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1、科技信息检索课检索实验报告上课时间:_周四_姓 名:_崔雪巍_学 号:_班 级:_完成时间:_2013年12月_一、 请根据自己所选课题,在国内数据资源(CNKI、万方数据、重庆维普、中国知识产权网等)分别进行检索。(40分)我选择的是“宽带无线通信技术进展”,并在关键技术中选择WLAN标准和物理层来进行检索。(一) CNKI1. 所选数据库:中国学术期刊网络出版总库、中国重要会议论文全文数据库、中国年鉴网路出版总库、国家科技成果数据库2. 关键词:宽带无线通信技术、WLAN标准和物理层检索式:关键词=中英文扩展(宽带无线通信技术进展 or WLAN标准和物理层)(精确匹配)检索年限 :200

2、0年1月1日2013年11月29日3. 方法 高级检索 扩库检索步骤 打开CNKI网站选择高级检索跨库选择点击“全选”输入关键字“宽带无线通信技术进展”或“WLAN标准和物理层”选择发表时间2000年1月1日2013年11月29日选择“中英文扩展检索”,点击“检索”命中文献篇数 12篇4. 题录及文摘1蔡华利.浅谈宽带无线通信技术在配电自动化及管理系统中的应用J.中国新技术新产品,2013,16:30.摘要:本文针对配电自动化及管理系统的建设,提出了宽带无线通信技术在配电自动化及管理系统中发挥的作用,并就在具体实施过程中值得注意的问题进行了探讨。作者结合海南地区配电自动化及管理系统对宽带无线通


4、行各种多媒体无线传输测试,并将PDMA数据链路层技术与成熟的IEEE802.11物理层技术相结合,引入IP QoS、高效的带宽.(二) 万方数据1. 所选数据库:扩库检索2. 关键词:宽带无线通信技术进展、WLAN标准和物理层搜索年限 不限到2013年题名或关键词:(宽带无线通信技术) * 题名或关键词:(WLAN标准和物理层) * Date:-20133. 方法:高级检索步骤 打开万方数据网站,选择“高级检索”,输入关键字并选择所有类型,选择年限,检索。命中检索篇数:114. 题录及文摘【篇名】WLAN网络设计及应用分析【作者】杨荣【学位类型】硕士【授予单位】北京邮电大学,【导师】林家儒【年

5、份】2006.【摘要】WLAN(无线局域网)是20世纪90年代计算机网络与无线通信技术相结合的产物。它使用无线信道来接入网络,为通信的移动化,个人化和多媒体应用提供了手段,以其高速、灵活、易于管理和扩展等特点,成为宽带接入的有效方式之一。近年来,WLAN 相关产品为越来越多的企业和家庭所使用。 本文介绍了WLAN的协议体系,特别地,对IEEE802.11系列标准协议阐述了其物理层、数据链路层所使用到的各种关键技术。同时,论述了WLAN 网络各组成部分、功能以及主要的网络拓扑结构。结合笔者亲自建设的XX电信指挥大楼WLAN网络过程,本文重点对WLAN网络的设计规划、产品选型、建设调测、网络调优等

6、予以详细的阐述,并给出了一套WLAN网络设计要求及建设的步骤。本文还结合WLAN当前的应用现状,分别对运营商、企业、家庭的WLAN应用进行详细分析,提出了有建设性的应用设想。 本文对各运营商、企业和个人进行WLAN网络技术的学习以及进行网络搭建、网络配置有很好的指导和参考作用。2【名称】宽带无线通信技术【完成单位】华中科技大学【公布年份】2007【项目年度编号】hg【摘要】该技术完美的结合了该公司的LAS-CDMA传输技术和PDMA链路技术,构建了新一代蜂窝无线通信系统。该系统充分发挥了该公司LAS编码的高效频谱利用率的优势,同时结合PDMA技术在无线系统中IP业务优化的技术,使LAS-PDM

7、A成为一种高频谱利用率、全IP构架、与现有有线Internet无缝融合、对IP业务充分支持的新一代蜂窝无线通信系统,具有广阔的应用前景。该项目基于自主开发的PDMA无线通信标准建立了国内第一套全IP交换的宽带无线通信试验网,在该网络提供的平台上可以进行各种多媒体无线传输测试,并将PDMA数据链路层技术与成熟的IEEE802.11物理层技术相结合,引入IP QoS、高效的带宽分配策略和基站代理终端产生TCP确认等先进技术,从而有效地克服了现有WLAN产品的缺陷。(三) 重庆维普1. 所选数据库:中文科技期刊数据库2. 关键词:宽带无线通信技术、WLAN标准和物理层搜索年限:19892013搜索式

