.The Eiffel To
24、wer providesexpensivefoods anddrinksC.The authorprefersto eatacrosstheSeineD.You spendmore if you havesnacksat theTowerCAll networkslike 3G and4G will bethings of thepast,because5G will bereachablein the nearfuture.So,what?ssospecialabouta5G future?First of all,itsdownload speedcanbeasfast as20GB/s,
25、which is 100 to 200 timesthat of 4G.Butwhat?smoreimpressiveis 5G?Slow delayrate.Now,4G takesan averageof 200milliseconds(毫秒)to sendandreceiveinformation.But 5G will get it down to 1millisecond.5G is a greatbreakthrough.It?sgoing to changetheway equipmentconnectsto theInternet,and moreimportantly,to
26、eachother.And self-driving carsmay beone of thebiggestbreakthroughsto comeout of 5G.Human reactiontime is 200 milliseconds,yetwe still haveaccidentseveryday.The self-driving carunder a5G network could reactandcommunicateits reactionto hundredsof carsaroundit,all within I millisecond.It?llplay agreat
27、role in preventing caraccidentsandending traffic jamscompletely.5G canbenefit us in manyother ways.Operationscould be performedby robotscontrolled by expertsfrom theother sideof theworld.Therefore,morelives will besavedin time.Factoriescan bestaffed by robotsthat cancommunicatetheir taskstoeachother
28、,andthey cando morework efficiently over a 5G network.Imagine agroupof drones(无人机)flying over afield of crops,using sensors(传感器)on theground tosort,pick,feed,andwater plantsall ontheir own.Thenfarmerswon?thaveto work sohardanymore.But,5G is not perfect.One major disadvantagehasto dowith why it?ssofa
29、st.5Gusesthemillimeter waves,while 4G usesthe 15 to 40 centimeter-long waves.Andshorterwavesgo fast but not very far On 4G networks,thesignal cango 10 kilometers.But the5G signal cango atmost 300 meters,andit cantevengothrough walls or rain.So,what doesthat mean?Having sucha shortsignal distancemean
30、swe needto build alot of transmitters(信号发射塔)in thefuture.28.How doestheauthor show us5Gsadvantagesin Paragraph1?A.By giving examplesof theusesof 5G.B.By making comparisonsbetween4G and5G.C.By explaining thescientific principles of 5G.-7-D.By analyzing 5Gsdevelopmentfrom 4G.29.According to theauthor,
31、theself-driving carswillA.causemorecaraccidentsB.slow down 5GsdevelopmentC.run without beingconnectedto theInternetD.haveamuchfaster reactionspeedthanhumans30.What doestheunderlinedpart bestaffedby robots in Paragraph3 mean?A.Be built by robots.B.Haverobotsasworkers.C.Offer employeeshomerobots.D.Pro
32、ducemore medical robots.31.What doesthelast paragraphmainly talk about?A.The main weaknessof 5G networks.B.How to make 4G networks moreperfect.C.The typesof long wavesand shortwaves.D.How to improve the signal of mobile phones.DThe Lion King is oneof Disneyshighestearners But behindThe Lion King,a t
33、ruestory of SundiataKeita is still largely invisible outsidehis own countryKnown astheLion of Mali,Sundiatawasthefounder of the Malian Empire,thelargestkingdom in WestAfricaHis empire expandedmore than1,000miles from theAtlanticcoastall theway to the Niger RiverSundiataruled from 1235to 1255Sundiata
34、sfather,King Nar MaghannKonat,wastold by fortune tellers thatif hemarried anugly woman shewould give birth to a sonwho would becomeamighty andmagnificent king.He alreadyhadawife namedSassoumaBeretand ason namedDankaranTourmanHowever,Konatetook SogolonKedjou ashis secondwifeShegavebirth to Sundiata,w
35、ho wasborn disabledThoughthe king favored him,bothSogolonandSundiatawereunfairly teasedfor his disabilitySundiatabecameagreatleaderamonghis people,sparking resentmentfrom hishalf-brother Tourmanwho wantedthe thronefor himselfWhenKonat died,manysuspectedthat he hadbeenmurdered Fearful of anattackon t
36、heir livesSogolon tookSundiataandthe restof herchildren andfledThe Mandinka peoplewere takenover bythe cruel andunfair King SoumaoroKante of theSossopeopleIn needof their trueleader,the peoplesentword for Sundiatato return andtakehisrightful placeasthekingOutsideof thecountry,Sundiatabuilt alliances
37、with the kingof Mema andotherlocal rulersHe gatheredan army to freethe Mandinka peopleand-8-defeattheSossokingUpon his victorious return,headoptedanew title forhimselfMansa,which meansking or emperorin MandinkaSundiataskingdombecameoneof themostwealthy andpowerful empiresin history32.Why is the movi