8、:题名或关键词=WLAN标准和物理层 或 题名或关键词=宽带无线通信技术 与 范围=全部期刊3. 方法 采用基本检索步骤 打开维普网站选择“期刊文件检索”,选择“基本检索”,输入关键字命中文献篇数 684. 题录及文摘1汪洋.浅议宽带无线通信技术的新发展.科技创新导报,2013,(1);42-42为了适应市场的变化和人们生活和工作的需求,宽带无线通信技术也在不断的创新和发展。该文立足于我国实际,对当今的宽带无线通信技术的发展特点进行了初步分析和探讨,希望通过对宽带无线通信技术的发展新形势分析,来提高人们对这种技术的认识和掌握能力。2赵丽丽,王莉.浅谈超宽带无线通信技术的发展.数字技术与应用,2

9、011,(3);31-31无线通信在人们信息交流方面,发挥了巨大的作用。因此,无线通信是当前发展最快的技术之一。超宽带通信(UWB)是近年来通信领域兴起的一种无线互连技术。(四) 中国知识产权网1. 所选数据库:跨库检索2. 关键词 宽带无线通信技术搜索年限 不限检索式:名称,申请(专利权)人,发明(设计)人,优先权号,专利代理机构,代理人,地址,申请国代码,国省代码,摘要,主权项 +=(宽带无线通信技术%)3. 方法 高级检索步骤 打开中国知识产权网,选择高级检索,全选所有地区,输入关键字 选择年限,检索命中文献篇数 264. 题录及文摘1) 一种宽带无线通信网络中多播连接分配方法申请号:C

10、N0.2申请日:2007.06.29公开(公告)号:CN 公开(公告)日:2008.01.23申请(专利权)人: 中国科学院计算技术研究所; 分类号: H04L12/18(2006.01); H04L12/28(2006.01); H04L29/12(2006.01); 优先权:摘要:本发明涉及宽带无线通信技术领域,是一种宽带无线通信网络中多播连接分配的方法,主要步骤包括:在一个多播基站群中,中心服务器接收并存储自己下游基站所有的终端参数和频道参数,并以此信息为依据,按照资源最优配置原则动态为每个频道分配连接标识并反馈给基站,确保所有提供该频道服务的基站都能获得相同的连接标识,从而使得每个频道

11、可以根据接收率、服务质量、分散程度等参数相应地获得专用连接或共享连接,接收率、服务等级、分散程度相对较高的频道使用专用连接,接收率、服务等级或分散程度相对较低的频道与其他频道共享同一连接,使得连接资源得到合理配置。2) 基于需求预测和优先级的群组业务自适应优化切换方法申请号:CN6.8申请日:2008.12.23 公开(公告)日:2009.08.26 申请号:CN6.8申请日:2008.12.23 公开(公告)号:CN公开(公告)日:2009.08.26 申请(专利权)人: 同济大学;分类号: H04W36/00(2009.01)I; H04W74/00(2009.01)I; 优先权: 摘要:

12、一种基于需求预测和优先级的群组业务自适应优化切换方法,属于宽带无线通信技术领域,可应用于同一空间中多种异构网络同时存在,移动终端具有多模功能且能同时运行不同业务。本发明将切换对象定位于业务,设置两种预切换需求门限,根据业务质量、终端、业务类型、终端模式、切换需求等因素,调用层次分析法权重矩阵数据库中的相关权重矩阵,乘加后比较,得到待预切换业务优先级队列。同时将预切换业务按照优先级动态分组,使用层次分析法权重矩阵,考虑网络内部影响因子、业务优先级、网络可选优先级等,进行自适应自优化切换选择。切换结果对于下次切换选择中用到的网络可选权重具有反馈作用,提高了切换效率,增加了网络增益。(五) 总结维普

13、主要就期刊文献进行收录,CNKI和万方数据收录文献种类较多,中国知识产权网就知识产权经行收录。从收录情况来看,维普收录最久,万方收录时间最短,但是现刊万方收录最好。从文档清晰度来说,万方最高,维普最差。万方和CNKI都有对知识产权专利的检索,维普则忽略对专利的检索。维普更新速度较快但数量逊于CNKI。就检索方法上几种网站大致相同。但在知识产权的搜索上中国知识产权网相对专业。我个人更倾向于CNKI。CNKI可以清楚快捷的下载文章,且数量较多,种类较全。二、请根据自己所选课题,在下列国外数据库系统平台中(Ei Village 、WOK-Web of knowledge、PQDT-B)分别进行检索。

14、(40分)(一) EI Village1. 所选数据库名称:跨库搜索2. 关键字Broadband wireless communication technology The WLAN standard and the physical layer检索式:(Broadband wireless communication technology) WN All fields) AND (The WLAN standard and the physical layer) WN All fields)年限 189920143. 方法 Quick Search步骤 进入Ei Village 网站选择Q