38、e The Lion King mentionedin paragraph1?A.To showus oneof Disneysachievements B.To encouragea view of themovieC.To introducea truestoryD.To tell us its popularity amongthe public33.Why did Konat getmarriedto Sogolon K diou?_A.Becauseshewas arecognizedbeautyB.Becausehe expectedher to produceagreatsucc
39、essor C.Becausesheadoredhim for his immensepowerD.Becausehewasnot contentwith his first wife34.What doestheunderlinedword resentmentin paragraph4 refer to _?A.Inspiration B.Anger C.Admiration D.Guilt35.Where is this text mostlikely from?_A.A magazine B.A diary C.A guidebookD.A novel第二节(共 5 小题;每小题2.5
40、 分,满分12.5 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Training for a marathon(马拉松)requirescareful preparationandsteady,gradualincreasesin the length of the runs 36,buy the best-fitting running shoesyou canfindNo onecan saywhich brandwill work bestfor you or feel bestonyour feet,soyou haveto rely onyo
41、ur experienceandon the feel of eachpair asyou shopWhen youhavefound shoesthatseemright,walk in them for a few daysto double-checkthefit 37 As always,you shouldstretch(伸展)atleasttenminutesbeforeeachrunto preventinjuriesDuring thefirst week,do not think aboutdistance,but run five minuteslonger eachday
42、 38,it is wise to takeaday off to rest But during the next week,seta goal of atleastamile andahalf perrun 39 After two weeks,start timingyourself 40 Dependingon thekind of raceyou planto enter,you cansetupatimetablefor the remainingweeksbeforetheraceAAfter six daysBFor agood marathonrunner-9-CBefore
43、 you begin your trainingDWith eachday,increasethedistanceby a half mileEIf they still feel good,you can beginrunning in themFTime spentfor preparationraisesthequality of trainingGNow you arereadyto figure out agoal of improving distanceandtime第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45 分)第一节 完形填空(共15 小题;每题1 分,满分15 分)阅读下面短文
44、,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I lived with my grandpa.From childhood I always felt that my birthday should be myday and should be celebrated likeanything.Iused to waitformy birthdayby41months,then daysand then hours,thinking how to celebrateit and what giftto askfor.It wasmy grandpawho m
45、adeit important and42.But,I43my grandpain 2017,and I didnt know how to spendmy birthdayafter he had gone from this world.Yes,I was too44to him.Finally,I decided tocelebratemy next birthday atthe orphanage(孤儿院),andarrangedinner for thosekidswho didnt haveany family,or maybewhose family had45them beca
46、usethey werecarrying HIV.46two days,I went there and requestedthey give me a47to help theirchildren and alsoI askedif somechild washaving a birthday on the48day asmine.I wantedto buy a49 for him or herto eatat adinner party aswell.50,they agreed.But I wasa bit afraid to facethem.My51was that they mi
47、ght feel bad becausetheydidnt have their families.But when I met them,they were all so lovely,lookingso52!At the party,we dancedtogether,playedmany games,and most importantlywe had the cake together!I had been worried they would take it as some kind ofsympathy(同情),53thatdaythey enjoyedmy companyvery
48、 much.WheneverI recall this wonderful experience,I think of it asthe54birthday Ihaveeverhad!I believeit wasreally atrue55 for my grandpaaswell!41.A.passingB.countingC.wastingD.missing42.A.funB.longC.expensive D.common43.A.valuedB.respected C.lost D.believed44.A.harmfulB.attached C.friendlyD.honest45
49、.A.abandonedB.educated C.frightenedD.doubted-10-46.A.BeforeB.AfterC.UntilD.Since47.A.way B.wish C.chanceD.change48.A.correctB.difficultC.same D.magic49.A.toyB.card C.bookD.cake50.A.PersonallyB.LuckilyC.Sadly D.Similarly51.A.fear B.happiness C.task D.promise52.A.concernedB.scaredC.delightedD.uneasy53
50、.A.and B.butC.orD.so54.A.oldestB.hardestC.worst D.best55.A.memory B.plan C.secret D.joy第二节:语言运用(共10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入所给词的恰当形式:Q&A:Top health experton latestvirus developmentsRenownedChineserespiratory expertZhong Nanshanshareshis views on the latestdevelopmentsin the novel coronavi