15、uick Search并输入关键字选择全部数据库点击search命中篇数 324. 题录加文摘1. Simulated performance of the HIPERLAN/2 physical layer with real and statisticalchannelsAccession number: Authors: Doufexi, A. (1); Butler, M. (1); Armour, S. (1); Karlsson, P. (1); Nix, A.; Ball, D.Author affiliation: (1) Centre for Commun. Res., Br

16、istol Univ., UKSource: Second International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies (Conf. Publ. No.477)Publication date: 2001Pages: 407-11Language: EnglishISBN-10: 0 85296 731 4Document type: Conference article (CA)Conference name: Proceedings of 3G 2001 International Conference on 3G Mo

17、bile Communication TechnologiesConference date: 26-28 March 2001Conference location: London, UKSponsor: IEEPublisher: IEEPlace of publication: London, UKMaterial Identity Number: XX2001-00155Abstract: HIPERLAN/2 is a European-standard high-speed wireless local area network (WLAN) operating in the 5G

18、Hz band. In order to support broadband multimedia communications, it can provide data rates up to 54 Mbps. TheHIPERLAN/2 standard specifies a flexible radio-access network that can be used with a variety of core networks,including UMTS. It is likely that HIPERLAN/2 will become an important complemen

19、tary technology to 3G cellularsystems, typically used for hot-spot coverage. In this paper, the use of HIPERLAN/2 in conjunction with UMTS isdiscussed. Software-simulated physical layer performance results are presented and an evaluation given of the impactof the use of sectorised antennas at access

20、 points. Results are shown for statistical channel models and real channelmeasurements taken in both indoor and outdoor environments in the 5 GHz band 2. The deployment of hot spot wireless LANs to enhance the performance of 3G cellularnetworksAccession number: Authors: Doufexi, A. (1); Tameh, E. (1

21、); Molina, A.; Nix, A.Author affiliation: (1) Centre for Commun. Res., Bristol Univ., UKSource: 5th European Personal Mobile Communications Conference 2003 (IEE Conf. Publ. 492)Publication date: 2003Pages: 246-50Language: EnglishISBN-10: 0 85296 753 5Document type: Conference article (CA)Conference

22、name: 5th European Personal Mobile Communications Conference 2003Conference date: 22-25 April 2003Conference location: Glasgow, UKPublisher: IEEPlace of publication: London, UKMaterial Identity Number: XX2003-02040Abstract: HIPERLAN/2 is a European-standard high-speed wireless local area network (WL

23、AN) operating in the 5GHz band. In order to support broadband multimedia communications, it can provide data rates up to 54 Mbit/s overa range of up to 100 metres. The HIPERLAN/2 standard specifies a flexible radio-access network that can be usedwith a variety of core networks, including UMTS. It is

24、 likely that HIPERLAN/2 will become an important complementarytechnology to 3G cellular systems and typically used to provide hot-spot coverage. In this paper, work performedunder the framework of the IST ROMANTIK project for the use of HIPERLAN/2 in conjunction with UMTS is presented.In order to qu

25、antify the capacity enhancement benefits offered to a cellular network by wireless LAN technology, novelray-tracing, software-simulated physical layer performance results and optimal base-station deployment analyseshave been applied to internetworking. The analysis focuses on the deployment of key l

26、amppost mounted wireless LANaccess points to increase the performance (in terms of capacity) of a cellular network(二) WOK-Web of knowledge1. 名称:跨库检索所有数据库2. 关键字Broadband wireless communication technology The WLAN standard and the physical layer检索式:年限 所有年份3. 方法 基本检索步骤 进入WOK-Web of knowledge网站选择基本检索并输入

27、关键字选择所有数据库选择检索年份点击搜索并选择按相关度排序命中篇数 3 4.题录加文摘1.Hotspot wireless LANs to enhance the performance of 3G and beyond cellular networksAuthor(s): Doufexi, A (Doufexi, A); Tameh, E (Tameh, E); Nix, A (Nix, A); Armour, S (Armour, S); Molina, A (Molina, A) Source: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE Volume:41 Issue:

28、7 Pages:58-65 DOI:10.1109/MCOM.2003. Published:JUL 2003Times Cited: 42 (from Web of Science) Cited References: 10 Abstract: At present, WLANs supporting broadband multimedia communications are being developed and deployed around the world. Standards include HIPERLAN/2 defined by ETSI BRAN and the 80

29、2.11 family defined by the IEEE. These systems provide channel adaptive data rates up to 54 Mb/s (in a 20 MHz: channel, spacing) over short ranges up to 200 in. The HIPERLAN/2 standard also specifies a flexible radio access network that can be used with a variety of core networks, including UNITS. I

30、t is likely that WLANs will-become an important complementary technology to 3G cellular systems and will typically be used to provide hotspot coverage. In this article the complementary use of WLANs, in conjunction with UMTS is presented. In order to quantify the capacity enhancement and benefits of

31、 cellular/hotspot interworking we have combined novel raytracing, software-simulated physical layer performance results, and optimal base station deployment analysis. The study focuses on an example deployment using key lamppost mounted WLAN access points to increase the performance (in terms of cap

32、acity) of a cellular network.2.WLAN standards and evolutionsAuthor(s): Bertin, P (Bertin, P); Lebeugle, F (Lebeugle, F); Journe, T (Journe, T) Source: ANNALES DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS-ANNALS OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS Volume:58 Issue:3-4 Pages:337-368 Published:MAR-APR 2003Times Cited: 0 (from Web of Scien

33、ce) Cited References: 20 view related records Abstract: Wireless Local Area Networks technologies have known an important technological and commercial development. Multiplicity of standards and variety of domains of use make necessary to compose with different technologies that can be seen either as

34、 concurrent or complementary. In this article, after positioning the different types of wireless networks (IEEE 802.11, HomeRF, HiPERLAN/(2), Bluetooth)for mass market and professional applications destination, some generalities are briefly reminded such as centralised and ad-hoc architectures, regu

35、latory constraints in the 2.45 and 5GHZ frequency bands used for WLAN, typical ranges, mobility and security features and limitations. Then the different IEEE (802.11, 802.11a et 802. 11b) and ETSI (HiPERLAN/2) standards are described in details as well as their foreseen evolutions. It appears that

36、802.11 family of standards would take benefit of the currently existing products to evolve smoothly while integrating new features (broadband 802.11a physical layer, necessary radio features to meet European regulatory requirements, future introduction of Quality of Service schemes.). In the meantim

37、e, HiPERLAN/2 which has been specified as a complete system already supports most of those important features and is able to be adapted to various kinds of higher network layers. Lastly, it is shown that interworking schemes between 3G cellular systems and WLAN currently under investigations in 3GPP

38、 and ETSI BRAN should permit in the future to easily operate wide area and multi-access technology based mobile networks(三)PQDT-B1. 所选数据库名称:ProQuest Dissertations and Theses A&I: The Sciences and Engineering Collection2. 关键字Broadband wireless communication technology The WLAN standard and the physic

39、al layer检索式: Broadband wireless communication technology AND The WLAN standard and the physical layer年限 不限3. 方法 高级搜索步骤 打开PQDT-B选择高级检索并输入关键字选择相关度排序点击检索命中篇数 18394. 题录加文摘Inter-WLAN mobility management with broadband-accessed network controlfalseRahman, Moshiur.Stevens Institute of Technology, ProQuest,

40、 UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2007. . 摘要取消Broadband access has the potential to provide efficient and fair communications with free and easy inter-WLAN user mobility and seamless connectivity. However, the current WLANs protocol architecture and signaling protocol messaging do not have the capabili

41、ty to leverage evolving broadband technologies such as Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), Hybrid Fiber Coax cable loop, and broadband wireless loop (e.g., WiMAX) to support the handover between multiple WLANs. With proper network architecture and network-assisted IP-mobility management signaling, WLANs

42、networks connected via the evolving broadband access networks could provide inter-WLAN user mobility over the broader distribution system medium (DSM). 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 are the publications out of this thesis work. This work provides an architecture and the accompanying protocol signaling for

43、an 802.11 WLAN that would allow a mobile device to move from one cell of a WLAN to another cell of different WLAN without losing the network connection. The proposed architecture with its required signaling capabilities leverages the Broadband-accessed central network server for inter-WLAN mobility.

44、 The uniqueness of this inter-WLAN architecture is that it not only allows the integration of the wide area network (WAN) with the high-speed backbone network, but it also provides an efficient mobility management for multiple WLANs with larger coverage. The proposed network architecture for integra

45、ting WLAN and WAN via high-speed broadband access would obviate the current IP mobility technique specified in the mobile IP (MIP) protocol. This work investigates and specifies the required broadband-facilitated inter-WLAN mobility management functionalities which are beyond the existing WLANs, suc

46、h as IEEE 802.11 and inter access point protocol. The QoS of the proposed architecture and its mobility management protocol have been evaluated and compared with the standard and enhanced MIP and the proposed architecture has better performance. An OPNET simulation model is developed, and simulation

47、 results are presented to demonstrate the improved efficiency of the proposed WLAN distribution architecture and its signaling scheme over the current WLANs interworking architecture employing MIP mobility management scheme. The novelties detailed in this work are the broadband accessed network cont

48、rolled (BANC) inter-WLAN mobility architecture that integrates WLANs with WAN through high-speed broadband access and its mobility management signaling scheme. The greatest benefits come from expanded coverage with broadband-supported DSM and the central control of the mobility management over the high-speed access and the backb


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